Guidelines for Implementing AWS WAF
Publication date: January 19, 2022 (Document history)
Security is a

AWS WAF integrations
AWS WAF can be natively enabled on CloudFront, Amazon API Gateway, Application Load Balancer, or AWS AppSync and is deployed alongside these services. AWS services terminate the TCP/TLS connection, process incoming HTTP requests, and then pass the request to AWS WAF for inspection and filtering. Unlike traditional appliance-based WAFs, there is no need to deploy and manage infrastructure, or plan for capacity. AWS WAF provides flexible options for implementing protections through managed rules, partner-provided rules, and custom rules that you can write yourself.
It’s important to understand that with AWS WAF, you are controlling ingress traffic to your application. To control egress traffic, refer to Security best practices for your VPC.
This whitepaper covers recommendations for protecting existing and new applications with AWS WAF, and outlines the following steps and options to consider when deploying AWS WAF:
Understanding threats and mitigations
Requirements for AWS WAF
Implementing AWS WAF
Deploying AWS WAF to production
Cost considerations
AWS WAF provides two versions of the service: WAFv2 and WAFClassic. AWS recommends using AWS WAFv2 to stay up to date with the latest features. AWS WAF Classic no longer receives new features. AWSWAFv2 includes features that are not available in WAF classic, including a separate API and Console. This paper focuses on implementation with AWSWAFv2.