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Deleting a stateful rule group

Deleting a stateful rule group - AWS Network Firewall
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To delete a rule group, use the guidance in this section.

Deleting a rule group, TLS inspection configuration, or firewall policy

When you delete a rule group, TLS inspection configuration, or a firewall policy, AWS Network Firewall checks to see if it's currently being referenced. A rule group and TLS inspection configuration can be referenced by a firewall policy, and a firewall policy can be referenced by a firewall. If Network Firewall determines that the resource is being referenced, it warns you. Network Firewall is almost always able to determine whether a resource is being referenced. However, in rare cases, it might not be able to do so. If you need to be sure that the resource that you want to delete isn't in use, check all of your firewalls or firewall policies before deleting it. Note that policies that have associations can't be deleted.

To delete a stateful rule group
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon VPC console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/vpc/.

  2. In the navigation pane, under Network Firewall, choose Network Firewall rule groups.

  3. In the Network Firewall rule groups page, select the name of the rule group that you want to delete, and then choose Delete.

How Network Firewall propagates your changes

When you make any changes to a firewall, including changes to any of the firewall's components, like rule groups, TLS inspection configurations, and firewall policies, Network Firewall propagates the changes everywhere that the firewall is used. Your changes are applied within seconds, but there might be a brief period of inconsistency when the changes have arrived in some places and not in others. For example, if you modify a rule group so that it drops an additional type of packet, for a firewall that uses the rule group, the new packet type might briefly be dropped by one firewall endpoint while still being allowed by another.

This temporary inconsistency can occur when you first create a firewall and when you make changes to an existing firewall. Generally, any inconsistencies of this type last only a few seconds.

Changes to stateful rules are applied only to new traffic flows. Other firewall changes, including changes to stateless rules, are applied to all network packets.

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