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FleetData - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
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Describes an EC2 Fleet.



The progress of the EC2 Fleet. If there is an error, the status is error. After all requests are placed, the status is pending_fulfillment. If the size of the EC2 Fleet is equal to or greater than its target capacity, the status is fulfilled. If the size of the EC2 Fleet is decreased, the status is pending_termination while instances are terminating.

Type: String

Valid Values: error | pending_fulfillment | pending_termination | fulfilled

Required: No


Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. For more information, see Ensuring idempotency.

Constraints: Maximum 64 ASCII characters

Type: String

Required: No



Type: String

Required: No


The creation date and time of the EC2 Fleet.

Type: Timestamp

Required: No


Information about the instances that could not be launched by the fleet. Valid only when Type is set to instant.

Type: Array of DescribeFleetError objects

Required: No


Indicates whether running instances should be terminated if the target capacity of the EC2 Fleet is decreased below the current size of the EC2 Fleet.

Supported only for fleets of type maintain.

Type: String

Valid Values: no-termination | termination

Required: No


The ID of the EC2 Fleet.

Type: String

Required: No


Information about the instances that were launched by the fleet. Valid only when Type is set to instant.

Type: Array of DescribeFleetsInstances objects

Required: No


The state of the EC2 Fleet.

Type: String

Valid Values: submitted | active | deleted | failed | deleted_running | deleted_terminating | modifying

Required: No


The number of units fulfilled by this request compared to the set target capacity.

Type: Double

Required: No


The number of units fulfilled by this request compared to the set target On-Demand capacity.

Type: Double

Required: No


The launch template and overrides.

Type: Array of FleetLaunchTemplateConfig objects

Required: No


The allocation strategy of On-Demand Instances in an EC2 Fleet.

Type: OnDemandOptions object

Required: No


Indicates whether EC2 Fleet should replace unhealthy Spot Instances. Supported only for fleets of type maintain. For more information, see EC2 Fleet health checks in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


The configuration of Spot Instances in an EC2 Fleet.

Type: SpotOptions object

Required: No


The tags for an EC2 Fleet resource.

Type: Array of Tag objects

Required: No


The number of units to request. You can choose to set the target capacity in terms of instances or a performance characteristic that is important to your application workload, such as vCPUs, memory, or I/O. If the request type is maintain, you can specify a target capacity of 0 and add capacity later.

Type: TargetCapacitySpecification object

Required: No


Indicates whether running instances should be terminated when the EC2 Fleet expires.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


The type of request. Indicates whether the EC2 Fleet only requests the target capacity, or also attempts to maintain it. If you request a certain target capacity, EC2 Fleet only places the required requests; it does not attempt to replenish instances if capacity is diminished, and it does not submit requests in alternative capacity pools if capacity is unavailable. To maintain a certain target capacity, EC2 Fleet places the required requests to meet this target capacity. It also automatically replenishes any interrupted Spot Instances. Default: maintain.

Type: String

Valid Values: request | maintain | instant

Required: No


The start date and time of the request, in UTC format (for example, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). The default is to start fulfilling the request immediately.

Type: Timestamp

Required: No


The end date and time of the request, in UTC format (for example, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). At this point, no new instance requests are placed or able to fulfill the request. The default end date is 7 days from the current date.

Type: Timestamp

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:

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