Configuring application containers - AWS App2Container

Configuring application containers

When you run the analyze command, an analysis.json file is created for the application that is specified in the --application-id parameter. The containerize command uses this file to build the application container image and to generate artifacts.

You can configure the fields in the containerParameters section before running the containerize command to customize your application container. For configurable key/value pairs that do not apply to your container, set string values to an empty string, numeric values to zero, and Boolean values to false.

For applications running on Linux, the application analysis.json file includes the following content:

Read-only data
  • Control fields – Fields having to do with file creation, such as template version, and the file creation timestamp.

  • analysisInfo – System dependencies for the application.

Configurable data

The containerParameters section contains the following fields:

  • imageRepository (string, required) – The name of the repository where the application container image is stored.

  • imageTag (string, required) – A tag for the build version of the application container image.

  • containerBaseImage (string) – The base operating system (OS) image for the container build. By default, App2Container uses the operating system from the application server or worker machine where containerization runs.


    If specified, this must be an image name from your registry in the format <image name>[:<tag>], and it must match the operating system platform and version that runs on the application server or worker machine where containerization runs. The tag is optional if the repository supports "latest".

  • appExcludedFiles (array of strings) – Specific files and directories to exclude from the container build.

  • appSpecificFiles (array of strings) – Specific files and directories to include in the container build.

  • applicationPort (number) – The application port exposed inside of the container. This port is tested for a successful HTTP response during pre-validation when the containerize command runs. App2Container assigns this as the default exposed port when creating a load balancer during deployment.

  • applicationMode (Boolean, required) – The approach that App2Container uses to determine which files to include in your container image. App2Container uses application mode (value=true) for supported application frameworks, and process mode (value=false) for all other configurations.

    You can override this value if necessary. For example, if your application is running on a supported framework, but App2Container did not recognize it and therefore assigned process mode, you can override the setting to use application mode instead.

    Application mode settings
    • true (application mode): For supported application frameworks, App2Container targets only the application files and dependencies that are needed for containerization, thereby minimizing the size of the resulting container image. This is known as application mode. Supported application frameworks include: Tomcat, TomEE, and JBoss (standalone mode).

    • false (process mode): If App2Container does not find a supported framework running on your application server, or if you have other dependent processes running on your server, App2Container takes a conservative approach to identifying dependencies. This is known as process mode. For process mode, all non-system files on the application server are included in the container image.


    If your application container image includes unnecessary files, or is missing files that should be included, use the following parameters to make corrections:

    • To specify files to exclude from your application container image, use the appExcludedFiles parameter.

    • To add files that were missed, use the appSpecificFiles parameter.

  • logLocations (array of strings) – Specific log files or log directories to be routed to stdout. This enables applications that write to log files on the host to be integrated with AWS services such as CloudWatch and Firehose.

  • enableDynamicLogging (Boolean, required) – Maps application logs to stdout as they are created. If set to true, requires log directories to be entered in logLocations.

  • dependencies (array of strings) – A listing of all dependent processes or applications found for the application ID by the analyze command. You can remove specific dependencies to exclude them from the container.


The following examples show an analysis.json file for an application running on Linux. Choose the tab that matches your application.


This example shows an analysis.json file for a Java application running on Linux.

{ "a2CTemplateVersion": "", "createdTime": "", "containerParameters": { "_comment1": "*** EDITABLE: The below section can be edited according to the application requirements. Please see the analysisInfo section below for details discovered regarding the application. ***", "imageRepository": "java-tomcat-6e6f3a87", "imageTag": "latest", "containerBaseImage": "ubuntu:18.04", "appExcludedFiles": [], "appSpecificFiles": [], "applicationPort": 5000, "applicationMode": true, "logLocations": [], "enableDynamicLogging": false, "dependencies": [] }, "analysisInfo": { "_comment2": "*** NON-EDITABLE: Analysis Results ***", "processId": 2065, "appId": "java-tomcat-6e6f3a87", "userId": "1000", "groupId": "1000", "cmdline": [ "/usr/bin/java", "... list of commands", "start" ], "osData": { "BUG_REPORT_URL": "", "HOME_URL": "", "ID": "ubuntu", "ID_LIKE": "debian", "NAME": "Ubuntu", "PRETTY_NAME": "Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS", "PRIVACY_POLICY_URL": "", "SUPPORT_URL": "", "UBUNTU_CODENAME": "", "VERSION": "", "VERSION_CODENAME": "", "VERSION_ID": "18.04" }, "osName": "ubuntu", "ports": [ { "localPort": 8080, "protocol": "tcp6" }, { "localPort": 8009, "protocol": "tcp6" }, { "localPort": 8005, "protocol": "tcp6" } ], "Properties": { "catalina.base": "<application directory>", "catalina.home": "<application directory>", "classpath": "<application directory>/bin/bootstrap.jar:... etc.", "ignore.endorsed.dirs": "", "": "<application directory>/temp", "java.protocol.handler.pkgs": "org.apache.catalina.webresources", "java.util.logging.config.file": "<application directory>/conf/", "java.util.logging.manager": "org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager", "jdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize": "2048", "jdkVersion": "11.0.7", "": "" }, "AdvancedAppInfo": { "Directories": { "base": "<application directory>", "bin": "<application directory>/bin", "conf": "<application directory>/conf", "home": "<application directory>", "lib": "<application directory>/lib", "logConfig": "<application directory>/conf/", "logs": "<application directory>/logs", "tempDir": "<application directory>/temp", "webapps": "<application directory>/webapps", "work": "<application directory>/work" }, "distro": "java-tomee", "flavor": "plume", "jdkVersion": "11.0.7", "version": "8.0.0" }, "env": { "HOME": "... Java Home directory", "JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS": "", "LANG": "C.UTF-8", "LC_TERMINAL": "iTerm2", "LC_TERMINAL_VERSION": "3.3.11", "LESSCLOSE": "/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s", "LESSOPEN": "| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s", "LOGNAME": "ubuntu", "LS_COLORS": "", "MAIL": "", "OLDPWD": "", "PATH": "... server PATH", "PWD": "", "SHELL": "/bin/bash", "SHLVL": "1", "SSH_CLIENT": "", "SSH_CONNECTION": "", "SSH_TTY": "", "TERM": "", "USER": "ubuntu", "XDG_DATA_DIRS": "", "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR": "", "XDG_SESSION_ID": "1", "_": "bin/" }, "cwd": "", "procUID": { "euid": "1000", "suid": "1000", "fsuid": "1000", "ruid": "1000" }, "procGID": { "egid": "1000", "sgid": "1000", "fsgid": "1000", "rgid": "1000" }, "userNames": { "1000": "ubuntu" }, "groupNames": { "1000": "ubuntu" }, "fileDescriptors": [ "<application directory>/logs/... log files", "<application directory>/lib/... jar files", "... etc.", "/usr/lib/jvm/.../lib/modules" ], "dependencies": {} } }
ASP.NET generic

This example shows an analysis.json file for an ASP.NET generic application running on Linux.

{ "a2CTemplateVersion": "1.0", "createdTime": "2021-11-24 18:49:1224", "containerParameters": { "_comment1": "*** EDITABLE: The below section can be edited according to the application requirements. Please see the analysisInfo section below for details discovered regarding the application. ***", "imageRepository": "dotnet-generic-a27b2829", "imageTag": "latest", "containerBaseImage": "", "appExcludedFiles": [ "/root/.aws" ], "appSpecificFiles": [], "applicationPort": 5000, "applicationMode": true, "logLocations": [], "enableDynamicLogging": false, "dependencies": [] }, "analysisInfo": { "_comment2": "*** NON-EDITABLE: Analysis Results ***", "processId": 1, "appId": "dotnet-generic-a27b2829", "userId": "0", "groupId": "0", "cmdline": [ "/usr/bin/dotnet", "/root/nopCommerce440/Nop.Web.dll" ], "webApp": "", "osData": { "BUG_REPORT_URL": "", "HOME_URL": "", "ID": "ubuntu", "ID_LIKE": "debian", "NAME": "Ubuntu", "PRETTY_NAME": "Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS", "PRIVACY_POLICY_URL": "", "SUPPORT_URL": "", "UBUNTU_CODENAME": "focal", "VERSION": "20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)", "VERSION_CODENAME": "focal", "VERSION_ID": "20.04" }, "osName": "ubuntu", "ports": [ { "localPort": 5000, "protocol": "tcp" } ], "Properties": null, "applicationType": "dotnet-generic", "AdvancedAppInfo": { "Directories": { "dotnetApp": "/root/nopCommerce440" }, "dotnetVersion": "5.0" }, "env": { "HOME": "/root", "HOSTNAME": "678f90a12bc3", "PATH": "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", "TERM": "xterm", "TZ": "Etc/UTC" }, "cwd": "", "exe": "/usr/share/dotnet/dotnet", "procUID": { "euid": "0", "suid": "0", "fsuid": "0", "ruid": "0" }, "procGID": { "egid": "0", "sgid": "0", "fsgid": "0", "rgid": "0" }, "userNames": { "0": "root" }, "groupNames": { "0": "root" }, "fileDescriptors": [ "/dev/pts/0", "/root/nopCommerce440/AdvancedStringBuilder.dll", "/root/nopCommerce440/AutoMapper.dll", "... etc.", "/root/nopCommerce440/netstandard.dll" ], "dependencies": {} } }
ASP.NET single file

This example shows an analysis.json file for an ASP.NET single file application running on Linux.

{ "a2CTemplateVersion": "1.0", "createdTime": "2021-11-29 07:08:2929", "containerParameters": { "_comment1": "*** EDITABLE: The below section can be edited according to the application requirements. Please see the analysisInfo section below for details discovered regarding the application. ***", "imageRepository": "dotnet-single-c2930d3132", "imageTag": "latest", "containerBaseImage": "", "appExcludedFiles": [ "/root/.aws" ], "appSpecificFiles": [], "applicationPort": 5000, "applicationMode": true, "logLocations": [], "enableDynamicLogging": false, "dependencies": [] }, "analysisInfo": { "_comment2": "*** NON-EDITABLE: Analysis Results ***", "processId": 1, "appId": "dotnet-single-c2930d3132", "userId": "0", "groupId": "0", "cmdline": [ "./MyCoreWebApp.5" ], "webApp": "", "osData": { "BUG_REPORT_URL": "", "HOME_URL": "", "ID": "ubuntu", "ID_LIKE": "debian", "NAME": "Ubuntu", "PRETTY_NAME": "Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS", "PRIVACY_POLICY_URL": "", "SUPPORT_URL": "", "UBUNTU_CODENAME": "focal", "VERSION": "20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)", "VERSION_CODENAME": "focal", "VERSION_ID": "20.04" }, "osName": "ubuntu", "ports": [ { "localPort": 5000, "protocol": "tcp" } ], "Properties": null, "applicationType": "dotnet-single", "AdvancedAppInfo": { "Directories": { "dotnetApp": "/root/mycorewebapp" }, "dotnetVersion": "latest" }, "env": { "HOME": "/root", "HOSTNAME": "a1bc23d4567e", "PATH": "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", "TERM": "xterm", "TZ": "Etc/UTC" }, "cwd": "/root/mycorewebapp", "exe": "/root/mycorewebapp/MyCoreWebApp.5", "procUID": { "euid": "0", "suid": "0", "fsuid": "0", "ruid": "0" }, "procGID": { "egid": "0", "sgid": "0", "fsgid": "0", "rgid": "0" }, "userNames": { "0": "root" }, "groupNames": { "0": "root" }, "fileDescriptors": [ "/dev/pts/0", "/root/mycorewebapp/MyCoreWebApp.5" ], "dependencies": {} } }

For applications running on Windows, the application analysis.json file includes the following content:

Read-only data
  • Control fields – Fields having to do with file creation, such as template version, and the file creation timestamp.

  • analysisInfo – System dependencies for the application.

Configurable data

The containerParameters section contains the following fields:

  • containerBaseImage (string) – The base operating system (OS) image for the container build. By default, App2Container uses the operating system from the application server or worker machine where containerization runs.


    If specified, this must be an image name from your registry in the format <image name>[:<tag>], and it must match the operating system platform and version that runs on the application server or worker machine where containerization runs. The tag is optional if the repository supports "latest".

  • enableServerConfigurationUpdates (Boolean, required) – Provides an option in the Dockerfile to restore the application configuration of the source server.

  • imageRepositoryName (string, required) – The name of the repository where the application container image is stored.

  • imageTag (string, required) – A tag for the build version of the application container image.

  • additionalExposedPorts (array of numbers) – Additional port numbers that should be exposed inside of the application container.

  • appIncludedFiles (array of strings) – Specific files and directories to include in the container build.

  • appExcludedFiles (array of strings) – Specific files and directories to exclude from the container build.

  • enableLogging (Boolean, required) – Enables dynamic logging, redirecting application logs to container stdout.

  • includedWebApps (array of strings) – The application IDs for web applications running under the IIS site that should be included in the container image. Applications must have been running in IIS during inventory and analysis.

  • additionalApps (array of strings) – For the analysis.json file that describes the root application in a complex Windows .NET application, these are the additional application or service components to include in the application container. You can include up to five additional application components in the array.


The following examples show an analysis.json file for a .NET application running on Windows. Your analysis.json file configuration can vary by the type of .NET application you are migrating, its dependencies, and whether you want it to run in a single container or in multiple containers. Choose the tab that matches your .NET configuration.


The following example shows an analysis.json file for a simple .NET application running on Windows.

{ "a2CTemplateVersion": "3.1", "createdTime": "", "containerParameters": { "_comment": "*** EDITABLE: The below section can be edited according to the application requirements. Please see the Analysis Results section further below for details discovered regarding the application. ***", "containerBaseImage": "", "enableServerConfigurationUpdates": true, "imageRepositoryName": "iis-smarts-51d2dbf8", "imageTag": "latest", "additionalExposedPorts": [ ], "appIncludedFiles": [ ], "appExcludedFiles": [ ], "enableLogging": false, "additionalApps": [ ] }, "analysisInfo": { "_comment": "*** NON-EDITABLE: Analysis Results ***", "hostInfo": { "os": "...", "osVersion": "...", "osWindowsDirectory": "...", "arch": "..." }, "appId": "iis-smarts-51d2dbf8", "appServerIp": "localhost", "appType": "IIS", "appName": "smarts", "ports": [ { "localPort": 90, "protocol": "http" } ], "features": [ "File-Services", "FS-FileServer", "Web-Http-Tracing", "Web-Basic-Auth", "Web-Digest-Auth", "Web-Url-Auth", "Web-Windows-Auth", "Web-ASP", "Web-CGI", "Web-Mgmt-Tools", "Web-Mgmt-Console", "Web-Scripting-Tools", "FS-SMB1", "User-Interfaces-Infra", "Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra", "Server-Gui-Shell", "PowerShell-ISE" ], "appPoolName": "smarts", "poolIdentityType": "ApplicationPoolIdentity", "dotnetVersion": "v4.0", "iisVersion": "IIS 10.0", "sitePhysicalPath": "<IIS web root directory>\\smarts", "discoveredWebApps": [ ], "reportPath": "<application output directory>\\iis-smarts-51d2dbf8\\report.txt", "isSiteUsingWindowsAuth": false, "serverBackupFile": "<application directory>\\Web Deploy Backups\\... backup zip file" } }
Complex – one container

In this scenario, each application or service has its own analysis.json file, but the root application references the application ID for the service in the additionalApps array. This results in a single container that includes both the root application and the service when you run the containerize command.

  • Root application

    The following example shows the analysis.json file for the root application.

    { "a2CTemplateVersion": "1.0", "createdTime": "2021-06-25-05:18:24", "containerParameters": { "_comment": "*** EDITABLE: The below section can be edited according to the application requirements. Please see the Analysis Results section further below for details discovered regarding the application. ***", "containerBaseImage": "", "enableServerConfigurationUpdates": true, "imageRepositoryName": "iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab", "imageTag": "latest", "additionalExposedPorts": [ ], "appIncludedFiles": [ ], "appExcludedFiles": [ ], "enableLogging": false, "includedWebApps": [ ], "additionalApps": [ "service-colorwindowsservice-69f90194" ] }, "analysisInfo": { "_comment": "*** NON-EDITABLE: Analysis Results ***", "hostInfo": { "os": "Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter", "osVersion": "10.0.17763", "osWindowsDirectory": "C:\\Windows", "arch": "64-bit" }, "appId": "iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab", "appServerIp": "localhost", "appType": "IIS", "appName": "colorMvcIIs", "ports": [ { "localPort": 82, "protocol": "http" } ], "features": [ "Web-Http-Redirect", "Web-Custom-Logging", "... etc." ], "appPoolName": "colorMVC", "poolIdentityType": "ApplicationPoolIdentity", "dotNetVersion": "v4.0", "iisVersion": "IIS 10.0", "sitePhysicalPath": "C:\\colorMvcIis", "discoveredWebApps": [ ], "siteUsesWindowsAuth": false, "serverBackupFile": "<application directory>\\Web Deploy Backups\\... backup zip file", "reportPath": "<application output directory>\\iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab\\report.txt" } }
  • Windows service

    The following example shows the analysis.json file for the Windows service that is included in the application container.

    { "a2CTemplateVersion": "1.0", "createdTime": "2021-07-09-04:16:58", "containerParameters": { "_comment": "*** EDITABLE: The below section can be edited according to the application requirements. Please see the Analysis Results section further below for details discovered regarding the application. ***", "containerBaseImage": "", "enableServerConfigurationUpdates": true, "imageRepositoryName": "service-colorwindowsservice-69f90194", "imageTag": "latest", "additionalExposedPorts": [ ], "appIncludedFiles": [ ], "appExcludedFiles": [ ], "enableLogging": false, "additionalApps": [ ] }, "analysisInfo": { "_comment": "*** NON-EDITABLE: Analysis Results ***", "hostInfo": { "os": "Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter", "osVersion": "10.0.17763", "osWindowsDirectory": "C:\\Windows", "arch": "64-bit" }, "appId": "service-colorwindowsservice-69f90194", "appServerIp": "localhost", "appType": "service", "appName": "colorwindowsservice", "ports": [ { "localPort": 33335, "protocol": "TCP" } ], "features": [ "Web-Http-Redirect", "Web-Custom-Logging", "... etc." ], "serviceName": "colorwindowsservice", "serviceBinary": "ColorWindowsService.exe", "serviceDir": "C:\\COLORCODE\\colorservice-master\\ColorWindowsService\\bin\\Release\\", "cmdline": [ "C:\\COLORCODE\\colorservice-master\\ColorWindowsService\\bin\\Release\\ColorWindowsService.exe" ] } }
Complex – multiple containers

In this scenario, each application or service has its own analysis.json file, and the additionalApps array is empty. To create two containers, run the containerize command twice – once for the root application and once for the service. For container orchestration, specify the service as a dependent application when you configure the deployment.json file for the root application.

  • Root application

    The following example shows the analysis.json file for the root application.

    { "a2CTemplateVersion": "1.0", "createdTime": "2021-06-25-05:18:24", "containerParameters": { "_comment": "*** EDITABLE: The below section can be edited according to the application requirements. Please see the Analysis Results section further below for details discovered regarding the application. ***", "containerBaseImage": "", "enableServerConfigurationUpdates": true, "imageRepositoryName": "iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab", "imageTag": "latest", "additionalExposedPorts": [ ], "appIncludedFiles": [ ], "appExcludedFiles": [ ], "enableLogging": false, "includedWebApps": [ ], "additionalApps": [ ] }, "analysisInfo": { "_comment": "*** NON-EDITABLE: Analysis Results ***", "hostInfo": { "os": "Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter", "osVersion": "10.0.17763", "osWindowsDirectory": "C:\\Windows", "arch": "64-bit" }, "appId": "iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab", "appServerIp": "localhost", "appType": "IIS", "appName": "colorMvcIIs", "ports": [ { "localPort": 82, "protocol": "http" } ], "features": [ "Web-Http-Redirect", "Web-Custom-Logging", "... etc." ], "appPoolName": "colorMVC", "poolIdentityType": "ApplicationPoolIdentity", "dotNetVersion": "v4.0", "iisVersion": "IIS 10.0", "sitePhysicalPath": "C:\\colorMvcIis", "discoveredWebApps": [ ], "siteUsesWindowsAuth": false, "serverBackupFile": "<application directory>\\Web Deploy Backups\\... backup zip file", "reportPath": "<application output directory>\\iis-colormvciis-b69c09ab\\report.txt" } }
  • Windows service

    The following example shows the analysis.json file for the Windows service that runs in a separate container.

    { "a2CTemplateVersion": "1.0", "createdTime": "2021-07-09-04:16:58", "containerParameters": { "_comment": "*** EDITABLE: The below section can be edited according to the application requirements. Please see the Analysis Results section further below for details discovered regarding the application. ***", "containerBaseImage": "", "enableServerConfigurationUpdates": true, "imageRepositoryName": "service-colorwindowsservice-69f90194", "imageTag": "latest", "additionalExposedPorts": [ ], "appIncludedFiles": [ ], "appExcludedFiles": [ ], "enableLogging": false, "additionalApps": [ ] }, "analysisInfo": { "_comment": "*** NON-EDITABLE: Analysis Results ***", "hostInfo": { "os": "Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter", "osVersion": "10.0.17763", "osWindowsDirectory": "C:\\Windows", "arch": "64-bit" }, "appId": "service-colorwindowsservice-69f90194", "appServerIp": "localhost", "appType": "service", "appName": "colorwindowsservice", "ports": [ { "localPort": 33335, "protocol": "TCP" } ], "features": [ "Web-Http-Redirect", "Web-Custom-Logging", "... etc." ], "serviceName": "colorwindowsservice", "serviceBinary": "ColorWindowsService.exe", "serviceDir": "C:\\COLORCODE\\colorservice-master\\ColorWindowsService\\bin\\Release\\", "cmdline": [ "C:\\COLORCODE\\colorservice-master\\ColorWindowsService\\bin\\Release\\ColorWindowsService.exe" ] } }

For complex Windows .NET applications, you can also use a hybrid approach, with some components running together in a single container and other components running in separate containers.