A GraphQL object type has a name and fields, and those fields can have sub-fields. Ultimately, an object type's
fields must resolve to scalar types, which represent the leaves of the query. For more
information about object types and scalars, see Schemas and
In addition to the default set of GraphQL scalars, AWS AppSync also lets you use the service-defined scalars that start with the AWS prefix. AWS AppSync doesn't support the creation of user-defined (custom) scalars. You must use either the default or AWS scalars.
You cannot use AWS as a prefix for custom object types.
The following section is a reference for schema typing.
Default scalars
GraphQL defines the following default scalars:
A unique identifier for an object. This scalar is serialized like a
but isn't meant to be human-readable. String
A UTF-8 character sequence.
An integer value between -(231) and 231-1.
An IEEE 754 floating point value.
A Boolean value, either
AWS AppSync scalars
AWS AppSync defines the following scalars:
An extended ISO 8601 date
string in the format YYYY-MM-DD
. AWSTime
An extended ISO 8601 time
string in the format hh:mm:ss.sss
. AWSDateTime
An extended ISO 8601 date and time
string in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
The AWSDate
, AWSTime
, and AWSDateTime
scalars can optionally
include a time zone
, 1970-01-01-07:00
, and
are all valid for AWSDate
. The time zone offset must be
either Z
(UTC) or an offset in hours and minutes (and, optionally, seconds). For example,
. The seconds field in the time zone offset is considered valid even though it's
not part of the ISO 8601 standard.
An integer value representing the number of seconds before or after
. AWSEmail
An email address in the format
as defined by RFC 822. AWSJSON
A JSON string. Any valid JSON construct is automatically parsed and loaded in the resolver code as maps, lists, or scalar values rather than as the literal input strings. Unquoted strings or otherwise invalid JSON result in a GraphQL validation error.
A phone number. This value is stored as a string. Phone numbers can contain either spaces or hyphens to separate digit groups. Phone numbers without a country code are assumed to be US/North American numbers adhering to the North American Numbering Plan (NANP)
A URL as defined by RFC 1738
. For example, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000NZW3KC/
. URLs must contain a schema (http
) and can't contain two forward slashes (//
) in the path part. AWSIPAddress
A valid IPv4 or IPv6 address. IPv4 addresses are expected in quad-dotted notation (
). IPv6 addresses are expected in non-bracketed, colon-separated format (1a2b:3c4b::1234:4567
). You can include an optional CIDR suffix (
) to indicate subnet mask.
Schema usage example
The following example GraphQL schema uses all of the custom scalars as an "object" and shows the resolver request and response templates for basic put, get, and list operations. Finally, the example shows how you can use this when running queries and mutations.
type Mutation { putObject( email: AWSEmail, json: AWSJSON, date: AWSDate, time: AWSTime, datetime: AWSDateTime, timestamp: AWSTimestamp, url: AWSURL, phoneno: AWSPhone, ip: AWSIPAddress ): Object } type Object { id: ID! email: AWSEmail json: AWSJSON date: AWSDate time: AWSTime datetime: AWSDateTime timestamp: AWSTimestamp url: AWSURL phoneno: AWSPhone ip: AWSIPAddress } type Query { getObject(id: ID!): Object listObjects: [Object] } schema { query: Query mutation: Mutation }
Here's what a request template for putObject
might look like. A putObject
uses a
operation to create or update an item in your Amazon DynamoDB table. Note that this code snippet
doesn't have a configured Amazon DynamoDB table as a data source. This is being used as an example only:
{ "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "PutItem", "key" : { "id": $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($util.autoId()), }, "attributeValues" : $util.dynamodb.toMapValuesJson($ctx.args) }
The response template for putObject
returns the results:
Here's what a request template for getObject
might look like. A getObject
uses a
operation to return a set of attributes for the item given the primary key. Note that this
code snippet doesn't have a configured Amazon DynamoDB table as a data source. This is being used as an example
{ "version": "2017-02-28", "operation": "GetItem", "key": { "id": $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ctx.args.id), } }
The response template for getObject
returns the results:
Here's what a request template for listObjects
might look like. A listObjects
uses a
operation to return one or more items and attributes. Note that this code snippet doesn't have
a configured Amazon DynamoDB table as a data source. This is being used as an example only:
{ "version" : "2017-02-28", "operation" : "Scan", }
The response template for listObjects
returns the results:
The following are some examples of using this schema with GraphQL queries:
mutation CreateObject { putObject(email: "example@example.com" json: "{\"a\":1, \"b\":3, \"string\": 234}" date: "1970-01-01Z" time: "12:00:34." datetime: "1930-01-01T16:00:00-07:00" timestamp: -123123 url:"https://amazon.com" phoneno: "+1 555 764 4377" ip: "" ) { id email json date time datetime url timestamp phoneno ip } } query getObject { getObject(id:"0d97daf0-48e6-4ffc-8d48-0537e8a843d2"){ email url timestamp phoneno ip } } query listObjects { listObjects { json date time datetime } }