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Entity Class

Represents the common part for both Segment and Subsegment.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Core.Internal.Entities
Assembly:  AWSXRayRecorder.Core (in AWSXRayRecorder.Core.dll) Version: 2.14.0+018bfa65877dd72e346735bad4d7ad46f217da09
public abstract class Entity

The Entity type exposes the following members.

Public methodEntity
Initializes a new instance of the Entity class.
Public propertyAnnotations
Gets the annotations of the segment
Public propertyAws
Gets aws information
Public propertyCause
Gets the cause of fault or error
Public propertyEndTime
Gets or sets the end time of this segment with Unix time in seconds.
Public propertyHasError
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the segment has errored
Public propertyHasFault
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the segment has faulted or failed
Public propertyHasStreamed
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entity has been streamed
Public propertyHttp
Gets the http attribute
Public propertyId
Gets or sets the unique id of segment.
Public propertyIsAnnotationsAdded
Gets a value indicating whether any annotations have been added.
Public propertyIsAwsAdded
Gets a value indicating whether aws information has been added.
Public propertyIsHttpAdded
Gets a value indicating whether any HTTP information has been added.
Public propertyIsInProgress
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the segment is in progress
Public propertyIsMetadataAdded
Gets a value indicating whether any metadata has been added.
Public propertyIsSqlAdded
Gets a value indicating whether any SQL information has been added.
Public propertyIsSubsegmentsAdded
Gets a value indicating whether any subsegments have been added.
Public propertyIsThrottled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the remote segment is throttled
Public propertyMetadata
Gets the metadata.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the service component.
Public propertyParentId
Gets or sets the unique id of upstream segment
Public propertyReference
Gets reference of this instance of segment
Public propertyRootSegment
Gets or sets the root segment
Public propertySampled
Gets or sets the sample decision
Public propertySql
Gets the SQL information
Public propertyStartTime
Gets or sets the start time of this segment with Unix time in seconds.
Public propertySubsegments
Gets a readonly copy of the subsegment list.
Public propertyTraceId
Gets or sets the unique id for the trace.
Public methodAddAnnotation
Adds the specified key and value as annotation to current segment. The type of value is restricted. Only String, Int32, Int64, Double and Boolean are supported.
Public methodAddException
Adds the exception to cause and set this segment to has fault.
Public methodAddMetadata(String, Object)
Adds the specific key and value to metadata under default namespace.
Public methodAddMetadata(String, String, Object)
Adds the specific key and value to metadata under given namespace.
Public methodAddSubsegment
Add a subsegment
Protected methodDecrementReferenceCounter
Release reference to this instance of segment
Public methodStatic memberGenerateId
Generates the id for entity.
Protected methodIncrementReferenceCounter
Add reference to this instance of segment
Public methodIsEmittable
Check if this segment or the root segment that this segment belongs to is ok to emit
Public methodStatic memberIsIdValid
Validate the segment id
Public methodRelease
Release reference to this instance of segment
Public methodSetEndTime(DateTime)
Sets end time of the entity to the provided timestamp.
Public methodSetEndTime(Decimal)
Sets end time of the entity to the provided timestamp.
Public methodSetEndTimeToNow
Set end time of the entity to current time
Public methodSetStartTime(DateTime)
Sets start time of the entity to the provided timestamp.
Public methodSetStartTime(Decimal)
Sets start time of the entity to the provided timestamp.
Public methodSetStartTimeToNow
Set start time of the entity to current time
See Also