配置客户端超时(Valkey 和 Redis)OSS - 亚马逊 ElastiCache


配置客户端超时(Valkey 和 Redis)OSS


适当地配置客户端超时,使服务器有足够的时间来处理请求并生成响应。如果无法建立与服务器的连接,这也将允许它快速失效。某些 Valkey 或 Redis OSS 命令的计算成本可能比其他命令更高。例如,包含多个必须以原子方式运行的命令的 Lua 脚本或MULTI/EXEC事务。通常,建议使用更大的客户端超时,以避免客户端在收到来自服务器的响应之前超时,包括:

  • 在多个键上运行命令

  • 运行由多个单独的 Valkey 或 Redis 命令组成的MULTI/EXECtransactions 或 Lua 脚本 OSS

  • 读取较大的值

  • 执行封锁操作,例如 BLPOP


以下是在 redis-py、PHPRedis和 Lettuce 中实现客户端超时的代码示例。

超时配置示例 1:redis-py

以下是 redis-py 的代码示例:

# connect to Redis server with a 100 millisecond timeout # give every Redis command a 2 second timeout client = redis.Redis(connection_pool=redis.BlockingConnectionPool(host=HOST, max_connections=10,socket_connect_timeout=0.1,socket_timeout=2)) res = client.set("key", "value") # will timeout after 2 seconds print(res) # if there is a connection error res = client.blpop("list", timeout=1) # will timeout after 1 second # less than the 2 second socket timeout print(res)

超时配置示例 2:PHPRedis


// connect to Redis server with a 100ms timeout // give every Redis command a 2s timeout $client = new Redis(); $timeout = 0.1; // 100 millisecond connection timeout $retry_interval = 100; // 100 millisecond retry interval $client = new Redis(); if($client->pconnect($HOST, $PORT, 0.1, NULL, 100, $read_timeout=2) != TRUE){ return; // ERROR: connection failed } $client->set($key, $value); $res = $client->set("key", "value"); // will timeout after 2 seconds print "$res\n"; // if there is a connection error $res = $client->blpop("list", 1); // will timeout after 1 second print "$res\n"; // less than the 2 second socket timeout

超时配置示例 3:Lettuce

以下是 Lettuce 的代码示例:

// connect to Redis server and give every command a 2 second timeout public static void main(String[] args) { RedisClient client = null; StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> connection = null; try { client = RedisClient.create(RedisURI.create(HOST, PORT)); client.setOptions(ClientOptions.builder() .socketOptions(SocketOptions.builder().connectTimeout(Duration.ofMillis(100)).build()) // 100 millisecond connection timeout .timeoutOptions(TimeoutOptions.builder().fixedTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(2)).build()) // 2 second command timeout .build()); // use the connection pool from above example commands.set("key", "value"); // will timeout after 2 seconds commands.blpop(1, "list"); // BLPOP with 1 second timeout } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } if (client != null){ client.shutdown(); } } }