This page lists the available controls for AWS Backup Audit Manager. You can choose the right info pane to see a list of controls and jump to a specific control. To quickly compare controls, see the table in Choosing your controls. To programmatically define controls, see the code snippets in Creating frameworks using the AWS Backup API.
You can use up to 50 controls per account per Region. Using the same control in two different frameworks counts as using two controls of the 50 control limit.
This page lists each control with the following information:
Description. Values in brackets ("[ ]") are the default parameter values.
The resource(s) the control evaluates.
The parameters of the control.
Occasion when running of control occurs.
The scope of the control, as follows:
You can specify Resources by type by choosing one or more AWS Backup-supported services.
You specify a Tagged resources scope with a single tag key and optional value.
You can specify a single resource using the Single resource dropdown list.
Remediation steps to bring applicable resources into compliance.
Note that only active resources will be included when controls evaluate resources for compliance. For example, an Amazon EC2 instance in a running state will be evaluated by the control Last recovery point was created. An EC2 instance in a stopped state will not be included in the compliance evaluation.
Backup resources are included in
at least one backup plan
Description: Evaluates if resources are included in at least one backup plan.
Resource: AWS Backup: backup selection
Parameters: None
Occurs: Automatically every 24 hours
Tagged resources
Resources by type (default)
Single resource
Remediation: Assign the resources to a backup plan. AWS Backup automatically protects your resources after you assign them to a backup plan. For more information, see Assigning resources to a backup plan.
Backup plan minimum
frequency and minimum retention
Description: Evaluates if backup plans contain at least one backup rule for which the backup frequency is at least [1 day] and retention period is at least [35 days].
Resource: AWS Backup: backup plans
Required backup frequency in number of hours or days.
Required retention period in number of days, weeks, months, or years. We recommend a warm storage retention of period of at least one week to enable AWS Backup to take incremental backups when possible, avoiding additional charges.
Occurs: Configuration changes
Tagged resources
Single resource
Remediation: Update a backup plan to change either its backup frequency, retention period, or both. Updating your backup plan changes the retention period for recovery points the plan creates after your update.
Vaults prevent manual
deletion of recovery points
Description: Evaluates if backup vaults do not allow manual deletion of recovery points except by certain IAM roles.
Resource: AWS Backup: backup vaults
Parameters: The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of up to five IAM roles allowed to manually delete recovery points.
Occurs: Configuration changes
Tagged resources
Single resource
Remediation: Create or modify a resource-based access policy on a backup vault. For an example policy and instructions on how to set a backup vault access policy, see Deny access to delete recovery points in a backup vault.
Recovery points are encrypted
Description: Evaluates if recovery points are encrypted.
Resource: AWS Backup: recovery points
Parameters: None
Occurs: Configuration changes
Tagged resources
Remediation: Configure encryption for the recovery points. The way you configure encryption for AWS Backup recovery points differs depending on the resource type.
You can configure encryption for resource types that support full AWS Backup management in using AWS Backup. If the resource type does not support full AWS Backup management, you must configure its backup encryption by following that service's instructions, such as Amazon EBS encryption in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. To see the list of resource types that support full AWS Backup management, see the "Full AWS Backup management" section of the Feature availability by resource table.
Minimum retention established
for recovery point
Description: Evaluates if recovery point retention period is at least [35 days].
Resource: AWS Backup: recovery points
Parameters: Required recovery point retention period in number of days, weeks, months, or years. We recommend a warm storage retention of period of at least one week to enable AWS Backup to take incremental backups when possible, avoiding additional charges.
Occurs: Configuration changes
Tagged resources
Remediation: Change the retention periods of your recovery points. For more information, see Editing a backup.
Cross-Region backup copy is scheduled
Description: Evaluates if a resource is configured to create copies of its backups to another AWS Region.
Resource: AWS Backup: backup selection
Select the AWS Region(s) where the backup copy should exist (Optional)
Occurs: Automatically every 24 hours
Tagged resources
Resources by type
Single resource
Remediation: Update a backup plan to change the AWS Region where backup copy should exist.
Cross-account backup copy is scheduled
Description: Evaluates if a resource is configured to create copies of its backups to another account. You can add up to 5 accounts for the control to evaluate. The destination account must be in the same organization as the source account in AWS Organizations.
Resource: AWS Backup: backup selection
Select the AWS account ID(s) where the backup copy should exist (Optional)
Account ID
Occurs: Automatically every 24 hours
Tagged resources
Resources by type
Single resource
Remediation: Update a backup plan to change or add the AWS account ID(s) where the copy should exist.
Resources are in a backup plan with an AWS Backup Vault Lock
Description: Evaluates if a resource has immutable backups stored in a locked backup vault.
Resource: AWS Backup: backup selection
Input the minimum and maximum retention days for AWS Backup Vault Lock (optional)
Minimum retention days
Maximum retention days
Occurs: Automatically every 24 hours
Tagged resources
Resources by type
Single resource
Remediation: Lock a backup vault
to set its name, change either its minimum retention days, maximum retention days, or both.
Can also include ChangeableForDays
for a vault lock in compliance mode.
Last recovery point was created
Description: This control evaluates if a recovery point has been created within the specified time frame (in days or hours).
The control is compliant if the resource has had a recovery point created within the time frame specified. The control is non-compliant if a recovery point was not created within the number of days or hours specified.
Resource: AWS Backup: recovery points
Input the specified time frame in whole numbers, either in hours or days.
Values of
can range from1
. -
Value of
can range from1
Occurs: Automatically every 24 hours
Tagged resources
Resources by type
Single resource
Update a backup plan to change the specified time frame of recovery point creation.
Additionally, you can create an on-demand backup.
Restore time for resources meet
Description: Evaluates if restoring protected resources completed within the target restore time.
This control checks if the restore time of a particular resource meets the target
duration. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if LatestRestoreExecutionTimeMinutes
a resource type is
greater than maxRestoreTime
in minutes.
(in minutes)
Occurs: Automatically every 24 hours
Tagged resources
Resources by type
Single resource
AWS Backup does not provide any service-level agreements (SLAs) for a restore time. Restore times can vary based upon system load and capacity, even for restores containing the same resources.
Resources in a logically air-gapped
Description: This control evaluates if resources have at least one recovery point copied to a logically air-gapped vault within the specified value and time frame. This control is NON_COMPLIANT if a recovery point has not been copied to a logically air-gapped vault in the time frame configured for the control.
Resource: AWS Backup: recovery points
Input the time period. Specify the unit in days
or hours
Specify a value for that unit. Values of hours can be within 24
inclusive. Values of days can be within 1
A minimum value of 7
days or 168
hours is recommended. The
control value should be no more frequent than the copy creation frequency of your backup
plan; otherwise, you may see an unexpected NON_COMPLIANT
status until your next backup is
copied into a logically air-gapped vault and this control is run.
Occurs: Automatically every 24 hours
Resources by type
Single resource