AWS Backup feature availability - AWS Backup

AWS Backup feature availability

AWS Backup features are offered according to resource and AWS Region. The following sections and tables can help you determine feature availability.

Features available for all supported resources

AWS Backup offers the following features for its supported AWS services, as well as for supported third-party applications. Support for a feature or service should not be assumed unless explicitly mentioned.

Feature availability by resource

To use AWS Backup with a supported AWS service in a particular Region, the service must be available in the Region. To determine service availability in a Region, view the service endpoints in the AWS General Reference.

For information on opt-in Regions and what resources and features are supported within, see Feature availability by AWS Region.

AWS Backup supports Cross-Region backup Cross-account backup AWS Backup Audit Manager Incremental backup Continuous backup and point-in-time restore Full management Lifecycle to cold storage Item-level restore 1 Restore testing Logically air-gapped vault Backup search
Amazon EC2
Amazon S3
Amazon EBS
Amazon RDS single instance 3 3 4
Amazon RDS cluster 3 3 4
Amazon Aurora 3 3 6
Amazon EFS
FSx for Lustre
FSx for Windows File Server 8
FSx for ONTAP 2
FSx for OpenZFS7
AWS Storage Gateway
Amazon DocumentDB 3 3
Amazon Neptune 3 3 9
Amazon Redshift
Windows VSS
Virtual machines
AWS CloudFormation templates 5 5
Amazon DynamoDB
DynamoDB with AWS Backup advanced features
SAP HANA databases on Amazon EC2 instances

Some resource types have both continuous backup capability and cross-Region and cross-account copy available. When a cross-Region or cross-account copy of a continuous backup is made, the copied recovery point (backup) becomes a snapshot (periodic) backup. PITR (Point-in-Time Restore) is not available for these copies.

  • Amazon RDS and Amazon S3 support cross-account and cross-Region copy from incremental backups.

  • Amazon Aurora and SAP HANA on Amazon EC2 instances support only cross-account and cross-Region copy from full backups.

1 The "item" in an item-level restore varies depending on the supported resource. For example, a file system item is a file or directory, whereas an S3 item is an S3 object. A VMware item is a disk. For more information, see the Restore a backup by resource type section for the supported resource.

2 AWS Backup Audit Manager supports this resource across all controls except cross-account copy and cross-Region copy.

3 RDS, Aurora, DocumentDB, and Neptune do not support a single copy action that performs both cross-Region AND cross-account backup. You can choose one or the other. You can also use a AWS Lambda script to listen for the completion of your first copy, perform your second copy, then delete the first copy. RDS multi availability zone (Multi-AZ) database instances can be copied, but Multi-AZ clusters do not currently support cross-Region or cross-account copy. See Cross-Region copy considerations with specific resources for further information.

4 See RDS multi-availability zone backups for Regions where Backup Audit Manager support is available.

5 In CloudFormation stack backups, nested resources retain their source resources' features. However, resources within the stack do not retain Point-in-Time Restore (PITR) functionality (such as Amazon S3 and Amazon RDS). Properties within the matrix above apply just to CloudFormation templates and not to the resources within the stack.

6 For Aurora, snapshots are full, and incremental backup is offered through PITR.

7 Amazon FSx for OpenZFS Multi-AZ (multi-availability zone) file systems can only be restored from the Amazon FSx console or the API request createFileSystemFromBackup.

8 Is supported in a restore test if FSx for Windows File Server uses AWS managed active directory

9 Is not currently available in Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region

Feature availability by AWS Region

AWS Backup is available in all the following AWS Regions. AWS Backup features are available in all these Regions unless otherwise noted in the following table.

Some Regions require account opt-in, as noted in the following table. Some feature availability is determined by whether opt-in is required or not required. For more information, see AWS Regions your account can use in the AWS Account Management Reference Guide.

Considerations for opt-in Regions:

  • Cross-account cross-Region copy is not supported for Amazon DocumentDB in Regions where opt-in is required.

  • Cross-Region copy of Neptune backups is currently supported in Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Asia Pacific (Jakarta), Israel (Tel Aviv), Middle East (Bahrain), and Middle East (UAE) Regions.

    Cross-Region copy of FSx for Lustre, FSx for Windows File Server, FSx for ONTAP, and FSx for OpenZFS is not supported in Regions where opt-in is required.

  • Cross-account copy is not supported for CloudFormation, Neptune, and Timestream in Regions where opt-in is required.

Considerations and limitations for cross-account management in opt-in Regions:

  • Cross-account management in AWS Regions where opt-in is required includes cross-account monitoring and access to backup policies; delegated administrator accounts can launch policies but do not have access to the monitoring functions.

  • Both management accounts and their child accounts can be opted into AWS Organizations. If a child account is opted into cross-account management prior to its management account being opted into cross-account management, there will be a delay (up to 24 hours) before cross-account monitoring will show job statuses across the organization.

AWS Backup supports Opt-in Cross-Region backup copy Cross-account management Cross-account backup copy AWS Backup Audit Manager and Jobs dashboard Restore testing Backup search
US East (N. Virginia) Not required
US East (Ohio) Not required
US West (N. California) Not required
US West (Oregon) Not required
Africa (Cape Town) Required
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Required
Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Required
Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Required
Asia Pacific (Malaysia) Required
Asia Pacific (Melbourne) Required
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Not required
Asia Pacific (Osaka) Not required
Asia Pacific (Seoul) Not required
Asia Pacific (Singapore) Not required
Asia Pacific (Sydney) Not required

Asia Pacific (Thailand)

Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Not required
Canada (Central) Not required
Canada West (Calgary) Required
China (Beijing) AWS in China 2
China (Ningxia) AWS in China 2
Europe (Frankfurt) Not required
Europe (Ireland) Not required
Europe (London) Not required
Europe (Milan) Required
Europe (Paris) Not required
Europe (Spain) Required
Europe (Stockholm) Not required
Europe (Zurich) Required
Israel (Tel Aviv) Required

Mexico (Central)

Middle East (Bahrain) Required
Middle East (UAE) Required
South America (São Paulo) Not required
AWS GovCloud (US-East) AWS GovCloud (US) 3
AWS GovCloud (US-West) AWS GovCloud (US) 3

1Cross-Region and cross-account copy to a logically air-gapped vault is not currently available in Canada West (Calgary), China (Beijing), China (Ningxia), AWS GovCloud (US-East), or AWS GovCloud (US-West) Regions.

2China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) support cross-Region copy from one of these two Regions to the other. Cross-Region copy is not supported from these Regions to other Regions or into these Regions. Cross-account copy is not supported for these Regions.

3Jobs dashboard is not available in AWS GovCloud (US-East) and AWS GovCloud (US-West). Jobs dashboard aggregation is only available in Regions which support cross-account management and AWS Backup Audit Manager.

Supported services by AWS Region

AWS Backup is available for these resource types in all Regions in which AWS Backup and the listed resource operates:

  • Aurora

  • AWS CloudFormation

  • Amazon DocumentDB

  • DynamoDB

  • DynamoDB with AWS Backup advanced features

  • Amazon EBS

  • Amazon EC2

  • Amazon EFS

  • Amazon Redshift

  • Amazon RDS

AWS Backup support of Amazon Neptune is available in most commercial Regions where Neptune is supported. Backup and restore is not currently available in Europe (Spain) Region.

AWS Backup support of Amazon DocumentDB is not available in Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), or AWS GovCloud (US-East).

The following table indicates AWS Backup support for other AWS services by Region:

Region and service Amazon FSx SAP HANA on EC2 instances Amazon S3 Storage Gateway Amazon Timestream VMware and Backup gateway
US East (N. Virginia)
US East (Ohio)
US West (N. California) Windows; Lustre; ONTAP
US West (Oregon)
Africa (Cape Town) Windows; Lustre; ONTAP
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)
Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Windows; Lustre; ONTAP
Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Windows; Lustre; ONTAP
Asia Pacific (Malaysia)
Asia Pacific (Melbourne) Windows; Lustre; ONTAP
Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
Asia Pacific (Osaka) Windows; Lustre 1
Asia Pacific (Seoul)
Asia Pacific (Singapore)
Asia Pacific (Sydney)
Asia Pacific (Thailand)
Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
Canada (Central)
Canada West (Calgary)
China (Beijing) Windows; Lustre 1
China (Ningxia) Windows; Lustre 1
Europe (Frankfurt)
Europe (Ireland)
Europe (London)
Europe (Milan) Windows; Lustre; ONTAP
Europe (Paris) Windows; Lustre; ONTAP
Europe (Spain) Windows; Lustre; ONTAP
Europe (Stockholm)
Europe (Zurich) Windows; Lustre; ONTAP
Israel (Tel Aviv) Windows; Lustre; ONTAP
Mexico (Central)
Middle East (Bahrain) Windows; Lustre; ONTAP
Middle East (UAE) Windows; Lustre; ONTAP
South America (São Paulo) Windows; Lustre; ONTAP
AWS GovCloud (US-West) Windows; Lustre; ONTAP 1
AWS GovCloud (US-East) Windows; Lustre; ONTAP 1

A check under Amazon FSx indicates that FSx for Windows File Server, FSx for Lustre, FSx for ONTAP, and FSx for OpenZFS are all supported in that Region by AWS Backup; otherwise, the supported configurations will be listed.

1 Cross-Region and cross-account copy are not supported.