Troubleshooting workload issues for Aurora MySQL databases
Database workload can be viewed as reads and writes. With an understanding of "normal" database workload, you can tune queries and the database server to meet demand as it changes. There are a number of different reasons why performance can change, so the first step is to understand what has changed.
Has there been a major or minor version upgrade?
A major version upgrade includes changes to the engine code, particularly in the optimizer, that can change the query execution plan. When upgrading database versions, especially major versions, it's very important that you analyze the database workload and tune accordingly. Tuning can involve optimizing and rewriting queries, or adding and updating parameter settings, depending on the results of testing. Understanding what is causing the impact will allow you to start focusing on that specific area.
For more information, see What is new in MySQL 8.0
and Server and status variables and options added, deprecated, or removed in MySQL 8.0 in the MySQL documentation, and Comparing Aurora MySQL version 2 and Aurora MySQL version 3. -
Has there been an increase in data being processed (row counts)?
Are there more queries running concurrently?
Are there schema or database changes?
Have there been code defects or fixes?
Instance host metrics
Monitor instance host metrics such as CPU, memory, and network activity to help understand whether there has been a workload change. There are two main concepts for understanding workload changes:
Utilization – The usage of a device, such as CPU or disk. It can be time-based or capacity-based.
Time-based – The amount of time that a resource is busy over a particular observation period.
Capacity-based – The amount of throughput that a system or component can deliver, as a percentage of its capacity.
Saturation – The degree to which more work is required of a resource than it can process. When capacity-based usage reaches 100%, the extra work can't be processed and must be queued.
CPU usage
You can use the following tools to identify CPU usage and saturation:
CloudWatch provides the
metric. If this reaches 100%, then the instance is saturated. However, CloudWatch metrics are averaged over 1 minute, and lack granularity.For more information on CloudWatch metrics, see Instance-level metrics for Amazon Aurora.
Enhanced Monitoring provides metrics returned by the operating system
command. It shows load averages and the following CPU states, with 1-second granularity:-
Idle (%)
= Idle time -
IRQ (%)
= Software interrupts -
Nice (%)
= Nice time for processes with a nicedpriority. -
Steal (%)
= Time spent serving other tenants (virtualization related) -
System (%)
= System time -
User (%)
= User time -
Wait (%)
= I/O wait
For more information on Enhanced Monitoring metrics, see OS metrics for Aurora.
Memory usage
If the system is under memory pressure, and resource consumption is reaching saturation, you should be observing a high degree of page scanning, paging, swapping, and out-of-memory errors.
You can use the following tools to identify memory usage and saturation:
CloudWatch provides the FreeableMemory
metric, that shows how much
memory can be reclaimed by flushing some of the OS caches and the current free
For more information on CloudWatch metrics, see Instance-level metrics for Amazon Aurora.
Enhanced Monitoring provides the following metrics that can help you identify memory usage issues:
Buffers (KB)
– The amount of memory used for buffering I/O requests before writing to the storage device, in kilobytes. -
Cached (KB)
– The amount of memory used for caching file system–based I/O. -
Free (KB)
– The amount of unassigned memory, in kilobytes. -
– Cached, Free, and Total.
For example, if you see that your DB instance uses Swap
then the total amount of memory for your workload is larger than your instance
currently has available. We recommend increasing the size of your DB instance or
tuning your workload to use less memory.
For more information on Enhanced Monitoring metrics, see OS metrics for Aurora.
For more detailed information on using the Performance Schema and
schema to determine which connections and components are
using memory, see Troubleshooting memory usage issues for Aurora MySQL databases.
Network throughput
CloudWatch provides the following metrics for total network throughput, all averaged over 1 minute:
– The amount of network throughput received from clients by each instance in the Aurora DB cluster. -
– The amount of network throughput sent to clients by each instance in the Aurora DB cluster. -
– The amount of network throughput both received from and transmitted to clients by each instance in the Aurora DB cluster. -
– The amount of network throughput received from the Aurora storage subsystem by each instance in the DB cluster. -
– The amount of network throughput sent to the Aurora storage subsystem by each instance in the Aurora DB cluster. -
– The amount of network throughput received from and sent to the Aurora storage subsystem by each instance in the Aurora DB cluster.
For more information on CloudWatch metrics, see Instance-level metrics for Amazon Aurora.
Enhanced Monitoring provides the network
received (RX) and transmitted (TX)
graphs, with up to 1-second granularity.
For more information on Enhanced Monitoring metrics, see OS metrics for Aurora.
Database metrics
Examine the following CloudWatch metrics for workload changes:
– The average number of transactions in the database that are blocked per second. -
– The percentage of requests that are served by the buffer cache. -
– The average number of commit operations per second. -
– The number of client network connections to the database instance. -
– The average number of deadlocks in the database per second. -
– The average number of inserts, updates, and deletes per second. -
– The percentage of requests that are served by the query cache. -
– The undo logs that record committed transactions with delete-marked records. -
– The total time spent acquiring row locks for InnoDB tables. -
– The average number of select queries per second.
For more information on CloudWatch metrics, see Instance-level metrics for Amazon Aurora.
Consider the following questions when examining the workload:
Were there recent changes in DB instance class, for example reducing the instance size from 8xlarge to 4xlarge, or changing from db.r5 to db.r6?
Can you create a clone and reproduce the issue, or is it happening only on that one instance?
Is there server resource exhaustion, high CPU or memory exhaustion? If yes, this could mean that additional hardware is required.
Are one or more queries taking longer?
Are the changes caused by an upgrade, especially a major version upgrade? If yes, then compare the pre- and post-upgrade metrics.
Are there changes in the number of reader DB instances?
Have you enabled general, audit, or binary logging? For more information, see Logging for Aurora MySQL databases.
Did you enable, disable, or change your use of binary log (binlog) replication?
Are there any long-running transactions holding large numbers of row locks? Examine the InnoDB history list length (HLL) for indications of long-running transactions.
For more information, see The InnoDB history list length increased significantly and the blog post Why is my SELECT query running slowly on my Amazon Aurora MySQL DB cluster?
. -
If a large HLL is caused by a write transaction, it means that
logs are accumulating (not being cleaned regularly). In a large write transaction, this accumulation can grow quickly. In MySQL,UNDO
is stored in the SYSTEM tablespace. The SYSTEM
tablespace is not shrinkable. TheUNDO
log might cause theSYSTEM
tablespace to grow to several GB, or even TB. After the purge, release the allocated space by taking a logical backup (dump) of the data, then import the dump to a new DB instance. -
If a large HLL is caused by a read transaction (long-running query), it can mean that the query is using a large amount of temporary space. Release the temporary space by rebooting. Examine Performance Insights DB metrics for any changes in the
section, such ascreated_tmp_tables
. For more information, see Monitoring DB load with Performance Insights on Amazon Aurora.
Can you split long-running transactions into smaller ones that modify fewer rows?
Are there any changes in blocked transactions or increases in deadlocks? Examine Performance Insights DB metrics for any changes in status variables in the
section, such asinnodb_row_lock_time
, andinnodb_dead_locks
. Use 1-minute or 5-minute intervals. -
Are there increased wait events? Examine Performance Insights wait events and wait types using 1-minute or 5-minute intervals. Analyze the top wait events and see whether they are correlated to workload changes or database contention. For example,
buf_pool mutex
indicates buffer pool contention. For more information, see Tuning Aurora MySQL with wait events.