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CloudFormation Ingest examples: 3-tier Web application

CloudFormation Ingest examples: 3-tier Web application - AMS Advanced Application Developer's Guide
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Ingest a CloudFormation template for a standard 3-Tier Web Application.

AWS Cloud architecture diagram showing VPC with two availability zones, load balancer, and multi-AZ RDS setup.

This includes an Application Load Balancer, Application Load Balancer target group, Auto Scaling group, Auto Scaling group launch configuration, Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS for SQL Server) with a MySQL database, AWS SSM Parameter store, and AWS Secrets Manager. Allow 30-60 minutes to walk through this example.


  • Create a secret containing a username and password with corresponding values using the AWS Secrets Manager. You can refer to this sample JSON template that contains the secret name ams-shared/myapp/dev/dbsecrets, and replace it with your secret name. For information about using AWS Secrets Manager with AMS, see Using AWS Secrets Manager with AMS resources.

  • Set up required parameters in the AWS SSM Parameter Store (PS). In this example, the VPCId and Subnet-Id of the Private and Public subnets are stored in the SSM PS in paths like /app/DemoApp/PublicSubnet1a, PublicSubnet1c, PrivateSubnet1a, PrivateSubnet1c and VPCCidr. Update the paths and parameter names and values for your needs.

  • Create an IAM Amazon EC2 instance role with read permissions to the AWS Secrets Manager and SSM Parameter Store paths (the IAM role created and used in these examples is customer-ec2_secrets_manager_instance_profile). If you create IAM-standard policies like instance profile role, the role name must start with customer-. To create a new IAM role, (you can name it customer-ec2_secrets_manager_instance_profile, or something else) use the AMS change type Management | Applications | IAM instance profile | Create (ct-0ixp4ch2tiu04) CT, and attach the required policies. You can review the AMS IAM standard policies, customer_secrets_manager_policy and customer_systemsmanager_parameterstore_policy, in the AWS IAM console to be used as-is or as a reference.

Ingest a CloudFormation template for a standard 3-Tier Web application

  1. Upload the attached sample CloudFormation JSON template, 3-tier-cfn-ingest.zip to an S3 bucket and generate a signed S3 URL to use in the CFN Ingest RFC. For more information, see presign. The CFN template can also be copy/pasted into the CFN Ingest RFC when you submit the RFC through the AMS console.

  2. Create a CloudFormation Ingest RFC (Deployment | Ingestion | Stack from CloudFormation template | Create (ct-36cn2avfrrj9v)), either via the AMS console or the AMS CLI. The CloudFormation ingest automation process validates the CloudFormation template to ensure that the template has valid AMS-supported resources, and adheres to security standards.

    • Using the console - For the change type, select Deployment -> Ingestion -> Stack from CloudFormation Template -> Create, and then add the following parameters as an example (note that the default for MultiAZDatabase is false):

      CloudFormationTemplateS3Endpoint: "https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/amzn-s3-demo-bucket/3-tier-cfn-ingest.json?AWSAccessKeyId=#{S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID}&Expires=#{EXPIRE_DATE}&Signature=#{SIGNATURE}" VpcId: "VPC_ID" TimeoutInMinutes: 120 IAMEC2InstanceProfile: "customer_ec2_secrets_manager_instance_profile" MultiAZDatabase: "true" WebServerCapacity: "2"
    • Using the AWS CLI - For details about creating RFCs using the AWS CLI, see Creating RFCs. For example, run the following command:

      aws --profile=saml amscm create-rfc --change-type-id ct-36cn2avfrrj9v --change-type-version "2.0" --title "TEST_CFN_INGEST" --execution-parameters "{\"CloudFormationTemplateS3Endpoint\":\"https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/my-bucket/3-tier-cfn-ingest.json?AWSAccessKeyId=#{S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID}&Expires=#{EXPIRE_DATE}&Signature=#{SIGNATURE}\",\"TimeoutInMinutes\":120,\"Description\":\"TEST\",\”VpcId”\”:\”VPC_ID\”,\"Name\":\"MY_TEST\",\"Tags\":[{\"Key\":\"env\",\"Value\":\"test\"}],\"Parameters\":[{\"Name\":\"IAMEC2InstanceProfile\",\"Value\":\"customer_ec2_secrets_manager_instance_profile\"},{\"Name\":\"MultiAZDatabase\",\"Value\":\"true\"},{\"Name\":\"VpcId\",\"Value\":\"VPC_ID\"},{\"Name\":\"WebServerCapacity\",\"Value\":\"2\"}]}" --endpoint-url https://amscm.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/operational/ --no-verify-ssl

    Find the Application Load Balancer URL in the AWS CloudFormation RFC execution output to access the website. For information about accessing resources, see Accessing instances.

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