Custom data identifiers - Amazon CloudWatch Logs

Custom data identifiers

What are custom data identifiers?

Custom data identifiers (CDIs) let you define your own custom regular expressions that can be used in your data protection policy. Using custom data identifiers, you can target business-specific personally identifiable information (PII) use cases that managed data identifiers can't provide. For example, you can use a custom data identifier to look for company-specific employee IDs. Custom data identifiers can be used in conjunction with managed data identifiers.

Custom data identifier constraints

CloudWatch Logs custom data identifiers have the following limitations:

  • A maximum of 10 custom data identifiers are supported for each data protection policy.

  • Custom data identifier names have a maximum length of 128 characters. The following characters are supported:

    • Alphanumeric: (a-zA-Z0-9)

    • Symbols: ( '_' | '-' )

  • RegEx has a maximum length of 200 characters. The following characters are supported:

    • Alphanumeric: (a-zA-Z0-9)

    • Symbols: ( '_' | '#' | '=' | '@' |'/' | ';' | ',' | '-' | ' ' )

    • RegEx reserved characters: ( '^' | '$' | '?' | '[' | ']' | '{' | '}' | '|' | '\\' | '*' | '+' | '.' )

  • Custom data identifiers cannot share the same name as a managed data identifier.

  • Custom data identifiers can be specified within an account-level data protection policy or in log group-level data protection policies. Similar to managed data identifiers, custom data identifiers defined within an account-level policy work in combination with custom data identifiers defined in a log group-level policy.

Using custom data identifiers in the console

When you use the CloudWatch console to create or edit a data protection policy, to specify a custom data identifier you just enter a name and regular expression for the data identifier. For example, you might enter Employee_ID for the name and EmployeeID-\d{9} as the regular expression. This regular expression will detect and mask log events with nine numbers after EmployeeID-. For example, EmployeeID-123456789

Using custom data identifiers in your data protection policy

If you are using the AWS CLI or AWS API to specify a custom data identifier, you need to include the data identifier name and regular expression in the JSON policy used to define the data protection policy. The following data protection policy detects and masks log events that carry company-specific employee IDs.

  1. Create a Configuration block within your data protection policy.

  2. Enter a Name for your custom data identifier. For example, EmployeeId.

  3. Enter a Regex for your custom data identifier. For example, EmployeeID-\d{9}. This regular expression will match log events containing EmployeeID- that have nine digits after EmployeeID-. For example, EmployeeID-123456789

  4. Refer to the following custom data identifier in a policy statement.

    { "Name": "example_data_protection_policy", "Description": "Example data protection policy with custom data identifiers", "Version": "2021-06-01", "Configuration": { "CustomDataIdentifier": [ {"Name": "EmployeeId", "Regex": "EmployeeId-\\d{9}"} ] }, "Statement": [ { "Sid": "audit-policy", "DataIdentifier": [ "EmployeeId" ], "Operation": { "Audit": { "FindingsDestination": { "S3": { "Bucket": "EXISTING_BUCKET" } } } } }, { "Sid": "redact-policy", "DataIdentifier": [ "EmployeeId" ], "Operation": { "Deidentify": { "MaskConfig": { } } } } ] }
  5. (Optional) Continue to add additional custom data identifiers to the Configuration block as needed. Data protection policies currently support a maximum of 10 custom data identifiers.