PII密文和識別輸出範例 - Amazon Transcribe




使用自動內容修訂的轉錄作業會產生兩種類型的 confidence 值。自動語音辨識 (ASR) 置信度表示具有pronunciationtypepunctuation特定語音的項目。在下列的轉錄輸出中,單字 Good 具有 1.0confidence。這個可信度值表示 Amazon Transcribe 百分之百確信這份成績單中所說的單字是「好」。標籤的confidence值是它[PII]標記為密文的語音是真實的可信度。PII在下列成績單輸出中,confidence0.9999表示 99.99% 確定其在成績單中編輯的實體 Amazon Transcribe 為 99.99%。PII

編輯輸出的範例 (批次處理)

{ "jobName": "my-first-transcription-job", "accountId": "111122223333", "isRedacted": true, "results": { "transcripts": [ { "transcript": "Good morning, everybody. My name is [PII], and today I feel like sharing a whole lot of personal information with you. Let's start with my Social Security number [PII]. My credit card number is [PII] and my C V V code is [PII]. I hope that Amazon Transcribe is doing a good job at redacting that personal information away. Let's check." } ], "items": [ { "id": 0, "start_time": "2.86", "end_time": "3.35", "alternatives": [ { "confidence": "1.0", "content": "Good" } ], "type": "pronunciation" }, Items removed for brevity { "id": 8, "start_time": "5.56", "end_time": "6.25", "alternatives": [ { "content": "[PII]", "redactions": [ { "confidence": "0.9999", "type": "NAME", "category": "PII" } ] } ], "type": "pronunciation" }, Items removed for brevity ], }, "status": "COMPLETED" }


{ "jobName": "job id", "accountId": "111122223333", "isRedacted": false, "results": { "transcripts": [ { "transcript": "Good morning, everybody. My name is Mike, and today I feel like sharing a whole lot of personal information with you. Let's start with my Social Security number 000000000. My credit card number is 5555555555555555 and my C V V code is 000. I hope that Amazon Transcribe is doing a good job at redacting that personal information away. Let's check." } ], "items": [ { "id": 0, "start_time": "2.86", "end_time": "3.35", "alternatives": [ { "confidence": "1.0", "content": "Good" } ], "type": "pronunciation" }, Items removed for brevity { "id": 8, "start_time": "5.56", "end_time": "6.25", "alternatives": [ { "confidence": "0.9999", "content": "Mike", { ], "type": "pronunciation" }, Items removed for brevity ], }, "status": "COMPLETED" }


{ "TranscriptResultStream": { "TranscriptEvent": { "Transcript": { "Results": [ { "Alternatives": [ { "Transcript": "my name is [NAME]", "Items": [ { "Content": "my", "EndTime": 0.3799375, "StartTime": 0.0299375, "Type": "pronunciation" }, { "Content": "name", "EndTime": 0.5899375, "StartTime": 0.3899375, "Type": "pronunciation" }, { "Content": "is", "EndTime": 0.7899375, "StartTime": 0.5999375, "Type": "pronunciation" }, { "Content": "[NAME]", "EndTime": 1.0199375, "StartTime": 0.7999375, "Type": "pronunciation" } ], "Entities": [ { "Content": "[NAME]", "Category": "PII", "Type": "NAME", "StartTime" : 0.7999375, "EndTime" : 1.0199375, "Confidence": 0.9989 } ] } ], "EndTime": 1.02, "IsPartial": false, "ResultId": "12345a67-8bc9-0de1-2f34-a5b678c90d12", "StartTime": 0.0199375 } ] } } } }



{ "TranscriptResultStream": { "TranscriptEvent": { "Transcript": { "Results": [ { "Alternatives": [ { "Transcript": "my name is mike", "Items": [ { "Content": "my", "EndTime": 0.3799375, "StartTime": 0.0299375, "Type": "pronunciation" }, { "Content": "name", "EndTime": 0.5899375, "StartTime": 0.3899375, "Type": "pronunciation" }, { "Content": "is", "EndTime": 0.7899375, "StartTime": 0.5999375, "Type": "pronunciation" }, { "Content": "mike", "EndTime": 0.9199375, "StartTime": 0.7999375, "Type": "pronunciation" } ], "Entities": [ { "Content": "mike", "Category": "PII", "Type": "NAME", "StartTime" : 0.7999375, "EndTime" : 1.0199375, "Confidence": 0.9989 } ] } ], "EndTime": 1.02, "IsPartial": false, "ResultId": "12345a67-8bc9-0de1-2f34-a5b678c90d12", "StartTime": 0.0199375 } ] } } } }