Welcome - AWS WAFV2




This is the latest version of the AWS WAF API, released in November, 2019. The names of the entities that you use to access this API, like endpoints and namespaces, all have the versioning information added, like "V2" or "v2", to distinguish from the prior version. We recommend migrating your resources to this version, because it has a number of significant improvements.

If you used AWS WAF prior to this release, you can't use this AWS WAFV2 API to access any AWS WAF resources that you created before. You can access your old rules, web ACLs, and other AWS WAF resources only through the AWS WAF Classic APIs. The AWS WAF Classic APIs have retained the prior names, endpoints, and namespaces.

For information, including how to migrate your AWS WAF resources to this version, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

AWS WAF is a web application firewall that lets you monitor the HTTP and HTTPS requests that are forwarded to an Amazon CloudFront distribution, Amazon API Gateway REST API, Application Load Balancer, AWS AppSync GraphQL API, Amazon Cognito user pool, AWS App Runner service, or AWS Verified Access instance. AWS WAF also lets you control access to your content, to protect the AWS resource that AWS WAF is monitoring. Based on conditions that you specify, such as the IP addresses that requests originate from or the values of query strings, the protected resource responds to requests with either the requested content, an HTTP 403 status code (Forbidden), or with a custom response.

This API guide is for developers who need detailed information about AWS WAF API actions, data types, and errors. For detailed information about AWS WAF features and guidance for configuring and using AWS WAF, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

You can make calls using the endpoints listed in AWS WAF endpoints and quotas.

  • For regional applications, you can use any of the endpoints in the list. A regional application can be an Application Load Balancer (ALB), an Amazon API Gateway REST API, an AWS AppSync GraphQL API, an Amazon Cognito user pool, an AWS App Runner service, or an AWS Verified Access instance.

  • For Amazon CloudFront applications, you must use the API endpoint listed for US East (N. Virginia): us-east-1.

Alternatively, you can use one of the AWS SDKs to access an API that's tailored to the programming language or platform that you're using. For more information, see AWS SDKs.

We currently provide two versions of the AWS WAF API: this API and the prior versions, the classic AWS WAF APIs. This new API provides the same functionality as the older versions, with the following major improvements:

  • You use one API for both global and regional applications. Where you need to distinguish the scope, you specify a Scope parameter and set it to CLOUDFRONT or REGIONAL.

  • You can define a web ACL or rule group with a single call, and update it with a single call. You define all rule specifications in JSON format, and pass them to your rule group or web ACL calls.

  • The limits AWS WAF places on the use of rules more closely reflects the cost of running each type of rule. Rule groups include capacity settings, so you know the maximum cost of a rule group when you use it.

AWS WAF Classic


This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

For the latest version of AWS WAF , use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

This is the AWS WAF Classic API Reference for using AWS WAF Classic with Amazon CloudFront. The AWS WAF Classic actions and data types listed in the reference are available for protecting CloudFront distributions. You can use these actions and data types via the endpoint waf.amazonaws.com. This guide is for developers who need detailed information about the AWS WAF Classic API actions, data types, and errors. For detailed information about AWS WAF Classic features and an overview of how to use the AWS WAF Classic API, see the AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

AWS WAF Classic Regional


This is AWS WAF Classic documentation. For more information, see AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.

For the latest version of AWS WAF , use the AWS WAFV2 API and see the AWS WAF Developer Guide. With the latest version, AWS WAF has a single set of endpoints for regional and global use.

This is the AWS WAF Classic Regional API Reference for using AWS WAF Classic with the AWS resources, Elastic Load Balancing Application Load Balancers and Amazon API Gateway APIs. The AWS WAF Classic actions and data types listed in the reference are available for protecting these resource types. You can use these actions and data types by means of the endpoints listed in AWS WAF Classic endpoints and quotas. This guide is for developers who need detailed information about the AWS WAF Classic API actions, data types, and errors. For detailed information about AWS WAF Classic features and an overview of how to use the AWS WAF Classic API, see the AWS WAF Classic in the developer guide.