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Places pricing



Places pricing - Amazon Location Service
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The price for the Place APIs is based on the number of API requests. The unit price for each API request depends on the response fields you request in your API request and the intended use for the result. For pricing information for the API and pricing buckets, please refer to Amazon Location Service pricing page.

There are four pricing buckets for Place APIs: Label, Core, Advanced, and Stored.


The Label pricing bucket provides a cost-effective option to get address text and PlaceID only. When you call the Autocomplete and Suggest APIs with additionalFeatures = [] or nonexistant, the API returns PlaceID (can be used to in a GetPlace request to retrieve additional information), PlaceType, and Title fields for both APIs, and QueryRefinements, QueryType, and QueryId for Suggest API. In this case, you will be charged at the Label price. Results cannot be stored permanently for this pricing bucket. See Stored pricing bucket for long-term use cases.


The Core pricing bucket supports the most common use cases for Place APIs. When you call SearchText, Geocode, ReverseGeocode, SearchNearby, GetPlace API with additionalFeatures = [] or nonexistant, or Autocomplete and Suggest APIs with additionalFeatures = Core, the API returns full address components, categories, and other place details (when applicable). In this case, you will be charged at the Core price. Refer to API reference for a full list of response fields. Results cannot be stored permanently for this pricing bucket, see the Stored pricing bucket for long-term use cases.


The Advanced pricing bucket provides additional place or points-of-interest details, such as business hours, contact information, and access points. When you call SearchText, SearchNearby, and GetPlace API with and include one of the following values in the additionalFeatures request field: Contact, Access, TimeZone, or Phonemes, the API returns corresponding values for the additional information you have requested (for example, opening_hours and contact_details, access_restriction and access_points, Phonemes, or Timezone). In this case, you will be charged at the Advanced price. Results can be cached but not stored for long-term use for this pricing bucket. Results cannot be stored permanently for this pricing bucket. See Stored pricing bucket for long-term use cases.


You can store the Places results indefinitely for long-term use cases, such as reusing the results to reduce on-demand API calls or for analytical purpose. To do so, set intendedUse = Stored in your API request. In this case, you will be charged at the Stored price. The Stored pricing bucket supports all the features listed above, therefore, the maximum price you will be charged for a single Places API call is capped at the Stored price.

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