Use the X-Ray API - AWS X-Ray

Use the X-Ray API

If the X-Ray SDK doesn’t support your programming language, you can use either the X-Ray APIs directly or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to call X-Ray API commands. Use the following guidance to choose how you interact with the API:

  • Use the AWS CLI for simpler syntax using pre-formatted commands or with options inside your request.

  • Use the X-Ray API directly for maximum flexibility and customization for requests that you make to X-Ray.

If you use the X-Ray API directly instead of the AWS CLI, you must parametrize your request in the correct data format and may also have to configure authentication and error handling.

The following diagram shows guidance to choose how to interact with the X-Ray API:

X-Ray displays detailed information about application requests.

Use the X-Ray API to send trace data to directly to X-Ray. The X-Ray API supports all functions available in the X-Ray SDK including the following common actions:

  • PutTraceSegments – Uploads segment documents to X-Ray.

  • BatchGetTraces – Retrieves a list of traces in a list of trace IDs. Each retrieved trace is a collection of segment documents from a single request.

  • GetTraceSummaries – Retrieves IDs and annotations for traces. You can specify a FilterExpression to retrieve a subset of trace summaries.

  • GetTraceGraph – Retrieves a service graph for a specific trace ID.

  • GetServiceGraph – Retrieves a JSON formatted document that describes services that process incoming requests and call downstream requests.

You can also use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) inside your application code to programmatically interact with X-Ray. The AWS CLI supports all functions available in the X-Ray SDK including those for other AWS services. The following functions are versions of the API operations listed previously with a simpler format:

  • put-trace-segments – Uploads segment documents to X-Ray.

  • batch-get-traces – Retrieves a list of traces in a list of trace IDs. Each retrieved trace is a collection of segment documents from a single request.

  • get-trace-summaries – Retrieves IDs and annotations for traces. You can specify a FilterExpression to retrieve a subset of trace summaries.

  • get-trace-graph – Retrieves a service graph for a specific trace ID.

  • get-service-graph – Retrieves a JSON formatted document that describes services that process incoming requests and call downstream requests.

To get started, you must install the AWS CLI for your operating system. AWS supports Linux, macOS and Windows operating systems. For more information about the list of X-Ray commands, see the AWS CLI Command Reference guide for X-Ray.

Explore the X-Ray API

The X-Ray API provides access to all X-Ray functionality through the AWS SDK, AWS Command Line Interface, or directly over HTTPS. The X-Ray API Reference documents input parameters for each API action, and the fields and data types that they return.

You can use the AWS SDK to develop programs that use the X-Ray API. The X-Ray console and X-Ray daemon both use the AWS SDK to communicate with X-Ray. The AWS SDK for each language has a reference document for classes and methods that map to X-Ray API actions and types.

AWS SDK References

The AWS Command Line Interface is a command line tool that uses the SDK for Python to call AWS APIs. When you are first learning an AWS API, the AWS CLI provides an easy way to explore the available parameters and view the service output in JSON or text form.

See the AWS CLI Command Reference for details on aws xray subcommands.

The AWS CLI lets your access the X-Ray service directly and use the same APIs that the X-Ray console uses to retrieve the service graph and raw traces data. The sample application includes scripts that show how to use these APIs with the AWS CLI.


This tutorial uses the Scorekeep sample application and included scripts to generate tracing data and a service map. Follow the instructions in the sample application tutorial to launch the application.

This tutorial uses the AWS CLI to show basic use of the X-Ray API. The AWS CLI, available for Windows, Linux, and OS-X, provides command line access to the public APIs for all AWS services.


You must verify that your AWS CLI is configured to the same region where your sample application was created.

Scripts included to test the sample application uses cURL to send traffic to the API and jq to parse the output. You can download the jq executable from, and the curl executable from Most Linux and OS X installations include cURL.

Generate trace data

The web app continues to generate traffic to the API every few seconds while the game is in-progress, but only generates one type of request. Use the script to run end to end scenarios and generate more diverse trace data while you test the API.

To use the script
  1. Open the Elastic Beanstalk console.

  2. Navigate to the management console for your environment.

  3. Copy the environment URL from the page header.

  4. Open bin/ and replace the value for API with your environment's URL.

  5. Run the script to generate traffic to the API.

    ~/debugger-tutorial$ ./bin/ Creating users, session, game, configuring game, playing game, ending game, game complete. {"id":"MTBP8BAS","session":"HUF6IT64","name":"tic-tac-toe-test","users":["QFF3HBGM","KL6JR98D"],"rules":"102","startTime":1476314241,"endTime":1476314245,"states":["JQVLEOM2","D67QLPIC","VF9BM9NC","OEAA6GK9","2A705O73","1U2LFTLJ","HUKIDD70","BAN1C8FI","G3UDJTUF","AB70HVEV"],"moves":["BS8F8LQ","4MTTSPKP","463OETES","SVEBCL3N","N7CQ1GHP","O84ONEPD","EG4BPROQ","V4BLIDJ3","9RL3NPMV"]}

Use the X-Ray API

The AWS CLI provides commands for all of the API actions that X-Ray provides, including GetServiceGraph and GetTraceSummaries. See the AWS X-Ray API Reference for more information on all of the supported actions and the data types that they use.

Example bin/
EPOCH=$(date +%s) aws xray get-service-graph --start-time $(($EPOCH-600)) --end-time $EPOCH

The script retrieves a service graph for the last 10 minutes.

~/eb-java-scorekeep$ ./bin/ | less { "StartTime": 1479068648.0, "Services": [ { "StartTime": 1479068648.0, "ReferenceId": 0, "State": "unknown", "EndTime": 1479068651.0, "Type": "client", "Edges": [ { "StartTime": 1479068648.0, "ReferenceId": 1, "SummaryStatistics": { "ErrorStatistics": { "ThrottleCount": 0, "TotalCount": 0, "OtherCount": 0 }, "FaultStatistics": { "TotalCount": 0, "OtherCount": 0 }, "TotalCount": 2, "OkCount": 2, "TotalResponseTime": 0.054000139236450195 }, "EndTime": 1479068651.0, "Aliases": [] } ] }, { "StartTime": 1479068648.0, "Names": [ "" ], "ReferenceId": 1, "State": "active", "EndTime": 1479068651.0, "Root": true, "Name": "", ...
Example bin/
EPOCH=$(date +%s) aws xray get-trace-summaries --start-time $(($EPOCH-120)) --end-time $(($EPOCH-60)) --query 'TraceSummaries[*].Http.HttpURL'

The script retrieves the URLs of traces generated between one and two minutes ago.

~/eb-java-scorekeep$ ./bin/ [ "", "", "", "" ]
Example bin/
EPOCH=$(date +%s) TRACEIDS=$(aws xray get-trace-summaries --start-time $(($EPOCH-120)) --end-time $(($EPOCH-60)) --query 'TraceSummaries[*].Id' --output text) aws xray batch-get-traces --trace-ids $TRACEIDS --query 'Traces[*]'

The script retrieves full traces generated between one and two minutes ago.

~/eb-java-scorekeep$ ./bin/ | less [ { "Segments": [ { "Id": "3f212bc237bafd5d", "Document": "{\"id\":\"3f212bc237bafd5d\",\"name\":\"DynamoDB\",\"trace_id\":\"1-5828d9f2-a90669393f4343211bc1cf75\",\"start_time\":1.479072242459E9,\"end_time\":1.479072242477E9,\"parent_id\":\"72a08dcf87991ca9\",\"http\":{\"response\":{\"content_length\":60,\"status\":200}},\"inferred\":true,\"aws\":{\"consistent_read\":false,\"table_name\":\"scorekeep-session-xray\",\"operation\":\"GetItem\",\"request_id\":\"QAKE0S8DD0LJM245KAOPMA746BVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG\",\"resource_names\":[\"scorekeep-session-xray\"]},\"origin\":\"AWS::DynamoDB::Table\"}" }, { "Id": "309e355f1148347f", "Document": "{\"id\":\"309e355f1148347f\",\"name\":\"DynamoDB\",\"trace_id\":\"1-5828d9f2-a90669393f4343211bc1cf75\",\"start_time\":1.479072242477E9,\"end_time\":1.479072242494E9,\"parent_id\":\"37f14ef837f00022\",\"http\":{\"response\":{\"content_length\":606,\"status\":200}},\"inferred\":true,\"aws\":{\"table_name\":\"scorekeep-game-xray\",\"operation\":\"UpdateItem\",\"request_id\":\"388GEROC4PCA6D59ED3CTI5EEJVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG\",\"resource_names\":[\"scorekeep-game-xray\"]},\"origin\":\"AWS::DynamoDB::Table\"}" } ], "Id": "1-5828d9f2-a90669393f4343211bc1cf75", "Duration": 0.05099987983703613 } ...


Terminate your Elastic Beanstalk environment to shut down the Amazon EC2 instances, DynamoDB tables and other resources.

To terminate your Elastic Beanstalk environment
  1. Open the Elastic Beanstalk console.

  2. Navigate to the management console for your environment.

  3. Choose Actions.

  4. Choose Terminate Environment.

  5. Choose Terminate.

Trace data is automatically deleted from X-Ray after 30 days.

You can send trace data to X-Ray in the form of segment documents. A segment document is a JSON formatted string that contains information about the work that your application does in service of a request. Your application can record data about the work that it does itself in segments, or work that uses downstream services and resources in subsegments.

Segments record information about the work that your application does. A segment, at a minimum, records the time spent on a task, a name, and two IDs. The trace ID tracks the request as it travels between services. The segment ID tracks the work done for the request by a single service.

Example Minimal complete segment
{ "name" : "Scorekeep", "id" : "70de5b6f19ff9a0a", "start_time" : 1.478293361271E9, "trace_id" : "1-581cf771-a006649127e371903a2de979", "end_time" : 1.478293361449E9 }

When a request is received, you can send an in-progress segment as a placeholder until the request is completed.

Example In-progress segment
{ "name" : "Scorekeep", "id" : "70de5b6f19ff9a0b", "start_time" : 1.478293361271E9, "trace_id" : "1-581cf771-a006649127e371903a2de979", “in_progress”: true }

You can send segments to X-Ray directly, with PutTraceSegments, or through the X-Ray daemon.

Most applications call other services or access resources with the AWS SDK. Record information about downstream calls in subsegments. X-Ray uses subsegments to identify downstream services that don't send segments and create entries for them on the service graph.

A subsegment can be embedded in a full segment document, or sent separately. Send subsegments separately to asynchronously trace downstream calls for long-running requests, or to avoid exceeding the maximum segment document size (64 kB).

Example Subsegment

A subsegment has a type of subsegment and a parent_id that identifies the parent segment.

{ "name" : "", "id" : "70de5b6f19ff9a0c", "start_time" : 1.478293361271E9, "trace_id" : "1-581cf771-a006649127e371903a2de979" “end_time” : 1.478293361449E9, “type” : “subsegment”, “parent_id” : “70de5b6f19ff9a0b” }

For more information on the fields and values that you can include in segments and subsegments, see X-Ray segment documents.

To send data to X-Ray, you must generate a unique trace ID for each request.

X-Ray trace ID format

An X-Ray trace_id consists of three numbers separated by hyphens. For example, 1-58406520-a006649127e371903a2de979. This includes:

  • The version number, which is 1.

  • The time of the original request in Unix epoch time using 8 hexadecimal digits.

    For example, 10:00AM December 1st, 2016 PST in epoch time is 1480615200 seconds or 58406520 in hexadecimal digits.

  • A globally unique 96-bit identifier for the trace in 24 hexadecimal digits.


X-Ray now supports trace IDs that are created using OpenTelemetry and any other framework that conforms with the W3C Trace Context specification. A W3C trace ID must be formatted in X-Ray trace ID format when sending to X-Ray. For example, W3C trace ID 4efaaf4d1e8720b39541901950019ee5 should be formatted as 1-4efaaf4d-1e8720b39541901950019ee5 when sending to X-Ray. X-Ray trace IDs include the original request time stamp in Unix epoch time, but this isn't required when sending W3C trace IDs in X-Ray format.

You can write a script to generate X-Ray trace IDs for testing. Here are two examples.


import time import os import binascii START_TIME = time.time() HEX=hex(int(START_TIME))[2:] TRACE_ID="1-{}-{}".format(HEX, binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(12)).decode('utf-8'))


START_TIME=$(date +%s) HEX_TIME=$(printf '%x\n' $START_TIME) GUID=$(dd if=/dev/random bs=12 count=1 2>/dev/null | od -An -tx1 | tr -d ' \t\n') TRACE_ID="1-$HEX_TIME-$GUID"

See the Scorekeep sample application for scripts that create trace IDs and send segments to the X-Ray daemon.

You can upload segment documents with the PutTraceSegments API. The API has a single parameter, TraceSegmentDocuments, that takes a list of JSON segment documents.

With the AWS CLI, use the aws xray put-trace-segments command to send segment documents directly to X-Ray.

$ DOC='{"trace_id": "1-5960082b-ab52431b496add878434aa25", "id": "6226467e3f845502", "start_time": 1498082657.37518, "end_time": 1498082695.4042, "name": ""}' $ aws xray put-trace-segments --trace-segment-documents "$DOC" { "UnprocessedTraceSegments": [] }

Windows Command Processor and Windows PowerShell have different requirements for quoting and escaping quotes in JSON strings. See Quoting Strings in the AWS CLI User Guide for details.

The output lists any segments that failed processing. For example, if the date in the trace ID is too far in the past, you see an error like the following.

{ "UnprocessedTraceSegments": [ { "ErrorCode": "InvalidTraceId", "Message": "Invalid segment. ErrorCode: InvalidTraceId", "Id": "6226467e3f845502" } ] }

You can pass multiple segment documents at the same time, separated by spaces.

$ aws xray put-trace-segments --trace-segment-documents "$DOC1" "$DOC2"

Instead of sending segment documents to the X-Ray API, you can send segments and subsegments to the X-Ray daemon, which will buffer them and upload to the X-Ray API in batches. The X-Ray SDK sends segment documents to the daemon to avoid making calls to AWS directly.


See Running the X-Ray daemon locally for instructions on running the daemon.

Send the segment in JSON over UDP port 2000, prepended by the daemon header, {"format": "json", "version": 1}\n

{"format": "json", "version": 1}\n{"trace_id": "1-5759e988-bd862e3fe1be46a994272793", "id": "defdfd9912dc5a56", "start_time": 1461096053.37518, "end_time": 1461096053.4042, "name": ""}

On Linux, you can send segment documents to the daemon from a Bash terminal. Save the header and segment document to a text file and pipe it to /dev/udp with cat.

$ cat segment.txt > /dev/udp/
Example segment.txt
{"format": "json", "version": 1} {"trace_id": "1-594aed87-ad72e26896b3f9d3a27054bb", "id": "6226467e3f845502", "start_time": 1498082657.37518, "end_time": 1498082695.4042, "name": ""}

Check the daemon log to verify that it sent the segment to X-Ray.

2017-07-07T01:57:24Z [Debug] processor: sending partial batch 2017-07-07T01:57:24Z [Debug] processor: segment batch size: 1. capacity: 50 2017-07-07T01:57:24Z [Info] Successfully sent batch of 1 segments (0.020 seconds)

X-Ray processes the trace data that you send to it to generate full traces, trace summaries, and service graphs in JSON. You can retrieve the generated data directly from the API with the AWS CLI.

You can use the GetServiceGraph API to retrieve the JSON service graph. The API requires a start time and end time, which you can calculate from a Linux terminal with the date command.

$ date +%s 1499394617

date +%s prints a date in seconds. Use this number as an end time and subtract time from it to get a start time.

Example Script to retrieve a service graph for the last 10 minutes
EPOCH=$(date +%s) aws xray get-service-graph --start-time $(($EPOCH-600)) --end-time $EPOCH

The following example shows a service graph with 4 nodes, including a client node, an EC2 instance, a DynamoDB table, and an Amazon SNS topic.

Example GetServiceGraph output
{ "Services": [ { "ReferenceId": 0, "Name": "", "Names": [ "" ], "Type": "client", "State": "unknown", "StartTime": 1528317567.0, "EndTime": 1528317589.0, "Edges": [ { "ReferenceId": 2, "StartTime": 1528317567.0, "EndTime": 1528317589.0, "SummaryStatistics": { "OkCount": 3, "ErrorStatistics": { "ThrottleCount": 0, "OtherCount": 1, "TotalCount": 1 }, "FaultStatistics": { "OtherCount": 0, "TotalCount": 0 }, "TotalCount": 4, "TotalResponseTime": 0.273 }, "ResponseTimeHistogram": [ { "Value": 0.005, "Count": 1 }, { "Value": 0.015, "Count": 1 }, { "Value": 0.157, "Count": 1 }, { "Value": 0.096, "Count": 1 } ], "Aliases": [] } ] }, { "ReferenceId": 1, "Name": "awseb-e-dixzws4s9p-stack-StartupSignupsTable-4IMSMHAYX2BA", "Names": [ "awseb-e-dixzws4s9p-stack-StartupSignupsTable-4IMSMHAYX2BA" ], "Type": "AWS::DynamoDB::Table", "State": "unknown", "StartTime": 1528317583.0, "EndTime": 1528317589.0, "Edges": [], "SummaryStatistics": { "OkCount": 2, "ErrorStatistics": { "ThrottleCount": 0, "OtherCount": 0, "TotalCount": 0 }, "FaultStatistics": { "OtherCount": 0, "TotalCount": 0 }, "TotalCount": 2, "TotalResponseTime": 0.12 }, "DurationHistogram": [ { "Value": 0.076, "Count": 1 }, { "Value": 0.044, "Count": 1 } ], "ResponseTimeHistogram": [ { "Value": 0.076, "Count": 1 }, { "Value": 0.044, "Count": 1 } ] }, { "ReferenceId": 2, "Name": "", "Names": [ "" ], "Root": true, "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "State": "active", "StartTime": 1528317567.0, "EndTime": 1528317589.0, "Edges": [ { "ReferenceId": 1, "StartTime": 1528317567.0, "EndTime": 1528317589.0, "SummaryStatistics": { "OkCount": 2, "ErrorStatistics": { "ThrottleCount": 0, "OtherCount": 0, "TotalCount": 0 }, "FaultStatistics": { "OtherCount": 0, "TotalCount": 0 }, "TotalCount": 2, "TotalResponseTime": 0.12 }, "ResponseTimeHistogram": [ { "Value": 0.076, "Count": 1 }, { "Value": 0.044, "Count": 1 } ], "Aliases": [] }, { "ReferenceId": 3, "StartTime": 1528317567.0, "EndTime": 1528317589.0, "SummaryStatistics": { "OkCount": 2, "ErrorStatistics": { "ThrottleCount": 0, "OtherCount": 0, "TotalCount": 0 }, "FaultStatistics": { "OtherCount": 0, "TotalCount": 0 }, "TotalCount": 2, "TotalResponseTime": 0.125 }, "ResponseTimeHistogram": [ { "Value": 0.049, "Count": 1 }, { "Value": 0.076, "Count": 1 } ], "Aliases": [] } ], "SummaryStatistics": { "OkCount": 3, "ErrorStatistics": { "ThrottleCount": 0, "OtherCount": 1, "TotalCount": 1 }, "FaultStatistics": { "OtherCount": 0, "TotalCount": 0 }, "TotalCount": 4, "TotalResponseTime": 0.273 }, "DurationHistogram": [ { "Value": 0.005, "Count": 1 }, { "Value": 0.015, "Count": 1 }, { "Value": 0.157, "Count": 1 }, { "Value": 0.096, "Count": 1 } ], "ResponseTimeHistogram": [ { "Value": 0.005, "Count": 1 }, { "Value": 0.015, "Count": 1 }, { "Value": 0.157, "Count": 1 }, { "Value": 0.096, "Count": 1 } ] }, { "ReferenceId": 3, "Name": "SNS", "Names": [ "SNS" ], "Type": "AWS::SNS", "State": "unknown", "StartTime": 1528317583.0, "EndTime": 1528317589.0, "Edges": [], "SummaryStatistics": { "OkCount": 2, "ErrorStatistics": { "ThrottleCount": 0, "OtherCount": 0, "TotalCount": 0 }, "FaultStatistics": { "OtherCount": 0, "TotalCount": 0 }, "TotalCount": 2, "TotalResponseTime": 0.125 }, "DurationHistogram": [ { "Value": 0.049, "Count": 1 }, { "Value": 0.076, "Count": 1 } ], "ResponseTimeHistogram": [ { "Value": 0.049, "Count": 1 }, { "Value": 0.076, "Count": 1 } ] } ] }

To call for a service graph based on the contents of a group, include a groupName or groupARN. The following example shows a service graph call to a group named Example1.

Example Script to retrieve a service graph by name for group Example1
aws xray get-service-graph --group-name "Example1"

You can use the GetTraceSummaries API to get a list of trace summaries. Trace summaries include information that you can use to identify traces that you want to download in full, including annotations, request and response information, and IDs.

There are two TimeRangeType flags available when calling aws xray get-trace-summaries:

  • TraceId – The default GetTraceSummaries search uses TraceID time and returns traces started within the computed [start_time, end_time) range. This range of timestamps is calculated based on the encoding of the timestamp within the TraceId, or can be defined manually.

  • Event time – To search for events as they happen over the time, AWS X-Ray allows searching for traces using event timestamps. Event time returns traces active during the [start_time, end_time) range, regardless of when the trace began.

Use the aws xray get-trace-summaries command to get a list of trace summaries. The following commands get a list of trace summaries from between 1 and 2 minutes in the past using the default TraceId time.

Example Script to get trace summaries
EPOCH=$(date +%s) aws xray get-trace-summaries --start-time $(($EPOCH-120)) --end-time $(($EPOCH-60))
Example GetTraceSummaries output
{ "TraceSummaries": [ { "HasError": false, "Http": { "HttpStatus": 200, "ClientIp": "", "HttpURL": "", "UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.115 Safari/537.36", "HttpMethod": "POST" }, "Users": [], "HasFault": false, "Annotations": {}, "ResponseTime": 0.084, "Duration": 0.084, "Id": "1-59602606-a43a1ac52fc7ee0eea12a82c", "HasThrottle": false }, { "HasError": false, "Http": { "HttpStatus": 200, "ClientIp": "", "HttpURL": "", "UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.115 Safari/537.36", "HttpMethod": "POST" }, "Users": [ { "UserName": "5M388M1E" } ], "HasFault": false, "Annotations": { "UserID": [ { "AnnotationValue": { "StringValue": "5M388M1E" } } ], "Name": [ { "AnnotationValue": { "StringValue": "Ola" } } ] }, "ResponseTime": 3.232, "Duration": 3.232, "Id": "1-59602603-23fc5b688855d396af79b496", "HasThrottle": false } ], "ApproximateTime": 1499473304.0, "TracesProcessedCount": 2 }

Use the trace ID from the output to retrieve a full trace with the BatchGetTraces API.

Example BatchGetTraces command
$ aws xray batch-get-traces --trace-ids 1-596025b4-7170afe49f7aa708b1dd4a6b
Example BatchGetTraces output
{ "Traces": [ { "Duration": 3.232, "Segments": [ { "Document": "{\"id\":\"1fb07842d944e714\",\"name\":\"random-name\",\"start_time\":1.499473411677E9,\"end_time\":1.499473414572E9,\"parent_id\":\"0c544c1b1bbff948\",\"http\":{\"response\":{\"status\":200}},\"aws\":{\"request_id\":\"ac086670-6373-11e7-a174-f31b3397f190\"},\"trace_id\":\"1-59602603-23fc5b688855d396af79b496\",\"origin\":\"AWS::Lambda\",\"resource_arn\":\"arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:random-name\"}", "Id": "1fb07842d944e714" }, { "Document": "{\"id\":\"194fcc8747581230\",\"name\":\"Scorekeep\",\"start_time\":1.499473411562E9,\"end_time\":1.499473414794E9,\"http\":{\"request\":{\"url\":\"\",\"method\":\"POST\",\"user_agent\":\"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.115 Safari/537.36\",\"client_ip\":\"\"},\"response\":{\"status\":200}},\"aws\":{\"elastic_beanstalk\":{\"version_label\":\"app-abb9-170708_002045\",\"deployment_id\":406,\"environment_name\":\"scorekeep-dev\"},\"ec2\":{\"availability_zone\":\"us-west-2c\",\"instance_id\":\"i-0cd9e448944061b4a\"},\"xray\":{\"sdk_version\":\"1.1.2\",\"sdk\":\"X-Ray for Java\"}},\"service\":{},\"trace_id\":\"1-59602603-23fc5b688855d396af79b496\",\"user\":\"5M388M1E\",\"origin\":\"AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment\",\"subsegments\":[{\"id\":\"0c544c1b1bbff948\",\"name\":\"Lambda\",\"start_time\":1.499473411629E9,\"end_time\":1.499473414572E9,\"http\":{\"response\":{\"status\":200,\"content_length\":14}},\"aws\":{\"log_type\":\"None\",\"status_code\":200,\"function_name\":\"random-name\",\"invocation_type\":\"RequestResponse\",\"operation\":\"Invoke\",\"request_id\":\"ac086670-6373-11e7-a174-f31b3397f190\",\"resource_names\":[\"random-name\"]},\"namespace\":\"aws\"},{\"id\":\"071684f2e555e571\",\"name\":\"## UserModel.saveUser\",\"start_time\":1.499473414581E9,\"end_time\":1.499473414769E9,\"metadata\":{\"debug\":{\"test\":\"Metadata string from UserModel.saveUser\"}},\"subsegments\":[{\"id\":\"4cd3f10b76c624b4\",\"name\":\"DynamoDB\",\"start_time\":1.49947341469E9,\"end_time\":1.499473414769E9,\"http\":{\"response\":{\"status\":200,\"content_length\":57}},\"aws\":{\"table_name\":\"scorekeep-user\",\"operation\":\"UpdateItem\",\"request_id\":\"MFQ8CGJ3JTDDVVVASUAAJGQ6NJ82F738BOB4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9\",\"resource_names\":[\"scorekeep-user\"]},\"namespace\":\"aws\"}]}]}", "Id": "194fcc8747581230" }, { "Document": "{\"id\":\"00f91aa01f4984fd\",\"name\":\"random-name\",\"start_time\":1.49947341283E9,\"end_time\":1.49947341457E9,\"parent_id\":\"1fb07842d944e714\",\"aws\":{\"function_arn\":\"arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:random-name\",\"resource_names\":[\"random-name\"],\"account_id\":\"123456789012\"},\"trace_id\":\"1-59602603-23fc5b688855d396af79b496\",\"origin\":\"AWS::Lambda::Function\",\"subsegments\":[{\"id\":\"e6d2fe619f827804\",\"name\":\"annotations\",\"start_time\":1.499473413012E9,\"end_time\":1.499473413069E9,\"annotations\":{\"UserID\":\"5M388M1E\",\"Name\":\"Ola\"}},{\"id\":\"b29b548af4d54a0f\",\"name\":\"SNS\",\"start_time\":1.499473413112E9,\"end_time\":1.499473414071E9,\"http\":{\"response\":{\"status\":200}},\"aws\":{\"operation\":\"Publish\",\"region\":\"us-west-2\",\"request_id\":\"a2137970-f6fc-5029-83e8-28aadeb99198\",\"retries\":0,\"topic_arn\":\"arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:awseb-e-ruag3jyweb-stack-NotificationTopic-6B829NT9V5O9\"},\"namespace\":\"aws\"},{\"id\":\"2279c0030c955e52\",\"name\":\"Initialization\",\"start_time\":1.499473412064E9,\"end_time\":1.499473412819E9,\"aws\":{\"function_arn\":\"arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:random-name\"}}]}", "Id": "00f91aa01f4984fd" }, { "Document": "{\"id\":\"17ba309b32c7fbaf\",\"name\":\"DynamoDB\",\"start_time\":1.49947341469E9,\"end_time\":1.499473414769E9,\"parent_id\":\"4cd3f10b76c624b4\",\"inferred\":true,\"http\":{\"response\":{\"status\":200,\"content_length\":57}},\"aws\":{\"table_name\":\"scorekeep-user\",\"operation\":\"UpdateItem\",\"request_id\":\"MFQ8CGJ3JTDDVVVASUAAJGQ6NJ82F738BOB4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9\",\"resource_names\":[\"scorekeep-user\"]},\"trace_id\":\"1-59602603-23fc5b688855d396af79b496\",\"origin\":\"AWS::DynamoDB::Table\"}", "Id": "17ba309b32c7fbaf" }, { "Document": "{\"id\":\"1ee3c4a523f89ca5\",\"name\":\"SNS\",\"start_time\":1.499473413112E9,\"end_time\":1.499473414071E9,\"parent_id\":\"b29b548af4d54a0f\",\"inferred\":true,\"http\":{\"response\":{\"status\":200}},\"aws\":{\"operation\":\"Publish\",\"region\":\"us-west-2\",\"request_id\":\"a2137970-f6fc-5029-83e8-28aadeb99198\",\"retries\":0,\"topic_arn\":\"arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:awseb-e-ruag3jyweb-stack-NotificationTopic-6B829NT9V5O9\"},\"trace_id\":\"1-59602603-23fc5b688855d396af79b496\",\"origin\":\"AWS::SNS\"}", "Id": "1ee3c4a523f89ca5" } ], "Id": "1-59602603-23fc5b688855d396af79b496" } ], "UnprocessedTraceIds": [] }

The full trace includes a document for each segment, compiled from all of the segment documents received with the same trace ID. These documents don't represent the data as it was sent to X-Ray by your application. Instead, they represent the processed documents generated by the X-Ray service. X-Ray creates the full trace document by compiling segment documents sent by your application, and removing data that doesn't comply with the segment document schema. For more information, see X-Ray segment documents.

X-Ray also creates inferred segments for downstream calls to services that don't send segments themselves. For example, when you call DynamoDB with an instrumented client, the X-Ray SDK records a subsegment with details about the call from its point of view. However, DynamoDB doesn't send a corresponding segment. X-Ray uses the information in the subsegment to create an inferred segment to represent the DynamoDB resource in the trace map, and adds it to the trace document.

To get multiple traces from the API, you need a list of trace IDs, which you can extract from the output of get-trace-summaries with an AWS CLI query. Redirect the list to the input of batch-get-traces to get full traces for a specific time period.

Example Script to get full traces for a one minute period
EPOCH=$(date +%s) TRACEIDS=$(aws xray get-trace-summaries --start-time $(($EPOCH-120)) --end-time $(($EPOCH-60)) --query 'TraceSummaries[*].Id' --output text) aws xray batch-get-traces --trace-ids $TRACEIDS --query 'Traces[*]'

Upon generating a trace summary with the GetTraceSummaries API , partial trace summaries can be reused in their JSON format to create a refined filter expression based upon root causes. See the examples below for a walkthrough of the refinement steps.

Example GetTraceSummaries output - response time root cause section
{ "Services": [ { "Name": "GetWeatherData", "Names": ["GetWeatherData"], "AccountId": 123456789012, "Type": null, "Inferred": false, "EntityPath": [ { "Name": "GetWeatherData", "Coverage": 1.0, 'Remote": false }, { "Name": "get_temperature", "Coverage": 0.8, "Remote": false } ] }, { "Name": "GetTemperature", "Names": ["GetTemperature"], "AccountId": 123456789012, "Type": null, "Inferred": false, "EntityPath": [ { "Name": "GetTemperature", "Coverage": 0.7, "Remote": false } ] } ] }

By editing and making omissions to the above output, this JSON can become a filter for matched root cause entities. For every field present in the JSON, any candidate match must be exact, or the trace will not be returned. Removed fields become wildcard values, a format which is compatible with the filter expression query structure.

Example Reformatted response time root cause
{ "Services": [ { "Name": "GetWeatherData", "EntityPath": [ { "Name": "GetWeatherData" }, { "Name": "get_temperature" } ] }, { "Name": "GetTemperature", "EntityPath": [ { "Name": "GetTemperature" } ] } ] }

This JSON is then used as part of a filter expression through a call to rootcause.json = #[{}]. Refer to the Use filter expressions section in Explore the X-Ray console for more details about querying with filter expressions.

Example JSON filter
rootcause.json = #[{ "Services": [ { "Name": "GetWeatherData", "EntityPath": [{ "Name": "GetWeatherData" }, { "Name": "get_temperature" } ] }, { "Name": "GetTemperature", "EntityPath": [ { "Name": "GetTemperature" } ] } ] }]

X-Ray provides APIs for configuring sampling rules, group rules, and encryption settings.

Encryption settings

Use PutEncryptionConfig to specify an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key to use for encryption.


X-Ray does not support asymmetric KMS keys.

$ aws xray put-encryption-config --type KMS --key-id alias/aws/xray { "EncryptionConfig": { "KeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:123456789012:key/c234g4e8-39e9-4gb0-84e2-b0ea215cbba5", "Status": "UPDATING", "Type": "KMS" } }

For the key ID, you can use an alias (as shown in the example), a key ID, or an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

Use GetEncryptionConfig to get the current configuration. When X-Ray finishes applying your settings, the status changes from UPDATING to ACTIVE.

$ aws xray get-encryption-config { "EncryptionConfig": { "KeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:123456789012:key/c234g4e8-39e9-4gb0-84e2-b0ea215cbba5", "Status": "ACTIVE", "Type": "KMS" } }

To stop using a KMS key and use default encryption, set the encryption type to NONE.

$ aws xray put-encryption-config --type NONE { "EncryptionConfig": { "Status": "UPDATING", "Type": "NONE" } }

You can manage the sampling rules in your account with the X-Ray API. For more information about sampling, see Configure sampling rules. For more information about adding and managing tags, see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and groups.

Get all sampling rules with GetSamplingRules.

$ aws xray get-sampling-rules { "SamplingRuleRecords": [ { "SamplingRule": { "RuleName": "Default", "RuleARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-2:123456789012:sampling-rule/Default", "ResourceARN": "*", "Priority": 10000, "FixedRate": 0.05, "ReservoirSize": 1, "ServiceName": "*", "ServiceType": "*", "Host": "*", "HTTPMethod": "*", "URLPath": "*", "Version": 1, "Attributes": {} }, "CreatedAt": 0.0, "ModifiedAt": 1529959993.0 } ] }

The default rule applies to all requests that don't match another rule. It is the lowest priority rule and cannot be deleted. You can, however, change the rate and reservoir size with UpdateSamplingRule.

Example API input for UpdateSamplingRule – 10000-default.json
{ "SamplingRuleUpdate": { "RuleName": "Default", "FixedRate": 0.01, "ReservoirSize": 0 } }

The following example uses the previous file as input to change the default rule to one percent with no reservoir. Tags are optional. If you choose to add tags, a tag key is required, and tag values are optional. To remove existing tags from a sampling rule, use UntagResource.

$ aws xray update-sampling-rule --cli-input-json file://1000-default.json --tags [{"Key": "key_name","Value": "value"},{"Key": "key_name","Value": "value"}] { "SamplingRuleRecords": [ { "SamplingRule": { "RuleName": "Default", "RuleARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-2:123456789012:sampling-rule/Default", "ResourceARN": "*", "Priority": 10000, "FixedRate": 0.01, "ReservoirSize": 0, "ServiceName": "*", "ServiceType": "*", "Host": "*", "HTTPMethod": "*", "URLPath": "*", "Version": 1, "Attributes": {} }, "CreatedAt": 0.0, "ModifiedAt": 1529959993.0 },

Create additional sampling rules with CreateSamplingRule. When you create a rule, most of the rule fields are required. The following example creates two rules. This first rule sets a base rate for the Scorekeep sample application. It matches all requests served by the API that don't match a higher priority rule.

Example API input for UpdateSamplingRule – 9000-base-scorekeep.json
{ "SamplingRule": { "RuleName": "base-scorekeep", "ResourceARN": "*", "Priority": 9000, "FixedRate": 0.1, "ReservoirSize": 5, "ServiceName": "Scorekeep", "ServiceType": "*", "Host": "*", "HTTPMethod": "*", "URLPath": "*", "Version": 1 } }

The second rule also applies to Scorekeep, but it has a higher priority and is more specific. This rule sets a very low sampling rate for polling requests. These are GET requests made by the client every few seconds to check for changes to the game state.

Example API input for UpdateSamplingRule – 5000-polling-scorekeep.json
{ "SamplingRule": { "RuleName": "polling-scorekeep", "ResourceARN": "*", "Priority": 5000, "FixedRate": 0.003, "ReservoirSize": 0, "ServiceName": "Scorekeep", "ServiceType": "*", "Host": "*", "HTTPMethod": "GET", "URLPath": "/api/state/*", "Version": 1 } }

Tags are optional. If you choose to add tags, a tag key is required, and tag values are optional.

$ aws xray create-sampling-rule --cli-input-json file://5000-polling-scorekeep.json --tags [{"Key": "key_name","Value": "value"},{"Key": "key_name","Value": "value"}] { "SamplingRuleRecord": { "SamplingRule": { "RuleName": "polling-scorekeep", "RuleARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-1:123456789012:sampling-rule/polling-scorekeep", "ResourceARN": "*", "Priority": 5000, "FixedRate": 0.003, "ReservoirSize": 0, "ServiceName": "Scorekeep", "ServiceType": "*", "Host": "*", "HTTPMethod": "GET", "URLPath": "/api/state/*", "Version": 1, "Attributes": {} }, "CreatedAt": 1530574399.0, "ModifiedAt": 1530574399.0 } } $ aws xray create-sampling-rule --cli-input-json file://9000-base-scorekeep.json { "SamplingRuleRecord": { "SamplingRule": { "RuleName": "base-scorekeep", "RuleARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-1:123456789012:sampling-rule/base-scorekeep", "ResourceARN": "*", "Priority": 9000, "FixedRate": 0.1, "ReservoirSize": 5, "ServiceName": "Scorekeep", "ServiceType": "*", "Host": "*", "HTTPMethod": "*", "URLPath": "*", "Version": 1, "Attributes": {} }, "CreatedAt": 1530574410.0, "ModifiedAt": 1530574410.0 } }

To delete a sampling rule, use DeleteSamplingRule.

$ aws xray delete-sampling-rule --rule-name polling-scorekeep { "SamplingRuleRecord": { "SamplingRule": { "RuleName": "polling-scorekeep", "RuleARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-1:123456789012:sampling-rule/polling-scorekeep", "ResourceARN": "*", "Priority": 5000, "FixedRate": 0.003, "ReservoirSize": 0, "ServiceName": "Scorekeep", "ServiceType": "*", "Host": "*", "HTTPMethod": "GET", "URLPath": "/api/state/*", "Version": 1, "Attributes": {} }, "CreatedAt": 1530574399.0, "ModifiedAt": 1530574399.0 } }

You can use the X-Ray API to manage groups in your account. Groups are a collection of traces that are defined by a filter expression. You can use groups to generate additional service graphs and supply Amazon CloudWatch metrics. See Getting data from X-Ray for more details about working with service graphs and metrics through the X-Ray API. For more information about groups, see Configure groups. For more information about adding and managing tags, see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and groups.

Create a group with CreateGroup. Tags are optional. If you choose to add tags, a tag key is required, and tag values are optional.

$ aws xray create-group --group-name "TestGroup" --filter-expression "service(\"\") {fault}" --tags [{"Key": "key_name","Value": "value"},{"Key": "key_name","Value": "value"}] { "GroupName": "TestGroup", "GroupARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-2:123456789012:group/TestGroup/UniqueID", "FilterExpression": "service(\"\") {fault OR error}" }

Get all existing groups with GetGroups.

$ aws xray get-groups { "Groups": [ { "GroupName": "TestGroup", "GroupARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-2:123456789012:group/TestGroup/UniqueID", "FilterExpression": "service(\"\") {fault OR error}" }, { "GroupName": "TestGroup2", "GroupARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-2:123456789012:group/TestGroup2/UniqueID", "FilterExpression": "responsetime > 2" } ], "NextToken": "tokenstring" }

Update a group with UpdateGroup. Tags are optional. If you choose to add tags, a tag key is required, and tag values are optional. To remove existing tags from a group, use UntagResource.

$ aws xray update-group --group-name "TestGroup" --group-arn "arn:aws:xray:us-east-2:123456789012:group/TestGroup/UniqueID" --filter-expression "service(\"\") {fault OR error}" --tags [{"Key": "Stage","Value": "Prod"},{"Key": "Department","Value": "QA"}] { "GroupName": "TestGroup", "GroupARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-2:123456789012:group/TestGroup/UniqueID", "FilterExpression": "service(\"\") {fault OR error}" }

Delete a group with DeleteGroup.

$ aws xray delete-group --group-name "TestGroup" --group-arn "arn:aws:xray:us-east-2:123456789012:group/TestGroup/UniqueID" { }

The X-Ray SDK uses the X-Ray API to get sampling rules, report sampling results, and get quotas. You can use these APIs to get a better understanding of how sampling rules work, or to implement sampling in a language that the X-Ray SDK doesn't support.

Start by getting all sampling rules with GetSamplingRules.

$ aws xray get-sampling-rules { "SamplingRuleRecords": [ { "SamplingRule": { "RuleName": "Default", "RuleARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-1::sampling-rule/Default", "ResourceARN": "*", "Priority": 10000, "FixedRate": 0.01, "ReservoirSize": 0, "ServiceName": "*", "ServiceType": "*", "Host": "*", "HTTPMethod": "*", "URLPath": "*", "Version": 1, "Attributes": {} }, "CreatedAt": 0.0, "ModifiedAt": 1530558121.0 }, { "SamplingRule": { "RuleName": "base-scorekeep", "RuleARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-1::sampling-rule/base-scorekeep", "ResourceARN": "*", "Priority": 9000, "FixedRate": 0.1, "ReservoirSize": 2, "ServiceName": "Scorekeep", "ServiceType": "*", "Host": "*", "HTTPMethod": "*", "URLPath": "*", "Version": 1, "Attributes": {} }, "CreatedAt": 1530573954.0, "ModifiedAt": 1530920505.0 }, { "SamplingRule": { "RuleName": "polling-scorekeep", "RuleARN": "arn:aws:xray:us-east-1::sampling-rule/polling-scorekeep", "ResourceARN": "*", "Priority": 5000, "FixedRate": 0.003, "ReservoirSize": 0, "ServiceName": "Scorekeep", "ServiceType": "*", "Host": "*", "HTTPMethod": "GET", "URLPath": "/api/state/*", "Version": 1, "Attributes": {} }, "CreatedAt": 1530918163.0, "ModifiedAt": 1530918163.0 } ] }

The output includes the default rule and custom rules. See Configuring sampling, groups, and encryption settings with the X-Ray API if you haven't yet created sampling rules.

Evaluate rules against incoming requests in ascending order of priority. When a rule matches, use the fixed rate and reservoir size to make a sampling decision. Record sampled requests and ignore (for tracing purposes) unsampled requests. Stop evaluating rules when a sampling decision is made.

A rules reservoir size is the target number of traces to record per second before applying the fixed rate. The reservoir applies across all services cumulatively, so you can't use it directly. However, if it is non-zero, you can borrow one trace per second from the reservoir until X-Ray assigns a quota. Before receiving a quota, record the first request each second, and apply the fixed rate to additional requests. The fixed rate is a decimal between 0 and 1.00 (100%).

The following example shows a call to GetSamplingTargets with details about sampling decisions made over the last 10 seconds.

$ aws xray get-sampling-targets --sampling-statistics-documents '[ { "RuleName": "base-scorekeep", "ClientID": "ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF10", "Timestamp": "2018-07-07T00:20:06", "RequestCount": 110, "SampledCount": 20, "BorrowCount": 10 }, { "RuleName": "polling-scorekeep", "ClientID": "ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF10", "Timestamp": "2018-07-07T00:20:06", "RequestCount": 10500, "SampledCount": 31, "BorrowCount": 0 } ]' { "SamplingTargetDocuments": [ { "RuleName": "base-scorekeep", "FixedRate": 0.1, "ReservoirQuota": 2, "ReservoirQuotaTTL": 1530923107.0, "Interval": 10 }, { "RuleName": "polling-scorekeep", "FixedRate": 0.003, "ReservoirQuota": 0, "ReservoirQuotaTTL": 1530923107.0, "Interval": 10 } ], "LastRuleModification": 1530920505.0, "UnprocessedStatistics": [] }

The response from X-Ray includes a quota to use instead of borrowing from the reservoir. In this example, the service borrowed 10 traces from the reservoir over 10 seconds, and applied the fixed rate of 10 percent to the other 100 requests, resulting in a total of 20 sampled requests. The quota is good for five minutes (indicated by the time to live) or until a new quota is assigned. X-Ray may also assign a longer reporting interval than the default, although it didn't here.


The response from X-Ray might not include a quota the first time you call it. Continue borrowing from the reservoir until you are assigned a quota.

The other two fields in the response might indicate issues with the input. Check LastRuleModification against the last time you called GetSamplingRules. If it's newer, get a new copy of the rules. UnprocessedStatistics can include errors that indicate that a rule has been deleted, that the statistics document in the input was too old, or permissions errors.

A trace segment is a JSON representation of a request that your application serves. A trace segment records information about the original request, information about the work that your application does locally, and subsegments with information about downstream calls that your application makes to AWS resources, HTTP APIs, and SQL databases.

A segment document conveys information about a segment to X-Ray. A segment document can be up to 64 kB and contain a whole segment with subsegments, a fragment of a segment that indicates that a request is in progress, or a single subsegment that is sent separately. You can send segment documents directly to X-Ray by using the PutTraceSegments API.

X-Ray compiles and processes segment documents to generate queryable trace summaries and full traces that you can access by using the GetTraceSummaries and BatchGetTraces APIs, respectively. In addition to the segments and subsegments that you send to X-Ray, the service uses information in subsegments to generate inferred segments and adds them to the full trace. Inferred segments represent downstream services and resources in the trace map.

X-Ray provides a JSON schema for segment documents. You can download the schema here: xray-segmentdocument-schema-v1.0.0. The fields and objects listed in the schema are described in more detail in the following sections.

A subset of segment fields are indexed by X-Ray for use with filter expressions. For example, if you set the user field on a segment to a unique identifier, you can search for segments associated with specific users in the X-Ray console or by using the GetTraceSummaries API. For more information, see Use filter expressions.

When you instrument your application with the X-Ray SDK, the SDK generates segment documents for you. Instead of sending segment documents directly to X-Ray, the SDK transmits them over a local UDP port to the X-Ray daemon. For more information, see Sending segment documents to the X-Ray daemon.

A segment records tracing information about a request that your application serves. At a minimum, a segment records the name, ID, start time, trace ID, and end time of the request.

Example Minimal complete segment
{ "name" : "", "id" : "70de5b6f19ff9a0a", "start_time" : 1.478293361271E9, "trace_id" : "1-581cf771-a006649127e371903a2de979", "end_time" : 1.478293361449E9 }

The following fields are required, or conditionally required, for segments.


Values must be strings (up to 250 characters) unless noted otherwise.

Required Segment Fields
  • name – The logical name of the service that handled the request, up to 200 characters. For example, your application's name or domain name. Names can contain Unicode letters, numbers, and whitespace, and the following symbols: _, ., :, /, %, &, #, =, +, \, -, @

  • id – A 64-bit identifier for the segment, unique among segments in the same trace, in 16 hexadecimal digits.

  • trace_id – A unique identifier that connects all segments and subsegments originating from a single client request.

    X-Ray trace ID format

    An X-Ray trace_id consists of three numbers separated by hyphens. For example, 1-58406520-a006649127e371903a2de979. This includes:

    • The version number, which is 1.

    • The time of the original request in Unix epoch time using 8 hexadecimal digits.

      For example, 10:00AM December 1st, 2016 PST in epoch time is 1480615200 seconds or 58406520 in hexadecimal digits.

    • A globally unique 96-bit identifier for the trace in 24 hexadecimal digits.


    X-Ray now supports trace IDs that are created using OpenTelemetry and any other framework that conforms with the W3C Trace Context specification. A W3C trace ID must be formatted in X-Ray trace ID format when sending to X-Ray. For example, W3C trace ID 4efaaf4d1e8720b39541901950019ee5 should be formatted as 1-4efaaf4d-1e8720b39541901950019ee5 when sending to X-Ray. X-Ray trace IDs include the original request time stamp in Unix epoch time, but this isn't required when sending W3C trace IDs in X-Ray format.

    Trace ID Security

    Trace IDs are visible in response headers. Generate trace IDs with a secure random algorithm to ensure that attackers cannot calculate future trace IDs and send requests with those IDs to your application.

  • start_timenumber that is the time the segment was created, in floating point seconds in epoch time. For example, 1480615200.010 or 1.480615200010E9. Use as many decimal places as you need. Microsecond resolution is recommended when available.

  • end_timenumber that is the time the segment was closed. For example, 1480615200.090 or 1.480615200090E9. Specify either an end_time or in_progress.

  • in_progressboolean, set to true instead of specifying an end_time to record that a segment is started, but is not complete. Send an in-progress segment when your application receives a request that will take a long time to serve, to trace the request receipt. When the response is sent, send the complete segment to overwrite the in-progress segment. Only send one complete segment, and one or zero in-progress segments, per request.

Service Names

A segment's name should match the domain name or logical name of the service that generates the segment. However, this is not enforced. Any application that has permission to PutTraceSegments can send segments with any name.

The following fields are optional for segments.

Optional Segment Fields
  • service – An object with information about your application.

    • version – A string that identifies the version of your application that served the request.

  • user – A string that identifies the user who sent the request.

  • origin – The type of AWS resource running your application.

    Supported Values
    • AWS::EC2::Instance – An Amazon EC2 instance.

    • AWS::ECS::Container – An Amazon ECS container.

    • AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment – An Elastic Beanstalk environment.

    When multiple values are applicable to your application, use the one that is most specific. For example, a Multicontainer Docker Elastic Beanstalk environment runs your application on an Amazon ECS container, which in turn runs on an Amazon EC2 instance. In this case you would set the origin to AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment as the environment is the parent of the other two resources.

  • parent_id – A subsegment ID you specify if the request originated from an instrumented application. The X-Ray SDK adds the parent subsegment ID to the tracing header for downstream HTTP calls. In the case of nested subsegments, a subsegment can have a segment or a subsegment as its parent.

  • httphttp objects with information about the original HTTP request.

  • awsaws object with information about the AWS resource on which your application served the request.

  • error, throttle, fault, and causeerror fields that indicate an error occurred and that include information about the exception that caused the error.

  • annotationsannotations object with key-value pairs that you want X-Ray to index for search.

  • metadatametadata object with any additional data that you want to store in the segment.

  • subsegmentsarray of subsegment objects.

You can create subsegments to record calls to AWS services and resources that you make with the AWS SDK, calls to internal or external HTTP web APIs, or SQL database queries. You can also create subsegments to debug or annotate blocks of code in your application. Subsegments can contain other subsegments, so a custom subsegment that records metadata about an internal function call can contain other custom subsegments and subsegments for downstream calls.

A subsegment records a downstream call from the point of view of the service that calls it. X-Ray uses subsegments to identify downstream services that don't send segments and create entries for them on the service graph.

A subsegment can be embedded in a full segment document or sent independently. Send subsegments separately to asynchronously trace downstream calls for long-running requests, or to avoid exceeding the maximum segment document size.

Example Segment with embedded subsegment

An independent subsegment has a type of subsegment and a parent_id that identifies the parent segment.

{ "trace_id" : "1-5759e988-bd862e3fe1be46a994272793", "id" : "defdfd9912dc5a56", "start_time" : 1461096053.37518, "end_time" : 1461096053.4042, "name" : "", "http" : { "request" : { "url" : "", "method" : "GET", "user_agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/601.7.7", "client_ip" : "" }, "response" : { "status" : 200, "content_length" : 86 } }, "subsegments" : [ { "id" : "53995c3f42cd8ad8", "name" : "", "start_time" : 1461096053.37769, "end_time" : 1461096053.40379, "namespace" : "remote", "http" : { "request" : { "url" : "", "method" : "POST", "traced" : true }, "response" : { "status" : 200, "content_length" : 861 } } } ] }

For long-running requests, you can send an in-progress segment to notify X-Ray that the request was received, and then send subsegments separately to trace them before completing the original request.

Example In-progress segment
{ "name" : "", "id" : "70de5b6f19ff9a0b", "start_time" : 1.478293361271E9, "trace_id" : "1-581cf771-a006649127e371903a2de979", "in_progress": true }
Example Independent subsegment

An independent subsegment has a type of subsegment, a trace_id, and a parent_id that identifies the parent segment.

{ "name" : "", "id" : "53995c3f42cd8ad8", "start_time" : 1.478293361271E9, "end_time" : 1.478293361449E9, "type" : "subsegment", "trace_id" : "1-581cf771-a006649127e371903a2de979" "parent_id" : "defdfd9912dc5a56", "namespace" : "remote", "http" : { "request" : { "url" : "", "method" : "POST", "traced" : true }, "response" : { "status" : 200, "content_length" : 861 } } }

When the request is complete, close the segment by resending it with an end_time. The complete segment overwrites the in-progress segment.

You can also send subsegments separately for completed requests that triggered asynchronous workflows. For example, a web API may return a OK 200 response immediately prior to starting the work that the user requested. You can send a full segment to X-Ray as soon as the response is sent, followed by subsegments for work completed later. As with segments, you can also send a subsegment fragment to record that the subsegment has started, and then overwrite it with a full subsegment once the downstream call is complete.

The following fields are required, or are conditionally required, for subsegments.


Values are strings up to 250 characters unless noted otherwise.

Required Subsegment Fields
  • id – A 64-bit identifier for the subsegment, unique among segments in the same trace, in 16 hexadecimal digits.

  • name – The logical name of the subsegment. For downstream calls, name the subsegment after the resource or service called. For custom subsegments, name the subsegment after the code that it instruments (e.g., a function name).

  • start_timenumber that is the time the subsegment was created, in floating point seconds in epoch time, accurate to milliseconds. For example, 1480615200.010 or 1.480615200010E9.

  • end_timenumber that is the time the subsegment was closed. For example, 1480615200.090 or 1.480615200090E9. Specify an end_time or in_progress.

  • in_progressboolean that is set to true instead of specifying an end_time to record that a subsegment is started, but is not complete. Only send one complete subsegment, and one or zero in-progress subsegments, per downstream request.

  • trace_id – Trace ID of the subsegment's parent segment. Required only if sending a subsegment separately.

    X-Ray trace ID format

    An X-Ray trace_id consists of three numbers separated by hyphens. For example, 1-58406520-a006649127e371903a2de979. This includes:

    • The version number, which is 1.

    • The time of the original request in Unix epoch time using 8 hexadecimal digits.

      For example, 10:00AM December 1st, 2016 PST in epoch time is 1480615200 seconds or 58406520 in hexadecimal digits.

    • A globally unique 96-bit identifier for the trace in 24 hexadecimal digits.


    X-Ray now supports trace IDs that are created using OpenTelemetry and any other framework that conforms with the W3C Trace Context specification. A W3C trace ID must be formatted in X-Ray trace ID format when sending to X-Ray. For example, W3C trace ID 4efaaf4d1e8720b39541901950019ee5 should be formatted as 1-4efaaf4d-1e8720b39541901950019ee5 when sending to X-Ray. X-Ray trace IDs include the original request time stamp in Unix epoch time, but this isn't required when sending W3C trace IDs in X-Ray format.

  • parent_id – Segment ID of the subsegment's parent segment. Required only if sending a subsegment separately. In the case of nested subsegments, a subsegment can have a segment or a subsegment as its parent.

  • typesubsegment. Required only if sending a subsegment separately.

The following fields are optional for subsegments.

Optional Subsegment Fields
  • namespaceaws for AWS SDK calls; remote for other downstream calls.

  • httphttp object with information about an outgoing HTTP call.

  • awsaws object with information about the downstream AWS resource that your application called.

  • error, throttle, fault, and causeerror fields that indicate an error occurred and that include information about the exception that caused the error.

  • annotationsannotations object with key-value pairs that you want X-Ray to index for search.

  • metadatametadata object with any additional data that you want to store in the segment.

  • subsegmentsarray of subsegment objects.

  • precursor_idsarray of subsegment IDs that identifies subsegments with the same parent that completed prior to this subsegment.

Use an HTTP block to record details about an HTTP request that your application served (in a segment) or that your application made to a downstream HTTP API (in a subsegment). Most of the fields in this object map to information found in an HTTP request and response.


All fields are optional.

  • request – Information about a request.

    • method – The request method. For example, GET.

    • url – The full URL of the request, compiled from the protocol, hostname, and path of the request.

    • user_agent – The user agent string from the requester's client.

    • client_ip – The IP address of the requester. Can be retrieved from the IP packet's Source Address or, for forwarded requests, from an X-Forwarded-For header.

    • x_forwarded_for – (segments only) boolean indicating that the client_ip was read from an X-Forwarded-For header and is not reliable as it could have been forged.

    • traced – (subsegments only) boolean indicating that the downstream call is to another traced service. If this field is set to true, X-Ray considers the trace to be broken until the downstream service uploads a segment with a parent_id that matches the id of the subsegment that contains this block.

  • response – Information about a response.

    • statusinteger indicating the HTTP status of the response.

    • content_lengthinteger indicating the length of the response body in bytes.

When you instrument a call to a downstream web api, record a subsegment with information about the HTTP request and response. X-Ray uses the subsegment to generate an inferred segment for the remote API.

Example Segment for HTTP call served by an application running on Amazon EC2
{ "id": "6b55dcc497934f1a", "start_time": 1484789387.126, "end_time": 1484789387.535, "trace_id": "1-5880168b-fd5158284b67678a3bb5a78c", "name": "", "origin": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "aws": { "ec2": { "availability_zone": "us-west-2c", "instance_id": "i-0b5a4678fc325bg98" }, "xray": { "sdk_version": "2.11.0 for Java" }, }, "http": { "request": { "method": "POST", "client_ip": "", "url": "", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0", "x_forwarded_for": true }, "response": { "status": 200 } }
Example Subsegment for a downstream HTTP call
{ "id": "004f72be19cddc2a", "start_time": 1484786387.131, "end_time": 1484786387.501, "name": "", "namespace": "remote", "http": { "request": { "method": "GET", "url": "" }, "response": { "content_length": -1, "status": 200 } } }
Example Inferred segment for a downstream HTTP call
{ "id": "168416dc2ea97781", "name": "", "trace_id": "1-62be1272-1b71c4274f39f122afa64eab", "start_time": 1484786387.131, "end_time": 1484786387.501, "parent_id": "004f72be19cddc2a", "http": { "request": { "method": "GET", "url": "" }, "response": { "content_length": -1, "status": 200 } }, "inferred": true }

Segments and subsegments can include an annotations object containing one or more fields that X-Ray indexes for use with filter expressions. Fields can have string, number, or Boolean values (no objects or arrays). X-Ray indexes up to 50 annotations per trace.

Example Segment for HTTP call with annotations
{ "id": "6b55dcc497932f1a", "start_time": 1484789187.126, "end_time": 1484789187.535, "trace_id": "1-5880168b-fd515828bs07678a3bb5a78c", "name": "", "origin": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "aws": { "ec2": { "availability_zone": "us-west-2c", "instance_id": "i-0b5a4678fc325bg98" }, "xray": { "sdk_version": "2.11.0 for Java" }, }, "annotations": { "customer_category" : 124, "zip_code" : 98101, "country" : "United States", "internal" : false }, "http": { "request": { "method": "POST", "client_ip": "", "url": "", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0", "x_forwarded_for": true }, "response": { "status": 200 } }

Keys must be alphanumeric in order to work with filters. Underscore is allowed. Other symbols and whitespace are not allowed.

Segments and subsegments can include a metadata object containing one or more fields with values of any type, including objects and arrays. X-Ray does not index metadata, and values can be any size, as long as the segment document doesn't exceed the maximum size (64 kB). You can view metadata in the full segment document returned by the BatchGetTraces API. Field keys (debug in the following example) starting with AWS. are reserved for use by AWS-provided SDKs and clients.

Example Custom subsegment with metadata
{ "id": "0e58d2918e9038e8", "start_time": 1484789387.502, "end_time": 1484789387.534, "name": "## UserModel.saveUser", "metadata": { "debug": { "test": "Metadata string from UserModel.saveUser" } }, "subsegments": [ { "id": "0f910026178b71eb", "start_time": 1484789387.502, "end_time": 1484789387.534, "name": "DynamoDB", "namespace": "aws", "http": { "response": { "content_length": 58, "status": 200 } }, "aws": { "table_name": "scorekeep-user", "operation": "UpdateItem", "request_id": "3AIENM5J4ELQ3SPODHKBIRVIC3VV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG", "resource_names": [ "scorekeep-user" ] } } ] }

For segments, the aws object contains information about the resource on which your application is running. Multiple fields can apply to a single resource. For example, an application running in a multicontainer Docker environment on Elastic Beanstalk could have information about the Amazon EC2 instance, the Amazon ECS container running on the instance, and the Elastic Beanstalk environment itself.

aws (Segments)

All fields are optional.

  • account_id – If your application sends segments to a different AWS account, record the ID of the account running your application.

  • cloudwatch_logs – Array of objects that describe a single CloudWatch log group.

    • log_group – The CloudWatch Log Group name.

    • arn – The CloudWatch Log Group ARN.

  • ec2 – Information about an Amazon EC2 instance.

    • instance_id – The instance ID of the EC2 instance.

    • instance_size – The type of EC2 instance.

    • ami_id – The Amazon Machine Image ID.

    • availability_zone – The Availability Zone in which the instance is running.

  • ecs – Information about an Amazon ECS container.

    • container – The hostname of your container.

    • container_id – The full container ID of your container.

    • container_arn – The ARN of your container instance.

  • eks – Information about an Amazon EKS cluster.

    • pod – The hostname of your EKS pod.

    • cluster_name – The EKS cluster name.

    • container_id – The full container ID of your container.

  • elastic_beanstalk – Information about an Elastic Beanstalk environment. You can find this information in a file named /var/elasticbeanstalk/xray/environment.conf on the latest Elastic Beanstalk platforms.

    • environment_name – The name of the environment.

    • version_label – The name of the application version that is currently deployed to the instance that served the request.

    • deployment_idnumber indicating the ID of the last successful deployment to the instance that served the request.

  • xray – Metadata about the type and version of instrumentation used.

    • auto_instrumentation – Boolean indicating whether auto-instrumentation was used (for example, the Java Agent).

    • sdk_version – The version of SDK or agent being used.

    • sdk – The type of SDK.

Example AWS block with plugins
"aws":{ "elastic_beanstalk":{ "version_label":"app-5a56-170119_190650-stage-170119_190650", "deployment_id":32, "environment_name":"scorekeep" }, "ec2":{ "availability_zone":"us-west-2c", "instance_id":"i-075ad396f12bc325a", "ami_id": }, "cloudwatch_logs":[ { "log_group":"my-cw-log-group", "arn":"arn:aws:logs:us-west-2:012345678912:log-group:my-cw-log-group" } ], "xray":{ "auto_instrumentation":false, "sdk":"X-Ray for Java", "sdk_version":"2.8.0" } }

For subsegments, record information about the AWS services and resources that your application accesses. X-Ray uses this information to create inferred segments that represent the downstream services in your service map.

aws (Subsegments)

All fields are optional.

  • operation – The name of the API action invoked against an AWS service or resource.

  • account_id – If your application accesses resources in a different account, or sends segments to a different account, record the ID of the account that owns the AWS resource that your application accessed.

  • region – If the resource is in a region different from your application, record the region. For example, us-west-2.

  • request_id – Unique identifier for the request.

  • queue_url – For operations on an Amazon SQS queue, the queue's URL.

  • table_name – For operations on a DynamoDB table, the name of the table.

Example Subsegment for a call to DynamoDB to save an item
{ "id": "24756640c0d0978a", "start_time": 1.480305974194E9, "end_time": 1.4803059742E9, "name": "DynamoDB", "namespace": "aws", "http": { "response": { "content_length": 60, "status": 200 } }, "aws": { "table_name": "scorekeep-user", "operation": "UpdateItem", "request_id": "UBQNSO5AEM8T4FDA4RQDEB94OVTDRVV4K4HIRGVJF66Q9ASUAAJG", } }

When an error occurs, you can record details about the error and exceptions that it generated. Record errors in segments when your application returns an error to the user, and in subsegments when a downstream call returns an error.

error types

Set one or more of the following fields to true to indicate that an error occurred. Multiple types can apply if errors compound. For example, a 429 Too Many Requests error from a downstream call may cause your application to return 500 Internal Server Error, in which case all three types would apply.

  • errorboolean indicating that a client error occurred (response status code was 4XX Client Error).

  • throttleboolean indicating that a request was throttled (response status code was 429 Too Many Requests).

  • faultboolean indicating that a server error occurred (response status code was 5XX Server Error).

Indicate the cause of the error by including a cause object in the segment or subsegment.


A cause can be either a 16 character exception ID or an object with the following fields:

  • working_directory – The full path of the working directory when the exception occurred.

  • paths – The array of paths to libraries or modules in use when the exception occurred.

  • exceptions – The array of exception objects.

Include detailed information about the error in one or more exception objects.


All fields are optional.

  • id – A 64-bit identifier for the exception, unique among segments in the same trace, in 16 hexadecimal digits.

  • message – The exception message.

  • type – The exception type.

  • remoteboolean indicating that the exception was caused by an error returned by a downstream service.

  • truncatedinteger indicating the number of stack frames that are omitted from the stack.

  • skippedinteger indicating the number of exceptions that were skipped between this exception and its child, that is, the exception that it caused.

  • cause – Exception ID of the exception's parent, that is, the exception that caused this exception.

  • stackarray of stackFrame objects.

If available, record information about the call stack in stackFrame objects.


All fields are optional.

  • path – The relative path to the file.

  • line – The line in the file.

  • label – The function or method name.

You can create subsegments for queries that your application makes to an SQL database.


All fields are optional.

  • connection_string – For SQL Server or other database connections that don't use URL connection strings, record the connection string, excluding passwords.

  • url – For a database connection that uses a URL connection string, record the URL, excluding passwords.

  • sanitized_query – The database query, with any user provided values removed or replaced by a placeholder.

  • database_type – The name of the database engine.

  • database_version – The version number of the database engine.

  • driver_version – The name and version number of the database engine driver that your application uses.

  • user – The database username.

  • preparationcall if the query used a PreparedCall; statement if the query used a PreparedStatement.

Example Subsegment with an SQL Query
{ "id": "3fd8634e78ca9560", "start_time": 1484872218.696, "end_time": 1484872218.697, "name": "", "namespace": "remote", "sql" : { "url": "jdbc:postgresql://", "preparation": "statement", "database_type": "PostgreSQL", "database_version": "9.5.4", "driver_version": "PostgreSQL 9.4.1211.jre7", "user" : "dbuser", "sanitized_query" : "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customer_id=?;" } }