使用 KPL 寫入 Kinesis 資料串流 - Amazon Kinesis Data Streams


使用 KPL 寫入 Kinesis 資料串流


Barebones 生產者程式碼

以下是撰寫最低限度能夠運作的生產者所需的全部程式碼。Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) 使用者記錄將於背景處理。

// KinesisProducer gets credentials automatically like // DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain. // It also gets region automatically from the EC2 metadata service. KinesisProducer kinesis = new KinesisProducer(); // Put some records for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap("myData".getBytes("UTF-8")); // doesn't block kinesis.addUserRecord("myStream", "myPartitionKey", data); } // Do other stuff ...


前述範例的程式碼並未檢查 KPL 使用者記錄是否成功。KPL 會就失敗狀況執行任何必要的重試。然而若您想要檢查結果,則可使用 Future 所傳回的 addUserRecord 物件進行檢查,如以下範例所示 (另顯示前述範例以供對照):

KinesisProducer kinesis = new KinesisProducer(); // Put some records and save the Futures List<Future<UserRecordResult>> putFutures = new LinkedList<Future<UserRecordResult>>(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap("myData".getBytes("UTF-8")); // doesn't block putFutures.add( kinesis.addUserRecord("myStream", "myPartitionKey", data)); } // Wait for puts to finish and check the results for (Future<UserRecordResult> f : putFutures) { UserRecordResult result = f.get(); // this does block if (result.isSuccessful()) { System.out.println("Put record into shard " + result.getShardId()); } else { for (Attempt attempt : result.getAttempts()) { // Analyze and respond to the failure } } }


上一個範例是在Future物件get()上呼叫 ,這會封鎖執行時間。如果您不想封鎖執行時間,可以使用非同步回呼,如下列範例所示:

KinesisProducer kinesis = new KinesisProducer(); FutureCallback<UserRecordResult> myCallback = new FutureCallback<UserRecordResult>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { /* Analyze and respond to the failure */ }; @Override public void onSuccess(UserRecordResult result) { /* Respond to the success */ }; }; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap("myData".getBytes("UTF-8")); ListenableFuture<UserRecordResult> f = kinesis.addUserRecord("myStream", "myPartitionKey", data); // If the Future is complete by the time we call addCallback, the callback will be invoked immediately. Futures.addCallback(f, myCallback); }