GraphQL types - AWS AppSync GraphQL

GraphQL types

GraphQL supports many different types. As you saw in the previous section, types define the shape or behavior of your data. They are the fundamental building blocks of a GraphQL schema.

Types can be categorized into inputs and outputs. Inputs are types that are allowed to be passed in as the argument for the special object types (Query, Mutation, etc.), whereas output types are strictly used to store and return data. A list of types and their categorizations are listed below:

  • Objects: An object contains fields describing an entity. For instance, an object could be something like a book with fields describing its characteristics like authorName, publishingYear, etc. They are strictly output types.

  • Scalars: These are primitive types like int, string, etc. They are typically assigned to fields. Using the authorName field as an example, it could be assigned the String scalar to store a name like "John Smith". Scalars can be both input and output types.

  • Inputs: Inputs allow you to pass a group of fields as an argument. They are structured very similarly to objects, but they can be passed in as arguments to special objects. Inputs allow you to define scalars, enums, and other inputs in its scope. Inputs can only be input types.

  • Special objects: Special objects perform state-changing operations and do the bulk of the heavy lifting of the service. There are three special object types: query, mutation, and subscription. Queries typically fetch data; mutations manipulate data; subscriptions open and maintain a two-way connection between clients and servers for constant communication. Special objects are neither input nor output given their functionality.

  • Enums: Enums are predefined lists of legal values. If you call an enum, its values can only be what's defined in its scope. For example, if you had an enum called trafficLights depicting a list of traffic signals, it could have values like redLight and greenLight but not purpleLight. A real traffic light will only have so many signals, so you could use the enum to define them and force them to be the only legal values when referencing trafficLight. Enums can be both input and output types.

  • Unions/interfaces: Unions allow you to return one or more things in a request depending on the data that was requested by the client. For example, if you had a Book type with a title field and an Author type with a name field, you could create a union between both types. If your client wanted to query a database for the phrase "Julius Caesar", the union could return Julius Caesar (the play by William Shakespeare) from the Book title and Julius Caesar (the author of Commentarii de Bello Gallico) from the Author name. Unions can only be output types.

    Interfaces are sets of fields that objects must implement. This is a bit similar to interfaces in programming languages like Java where you must implement the fields defined in the interface. For example, let's say you made an interface called Book that contained a title field. Let's say you later created a type called Novel that implemented Book. Your Novel would have to include a title field. However, your Novel could also include other fields not in the interface like pageCount or ISBN. Interfaces can only be output types.

The following sections will explain how each type works in GraphQL.


GraphQL objects are the main type you will see in production code. In GraphQL, you can think of an object as a grouping of different fields (similar to variables in other languages), with each field being defined by a type (typically a scalar or another object) that can hold a value. Objects represent a unit of data that can be retrieved/manipulated from your service implementation.

Object types are declared using the Type keyword. Let's modify our schema example slightly:

type Person { id: ID! name: String age: Int occupation: Occupation } type Occupation { title: String }

The object types here are Person and Occupation. Each object has its own fields with its own types. One feature of GraphQL is the ability to set fields to other types. You can see the occupation field in Person contains an Occupation object type. We can make this association because GraphQL is only describing the data and not the implementation of the service.


Scalars are essentially primitive types that hold values. In AWS AppSync, there are two types of scalars: the default GraphQL scalars and AWS AppSync scalars. Scalars are typically used to store field values within object types. Default GraphQL types include Int, Float, String, Boolean, and ID. Let's use the previous example again:

type Person { id: ID! name: String age: Int occupation: Occupation } type Occupation { title: String }

Singling out the name and title fields, both hold a String scalar. Name could return a string value like "John Smith" and the title could return something like "firefighter". Some GraphQL implementations also support custom scalars using the Scalar keyword and implementing the type's behavior. However, AWS AppSync currently doesn't support custom scalars. For a list of scalars, see Scalar types in AWS AppSync.


Due to the concept of input and output types, there are certain restrictions in place when passing in arguments. Types that commonly need to be passed in, especially objects, are restricted. You can use the input type to bypass this rule. Inputs are types that contain scalars, enums, and other input types.

Inputs are defined using the input keyword:

type Person { id: ID! name: String age: Int occupation: Occupation } type Occupation { title: String } input personInput { id: ID! name: String age: Int occupation: occupationInput } input occupationInput { title: String }

As you can see, we can have separate inputs that mimic the original type. These inputs will often be used in your field operations like this:

type Person { id: ID! name: String age: Int occupation: Occupation } type Occupation { title: String } input occupationInput { title: String } type Mutation { addPerson(id: ID!, name: String, age: Int, occupation: occupationInput): Person }

Note how we're still passing occupationInput in place of Occupation to create a Person.

This is but one scenario for inputs. They don't necessarily need to copy objects 1:1, and in production code, you most likely won't be using it like this. It's good practice to take advantage of GraphQL schemas by defining only what you need to input as arguments.

Also, the same inputs can be used in multiple operations, but we don't recommend doing this. Each operation should ideally contain its own unique copy of the inputs in case the schema's requirements change.

Special objects

GraphQL reserves a few keywords for special objects that define some of the business logic for how your schema will retrieve/manipulate data. At most, there can be one of each of these keywords in a schema. They act as entry points for all requested data that your clients run against your GraphQL service.

Special objects are also defined using the type keyword. Though they're used differently from regular object types, their implementation is very similar.


Queries are very similar to GET operations in that they perform a read-only fetch to get data from your source. In GraphQL, the Query defines all of the entry points for clients making requests against your server. There will always be a Query in your GraphQL implementation.

Here are the Query and modified object types we used in our previous schema example:

type Person { id: ID! name: String age: Int occupation: Occupation } type Occupation { title: String } type Query { people: [Person] }

Our Query contains a field called people that returns a list of Person instances from the data source. Let's say we need to change the behavior of our application, and now we need to return a list of only the Occupation instances for some separate purpose. We could simply add it to the query:

type Query { people: [Person] occupations: [Occupation] }

In GraphQL, we can treat our query as the single source of requests. As you can see, this is potentially much simpler than RESTful implementations that might use different endpoints to achieve the same thing (.../api/1/people and .../api/1/occupations).

Assuming we have a resolver implementation for this query, we can now perform an actual query. While the Query type exists, we have to explicitly call it for it to run in the application's code. This can be done using the query keyword:

query getItems { people { name } occupations { title } }

As you can see, this query is called getItems and returns people (a list of Person objects) and occupations (a list of Occupation objects). In people, we're returning only the name field of each Person, while we're returning the title field of each Occupation. The response may look like this:

{ "data": { "people": [ { "name": "John Smith" }, { "name": "Andrew Miller" }, . . . ], "occupations": [ { "title": "Firefighter" }, { "title": "Bookkeeper" }, . . . ] } }

The example response shows how the data follows the shape of the query. Each entry retrieved is listed within the scope of the field. people and occupations are returning things as separate lists. Though useful, it might be more convenient to modify the query to return a list of people's names and occupations:

query getItems { people { name occupation { title } }

This is a legal modification because our Person type contains an occupation field of type Occupation. When listed within the scope of people, we're returning each Person's name along with their associated Occupation by title. The response may look like this:

} "data": { "people": [ { "name": "John Smith", "occupation": { "title": "Firefighter" } }, { "name": "Andrew Miller", "occupation": { "title": "Bookkeeper" } }, . . . ] } }

Mutations are similar to state-changing operations like PUT or POST. They perform a write operation to modify data in the source, then fetch the response. They define your entry points for data modification requests. Unlike queries, a mutation may or may not be included in the schema depending on the project's needs. Here's the mutation from the schema example:

type Mutation { addPerson(id: ID!, name: String, age: Int): Person }

The addPerson field represents one entry point that adds a Person to the data source. addPerson is the field name; id, name, and age are the parameters; and Person is the return type. Looking back at the Person type:

type Person { id: ID! name: String age: Int occupation: Occupation }

We added the occupation field. However, we cannot set this field to Occupation directly because objects cannot be passed in as arguments; they are strictly output types. We should instead pass an input with the same fields as an argument:

input occupationInput { title: String }

We can also easily update our addPerson to include this as a parameter when making new Person instances:

type Mutation { addPerson(id: ID!, name: String, age: Int, occupation: occupationInput): Person }

Here's the updated schema:

type Person { id: ID! name: String age: Int occupation: Occupation } type Occupation { title: String } input occupationInput { title: String } type Mutation { addPerson(id: ID!, name: String, age: Int, occupation: occupationInput): Person }

Note that occupation will pass in the title field from occupationInput to complete the creation of the Person instead of the original Occupation object. Assuming we have a resolver implementation for addPerson, we can now perform an actual mutation. While the Mutation type exists, we have to explicitly call it for it to run in the application's code. This can be done using the mutation keyword:

mutation createPerson { addPerson(id: ID!, name: String, age: Int, occupation: occupationInput) { name age occupation { title } } }

This mutation is called createPerson, and addPerson is the operation. To create a new Person, we can enter the arguments for id, name, age, and occupation. In the scope of addPerson, we can also see other fields like name, age, etc. This is your response; these are the fields that will be returned after the addPerson operation is complete. Here's the final part of the example:

mutation createPerson { addPerson(id: "1", name: "Steve Powers", age: "50", occupation: "Miner") { id name age occupation { title } } }

Using this mutation, a result might look like this:

{ "data": { "addPerson": { "id": "1", "name": "Steve Powers", "age": "50", "occupation": { "title": "Miner" } } } }

As you can see, the response returned the values we requested in the same format that was defined in our mutation. It's good practice to return all values that were modified to reduce confusion and the need for more queries in the future. Mutations allow you to include multiple operations within its scope. They will be run sequentially in the order listed in the mutation. For example, if we create another operation called addOccupation that adds job titles to the data source, we can call this in the mutation after addPerson. addPerson will be handled first followed by addOccupation.


Subscriptions use WebSockets to open a lasting, two-way connection between the server and its clients. Typically, a client will subscribe, or listen, to the server. Whenever the server makes a server-side change or performs an event, the subscribed client will receive the updates. This type of protocol is useful when multiple clients are subscribed and need to be notified about changes happening in the server or other clients. For instance, subscriptions can be used to update social media feeds. There could be two users, User A and User B, who are both subscribed to automatic notification updates whenever they receive direct messages. User A on Client A could send a direct message to User B on Client B. User A's client would send the direct message, which would be processed by the server. The server would then send the direct message to User B's account while sending an automatic notification to Client B.

Here's an example of a Subscription that we could add to the schema example:

type Subscription { personAdded: Person }

The personAdded field will send a message to subscribed clients whenever a new Person is added to the data source. Assuming we have a resolver implementation for personAdded, we can now use the subscription. While the Subscription type exists, we have to explicitly call it for it to run in the application's code. This can be done using the subscription keyword:

subscription personAddedOperation { personAdded { id name } }

The subscription is called personAddedOperation, and the operation is personAdded. personAdded will return the id and name fields of new Person instances. Looking at the mutation example, we added a Person using this operation:

addPerson(id: "1", name: "Steve Powers", age: "50", occupation: "Miner")

If our clients were subscribed to updates to the newly added Person, they might see this after addPerson runs:

{ "data": { "personAdded": { "id": "1", "name": "Steve Powers" } } }

Below is a summary of what subscriptions offer:

Subscriptions are two-way channels that allow the client and server to receive quick, but steady, updates. They typically use the WebSocket protocol, which creates standardized and secure connections.

Subscriptions are nimble in that they reduce connection setup overhead. Once subscribed, a client can just keep running on that subscription for long periods of time. They generally use computing resources efficiently by allowing developers to tailor the lifetime of the subscription and to configure what information will be requested.

In general, subscriptions allow the client to make multiple subscriptions at once. As it pertains to AWS AppSync, subscriptions are only used for receiving real-time updates from the AWS AppSync service. They cannot be used to perform queries or mutations.

The main alternative to subscriptions is polling, which sends queries at set intervals to request data. This process is typically less efficient than subscriptions and puts a lot of strain on both the client and the backend.

One thing that wasn't mentioned in our schema example was the fact that your special object types must also be defined in a schema root. So when you export a schema in AWS AppSync, it might look like this:

schema { query: Query mutation: Mutation subscription: Subscription } . . . type Query { # code goes here } type Mutation { # code goes here } type Subscription { # code goes here }


Enumerations, or enums, are special scalars that limit the legal arguments a type or field may have. This means that whenever an enum is defined in the schema, its associated type or field will be limited to the values in the enum. Enums are serialized as string scalars. Note that different programming languages may handle GraphQL enums differently. For example, JavaScript has no native enum support, so the enum values may be mapped to int values instead.

Enums are defined using the enum keyword. Here's an example:

enum trafficSignals { solidRed solidYellow solidGreen greenArrowLeft ... }

When calling the trafficLights enum, the argument(s) can only be solidRed, solidYellow, solidGreen, etc. It's common to use enums to depict things that have a distinct but limited number of choices.


See Interfaces and unions in GraphQL.