The GraphQL type system supports Interfaces
The GraphQL type system also supports Unions
The following section is a reference for schema typing.
Interface examples
We could represent an Event
interface that represents any kind of activity or gathering of
people. Some possible event types are Concert
, Conference
, and Festival
These types all share common characteristics, including a name, a venue where the event is taking place, and a
start and end date. These types also have differences; a Conference
offers a list of speakers and
workshops, while a Concert
features a performing band.
In Schema Definition Language (SDL), the Event
interface is defined as follows:
interface Event { id: ID! name : String! startsAt: String endsAt: String venue: Venue minAgeRestriction: Int }
And each of the types implements the Event
interface as follows:
type Concert implements Event {
id: ID!
name: String!
startsAt: String
endsAt: String
venue: Venue
minAgeRestriction: Int
performingBand: String
type Festival implements Event {
id: ID!
name: String!
startsAt: String
endsAt: String
venue: Venue
minAgeRestriction: Int
performers: [String]
type Conference implements Event {
id: ID!
name: String!
startsAt: String
endsAt: String
venue: Venue
minAgeRestriction: Int
speakers: [String]
workshops: [String]
Interfaces are useful to represent elements that might be of several types. For example, we could search for
all events happening at a specific venue. Let’s add a findEventsByVenue
field to the schema as
schema {
query: Query
type Query {
# Retrieve Events at a specific Venue
findEventsAtVenue(venueId: ID!): [Event]
type Venue {
id: ID!
name: String
address: String
maxOccupancy: Int
type Concert implements Event {
id: ID!
name: String!
startsAt: String
endsAt: String
venue: Venue
minAgeRestriction: Int
performingBand: String
interface Event {
id: ID!
name: String!
startsAt: String
endsAt: String
venue: Venue
minAgeRestriction: Int
type Festival implements Event {
id: ID!
name: String!
startsAt: String
endsAt: String
venue: Venue
minAgeRestriction: Int
performers: [String]
type Conference implements Event {
id: ID!
name: String!
startsAt: String
endsAt: String
venue: Venue
minAgeRestriction: Int
speakers: [String]
workshops: [String]
The findEventsByVenue
returns a list of Event
. Because GraphQL interface fields are
common to all the implementing types, it’s possible to select any fields on the Event
, name
, startsAt
, endsAt
, venue
, and
). Additionally, you can access the fields on any implementing type using GraphQL
Let’s examine an example of a GraphQL query that uses the interface.
query {
findEventsAtVenue(venueId: "Madison Square Garden") {
... on Festival {
... on Concert {
... on Conference {
The previous query yields a single list of results, and the server could sort the events by start date by default.
"data": {
"findEventsAtVenue": [
"id": "Festival-2",
"name": "Festival 2",
"minAgeRestriction": 21,
"startsAt": "2018-10-05T14:48:00.000Z",
"performers": [
"The Singers",
"The Screamers"
"id": "Concert-3",
"name": "Concert 3",
"minAgeRestriction": 18,
"startsAt": "2018-10-07T14:48:00.000Z",
"performingBand": "The Jumpers"
"id": "Conference-4",
"name": "Conference 4",
"minAgeRestriction": null,
"startsAt": "2018-10-09T14:48:00.000Z",
"speakers": [
"The Storytellers"
"workshops": [
Since results are returned as a single collection of events, using interfaces to represent common characteristics is very helpful for sorting results.
Union examples
As stated earlier, unions don't define common sets of fields. A search result might represent many different
types. Using the Event
schema, you can define a SearchResult
union as follows:
type Query {
# Retrieve Events at a specific Venue
findEventsAtVenue(venueId: ID!): [Event]
# Search across all content
search(query: String!): [SearchResult]
union SearchResult = Conference | Festival | Concert | Venue
In this case, to query any field on our SearchResult
union, you must use fragments:
query {
search(query: "Madison") {
... on Venue {
... on Festival {
... on Concert {
... on Conference {
Type resolution in AWS AppSync
Type resolution is the mechanism by which the GraphQL engine identifies a resolved value as a specific object type.
Going back to the union search example, provided our query yielded results, each item in the results list must
present itself as one of the possible types that the SearchResult
union defined (that is,
, Festival
, Concert
, or Venue
Because the logic to identify a Festival
from a Venue
or a Conference
is dependent on the application requirements, the GraphQL engine must be given a hint to identify our possible
types from the raw results.
With AWS AppSync, this hint is represented by a meta field named __typename
, whose value
corresponds to the identified object type name. __typename
is required for return types that are
interfaces or unions.
Type resolution example
Let’s reuse the previous schema. You can follow along by navigating to the console and adding the following under the Schema page:
schema {
query: Query
type Query {
# Retrieve Events at a specific Venue
findEventsAtVenue(venueId: ID!): [Event]
# Search across all content
search(query: String!): [SearchResult]
union SearchResult = Conference | Festival | Concert | Venue
type Venue {
id: ID!
name: String!
address: String
maxOccupancy: Int
interface Event {
id: ID!
name: String!
startsAt: String
endsAt: String
venue: Venue
minAgeRestriction: Int
type Festival implements Event {
id: ID!
name: String!
startsAt: String
endsAt: String
venue: Venue
minAgeRestriction: Int
performers: [String]
type Conference implements Event {
id: ID!
name: String!
startsAt: String
endsAt: String
venue: Venue
minAgeRestriction: Int
speakers: [String]
workshops: [String]
type Concert implements Event {
id: ID!
name: String!
startsAt: String
endsAt: String
venue: Venue
minAgeRestriction: Int
performingBand: String
Let’s attach a resolver to the
field. In the Resolvers
section, choose
Attach, create a new Data Source of type
NONE, and then name it StubDataSource. For the sake of this example,
we’ll pretend we fetched results from an external source, and hard code the fetched results in the request mapping
In the request mapping template pane, enter the following:
"version" : "2018-05-29",
## We are effectively mocking our search results for this example
"id": "Venue-1",
"name": "Venue 1",
"address": "2121 7th Ave, Seattle, WA 98121",
"maxOccupancy": 1000
"id": "Festival-2",
"name": "Festival 2",
"performers": ["The Singers", "The Screamers"]
"id": "Concert-3",
"name": "Concert 3",
"performingBand": "The Jumpers"
"id": "Conference-4",
"name": "Conference 4",
"speakers": ["The Storytellers"],
"workshops": ["Writing", "Reading"]
If the application returns the type name as part of the id
field, the type resolution logic must
parse the id
field to extract the type name and then add the __typename
field to each of
the results. You can perform that logic in the response mapping template as follows:
You can also perform this task as part of your Lambda function, if you are using the Lambda data source.
#foreach ($result in $context.result)
## Extract type name from the id field.
#set( $typeName = $"-")[0] )
#set( $ignore = $result.put("__typename", $typeName))
Run the following query:
query {
search(query: "Madison") {
... on Venue {
... on Festival {
... on Concert {
... on Conference {
The query yields the following results:
"data": {
"search": [
"id": "Venue-1",
"name": "Venue 1",
"address": "2121 7th Ave, Seattle, WA 98121"
"id": "Festival-2",
"name": "Festival 2",
"performers": [
"The Singers",
"The Screamers"
"id": "Concert-3",
"name": "Concert 3",
"performingBand": "The Jumpers"
"speakers": [
"The Storytellers"
"workshops": [
The type resolution logic varies depending on the application. For example, you could have a different
identifying logic that checks for the existence of certain fields or even a combination of fields. That is, you
could detect the presence of the performers
field to identify a Festival
or the
combination of the speakers
and the workshops
fields to identify a
. Ultimately, it is up to you to define the logic you want to use.