App2Container compatibility - AWS App2Container

App2Container compatibility

The following documentation provides information for the operating systems, software, and tooling that you can use with App2Container.

Operating system compatibility

The following table contains information about the applications that App2Container supports for each operating system.

Compatibility item Linux Windows

Supported application server operating systems 1

  • Ubuntu (version 18.04 and later)

  • CentOS (version 8 and later)

  • RHEL (version 7 and later)

  • Amazon Linux 2 (AL2)

  • Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023)

  • Windows Server 2008 and later 2

Container hosts

The container host can be any supported application server operating system. The major kernel version of the container host must match with the container image.

The container host operating system must be either Windows Server 2016, 2019, or 2022. The Windows Server operating system version of the container host must match the container image. App2Container automatically deploys the container host using the same operating system used for the containerization process.

Application types
  • Java applications

  • .NET applications

  • IIS .NET applications

Supported frameworks
  • Java (JDK 1.8 and later)

    • Tomcat

    • TomEE

    • JBoss (standalone mode)

  • .NET applications

    • .NET Core 3.1

    • .NET 5

    • .NET 6

    • .NET 7

    • .NET 8

.NET Framework version 3.5 and 4.x
Unsupported application features High Availability (HA) clusters
  • IIS applications that use files and registries outside of IIS web application directories

Additional system requirements
  • Docker version 17.07 and later 3

  • kubectl versions up to v1.30 for Amazon EKS deployments.

  • Docker version 17.07 and later 3

  • kubectl versions up to v1.30 for Amazon EKS deployments.

  • Windows IIS (7.5 and later)

  • Windows PowerShell version 5.1 or PowerShell version 6 and later

1 We have only tested the operating systems and configurations listed. Other operating systems could be compatible, but have not been tested.

2 Windows Server 2008 and 2012 require a worker machine. For more information, see Applications you can containerize using AWS App2Container.

3 Docker must be installed to use App2Container. For more information, see Prerequisites: Set up your servers.


Windows client operating systems such as Windows 7 and Windows 10 aren't supported.

Containerization features

App2Container supports the following containerization features.

Containerization feature



gMSA for connection with Active Directory

Not supported


Containerization of multiple applications in the same container

Not supported

Supported *
Containerization of applications that use multiple ports

Not supported


* Containerizing multiple applications in the same container for Windows requires that the applications are nested under a main IIS site.

For more information about configuring Windows containers with additional ports and multiple applications, see Configuring application containers.

For more information about group managed service accounts (gMSAs), see Configuring container deployment.

Deployment features

The following table lists the deployment services that App2Container supports.

Deployment feature



Amazon ECS (AWS Fargate only)

Amazon EKS (Amazon EC2 only)

AWS App Runner

Amazon ECS (AWS Fargate)

Amazon ECS (Amazon EC2)

Amazon EKS (Amazon EC2 only)

Modify memory usage



Not supported

Supported 1 Supported Supported

Modify CPU usage



Not supported




Load balancer types

Application Load Balancer

Application Load Balancer, Network Load Balancer with Nginx


Application Load Balancer

Application Load Balancer

Application Load Balancer, Network Load Balancer with Nginx

Reuse VPC ²



Not supported




Reuse cluster previously deployed with App2Container 2







FireLens logging


Not supported

Not supported

Not supported

Not supported

Not supported

gMSA for connection with Active Directory

Not supported

Not supported

Not supported

Not supported

Supported Supported
Deploy complex .NET applications 3







1 AWS Fargate only supports certain Windows Server operating systems for running Windows containers. Select a Windows Server operating system that both Fargate and App2Container support. For more information, see Windows platform versions in the Amazon ECS User Guide for AWS Fargate.

2 You can reuse certain components that App2Container created for a prior deployment. For more information about the reuseResources object, see Configuring container deployment.

3 A complex .NET application has multiple Windows .NET application components running in a single container. For more information, see Containerizing complex Windows .NET applications with App2Container.

For more information about FireLens for Amazon ECS, see Custom log routing in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.

For more information about deployment settings for group managed service accounts (gMSAs), see Configuring container deployment.

Pipeline support

App2Container supports AWS CodePipeline, Jenkins, and Azure DevOps Services pipeline types for both Windows and Linux. For more information about configuring pipelines, see Configuring container pipelines and Examples.