CloudWatch 自攜容器的指標 - Amazon SageMaker AI


CloudWatch 自攜容器的指標

如果 publish_cloudwatch_metricsEnabled位於 /opt/ml/processing/processingjobconfig.json 檔案的Environment映射中,容器程式碼會在此位置發出 Amazon CloudWatch 指標:/opt/ml/output/metrics/cloudwatch

此檔案的結構描述以 PutMetrics 為基礎 CloudWatchAPI。此處未指定命名空間。它預設為下列項目:

  • For real-time endpoints: /aws/sagemaker/Endpoint/data-metrics

  • For batch transform jobs: /aws/sagemaker/ModelMonitoring/data-metrics


  • 適用於即時端點的 EndpointMonitoringSchedule

  • 適用於批次轉換工作的 MonitoringSchedule


如需即時端點,請參閱下列程式碼片段,其中包含 JSON EndpointMonitoringSchedule維度:

{ "MetricName": "", # Required "Timestamp": "2019-11-26T03:00:00Z", # Required "Dimensions" : [{"Name":"Endpoint","Value":"endpoint_0"},{"Name":"MonitoringSchedule","Value":"schedule_0"}] "Value": Float, # Either the Value or the StatisticValues field can be populated and not both. "StatisticValues": { "SampleCount": Float, "Sum": Float, "Minimum": Float, "Maximum": Float }, "Unit": "Count", # Optional }

如需批次轉換任務,請參閱下列程式碼JSON片段,其中包含 MonitoringSchedule維度:

{ "MetricName": "", # Required "Timestamp": "2019-11-26T03:00:00Z", # Required "Dimensions" : [{"Name":"MonitoringSchedule","Value":"schedule_0"}] "Value": Float, # Either the Value or the StatisticValues field can be populated and not both. "StatisticValues": { "SampleCount": Float, "Sum": Float, "Minimum": Float, "Maximum": Float }, "Unit": "Count", # Optional }