Configuring user settings for Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser - Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser

Configuring user settings for Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser

On the Step 3: Select user settings page, complete the following steps to choose which features your users can access from the top navigation bar during their session, and then choose Next:

  1. Under Permissions, choose whether to enable the extension for single sign-on. For more information, see Managing the single sign-on extension in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser.

  2. For Allow users to print to a local device from their web portal, choose Allowed or Not allowed.

  3. For Allow users to deeplink to their web portal, choose Allowed or Not Allowed. For more information about deep links, see Deep links in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser.

  4. Under Toolbar controls, choose the settings that you want under Features.

  5. Under Settings, manage the toolbar presentation view at start of the session including toolbar state (docked or detached), theme (dark or light mode), icon visibility, and maximum display resolution for the session. Leave these settings unconfigured to grant end users full control over these options. For more information, see Managing toolbar controls in Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser.

  6. For Session timeouts, specify the following:

    • For Disconnect timeout in minutes, choose the amount of time that a streaming session remains active after users disconnect. If users try to reconnect to the streaming session after a disconnection or network interruption within this time interval, they are connected to their previous session. Otherwise, they are connected to a new session with a new streaming instance.

      If a user ends the session, the disconnect timeout does not apply. Instead, the user is prompted to save any open documents, and then is immediately disconnected from the streaming instance. The instance the user was using is then terminated.

    • For Idle disconnect timeout in minutes, choose the amount of time that users can be idle (inactive) before they are disconnected from their streaming session and the Disconnect timeout in minutes time interval begins. Users are notified before they are disconnected due to inactivity. If they try to reconnect to the streaming session before the time interval specified in Disconnect timeout in minutes has elapsed, they are connected to their previous session. Otherwise, they are connected to a new session with a new streaming instance. Setting this value to 0 disables it. When this value is disabled, users are not disconnected due to inactivity.


      Users are considered idle when they stop providing keyboard or mouse input during their streaming session. File uploads and downloads, audio in, audio out, and pixels changing do not qualify as user activity. If users continue to be idle after the time interval in Idle disconnect timeout in minutes elapses, they are disconnected.