Table of Contents
- AccessAnalyzer
- Account
- Acm
- Amplify
- AmplifyBackend
- AmplifyUIBuilder
- Api
- ApiGateway
- ApiGatewayManagementApi
- ApiGatewayV2
- AppConfig
- AppConfigData
- AppFabric
- Appflow
- AppIntegrationsService
- ApplicationAutoScaling
- ApplicationCostProfiler
- ApplicationDiscoveryService
- ApplicationInsights
- ApplicationSignals
- AppMesh
- AppRegistry
- AppRunner
- Appstream
- AppSync
- AppTest
- ARCZonalShift
- Arn
- Artifact
- Athena
- AuditManager
- AugmentedAIRuntime
- Auth
- AutoScaling
- AutoScalingPlans
- B2bi
- Backup
- BackupGateway
- BackupSearch
- Batch
- BCMDataExports
- BCMPricingCalculator
- Bedrock
- BedrockAgent
- BedrockAgentRuntime
- BedrockDataAutomation
- BedrockDataAutomationRuntime
- BedrockRuntime
- Billing
- BillingConductor
- Braket
- Budgets
- Chatbot
- Chime
- ChimeSDKIdentity
- ChimeSDKMediaPipelines
- ChimeSDKMeetings
- ChimeSDKMessaging
- ChimeSDKVoice
- CleanRooms
- CleanRoomsML
- ClientSideMonitoring
- Cloud9
- CloudControlApi
- CloudDirectory
- CloudFormation
- CloudFront
- CloudFrontKeyValueStore
- CloudHsm
- CloudHSMV2
- CloudSearch
- CloudSearchDomain
- CloudTrail
- CloudTrailData
- CloudWatch
- CloudWatchEvents
- CloudWatchEvidently
- CloudWatchLogs
- CloudWatchRUM
- CodeArtifact
- CodeBuild
- CodeCatalyst
- CodeCommit
- CodeConnections
- CodeDeploy
- CodeGuruProfiler
- CodeGuruReviewer
- CodeGuruSecurity
- CodePipeline
- CodeStarconnections
- CodeStarNotifications
- CognitoIdentity
- CognitoIdentityProvider
- CognitoSync
- Comprehend
- ComprehendMedical
- ComputeOptimizer
- ConfigService
- Configuration
- Connect
- ConnectCampaignService
- ConnectCampaignsV2
- ConnectCases
- ConnectContactLens
- ConnectParticipant
- ConnectWisdomService
- ControlCatalog
- ControlTower
- CostandUsageReportService
- CostExplorer
- CostOptimizationHub
- Credentials
- Crypto
- CustomerProfiles
- DatabaseMigrationService
- DataExchange
- DataPipeline
- DataSync
- DataZone
- Deadline
- DefaultsMode
- Detective
- DeviceFarm
- DevOpsGuru
- DirectConnect
- DirectoryService
- DirectoryServiceData
- DocDB
- DocDBElastic
- drs
- DynamoDb
- DynamoDbStreams
- Ec2
- EC2InstanceConnect
- Ecr
- ECRPublic
- Ecs
- Efs
- EKSAuth
- ElastiCache
- ElasticBeanstalk
- ElasticLoadBalancing
- ElasticLoadBalancingV2
- ElasticsearchService
- ElasticTranscoder
- Emr
- EMRContainers
- EMRServerless
- Endpoint
- EndpointDiscovery
- EndpointV2
- EntityResolution
- EventBridge
- Exception
- finspace
- FinSpaceData
- Firehose
- ForecastQueryService
- ForecastService
- FraudDetector
- FreeTier
- FSx
- GameLift
- GameLiftStreams
- GeoMaps
- GeoPlaces
- GeoRoutes
- Glacier
- GlobalAccelerator
- Glue
- GlueDataBrew
- Greengrass
- GreengrassV2
- GroundStation
- GuardDuty
- Handler
- Health
- HealthLake
- Iam
- Identity
- IdentityStore
- imagebuilder
- ImportExport
- Inspector
- Inspector2
- InspectorScan
- InternetMonitor
- Invoicing
- Iot
- IoTAnalytics
- IotDataPlane
- IoTDeviceAdvisor
- IoTEvents
- IoTEventsData
- IoTFleetHub
- IoTFleetWise
- IoTJobsDataPlane
- IoTManagedIntegrations
- IoTSecureTunneling
- IoTSiteWise
- IoTThingsGraph
- IoTTwinMaker
- IoTWireless
- ivschat
- IVSRealTime
- Kafka
- KafkaConnect
- kendra
- KendraRanking
- Keyspaces
- Kinesis
- KinesisAnalytics
- KinesisAnalyticsV2
- KinesisVideo
- KinesisVideoArchivedMedia
- KinesisVideoMedia
- KinesisVideoSignalingChannels
- KinesisVideoWebRTCStorage
- Kms
- LakeFormation
- Lambda
- LaunchWizard
- LexModelBuildingService
- LexModelsV2
- LexRuntimeService
- LexRuntimeV2
- LicenseManager
- LicenseManagerLinuxSubscriptions
- LicenseManagerUserSubscriptions
- Lightsail
- LocationService
- LookoutEquipment
- LookoutforVision
- LookoutMetrics
- MachineLearning
- Macie2
- MailManager
- MainframeModernization
- ManagedBlockchain
- ManagedBlockchainQuery
- ManagedGrafana
- MarketplaceAgreement
- MarketplaceCatalog
- MarketplaceCommerceAnalytics
- MarketplaceDeployment
- MarketplaceEntitlementService
- MarketplaceMetering
- MarketplaceReporting
- MediaConnect
- MediaConvert
- MediaLive
- MediaPackage
- MediaPackageV2
- MediaPackageVod
- MediaStore
- MediaStoreData
- MediaTailor
- MedicalImaging
- MemoryDB
- mgn
- MigrationHub
- MigrationHubConfig
- MigrationHubOrchestrator
- MigrationHubRefactorSpaces
- MigrationHubStrategyRecommendations
- MQ
- MTurk
- Multipart
- Neptune
- Neptunedata
- NeptuneGraph
- NetworkFirewall
- NetworkFlowMonitor
- NetworkManager
- NetworkMonitor
- Notifications
- NotificationsContacts
- ObservabilityAdmin
- Omics
- OpenSearchServerless
- OpenSearchService
- OpsWorks
- OpsWorksCM
- Organizations
- Outposts
- Panorama
- PartnerCentralSelling
- PaymentCryptography
- PaymentCryptographyData
- PcaConnectorAd
- PcaConnectorScep
- Personalize
- PersonalizeEvents
- PersonalizeRuntime
- PI
- Pinpoint
- PinpointEmail
- PinpointSMSVoice
- PinpointSMSVoiceV2
- Pipes
- Polly
- Pricing
- PrivateNetworks
- PrometheusService
- Proton
- QApps
- QBusiness
- QConnect
- QLDBSession
- QuickSight
- Rds
- RDSDataService
- RecycleBin
- Redshift
- RedshiftDataAPIService
- RedshiftServerless
- Rekognition
- Repostspace
- ResilienceHub
- ResourceExplorer2
- ResourceGroups
- ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI
- Retry
- RoboMaker
- RolesAnywhere
- Route53
- Route53Domains
- Route53Profiles
- Route53RecoveryCluster
- Route53RecoveryControlConfig
- Route53RecoveryReadiness
- Route53Resolver
- S3
- S3Control
- S3Outposts
- S3Tables
- SageMaker
- SagemakerEdgeManager
- SageMakerFeatureStoreRuntime
- SageMakerGeospatial
- SageMakerMetrics
- SageMakerRuntime
- SavingsPlans
- Scheduler
- Schemas
- Script
- SecretsManager
- SecurityHub
- SecurityIR
- SecurityLake
- ServerlessApplicationRepository
- ServiceCatalog
- ServiceDiscovery
- ServiceQuotas
- Ses
- SesV2
- Sfn
- Shield
- Signature
- signer
- SimSpaceWeaver
- Sms
- SnowBall
- SnowDeviceManagement
- Sns
- SocialMessaging
- Sqs
- Ssm
- SSMContacts
- SSMIncidents
- SSMQuickSetup
- SsmSap
- SSOAdmin
- StorageGateway
- Sts
- SupplyChain
- Support
- SupportApp
- Swf
- Synthetics
- TaxSettings
- Textract
- TimestreamInfluxDB
- TimestreamQuery
- TimestreamWrite
- Tnb
- Token
- TranscribeService
- Transfer
- Translate
- TrustedAdvisor
- VerifiedPermissions
- VoiceID
- VPCLattice
- Waf
- WafRegional
- WellArchitected
- WorkDocs
- WorkMail
- WorkMailMessageFlow
- WorkSpaces
- WorkSpacesThinClient
- WorkSpacesWeb
- XRay
- AwsClientInterface
- Represents an AWS client.
- CacheInterface
- Represents a simple cache interface.
- CommandInterface
- A command object encapsulates the input parameters used to control the creation of a HTTP request and processing of a HTTP response.
- ConfigurationProviderInterface
- HashInterface
- Interface that allows implementing various incremental hashes.
- MonitoringEventsInterface
- Interface for adding and retrieving client-side monitoring events
- ResponseContainerInterface
- ResultInterface
- Represents an AWS result object that is returned from executing an operation.
- AbstractConfigurationProvider
- A configuration provider is a function that returns a promise that is fulfilled with a configuration object. This class provides base functionality usable by specific configuration provider implementations
- AwsClient
- Default AWS client implementation
- Command
- AWS command object.
- CommandPool
- Sends and iterator of commands concurrently using a capped pool size.
- DoctrineCacheAdapter
- HandlerList
- Builds a single handler function from zero or more middleware functions and a handler. The handler function is then used to send command objects and return a promise that is resolved with an AWS result object.
- HashingStream
- Stream decorator that calculates a rolling hash of the stream as it is read.
- History
- Represents a history container that is required when using the history middleware.
- LruArrayCache
- Simple in-memory LRU cache that limits the number of cached entries.
- Middleware
- MockHandler
- Returns promises that are rejected or fulfilled using a queue of Aws\ResultInterface and Aws\Exception\AwsException objects.
- MultiRegionClient
- PhpHash
- Incremental hashing using PHP's hash functions.
- Psr16CacheAdapter
- PsrCacheAdapter
- Result
- AWS result.
- ResultPaginator
- Iterator that yields each page of results of a pageable operation.
- Sdk
- Builds AWS clients based on configuration settings.
- TraceMiddleware
- Traces state changes between middlewares.
- UserAgentMiddleware
- Builds and injects the user agent header values.
- Waiter
- "Waiters" are associated with an AWS resource (e.g., EC2 instance), and poll that resource and until it is in a particular state.
- WrappedHttpHandler
- Converts an HTTP handler into a Command HTTP handler.
- AwsClientTrait
- A trait providing generic functionality for interacting with Amazon Web Services. This is meant to be used in classes implementing \Aws\AwsClientInterface
- HasDataTrait
- Trait implementing ToArrayInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Countable, and \IteratorAggregate
- HasMonitoringEventsTrait
- constantly() : callable
- Returns a function that always returns the same value;
- filter() : Generator
- Filters values that do not satisfy the predicate function $pred.
- map() : Generator
- Applies a map function $f to each value in a collection.
- flatmap() : Generator
- Creates a generator that iterates over a sequence, then iterates over each value in the sequence and yields the application of the map function to each value.
- partition() : Generator
- Partitions the input sequence into partitions of the specified size.
- or_chain() : callable
- Returns a function that invokes the provided variadic functions one after the other until one of the functions returns a non-null value.
- load_compiled_json() : mixed
- Loads a compiled JSON file from a PHP file.
- clear_compiled_json() : mixed
- No-op
- dir_iterator() : Generator
- Iterates over the files in a directory and works with custom wrappers.
- recursive_dir_iterator() : Generator
- Returns a recursive directory iterator that yields absolute filenames.
- describe_type() : string
- Debug function used to describe the provided value type and class.
- default_http_handler() : callable
- Creates a default HTTP handler based on the available clients.
- default_user_agent() : string
- Gets the default user agent string depending on the Guzzle version
- serialize() : RequestInterface
- Serialize a request for a command but do not send it.
- manifest() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Retrieves data for a service from the SDK's service manifest file.
- is_valid_hostname() : bool
- Checks if supplied parameter is a valid hostname
- is_valid_hostlabel() : bool
- Checks if supplied parameter is a valid host label
- parse_ini_file() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- Ignores '#' full line comments, which parse_ini_file no longer does in PHP 7+.
- boolean_value() : bool|null
- Outputs boolean value of input for a select range of possible values, null otherwise
- parse_ini_section_with_subsections() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Parses ini sections with subsections (i.e. the service section)
- is_valid_epoch() : bool
- Checks if an input is a valid epoch time
- is_fips_pseudo_region() : bool
- Checks if an input is a fips pseudo region
- strip_fips_pseudo_regions() : string
- Returns a region without a fips label
- is_associative() : bool
- Checks if an array is associative
Returns a function that always returns the same value;
constantly(mixed $value) : callable
- $value : mixed
Value to return.
Return values
Filters values that do not satisfy the predicate function $pred.
filter(mixed $iterable, callable $pred) : Generator
- $iterable : mixed
Iterable sequence of data.
- $pred : callable
Function that accepts a value and returns true/false
Return values
Applies a map function $f to each value in a collection.
map(mixed $iterable, callable $f) : Generator
- $iterable : mixed
Iterable sequence of data.
- $f : callable
Map function to apply.
Return values
Creates a generator that iterates over a sequence, then iterates over each value in the sequence and yields the application of the map function to each value.
flatmap(mixed $iterable, callable $f) : Generator
- $iterable : mixed
Iterable sequence of data.
- $f : callable
Map function to apply.
Return values
Partitions the input sequence into partitions of the specified size.
partition(mixed $iterable, int $size) : Generator
- $iterable : mixed
Iterable sequence of data.
- $size : int
Size to make each partition (except possibly the last chunk)
Return values
Returns a function that invokes the provided variadic functions one after the other until one of the functions returns a non-null value.
or_chain() : callable
The return function will call each passed function with any arguments it is provided.
$a = function ($x, $y) { return null; };
$b = function ($x, $y) { return $x + $y; };
$fn = \Aws\or_chain($a, $b);
echo $fn(1, 2); // 3
Return values
Loads a compiled JSON file from a PHP file.
load_compiled_json(string $path) : mixed
If the JSON file has not been cached to disk as a PHP file, it will be loaded from the JSON source file and returned.
- $path : string
Path to the JSON file on disk
Return values
mixed —Returns the JSON decoded data. Note that JSON objects are decoded as associative arrays.
clear_compiled_json() : mixed
Iterates over the files in a directory and works with custom wrappers.
dir_iterator(string $path[, resource $context = null ]) : Generator
- $path : string
Path to open (e.g., "s3://foo/bar").
- $context : resource = null
Stream wrapper context.
Return values
Generator —Yields relative filename strings.
Returns a recursive directory iterator that yields absolute filenames.
recursive_dir_iterator(string $path[, resource $context = null ]) : Generator
This iterator is not broken like PHP's built-in DirectoryIterator (which will read the first file from a stream wrapper, then rewind, then read it again).
- $path : string
Path to traverse (e.g., s3://bucket/key, /tmp)
- $context : resource = null
Stream context options.
Return values
Generator —Yields absolute filenames.
Debug function used to describe the provided value type and class.
describe_type(mixed $input) : string
- $input : mixed
Return values
string —Returns a string containing the type of the variable and if a class is provided, the class name.
Creates a default HTTP handler based on the available clients.
default_http_handler() : callable
Return values
Gets the default user agent string depending on the Guzzle version
default_user_agent() : string
Return values
Serialize a request for a command but do not send it.
serialize(CommandInterface $command) : RequestInterface
Returns a promise that is fulfilled with the serialized request.
- $command : CommandInterface
Command to serialize.
Return values
Retrieves data for a service from the SDK's service manifest file.
manifest([string $service = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Manifest data is stored statically, so it does not need to be loaded more than once per process. The JSON data is also cached in opcache.
- $service : string = null
Case-insensitive namespace or endpoint prefix of the service for which you are retrieving manifest data.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>is_valid_hostname()
Checks if supplied parameter is a valid hostname
is_valid_hostname(string $hostname) : bool
- $hostname : string
Return values
Checks if supplied parameter is a valid host label
is_valid_hostlabel( $label) : bool
Return values
Ignores '#' full line comments, which parse_ini_file no longer does in PHP 7+.
parse_ini_file( $filename[, bool $process_sections = false ][, int $scanner_mode = INI_SCANNER_NORMAL ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|boolboolean_value()
Outputs boolean value of input for a select range of possible values, null otherwise
boolean_value( $input) : bool|null
Return values
Parses ini sections with subsections (i.e. the service section)
parse_ini_section_with_subsections( $filename, mixed $section_name) : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>is_valid_epoch()
Checks if an input is a valid epoch time
is_valid_epoch( $input) : bool
Return values
Checks if an input is a fips pseudo region
is_fips_pseudo_region( $region) : bool
Return values
Returns a region without a fips label
strip_fips_pseudo_regions( $region) : string
Return values
Checks if an array is associative
is_associative(array<string|int, mixed> $array) : bool
- $array : array<string|int, mixed>