Search training plan offerings - Amazon SageMaker AI

Search training plan offerings

After you choose Training Plans in the left pane of the SageMaker AI console, and then Create training plan, a Find training plan form opens up. This form allows you to specify your requirements and search for suitable training plan offerings.

Follow these steps to complete the form:

  1. Identify your Target: Training plans are specific to their target resource. Specify whether you want to use a plan to run SageMaker training jobs or SageMaker HyperPod clusters.

  2. Choose your preferred Instance type and Instance count: For information about the supported instance types, see Supported instance types and AWS Regions.

  3. Set your date settings and preferred duration: Specify your desired start date, end date, and the length of time you need the resources in this window.

  4. Choose Find training plan.

SageMaker AI console showing the "Search training plan offerings" page. The interface displays options to select the target resource for the plan (Training job or HyperPod cluster), specify instance type and count, set start and end dates, and input duration. A "Find training plan" button is visible at the bottom of the form.

SageMaker training plans searches for the best available offering matching your capacity requirements. If a match is found withing your specified time frame, it is displayed at the bottom of the page. The matched plan section shows:

  • The total duration and target.

  • A breakdown of the plan into segments, with each segment including:

    • Duration

    • Start and end date

    • Availability zone

  • The total upfront price, with an option to view the price breakdown.

SageMaker AI console showing the "Search training plan offerings" page with input fields for plan requirements and a "Matched plan" section displaying details of a found plan. The plan is split into two 5-day segments across different availability zones, with total duration, dates, and upfront price information.

If no suitable plans are found or the matched plan doesn't meet your needs, adjust your search criteria by modifying the parameters in the Find training plan form. Otherwise, choose Next to continue to the plan reservation page, where you can name your plan, and then review and confirm your selection before finalizing your reservation.