How Amazon Comprehend Medical is integrated with HealthLake - AWS HealthLake

How Amazon Comprehend Medical is integrated with HealthLake

HealthLake infers data found in the DocumentReference resource type using Amazon Comprehend Medical. The Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations DetectEntities-V2, InferICD10-CM, and InferRxNorm detect medical conditions as traits. Each operation provides different insights.

Language support

Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations only detect medical entities in English language texts.

  • DetectEntities-V2: Inspects the clinical text for a variety of medical entities and returns specific information about them, such as entity category, location, and confidence score.

  • InferICD10-CM: Detects medical conditions in a patient record as entities, and it links those entities to normalized concept identifiers in the ICD-10-CM knowledge base from the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics under authorization by the World Health Organization (WHO).

  • InferRxNorm: Detects medications as entities listed in a patient record, and it links them to the normalized concept identifiers in the RxNorm database from the National Library of Medicine.

The supported traits for each API operation are SIGN, SYMPTOM, and DIAGNOSIS. If traits are detected, they are added as FHIR-compliant extensions to different locations in your HealthLake data store.

Locations where extensions are added.
  • DocumentReference: The results from the Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations are added as an extension to each document found within the DocumentReference resource type. Results in the extension are divided into two groups. You can find them in the results based on their URL.


      • These are resource types that have been created or added to by HealthLake.


      • Where the raw output of the Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations is added to your HealthLake data store.

  • Linkage: This resource type is either added or created as a result of the integrated NLP. A GET request on a specific Linkage returns a list of linked resources. To identify if a Linkage was added by HealthLake, look for the added "tag": [{"display": "SYSTEM_GENERATED"}] key-value pair. To learn more about the FHIR specifications for Linkage, see Resource type: Linkage in the FHIR Documentation Index.

  • FHIR resource types generated as a result of the Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations.

    • Observation: Has results from the Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations DetectEntities-V2 and InferICD10-CM added to it when the traits are SIGN or SYMPTOM.

    • Condition: Has results from the Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations DetectEntities-V2 and InferICD10-CM added to it when the traits are DIAGNOSIS.

    • MedicationStatement: Has results from the Amazon Comprehend Medical API operation InferRxNorm added to it.

Integration with the FHIR REST API operations

By default, traits detected by the Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations are not returned when making a GET request.

To see the results of the integrated NLP operations for these resource types, you must specify a known ID.

  • Linkage

  • Observation

  • Condition

  • MedicationStatement

The results of the integrated NLP operations outside the DocumentReference resource type are only available using a GET request where the specified ID is know to contain results from the Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations.

Examples of how Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations are integrated into HealthLake

Example 1: Patient record ingested into a HealthLake data store

Here is an example clinical note based off of a patient's encounter with a medical professional.

Synthetic data

The text in this example is synthetic content and doesn't contain personal health information (PHI).

1991-08-31 # Chief Complaint - Headache - Sinus Pain - Nasal Congestion - Sore Throat - Pain with Bright Lights - Nasal Discharge - Cough # History of Present Illness Jerónimo599 is a 4 month-old non-hispanic white male. # Social History Patient has never smoked. Patient comes from a middle socioeconomic background. Patient currently has Aetna. # Allergies No Known Allergies. # Medications No Active Medications. # Assessment and Plan Patient is presenting with bee venom (substance), mold (organism), house dust mite (organism), animal dander (substance), grass pollen (substance), tree pollen (substance), lisinopril, sulfamethoxazole / trimethoprim, fish (substance). ## Plan The patient was prescribed the following medications: - astemizole 10 mg oral tablet - nda020800 0.3 ml epinephrine 1 mg/ml auto-injector The patient was placed on a careplan: - self-care interventions (procedure)

As a reminder, this information is encoded in base64 format in the DocumentReference resource. When this document is ingested into HealthLake and the Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations are complete, to see the results, you can start with the GETrequest on the DocumentReference resource type.

GET https://

When the Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations are successful, look for these key-value pairs inside the extension linked to the following "url": ""

{ "url": "", "valueString": "SUCCESS" }, { "url": "", "valueString": "The Amazon HealthLake integrated medical NLP operation was successful." }

The following tabs show you how the ingested medical record is reported in your HealthLake data store based on the resource type.


To the see the results for a single DocumentReference resource type, make a GET request where the id of a specific resource is provided.

GET https://

When successful, you get a 200 HTTP response code, and the following JSON response (that has been truncated for clarity).

Here is the portion. You can see that a new Linkage/e366d29f-2c22-4c19-866e-09603937935a has been added. You can also see where HealthLake has added inference-based findings to specific Observation and Condition resource types.

To see how these resource types have been amended, choose the related tabs.

{ "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "Linkage/e366d29f-2c22-4c19-866e-09603937935a" } }, { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "Observation/c6e0a3ff-7a17-4d8b-bfd0-d02d7da090c5" } }, { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "Condition/0854e1f3-894d-448e-a8d9-3af5b9902baf" } } ], "url": "" }

To the see the results for a single Linkage resource type, make a GET request where the ID of a specific resource is provided.

GET https://

When successful, you get a 200 HTTP response code, and the following truncated JSON response.

The response contains the item element. In it, the key-value pair "type": "source" indicates the specific DocumentReference entry used to modify the Condition and Observations listed under the "type": "alternate" key-value pair.

You also see the meta element, and a corresponding key-value pair, "tag": [{"display": "SYSTEM_GENERATED"}], indicating these resources were created by HealthLake.

{ "resourceType": "Linkage", "id": "e366d29f-2c22-4c19-866e-09603937935a", "active": true, "item": [ { "type": "alternate", "resource": { "reference": "Observation/c6e0a3ff-7a17-4d8b-bfd0-d02d7da090c5", "type": "Observation" } }, { "type": "alternate", "resource": { "reference": "Condition/9d5c1ef6-f822-4faf-b55f-7c70f2a4aa8d", "type": "Condition" } }, { "type": "source", "resource": { "reference": "DocumentReference/0e938f03-da7f-4178-acd8-eea9586c46ed", "type": "DocumentReference" } } ], "meta": { "lastUpdated": "2022-10-21T19:38:31.327Z", "tag": [{ "display": "SYSTEM_GENERATED" }] } }
Resource type: Observation

To the see the results for a single Observation resource type, make a GET request where the ID of a specific resource is provided.

GET https://

The results of the Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations are amended to the following elements: code, meta, and modifierExtension.


An element of type CodeableConcept. To learn more, see CodeableConcept in the FHIR Documentation Index.

HealthLake appends the following three key-value pairs.

  • "system": "": Where the URL refers to a specific Amazon Comprehend Medical API operation. In this case, InferICD10CM.

  • "code": "A52.06": Where A52.06 is the ICD-10-CM code that identifies the concept found in the knowledge base from the Centers for Disease Control.

  • "display": "Other syphilitic heart involvement": Where "Other syphilitic heart involvement" is the long description of the ICD-10-CM code in the ontology.

The following truncated JSON response contains only the code element.

"code": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "A52.06", "display": "Other syphilitic heart involvement" } ], "text": "Other syphilitic heart involvement" }

To understand the model's confidence that the assigned ICD-10-CM code is correct, use the modifierExtension element.


The meta element contains metadata that indicates whether the code element contains details that have been added by the Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations.

The following truncated JSON response contains only the meta element.

"meta": { "lastUpdated": "2022-10-21T19:38:30.879Z", "tag": [{ "display": "SYSTEM_GENERATED" }] }

The modifierExtension element contains more details about the level of confidence of the assigned codes found in the code element. It also has key-value pairs that provide a link back to the original DocumentReference used to generate the results and the related Linkage resource type.

For each coding element added, you will see an entity-score and an entity-Concept-Score added to the modifierExtension. For each value in the key-value pair, you see a score. For entity-score, this score is the level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has in the accuracy of the detection. For entity-Concept-Score, this score is the level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that the entity is accurately linked to an ICD-10-CM concept.

The following truncated JSON response contains only the modifierExtension element.

"modifierExtension": [{ "url": "", "valueDecimal": 0.45005733 }, { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 0.1111792 }, { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "Linkage/e366d29f-2c22-4c19-866e-09603937935a" } }, { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "DocumentReference/0e938f03-da7f-4178-acd8-eea9586c46ed" } } ]

Full JSON Response

{ "subject": { "reference": "Patient/0679b7b7-937d-488a-b48d-6315b8e7003b" }, "resourceType": "Observation", "status": "unknown", "code": { "coding": [{ "system": "", "code": "A52.06", "display": "Other syphilitic heart involvement" }], "text": "Other syphilitic heart involvement" }, "meta": { "lastUpdated": "2022-10-21T19:38:30.879Z", "tag": [{ "display": "SYSTEM_GENERATED" }] }, "modifierExtension": [{ "url": "", "valueDecimal": 0.45005733 }, { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 0.1111792 }, { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "Linkage/e366d29f-2c22-4c19-866e-09603937935a" } }, { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "DocumentReference/0e938f03-da7f-4178-acd8-eea9586c46ed" } } ], "id": "7e88c7c5-21a5-4dd7-8fc2-a02474fba583" }

To the see the results for a single Condition resource type, make a GET request where the ID of a specific resource is provided.

GET https://

The results of the Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations are amended to the following elements: code, meta, and modifierExtension.


An element of type CodeableConcept. To learn more, see CodeableConcept in the FHIR Documentation Index.

HealthLake appends the following three key-value pairs.

  • "system": "": Where the URL refers to a specific Amazon Comprehend Medical API operation. In this case, InferICD10CM.

  • "code": "I70.0": Where A52.06 is the ICD-10-CM code that identifies the concept found in the knowledge base from the Centers for Disease Control.

  • "display": "Atherosclerosis of aorta": Where "Other syphilitic heart involvement" is the long description of the ICD-10-CM code in the ontology.

The following truncated JSON response contains only the code element.

"code": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "I70.0", "display": "Atherosclerosis of aorta" } ], "text": "Atherosclerosis of aorta" }

To understand the model's confidence that the assigned ICD-10-CM code is correct, use the modifierExtension element.


The meta element contains metadata that indicates whether the code element contains details that have been added by the Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations.

The following truncated JSON response contains only the meta element.

"meta": { "lastUpdated": "2022-10-21T19:38:30.877Z", "tag": [{ "display": "SYSTEM_GENERATED" }] }

The modifierExtension element contains more details about the level of confidence of the assigned codes found in the code element. It also has key-value pairs that provide a link back to the original DocumentReference used to generate the results and the related Linkage resource type.

For each coding element added, you will see an entity-score and an entity-Concept-Score added to the modifierExtension. For each value in the key-value pair, you see a score. For entity-score, this score is the level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has in the accuracy of the detection. For entity-Concept-Score, this score is the level of confidence that Amazon Comprehend Medical has that the entity is accurately linked to an ICD-10-CM concept.

The following truncated JSON response contains only the modifierExtension element.

"modifierExtension": [{ "url": "", "valueDecimal": 0.94417894 }, { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 0.8458298 }, { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "Linkage/e366d29f-2c22-4c19-866e-09603937935a" } }, { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "DocumentReference/0e938f03-da7f-4178-acd8-eea9586c46ed" } } ]

Full JSON Response

{ "subject": { "reference": "Patient/0679b7b7-937d-488a-b48d-6315b8e7003b" }, "resourceType": "Condition", "code": { "coding": [{ "system": "", "code": "I70.0", "display": "Atherosclerosis of aorta" }], "text": "Atherosclerosis of aorta" }, "meta": { "lastUpdated": "2022-10-21T19:38:30.877Z", "tag": [{ "display": "SYSTEM_GENERATED" }] }, "modifierExtension": [{ "url": "", "valueDecimal": 0.94417894 }, { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 0.8458298 }, { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "Linkage/e366d29f-2c22-4c19-866e-09603937935a" } }, { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "DocumentReference/0e938f03-da7f-4178-acd8-eea9586c46ed" } } ], "id": "b06d343d-ddb8-4f36-82cb-853fcd434dfd" }

Example 2: A DocumentReference that contains MedicationStatement resource type

Here is an example of a clinical note based off of a patient's encounter with a medical professional.

Synthetic data

The text in this example is synthetic content and doesn't contain personal health information (PHI).

Tom is not prescribed Advil

The following tabs show how the ingested medical record is reported in your HealthLake data store based on the resource type.


To the see the results for a single DocumentReference resource type, make a GET request where the ID of a specific resource is provided.

GET https://

When successful, you get a 200 HTTP response code and the following truncated JSON response.

The key-value pair, "url": "", indicates that the resource types inside this extension have been added by Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations. You can see the new Linkage resource type, and multiple MedicationStatement resources.

"extension": [{ "extension": [{ "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "Linkage/394bb244-177b-4409-8657-26b20ed56dd7" } }, { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "MedicationStatement/cbf6af10-b0b9-451c-bdde-99611e3498a8" } }, { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "MedicationStatement/9a89b0d3-6681-45ca-9926-27951edce5c7" } }, { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "MedicationStatement/4a01f6c8-5f3a-4122-80ab-405312f96aa2" } }, { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "MedicationStatement/fbfb77d8-70cf-4579-b4c0-d6fe3c01656b" } }, { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "MedicationStatement/1340c9ce-9c48-4bf9-9b2f-d0ab027f5e0b" } } ], "url": "" }

To the see the results for a single Linkage resource type, make a GET request where the ID of a specific resource is provided.

GET https://

When successful, you get a 200 HTTP response code and the following JSON response.

The response contains the item element. In it, the key-value pair "type": "source" indicates the specific DocumentReference entry used to modify the MedicationStatement resource types.

You can also see the meta element and a corresponding key-value pair, "tag": [{"display": "SYSTEM_GENERATED"}], indicating that these resources were created by HealthLake.

{ "resourceType": "Linkage", "id": "394bb244-177b-4409-8657-26b20ed56dd7", "active": true, "item": [{ "type": "alternate", "resource": { "reference": "MedicationStatement/cbf6af10-b0b9-451c-bdde-99611e3498a8", "type": "MedicationStatement" } }, { "type": "alternate", "resource": { "reference": "MedicationStatement/9a89b0d3-6681-45ca-9926-27951edce5c7", "type": "MedicationStatement" } }, { "type": "alternate", "resource": { "reference": "MedicationStatement/4a01f6c8-5f3a-4122-80ab-405312f96aa2", "type": "MedicationStatement" } }, { "type": "alternate", "resource": { "reference": "MedicationStatement/fbfb77d8-70cf-4579-b4c0-d6fe3c01656b", "type": "MedicationStatement" } }, { "type": "alternate", "resource": { "reference": "MedicationStatement/1340c9ce-9c48-4bf9-9b2f-d0ab027f5e0b", "type": "MedicationStatement" } }, { "type": "source", "resource": { "reference": "DocumentReference/c549125d-a218-421f-b8bf-23614c5e796c", "type": "DocumentReference" } } ], "meta": { "lastUpdated": "2022-10-24T20:05:03.501Z", "tag": [{ "display": "SYSTEM_GENERATED" }] } }

To the see the results for a single MedicationStatement resource type, make a GET request where the ID of a specific resource is provided.

GET https://

The MedicationStatement resource type is where the results of the Amazon Comprehend Medical InferRxNorm API operation are found. The results are amended to the following elements: medicationCodeableConcept, meta, and modifierExtension.


An element of type CodeableConcept. To learn more, see CodeableConcept in the FHIR Documentation Index.

HealthLake appends the following three key-value pairs.

  • "system": "" Where the URL refers to a specific Amazon Comprehend Medical API operation. In this case, InferRxNorm.

  • "code": "731533": Where 731533 is an RxNorm concept ID, also known as the RxCUI.

  • "display": "ibuprofen 200 MG Oral Capsule [Advil]": Where ibuprofen 200 MG Oral Capsule [Advil] is the description of the RxNorm concept.

The following truncated JSON response contains only the MedicationStatement element.

"medicationCodeableConcept": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "731533", "display": "ibuprofen 200 MG Oral Capsule [Advil]" } ] }

The meta element contains metadata that indicates whether the code element contains details that have been added by the Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations.

The following truncated JSON response contains only the meta element.

"meta": { "lastUpdated": "2022-10-24T20:05:02.800Z", "tag": [ { "display": "SYSTEM_GENERATED" } ] }

The modifierExtension element contains key-value pairs that provide a link back to the original DocumentReference used to generate the results and the related Linkage resource type.

"modifierExtension": [ { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "Linkage/394bb244-177b-4409-8657-26b20ed56dd7" } }, { "url": "", "valueReference": { "reference": "DocumentReference/c549125d-a218-421f-b8bf-23614c5e796c" } } ]