AWS App Mesh 2018-10-01
- Client: Aws\AppMesh\AppMeshClient
- Service ID: appmesh
- Version: 2018-10-01
This page describes the parameters and results for the operations of the AWS App Mesh (2018-10-01), and shows how to use the Aws\AppMesh\AppMeshClient object to call the described operations. This documentation is specific to the 2018-10-01 API version of the service.
Operation Summary
Each of the following operations can be created from a client using
, where "CommandName" is the
name of one of the following operations. Note: a command is a value that
encapsulates an operation and the parameters used to create an HTTP request.
You can also create and send a command immediately using the magic methods
available on a client object: $client->commandName(/* parameters */)
You can send the command asynchronously (returning a promise) by appending the
word "Async" to the operation name: $client->commandNameAsync(/* parameters */)
- CreateMesh ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a new service mesh.
- CreateRoute ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a new route that is associated with a virtual router.
- CreateVirtualNode ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a new virtual node within a service mesh.
- CreateVirtualRouter ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a new virtual router within a service mesh.
- DeleteMesh ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes an existing service mesh.
- DeleteRoute ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes an existing route.
- DeleteVirtualNode ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes an existing virtual node.
- DeleteVirtualRouter ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes an existing virtual router.
- DescribeMesh ( array $params = [] )
- Describes an existing service mesh.
- DescribeRoute ( array $params = [] )
- Describes an existing route.
- DescribeVirtualNode ( array $params = [] )
- Describes an existing virtual node.
- DescribeVirtualRouter ( array $params = [] )
- Describes an existing virtual router.
- ListMeshes ( array $params = [] )
- Returns a list of existing service meshes.
- ListRoutes ( array $params = [] )
- Returns a list of existing routes in a service mesh.
- ListVirtualNodes ( array $params = [] )
- Returns a list of existing virtual nodes.
- ListVirtualRouters ( array $params = [] )
- Returns a list of existing virtual routers in a service mesh.
- UpdateRoute ( array $params = [] )
- Updates an existing route for a specified service mesh and virtual router.
- UpdateVirtualNode ( array $params = [] )
- Updates an existing virtual node in a specified service mesh.
- UpdateVirtualRouter ( array $params = [] )
- Updates an existing virtual router in a specified service mesh.
Paginators handle automatically iterating over paginated API results. Paginators are associated with specific API operations, and they accept the parameters that the corresponding API operation accepts. You can get a paginator from a client class using getPaginator($paginatorName, $operationParameters). This client supports the following paginators:
$result = $client->createMesh
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createMeshAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a new service mesh. A service mesh is a logical boundary for network traffic between the services that reside within it.
After you create your service mesh, you can create virtual nodes, virtual routers, and routes to distribute traffic between the applications in your mesh.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createMesh([ 'clientToken' => '<string>', 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- clientToken
- Type: string
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'mesh' => [ 'meshName' => '<string>', 'metadata' => [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'createdAt' => <DateTime>, 'lastUpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'uid' => '<string>', 'version' => <integer>, ], 'status' => [ 'status' => 'ACTIVE|DELETED|INACTIVE', ], ], ]
Result Details
- mesh
- Type: MeshData structure
An object representing a service mesh returned by a describe operation.
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ConflictException:
The request contains a client token that was used for a previous update resource call with different specifications. Try the request again with a new client token.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- LimitExceededException:
You have exceeded a service limit for your account. For more information, see Service Limits in the AWS App Mesh User Guide.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->createRoute
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createRouteAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a new route that is associated with a virtual router.
You can use the prefix
parameter in your route specification for path-based routing of requests. For example, if your virtual router service name is my-service.local
, and you want the route to match requests to my-service.local/metrics
, then your prefix should be /metrics
If your route matches a request, you can distribute traffic to one or more target virtual nodes with relative weighting.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createRoute([ 'clientToken' => '<string>', 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'routeName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'spec' => [ // REQUIRED 'httpRoute' => [ 'action' => [ 'weightedTargets' => [ [ 'virtualNode' => '<string>', 'weight' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], 'match' => [ 'prefix' => '<string>', ], ], ], 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- clientToken
- Type: string
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- routeName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- spec
- Required: Yes
- Type: RouteSpec structure
An object representing the specification of a route.
- virtualRouterName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'route' => [ 'meshName' => '<string>', 'metadata' => [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'createdAt' => <DateTime>, 'lastUpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'uid' => '<string>', 'version' => <integer>, ], 'routeName' => '<string>', 'spec' => [ 'httpRoute' => [ 'action' => [ 'weightedTargets' => [ [ 'virtualNode' => '<string>', 'weight' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], 'match' => [ 'prefix' => '<string>', ], ], ], 'status' => [ 'status' => 'ACTIVE|DELETED|INACTIVE', ], 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- route
- Type: RouteData structure
An object representing a route returned by a describe operation.
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ConflictException:
The request contains a client token that was used for a previous update resource call with different specifications. Try the request again with a new client token.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- LimitExceededException:
You have exceeded a service limit for your account. For more information, see Service Limits in the AWS App Mesh User Guide.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->createVirtualNode
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createVirtualNodeAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a new virtual node within a service mesh.
A virtual node acts as logical pointer to a particular task group, such as an Amazon ECS service or a Kubernetes deployment. When you create a virtual node, you must specify the DNS service discovery name for your task group.
Any inbound traffic that your virtual node expects should be specified as a listener
. Any outbound traffic that your virtual node expects to reach should be specified as a backend
The response metadata for your new virtual node contains the arn
that is associated with the virtual node. Set this value (either the full ARN or the truncated resource name, for example, mesh/default/virtualNode/simpleapp
environment variable for your task group's Envoy proxy container in your task definition or pod spec. This is then mapped to the
and node.cluster
Envoy parameters.
If you require your Envoy stats or tracing to use a different name, you can override the node.cluster
value that is set by APPMESH_VIRTUAL_NODE_NAME
environment variable.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createVirtualNode([ 'clientToken' => '<string>', 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'spec' => [ // REQUIRED 'backends' => ['<string>', ...], 'listeners' => [ [ 'healthCheck' => [ 'healthyThreshold' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'intervalMillis' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'path' => '<string>', 'port' => <integer>, 'protocol' => 'http|tcp', // REQUIRED 'timeoutMillis' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'unhealthyThreshold' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ], 'portMapping' => [ 'port' => <integer>, 'protocol' => 'http|tcp', ], ], // ... ], 'serviceDiscovery' => [ 'dns' => [ 'serviceName' => '<string>', ], ], ], 'virtualNodeName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- clientToken
- Type: string
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- spec
- Required: Yes
- Type: VirtualNodeSpec structure
An object representing the specification of a virtual node.
- virtualNodeName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'virtualNode' => [ 'meshName' => '<string>', 'metadata' => [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'createdAt' => <DateTime>, 'lastUpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'uid' => '<string>', 'version' => <integer>, ], 'spec' => [ 'backends' => ['<string>', ...], 'listeners' => [ [ 'healthCheck' => [ 'healthyThreshold' => <integer>, 'intervalMillis' => <integer>, 'path' => '<string>', 'port' => <integer>, 'protocol' => 'http|tcp', 'timeoutMillis' => <integer>, 'unhealthyThreshold' => <integer>, ], 'portMapping' => [ 'port' => <integer>, 'protocol' => 'http|tcp', ], ], // ... ], 'serviceDiscovery' => [ 'dns' => [ 'serviceName' => '<string>', ], ], ], 'status' => [ 'status' => 'ACTIVE|DELETED|INACTIVE', ], 'virtualNodeName' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- virtualNode
- Type: VirtualNodeData structure
An object representing a virtual node returned by a describe operation.
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ConflictException:
The request contains a client token that was used for a previous update resource call with different specifications. Try the request again with a new client token.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- LimitExceededException:
You have exceeded a service limit for your account. For more information, see Service Limits in the AWS App Mesh User Guide.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->createVirtualRouter
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createVirtualRouterAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a new virtual router within a service mesh.
Virtual routers handle traffic for one or more service names within your mesh. After you create your virtual router, create and associate routes for your virtual router that direct incoming requests to different virtual nodes.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createVirtualRouter([ 'clientToken' => '<string>', 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'spec' => [ // REQUIRED 'serviceNames' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- clientToken
- Type: string
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- spec
- Required: Yes
- Type: VirtualRouterSpec structure
An object representing the specification of a virtual router.
- virtualRouterName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'virtualRouter' => [ 'meshName' => '<string>', 'metadata' => [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'createdAt' => <DateTime>, 'lastUpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'uid' => '<string>', 'version' => <integer>, ], 'spec' => [ 'serviceNames' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'status' => [ 'status' => 'ACTIVE|DELETED|INACTIVE', ], 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- virtualRouter
- Type: VirtualRouterData structure
An object representing a virtual router returned by a describe operation.
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ConflictException:
The request contains a client token that was used for a previous update resource call with different specifications. Try the request again with a new client token.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- LimitExceededException:
You have exceeded a service limit for your account. For more information, see Service Limits in the AWS App Mesh User Guide.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->deleteMesh
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteMeshAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes an existing service mesh.
You must delete all resources (routes, virtual routers, virtual nodes) in the service mesh before you can delete the mesh itself.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteMesh([ 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'mesh' => [ 'meshName' => '<string>', 'metadata' => [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'createdAt' => <DateTime>, 'lastUpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'uid' => '<string>', 'version' => <integer>, ], 'status' => [ 'status' => 'ACTIVE|DELETED|INACTIVE', ], ], ]
Result Details
- mesh
- Type: MeshData structure
An object representing a service mesh returned by a describe operation.
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ResourceInUseException:
You cannot delete the specified resource because it is in use or required by another resource.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->deleteRoute
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteRouteAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes an existing route.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteRoute([ 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'routeName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- routeName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- virtualRouterName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'route' => [ 'meshName' => '<string>', 'metadata' => [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'createdAt' => <DateTime>, 'lastUpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'uid' => '<string>', 'version' => <integer>, ], 'routeName' => '<string>', 'spec' => [ 'httpRoute' => [ 'action' => [ 'weightedTargets' => [ [ 'virtualNode' => '<string>', 'weight' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], 'match' => [ 'prefix' => '<string>', ], ], ], 'status' => [ 'status' => 'ACTIVE|DELETED|INACTIVE', ], 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- route
- Type: RouteData structure
An object representing a route returned by a describe operation.
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ResourceInUseException:
You cannot delete the specified resource because it is in use or required by another resource.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->deleteVirtualNode
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteVirtualNodeAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes an existing virtual node.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteVirtualNode([ 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'virtualNodeName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- virtualNodeName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'virtualNode' => [ 'meshName' => '<string>', 'metadata' => [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'createdAt' => <DateTime>, 'lastUpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'uid' => '<string>', 'version' => <integer>, ], 'spec' => [ 'backends' => ['<string>', ...], 'listeners' => [ [ 'healthCheck' => [ 'healthyThreshold' => <integer>, 'intervalMillis' => <integer>, 'path' => '<string>', 'port' => <integer>, 'protocol' => 'http|tcp', 'timeoutMillis' => <integer>, 'unhealthyThreshold' => <integer>, ], 'portMapping' => [ 'port' => <integer>, 'protocol' => 'http|tcp', ], ], // ... ], 'serviceDiscovery' => [ 'dns' => [ 'serviceName' => '<string>', ], ], ], 'status' => [ 'status' => 'ACTIVE|DELETED|INACTIVE', ], 'virtualNodeName' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- virtualNode
- Type: VirtualNodeData structure
An object representing a virtual node returned by a describe operation.
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ResourceInUseException:
You cannot delete the specified resource because it is in use or required by another resource.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->deleteVirtualRouter
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteVirtualRouterAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes an existing virtual router.
You must delete any routes associated with the virtual router before you can delete the router itself.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteVirtualRouter([ 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- virtualRouterName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'virtualRouter' => [ 'meshName' => '<string>', 'metadata' => [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'createdAt' => <DateTime>, 'lastUpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'uid' => '<string>', 'version' => <integer>, ], 'spec' => [ 'serviceNames' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'status' => [ 'status' => 'ACTIVE|DELETED|INACTIVE', ], 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- virtualRouter
- Type: VirtualRouterData structure
An object representing a virtual router returned by a describe operation.
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ResourceInUseException:
You cannot delete the specified resource because it is in use or required by another resource.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->describeMesh
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->describeMeshAsync
([/* ... */]);
Describes an existing service mesh.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->describeMesh([ 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'mesh' => [ 'meshName' => '<string>', 'metadata' => [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'createdAt' => <DateTime>, 'lastUpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'uid' => '<string>', 'version' => <integer>, ], 'status' => [ 'status' => 'ACTIVE|DELETED|INACTIVE', ], ], ]
Result Details
- mesh
- Type: MeshData structure
An object representing a service mesh returned by a describe operation.
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->describeRoute
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->describeRouteAsync
([/* ... */]);
Describes an existing route.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->describeRoute([ 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'routeName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- routeName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- virtualRouterName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'route' => [ 'meshName' => '<string>', 'metadata' => [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'createdAt' => <DateTime>, 'lastUpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'uid' => '<string>', 'version' => <integer>, ], 'routeName' => '<string>', 'spec' => [ 'httpRoute' => [ 'action' => [ 'weightedTargets' => [ [ 'virtualNode' => '<string>', 'weight' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], 'match' => [ 'prefix' => '<string>', ], ], ], 'status' => [ 'status' => 'ACTIVE|DELETED|INACTIVE', ], 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- route
- Type: RouteData structure
An object representing a route returned by a describe operation.
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->describeVirtualNode
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->describeVirtualNodeAsync
([/* ... */]);
Describes an existing virtual node.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->describeVirtualNode([ 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'virtualNodeName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- virtualNodeName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'virtualNode' => [ 'meshName' => '<string>', 'metadata' => [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'createdAt' => <DateTime>, 'lastUpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'uid' => '<string>', 'version' => <integer>, ], 'spec' => [ 'backends' => ['<string>', ...], 'listeners' => [ [ 'healthCheck' => [ 'healthyThreshold' => <integer>, 'intervalMillis' => <integer>, 'path' => '<string>', 'port' => <integer>, 'protocol' => 'http|tcp', 'timeoutMillis' => <integer>, 'unhealthyThreshold' => <integer>, ], 'portMapping' => [ 'port' => <integer>, 'protocol' => 'http|tcp', ], ], // ... ], 'serviceDiscovery' => [ 'dns' => [ 'serviceName' => '<string>', ], ], ], 'status' => [ 'status' => 'ACTIVE|DELETED|INACTIVE', ], 'virtualNodeName' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- virtualNode
- Type: VirtualNodeData structure
An object representing a virtual node returned by a describe operation.
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->describeVirtualRouter
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->describeVirtualRouterAsync
([/* ... */]);
Describes an existing virtual router.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->describeVirtualRouter([ 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- virtualRouterName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'virtualRouter' => [ 'meshName' => '<string>', 'metadata' => [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'createdAt' => <DateTime>, 'lastUpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'uid' => '<string>', 'version' => <integer>, ], 'spec' => [ 'serviceNames' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'status' => [ 'status' => 'ACTIVE|DELETED|INACTIVE', ], 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- virtualRouter
- Type: VirtualRouterData structure
An object representing a virtual router returned by a describe operation.
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->listMeshes
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listMeshesAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns a list of existing service meshes.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listMeshes([ 'limit' => <integer>, 'nextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- limit
- Type: int
- nextToken
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'meshes' => [ [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'meshName' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'nextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- meshes
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of MeshRef structures
- nextToken
- Type: string
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->listRoutes
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listRoutesAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns a list of existing routes in a service mesh.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listRoutes([ 'limit' => <integer>, 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'nextToken' => '<string>', 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- limit
- Type: int
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- nextToken
- Type: string
- virtualRouterName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'nextToken' => '<string>', 'routes' => [ [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'meshName' => '<string>', 'routeName' => '<string>', 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- nextToken
- Type: string
- routes
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of RouteRef structures
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->listVirtualNodes
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listVirtualNodesAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns a list of existing virtual nodes.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listVirtualNodes([ 'limit' => <integer>, 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'nextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- limit
- Type: int
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- nextToken
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'nextToken' => '<string>', 'virtualNodes' => [ [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'meshName' => '<string>', 'virtualNodeName' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- nextToken
- Type: string
- virtualNodes
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of VirtualNodeRef structures
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->listVirtualRouters
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listVirtualRoutersAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns a list of existing virtual routers in a service mesh.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listVirtualRouters([ 'limit' => <integer>, 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'nextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- limit
- Type: int
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- nextToken
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'nextToken' => '<string>', 'virtualRouters' => [ [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'meshName' => '<string>', 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- nextToken
- Type: string
- virtualRouters
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of VirtualRouterRef structures
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->updateRoute
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->updateRouteAsync
([/* ... */]);
Updates an existing route for a specified service mesh and virtual router.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->updateRoute([ 'clientToken' => '<string>', 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'routeName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'spec' => [ // REQUIRED 'httpRoute' => [ 'action' => [ 'weightedTargets' => [ [ 'virtualNode' => '<string>', 'weight' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], 'match' => [ 'prefix' => '<string>', ], ], ], 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- clientToken
- Type: string
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- routeName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- spec
- Required: Yes
- Type: RouteSpec structure
An object representing the specification of a route.
- virtualRouterName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'route' => [ 'meshName' => '<string>', 'metadata' => [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'createdAt' => <DateTime>, 'lastUpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'uid' => '<string>', 'version' => <integer>, ], 'routeName' => '<string>', 'spec' => [ 'httpRoute' => [ 'action' => [ 'weightedTargets' => [ [ 'virtualNode' => '<string>', 'weight' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], 'match' => [ 'prefix' => '<string>', ], ], ], 'status' => [ 'status' => 'ACTIVE|DELETED|INACTIVE', ], 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- route
- Type: RouteData structure
An object representing a route returned by a describe operation.
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ConflictException:
The request contains a client token that was used for a previous update resource call with different specifications. Try the request again with a new client token.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- LimitExceededException:
You have exceeded a service limit for your account. For more information, see Service Limits in the AWS App Mesh User Guide.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->updateVirtualNode
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->updateVirtualNodeAsync
([/* ... */]);
Updates an existing virtual node in a specified service mesh.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->updateVirtualNode([ 'clientToken' => '<string>', 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'spec' => [ // REQUIRED 'backends' => ['<string>', ...], 'listeners' => [ [ 'healthCheck' => [ 'healthyThreshold' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'intervalMillis' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'path' => '<string>', 'port' => <integer>, 'protocol' => 'http|tcp', // REQUIRED 'timeoutMillis' => <integer>, // REQUIRED 'unhealthyThreshold' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ], 'portMapping' => [ 'port' => <integer>, 'protocol' => 'http|tcp', ], ], // ... ], 'serviceDiscovery' => [ 'dns' => [ 'serviceName' => '<string>', ], ], ], 'virtualNodeName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- clientToken
- Type: string
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- spec
- Required: Yes
- Type: VirtualNodeSpec structure
An object representing the specification of a virtual node.
- virtualNodeName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'virtualNode' => [ 'meshName' => '<string>', 'metadata' => [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'createdAt' => <DateTime>, 'lastUpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'uid' => '<string>', 'version' => <integer>, ], 'spec' => [ 'backends' => ['<string>', ...], 'listeners' => [ [ 'healthCheck' => [ 'healthyThreshold' => <integer>, 'intervalMillis' => <integer>, 'path' => '<string>', 'port' => <integer>, 'protocol' => 'http|tcp', 'timeoutMillis' => <integer>, 'unhealthyThreshold' => <integer>, ], 'portMapping' => [ 'port' => <integer>, 'protocol' => 'http|tcp', ], ], // ... ], 'serviceDiscovery' => [ 'dns' => [ 'serviceName' => '<string>', ], ], ], 'status' => [ 'status' => 'ACTIVE|DELETED|INACTIVE', ], 'virtualNodeName' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- virtualNode
- Type: VirtualNodeData structure
An object representing a virtual node returned by a describe operation.
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ConflictException:
The request contains a client token that was used for a previous update resource call with different specifications. Try the request again with a new client token.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- LimitExceededException:
You have exceeded a service limit for your account. For more information, see Service Limits in the AWS App Mesh User Guide.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
$result = $client->updateVirtualRouter
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->updateVirtualRouterAsync
([/* ... */]);
Updates an existing virtual router in a specified service mesh.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->updateVirtualRouter([ 'clientToken' => '<string>', 'meshName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'spec' => [ // REQUIRED 'serviceNames' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- clientToken
- Type: string
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- spec
- Required: Yes
- Type: VirtualRouterSpec structure
An object representing the specification of a virtual router.
- virtualRouterName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Result Syntax
[ 'virtualRouter' => [ 'meshName' => '<string>', 'metadata' => [ 'arn' => '<string>', 'createdAt' => <DateTime>, 'lastUpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'uid' => '<string>', 'version' => <integer>, ], 'spec' => [ 'serviceNames' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'status' => [ 'status' => 'ACTIVE|DELETED|INACTIVE', ], 'virtualRouterName' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- virtualRouter
- Type: VirtualRouterData structure
An object representing a virtual router returned by a describe operation.
- BadRequestException:
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ConflictException:
The request contains a client token that was used for a previous update resource call with different specifications. Try the request again with a new client token.
- ForbiddenException:
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- InternalServerErrorException:
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- LimitExceededException:
You have exceeded a service limit for your account. For more information, see Service Limits in the AWS App Mesh User Guide.
- NotFoundException:
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- ServiceUnavailableException:
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- TooManyRequestsException:
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
The request syntax was malformed. Check your request syntax and try again.
- message
- Type: string
The request contains a client token that was used for a previous update resource call with different specifications. Try the request again with a new client token.
- message
- Type: string
The DNS service discovery information for your virtual node.
- serviceName
- Type: string
You do not have permissions to perform this action.
- message
- Type: string
An object representing the health check policy for a virtual node's listener.
- healthyThreshold
- Required: Yes
- Type: int
- intervalMillis
- Required: Yes
- Type: long (int|float)
- path
- Type: string
- port
- Type: int
- protocol
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- timeoutMillis
- Required: Yes
- Type: long (int|float)
- unhealthyThreshold
- Required: Yes
- Type: int
An object representing the HTTP routing specification for a route.
- action
- Type: HttpRouteAction structure
An object representing the traffic distribution requirements for matched HTTP requests.
- match
- Type: HttpRouteMatch structure
An object representing the requirements for a route to match HTTP requests for a virtual router.
An object representing the traffic distribution requirements for matched HTTP requests.
- weightedTargets
- Type: Array of WeightedTarget structures
An object representing the requirements for a route to match HTTP requests for a virtual router.
- prefix
- Type: string
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure.
- message
- Type: string
You have exceeded a service limit for your account. For more information, see Service Limits in the AWS App Mesh User Guide.
- message
- Type: string
An object representing a listener for a virtual node.
- healthCheck
- Type: HealthCheckPolicy structure
An object representing the health check policy for a virtual node's listener.
- portMapping
- Type: PortMapping structure
An object representing a virtual node listener port mapping.
An object representing a service mesh returned by a describe operation.
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- metadata
- Required: Yes
- Type: ResourceMetadata structure
An object representing metadata for a resource.
- status
- Type: MeshStatus structure
An object representing the status of a service mesh.
An object representing a service mesh returned by a list operation.
- arn
- Type: string
- meshName
- Type: string
An object representing the status of a service mesh.
- status
- Type: string
The specified resource does not exist. Check your request syntax and try again.
- message
- Type: string
An object representing a virtual node listener port mapping.
- port
- Type: int
- protocol
- Type: string
You cannot delete the specified resource because it is in use or required by another resource.
- message
- Type: string
An object representing metadata for a resource.
- arn
- Type: string
- createdAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- lastUpdatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
- uid
- Type: string
- version
- Type: long (int|float)
An object representing a route returned by a describe operation.
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- metadata
- Type: ResourceMetadata structure
An object representing metadata for a resource.
- routeName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- spec
- Type: RouteSpec structure
An object representing the specification of a route.
- status
- Type: RouteStatus structure
An object representing the current status of a route.
- virtualRouterName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
An object representing a route returned by a list operation.
- arn
- Type: string
- meshName
- Type: string
- routeName
- Type: string
- virtualRouterName
- Type: string
An object representing the specification of a route.
- httpRoute
- Type: HttpRoute structure
An object representing the HTTP routing specification for a route.
An object representing the current status of a route.
- status
- Type: string
An object representing the service discovery information for a virtual node.
- dns
- Type: DnsServiceDiscovery structure
The DNS service discovery information for your virtual node.
The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the service.
- message
- Type: string
The maximum request rate permitted by the App Mesh APIs has been exceeded for your account. For best results, use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.
- message
- Type: string
An object representing a virtual node returned by a describe operation.
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- metadata
- Type: ResourceMetadata structure
An object representing metadata for a resource.
- spec
- Type: VirtualNodeSpec structure
An object representing the specification of a virtual node.
- status
- Type: VirtualNodeStatus structure
An object representing the current status of the virtual node.
- virtualNodeName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
An object representing a virtual node returned by a list operation.
- arn
- Type: string
- meshName
- Type: string
- virtualNodeName
- Type: string
An object representing the specification of a virtual node.
- backends
- Type: Array of strings
- listeners
- Type: Array of Listener structures
- serviceDiscovery
- Type: ServiceDiscovery structure
An object representing the service discovery information for a virtual node.
An object representing the current status of the virtual node.
- status
- Type: string
An object representing a virtual router returned by a describe operation.
- meshName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- metadata
- Type: ResourceMetadata structure
An object representing metadata for a resource.
- spec
- Type: VirtualRouterSpec structure
An object representing the specification of a virtual router.
- status
- Type: VirtualRouterStatus structure
An object representing the status of a virtual router.
- virtualRouterName
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
An object representing a virtual router returned by a list operation.
- arn
- Type: string
- meshName
- Type: string
- virtualRouterName
- Type: string
An object representing the specification of a virtual router.
- serviceNames
- Type: Array of strings
An object representing the status of a virtual router.
- status
- Type: string
An object representing a target and its relative weight. Traffic is distributed across targets according to their relative weight. For example, a weighted target with a relative weight of 50 receives five times as much traffic as one with a relative weight of 10.
- virtualNode
- Type: string
- weight
- Type: int