Python 示例 - Amazon Polly


Python 示例

本指南提供了一些用于对 Amazon Polly 进行 API 调用 AWS SDK for Python (Boto) 的 Python 代码示例。我们建议您设置 Python 并测试以下部分中提供的示例代码。有关其他示例,请参阅 示例应用程序

设置 Python 并测试示例 (SDK)

要测试 Python 示例代码,您需要 AWS SDK for Python (Boto)。有关说明,请参阅 AWS SDK for Python (Boto3)

要测试示例 Python 代码

下面的 Python 代码示例将执行以下操作:

  • 调用, AWS SDK for Python (Boto) 向 Amazon Polly 发送SynthesizeSpeech请求(通过提供一些文本作为输入)。

  • 访问在响应中生成的音频流并将音频保存为您本地磁盘上的文件 (speech.mp3)。

  • 使用您的本地系统的默认音频播放器播放音频文件。

将代码保存为一个文件 ( 并运行。

"""Getting Started Example for Python 2.7+/3.3+""" from boto3 import Session from botocore.exceptions import BotoCoreError, ClientError from contextlib import closing import os import sys import subprocess from tempfile import gettempdir # Create a client using the credentials and region defined in the [adminuser] # section of the AWS credentials file (~/.aws/credentials). session = Session(profile_name="adminuser") polly = session.client("polly") try: # Request speech synthesis response = polly.synthesize_speech(Text="Hello world!", OutputFormat="mp3", VoiceId="Joanna") except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as error: # The service returned an error, exit gracefully print(error) sys.exit(-1) # Access the audio stream from the response if "AudioStream" in response: # Note: Closing the stream is important because the service throttles on the # number of parallel connections. Here we are using contextlib.closing to # ensure the close method of the stream object will be called automatically # at the end of the with statement's scope. with closing(response["AudioStream"]) as stream: output = os.path.join(gettempdir(), "speech.mp3") try: # Open a file for writing the output as a binary stream with open(output, "wb") as file: file.write( except IOError as error: # Could not write to file, exit gracefully print(error) sys.exit(-1) else: # The response didn't contain audio data, exit gracefully print("Could not stream audio") sys.exit(-1) # Play the audio using the platform's default player if sys.platform == "win32": os.startfile(output) else: # The following works on macOS and Linux. (Darwin = mac, xdg-open = linux). opener = "open" if sys.platform == "darwin" else "xdg-open"[opener, output])

有关其他示例,包括示例应用程序,请参阅 示例应用程序