以下过程介绍了如何使用 AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)(在 Linux、macOS 或 Windows 上)或 AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell 在 AWS Systems Manager 的功能 Change Manager 中创建更改请求。
安装并配置 AWS Tools for PowerShell (AWS CLI)(如果尚未执行该操作)。
之类的名称创建一个 JSON 文件,然后将更改模板的内容粘贴到此文件中。注意
更改模板使用架构 0.3 版本,该版本包含的支持与针对自动化运行手册的支持不完全相同。
在第一级,每个更改请求必须取得指定用户“John-Doe”的批准。然后,该更改请求必须由 IAM 角色
的任意三个成员批准。有关批准更改模板的更多信息,请参阅 关于更改模板中的批准。
{ "description": "This change template demonstrates the feature set available for creating change templates for Change Manager. This template starts a Runbook workflow for the Automation runbook called AWS-HelloWorld", "templateInformation": "### Document Name: HelloWorldChangeTemplate\n\n ## What does this document do?\n This change template demonstrates the feature set available for creating change templates for Change Manager. This template starts a Runbook workflow for the Automation runbook called AWS-HelloWorld.\n\n ## Input Parameters\n* ApproverSnsTopicArn: (Required) Amazon Simple Notification Service ARN for approvers.\n * Approver: (Required) The name of the approver to send this request to.\n * ApproverType: (Required) The type of reviewer. * Allowed Values: IamUser, IamGroup, IamRole, SSOGroup, SSOUser\n\n ## Output Parameters\nThis document has no outputs\n", "schemaVersion": "0.3", "parameters": { "ApproverSnsTopicArn": { "type": "String", "description": "Amazon Simple Notification Service ARN for approvers." }, "Approver": { "type": "String", "description": "IAM approver" }, "ApproverType": { "type": "String", "description": "Approver types for the request. Allowed values include IamUser, IamGroup, IamRole, SSOGroup, and SSOUser." } }, "executableRunBooks": [ { "name": "AWS-HelloWorld", "version": "1" } ], "emergencyChange": false, "autoApprovable": false, "mainSteps": [ { "name": "ApproveAction1", "action": "aws:approve", "timeoutSeconds": 3600, "inputs": { "Message": "A sample change request has been submitted for your review in Change Manager. You can approve or reject this request.", "EnhancedApprovals": { "NotificationArn": "{{ ApproverSnsTopicArn }}", "Approvers": [ { "approver": "John-Doe", "type": "IamUser", "minRequiredApprovals": 1 } ] } } }, { "name": "ApproveAction2", "action": "aws:approve", "timeoutSeconds": 3600, "inputs": { "Message": "A sample change request has been submitted for your review in Change Manager. You can approve or reject this request.", "EnhancedApprovals": { "NotificationArn": "{{ ApproverSnsTopicArn }}", "Approvers": [ { "approver": "Admin", "type": "IamRole", "minRequiredApprovals": 3 } ] } } } ] }
有关可以指定的其他选项的信息,请参阅 create-document。
{ "DocumentDescription":{ "CreatedDate":1.585061751738E9, "DefaultVersion":"1", "Description":"Use this template to update an EC2 Linux AMI. Requires one approver specified in the template and an approver specified in the request.", "DocumentFormat":"JSON", "DocumentType":"Automation", "DocumentVersion":"1", "Hash":"0d3d879b3ca072e03c12638d0255ebd004d2c65bd318f8354fcde820dEXAMPLE", "HashType":"Sha256", "LatestVersion":"1", "Name":"MyChangeTemplate", "Owner":"
", "Parameters":[ { "DefaultValue":"", "Description":"Level one approvers", "Name":"LevelOneApprovers", "Type":"String" }, { "DefaultValue":"", "Description":"Level one approver type", "Name":"LevelOneApproverType", "Type":"String" }, "cloudWatchMonitors": { "monitors": [ "my-cloudwatch-alarm" ] } ], "PlatformTypes":[ "Windows", "Linux" ], "SchemaVersion":"0.3", "Status":"Creating", "Tags":[ ] } }
您的组织或账户内在 Change Manager 中的 Settings (设置) 选项卡上被指定为模板审核人员的用户,将收到新的更改模板正等待其审核的通知。
如果已为更改模板指定 Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) 主题,则当更改模板被拒绝或批准时,系统会发送通知。如果您没有收到与此更改模板相关的通知,可在稍后返回 Change Manager 以检查其状态。