Using an Amazon Q Business web experience
You can use the Amazon Q Business web experience generative AI assistant to ask questions and to accomplish your tasks. When you ask a question, the Amazon Q Business web experience analyzes the latest approved data collected from data sources within your organization to generate a comprehensive response.
You can ask complex questions in plain language and get a detailed response. You can also use an Amazon Q Business web experience to perform tasks for you, such as draft an email message or create a Jira ticket.
As of Oct 31, 2024, once you have created a new Amazon Q Business application environment, the default web experience will allow users to interact directly with the LLM to get answers from its general knowledge or uploaded file content (available to Pro users only), even if the Admin has not yet connected any enterprise data sources.
For existing application environments, the Allow direct access to LLM setting will remain as previously configured. For new application environments, the Allow direct access to LLM setting will be enabled by default, though Admins can still disable this if desired.
The Amazon Q Business web experience provides you with the following capabilities:
Web experience features
An Amazon Q Business web experience establishes a secure WebSockets connection to supported Amazon Q Business endpoints over port 8443. For example,
To ensure that your browser can successfully establish a WebSockets connection, ensure that port 8443 is enabled and not blocked by network rules that you have configured at the router, VPN, VPC, or firewall level.
Example prompts
The welcome page optionally provides example prompts to help you understand the types of questions and tasks that you can ask the Amazon Q Business web experience. This feature is provided depending on how the web experience is configured. You can use these example prompts to formulate your own questions and tasks.
Engage with contextual responses
The Amazon Q Business web experience analyzes your questions and returns responses from the selected data sources within your organization. You can continue with a conversation in the context of the active session or start a new conversation to refresh any previous contexts.
Analysis and reasoning
You can ask Amazon Q Business to summarize a response, generate text from a response, do comparative analysis, and perform math and reasoning tasks.
Perform actions using plugins
If your system is configured with Use a plugin mode enabled, you can use Amazon Q Business to perform actions on your behalf using plugins. For example, you can ask Amazon Q to schedule a meeting, create a ticket in Jira, or draft an email message. You only see an option to Use a plugin in your web experience if your admin has enabled it.
You perform plugin actions by choosing Use a plugin mode in your web experience chat. Or, if your admin has enabled the chat orchestration feature, Amazon Q Business automatically orchestrates end user queries across any plugins and data sources you’ve configured and selects relevant plugin actions. For information about how to use plugins, see Using built-in plugins and Using custom plugins.
You can't use plugins and file uploads at the same time.
Review source citations
The Amazon Q Business web experience provides in-text source citations in a numbered list. To view the source for a response, choose the number at the end of the sentence. The dialog box shows the title, URL, and a snippet from the source that was used to generate the response. Choose the URL to view the source document.
To view the full list of sources, choose Sources at the end of the response. You can use the source list to fact-check the response, or for deeper analysis.
Upload files and chat
You can upload document in the Amazon Q Business web experience and ask questions, summarize, or analyze data based on their content. Amazon Q also supports a recent documents list so you can find and reuse recently attached files in new conversations without re-uploading. You can upload new files from your computer, choose from recent files, or drag and drop files directly into a conversation.
A maximum of five files can be uploaded in a single conversation. Documents uploaded through the chat interface are stored in your conversation history and deleted when the conversation is deleted, or after 30 days of inactivity. After files are attached to a conversation, you must delete the conversation to delete the files. You can't delete them individually.
You can't use plugins and file uploads at the same time.
Copy responses
You can copy and save the responses for later review and analysis. To copy a response, choose the copy icon at the end of the response.
Provide feedback
You can provide feedback at any time using the feedback button in the left hand sidebar. You can also provide direct feedback about the response you received from the Amazon Q web experience by using the thumbs-up or thumbs-down button. Your feedback is used to help address technical issues in the web experience.
If you select the thumbs-down button, you can choose from the following feedback options:
Response is not helpful (incorrect or not relevant to my query)
Response is not based on company documents
Response is not complete
Response is not concise
The sources are inaccurate or missing
Other (explain below)
You can add additional context for any of the thumbs-down feedback options that you choose in the Additional details (optional) text box.
Conversation management
Amazon Q Business stores conversations for up to 30 days, and you can access them in the left navigation pane. You can perform the following tasks to manage your conversations:
View conversation history – Choose a conversation to view the conversation history for that session.
Start new conversation – Choose + New conversation to start a new conversation.
Delete conversation – Choose a conversation that you want to delete, choose Delete, and then choose Delete again.
Response sources
If you have the appropriate permissions granted by your administrator, you can configure Amazon Q Business web experience responses from up to three sources; General knowledge, Company knowledge, or from files that you upload.
General knowledge – If you choose this mode, Amazon Q Business only responds using Amazon Q's underlying knowledge.
Company knowledge – If you choose this, Amazon Q Business only responds from your enterprise data.
Uploaded files – If you upload files, Amazon Q Business responds using the data in the files. If the uploaded files don't contain an answer for the query, Amazon Q generates a response from its underlying knowledge.
For more information, see Using global controls in Amazon Q Business.
Login, Logout and session duration for Web Experience
Users log in through their identity provider, which integrates with the Amazon Q Business Web App. After authentication, a session token is generated and the user is automatically logged into the Web App through single sign-on. Amazon Q Business Web App sessions expire one hour after login. To maintain continuous access, users must refresh their session token before expiration, not after, by refreshing the page.
For security, users should log out of both the Web App and their identity provider when finished. Leaving a session active allows anyone using the same computer within the hour to bypass login due to the still-valid session token.
IDC (Identity Center) Applications
When a user logs out:
Browser cookies are deleted
The session is revoked through IDC
The user is redirected to the login page
IDP (Identity Provider) Applications
When a user logs out:
Browser cookies are deleted
The user is redirected to the login page
JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) are used for authentication and authorization and expire after an hour.
If the webpage’s cookies are restored after logout, then the IDP session cookie information may still validate the web app, preventing a successful logout.