in package
Converts an HTTP handler into a Command HTTP handler.
HTTP handlers have the following signature: function(RequestInterface $request, array $options) : PromiseInterface
The promise returned form an HTTP handler must resolve to a PSR-7 response object when fulfilled or an error array when rejected. The error array can contain the following data:
- exception: (required, Exception) Exception that was encountered.
- response: (ResponseInterface) PSR-7 response that was received (if a response) was received.
- connection_error: (bool) True if the error is the result of failing to connect.
Table of Contents
- __construct() : mixed
- __invoke() : PromiseInterface
- Calls the simpler HTTP specific handler and wraps the returned promise with AWS specific values (e.g., a result object or AWS exception).
__construct(callable $httpHandler, callable $parser, callable $errorParser[, string $exceptionClass = AwsException::class ][, bool $collectStats = false ]) : mixed
- $httpHandler : callable
Function that accepts a request and array of request options and returns a promise that fulfills with a response or rejects with an error array.
- $parser : callable
Function that accepts a response object and returns an AWS result object.
- $errorParser : callable
Function that parses a response object into AWS error data.
- $exceptionClass : string = AwsException::class
Exception class to throw.
- $collectStats : bool = false
Whether to collect HTTP transfer information.
Calls the simpler HTTP specific handler and wraps the returned promise with AWS specific values (e.g., a result object or AWS exception).
__invoke(CommandInterface $command, RequestInterface $request) : PromiseInterface
- $command : CommandInterface
Command being executed.
- $request : RequestInterface
Request to send.