With Toolbar controls, you can configure the toolbar presentation for end user sessions, including the following options:
Clipboard: When enabled, allows copy/paste with granular controls (copy only, paste only, or both). When disabled, hides icon and prevents usage from the toolbar.
File transfer: When enabled, allows file operations with granular controls (upload only, download only, or both). When disabled, hides icon and prevents transfers.
Microphone: When enabled, allows microphone usage. When disabled, hides icon.
Webcam: When enabled, allows camera usage. When disabled, hides icon.
Dual monitor: When enabled, allows dual monitor usage. When disabled, hides icon.
Full screen: When enabled, allows full screen mode. When disabled, hides icon.
Windows: When enabled, allows moving between windows. When disabled, hides icon.
Toolbar theme: Controls light or dark mode display. Configuration removes end user theme control.
Toolbar state: Sets docked or detached state of the toolbar. Configuration removes end user control over the toolbar state.
Max resolution: Defines the highest allowed display resolution. Users can only select resolutions up to this defined limit.