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HybridContextContainer Methods

The HybridContextContainer type exposes the following members.

Public methodClearEntity
Clear entity from CallContext and HTTPContext for cleanup.
(Overrides TraceContextImplClearEntity.)
Public methodGetEntity
Gets entity (segment/subsegment) from the call context. If entity is not present in call context, it populates the callcontext with the entity from HttpContext.
(Overrides TraceContextImplGetEntity.)
Public methodInjectEntityInTraceContext
Gets Segment from HttpContext and sets it to CallContext.
Public methodIsEntityPresent
Checks whether entity is present in CallContext. If not, check in HttpContext
(Overrides TraceContextImplIsEntityPresent.)
Public methodSetEntity
Set the specified entity (segment/subsegment) into call context. If the entity is segment, its also stored in HttpContext.(HTTPContext.Items[XRayEntity])
(Overrides TraceContextImplSetEntity(Entity).)
See Also