Subnets and subnet groups
A subnet group is a collection of subnets (typically private) that you can designate for your clusters running in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) environment.
When you create a cluster in an Amazon VPC, you can specify a subnet group or use the default one provided. MemoryDB uses that subnet group to choose a subnet and IP addresses within that subnet to associate with your nodes.
This section covers how to create and leverage subnets and subnet groups to manage access to your MemoryDB resources.
For more information about subnet group usage in an Amazon VPC environment, see Step 3: Authorize access to the cluster.
Region Name/Region | Supported AZ IDs |
US East (Ohio) Region
US East (N. Virginia) Region
US West (N. California) Region
US West (Oregon) Region
Canada (Central) Region
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Region
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region
Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region
Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region
Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region
apse2-az1, apse2-az2, apse2-az3
Europe (Frankfurt) Region
Europe (Ireland) Region
Europe (London) Region
EU (Paris) Region
Europe (Stockholm) Region
Europe (Milan) Region
South America (São Paulo) Region
China (Beijing) Region
China (Ningxia) Region
Europe (Spain) Region