LoggingConfiguration - AWS WAFV2


Defines an association between logging destinations and a web ACL resource, for logging from AWS WAF. As part of the association, you can specify parts of the standard logging fields to keep out of the logs and you can specify filters so that you log only a subset of the logging records.

If you configure data protection for the web ACL, the protection applies to the data that AWS WAF sends to the logs.


You can define one logging destination per web ACL.

You can access information about the traffic that AWS WAF inspects using the following steps:

  1. Create your logging destination. You can use an Amazon CloudWatch Logs log group, an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, or an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.

    The name that you give the destination must start with aws-waf-logs-. Depending on the type of destination, you might need to configure additional settings or permissions.

    For configuration requirements and pricing information for each destination type, see Logging web ACL traffic in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.

  2. Associate your logging destination to your web ACL using a PutLoggingConfiguration request.

When you successfully enable logging using a PutLoggingConfiguration request, AWS WAF creates an additional role or policy that is required to write logs to the logging destination. For an Amazon CloudWatch Logs log group, AWS WAF creates a resource policy on the log group. For an Amazon S3 bucket, AWS WAF creates a bucket policy. For an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, AWS WAF creates a service-linked role.

For additional information about web ACL logging, see Logging web ACL traffic information in the AWS WAF Developer Guide.



The logging destination configuration that you want to associate with the web ACL.


You can associate one logging destination to a web ACL.

Type: Array of strings

Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 100 items.

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 20. Maximum length of 2048.

Pattern: .*\S.*

Required: Yes


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the web ACL that you want to associate with LogDestinationConfigs.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 20. Maximum length of 2048.

Pattern: .*\S.*

Required: Yes


Filtering that specifies which web requests are kept in the logs and which are dropped. You can filter on the rule action and on the web request labels that were applied by matching rules during web ACL evaluation.

Type: LoggingFilter object

Required: No


The owner of the logging configuration, which must be set to CUSTOMER for the configurations that you manage.

The log scope SECURITY_LAKE indicates a configuration that is managed through Amazon Security Lake. You can use Security Lake to collect log and event data from various sources for normalization, analysis, and management. For information, see Collecting data from AWS services in the Amazon Security Lake user guide.


Type: String


Required: No


Used to distinguish between various logging options. Currently, there is one option.

Default: WAF_LOGS

Type: String

Valid Values: WAF_LOGS

Required: No


Indicates whether the logging configuration was created by AWS Firewall Manager, as part of an AWS WAF policy configuration. If true, only Firewall Manager can modify or delete the configuration.

The logging configuration can be created by AWS Firewall Manager for use with any web ACL that Firewall Manager is using for an AWS WAF policy. Web ACLs that Firewall Manager creates and uses have their ManagedByFirewallManager property set to true. Web ACLs that were created by a customer account and then retrofitted by Firewall Manager for use by a policy have their RetrofittedByFirewallManager property set to true. For either case, any corresponding logging configuration will indicate ManagedByFirewallManager.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


The parts of the request that you want to keep out of the logs.

For example, if you redact the SingleHeader field, the HEADER field in the logs will be REDACTED for all rules that use the SingleHeader FieldToMatch setting.

If you configure data protection for the web ACL, the protection applies to the data that AWS WAF sends to the logs.

Redaction applies only to the component that's specified in the rule's FieldToMatch setting, so the SingleHeader redaction doesn't apply to rules that use the Headers FieldToMatch.


You can specify only the following fields for redaction: UriPath, QueryString, SingleHeader, and Method.


This setting has no impact on request sampling. You can only exclude fields from request sampling by disabling sampling in the web ACL visibility configuration or by configuring data protection for the web ACL.

Type: Array of FieldToMatch objects

Array Members: Maximum number of 100 items.

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: