Managing your web portal in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
After you set up your web portal, you can perform the following actions to manage it.
- Viewing web portal details in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
- Editing a web portal in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
- Deleting a web portal in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
- Managing service quotas for your portal in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
- Controlling the interval for re-authenticating a SAML IdP token in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
- Setting up user access logging in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
- Managing browser policy in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
- Configuring the Input Method Editor for Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
- Configuring in-session localization for Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
- Managing IP access controls in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
- Managing the single sign-on extension in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
- Setting up URL filtering in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
- Deep links in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
- Using the session management dashboard in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
- Protecting data in transit with FIPS endpoints and Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
- Managing data protection settings in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser
- Managing toolbar controls in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser