Amazon Connect Cases 中的案例事件承載和結構描述
Amazon Connect Cases 預設限制保證承載會小於 256KB ( EventBus 事件的大小上限)。由於您可以自訂案例物件模型 (例如,您可以在案例物件上定義自訂欄位,以擷取業務特定資訊),案例事件結構描述會反映對案例物件所做的自訂,如下列範例所示 (例如,請參閱客戶特定如何UUIDs用作JSON屬性)。
// Given the limits on the "includedData" configuration // this payload is guaranteed to less than 256KB at launch. { "version": "0", "id": "
event ID
", "detail-type": "Amazon Connect Cases Change", "source": "aws.cases", "account": "your AWS account ID
", "time": "2022-03-16T23:43:26Z", "region": "The AWS Region of your Amazon Connect instance
", "resources": [ "arn:aws:cases:your Amazon Connect AWS Region
:your AWS account ID
:domain/case domain ID
", "arn:aws:cases:your Amazon Connect AWS Region
:your AWS account ID
:domain/case domain ID
/case/case ID
" ], "detail": { "version": "0", "eventType": "CASE.UPDATED", //(or "CASE.CREATED" or "CASE.DELETED") "approximateChangeTime": "2022-03-16T23:16:57.893Z", // Can be used for ordering "changedFieldIds": ["status", "last_updated_datetime"], "performedBy": { "user": { "userArn": "arn:aws:connect:your Amazon Connect AWS Region
:your AWS account ID
:instance/connect instance ID
/user/connect user ID
" }, "iamPrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::your Amazon Connect AWS Region
:role/role name
" }, "case": { "caseId": "case ID
", "templateId": "template ID
", "createdDateTime": "2022-03-16T23:16:57.893Z", // This section contains only non-null field values for the // fields that customers have configured in the "includedData". // Field values included in this section reflects the case // after this particular change is applied. "fields": { "status": { "value": { "stringValue": "open" } }, "case_reason": { "value": { "stringValue": "Shipment lost" } }, "custom-field-uuid-1": { "value": { "stringValue": "Customer didn't receive the product" } } } } } }
// Given the limits on the "includedData" configuration // this payload is guaranteed to less than 256KB { "version": "0", "id": "
event ID
", "detail-type": "Amazon Connect Cases Change", "source": "aws.cases", "account": "your AWS account ID
", "time": "2022-03-16T23:43:26Z", "region": "The AWS Region of your Amazon Connect instance
", "resources": [ "arn:aws:cases:your Amazon Connect AWS Region
:your AWS account ID
:domain/case domain ID
", "arn:aws:cases:your Amazon Connect AWS Region
:your AWS account ID
:domain/case domain ID
/case/case ID
/related-item/related-item ID
" ], "detail": { "version": "0", "eventType": "RELATED_ITEM.CREATED", //(or "RELATED_ITEM.UPDATED" or "CASE.RELATED_ITEM.DELETED") "approximateChangeTime": "2022-03-16T23:16:57.893Z", // Can be used for ordering "changedAttributes": ["comment.commentText"], "performedBy": { "user": { "userArn": "arn:aws:connect:your Amazon Connect AWS Region
:your AWS account ID
:instance/connect instance ID
/user/connect user ID
" }, "iamPrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::your Amazon Connect AWS Region
:role/role name
" }, "relatedItem": { "relatedItemType": "Comment", // (OR Contact) "relatedItemId": "related-item ID
", "caseId": "case id that this related item is a sub-resource of
", "createdDateTime": "2022-03-16T23:16:57.893Z", // This section includes any attributes that customers have configured // in the "includedData" configuration. "comment": { "body": "Gave a $5 refund to customer to make them happy", }, // if the related item was of type contact. // "contact": { // "contactArn": ".......", // } } } }