AWS Network Manager 2019-07-05
- Client: Aws\NetworkManager\NetworkManagerClient
- Service ID: networkmanager
- Version: 2019-07-05
This page describes the parameters and results for the operations of the AWS Network Manager (2019-07-05), and shows how to use the Aws\NetworkManager\NetworkManagerClient object to call the described operations. This documentation is specific to the 2019-07-05 API version of the service.
Operation Summary
Each of the following operations can be created from a client using
, where "CommandName" is the
name of one of the following operations. Note: a command is a value that
encapsulates an operation and the parameters used to create an HTTP request.
You can also create and send a command immediately using the magic methods
available on a client object: $client->commandName(/* parameters */)
You can send the command asynchronously (returning a promise) by appending the
word "Async" to the operation name: $client->commandNameAsync(/* parameters */)
- AcceptAttachment ( array $params = [] )
- Accepts a core network attachment request.
- AssociateConnectPeer ( array $params = [] )
- Associates a core network Connect peer with a device and optionally, with a link.
- AssociateCustomerGateway ( array $params = [] )
- Associates a customer gateway with a device and optionally, with a link.
- AssociateLink ( array $params = [] )
- Associates a link to a device.
- AssociateTransitGatewayConnectPeer ( array $params = [] )
- Associates a transit gateway Connect peer with a device, and optionally, with a link.
- CreateConnectAttachment ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a core network Connect attachment from a specified core network attachment.
- CreateConnectPeer ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a core network Connect peer for a specified core network connect attachment between a core network and an appliance.
- CreateConnection ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a connection between two devices.
- CreateCoreNetwork ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a core network as part of your global network, and optionally, with a core network policy.
- CreateDevice ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a new device in a global network.
- CreateDirectConnectGatewayAttachment ( array $params = [] )
- Creates an Amazon Web Services Direct Connect gateway attachment
- CreateGlobalNetwork ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a new, empty global network.
- CreateLink ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a new link for a specified site.
- CreateSite ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a new site in a global network.
- CreateSiteToSiteVpnAttachment ( array $params = [] )
- Creates an Amazon Web Services site-to-site VPN attachment on an edge location of a core network.
- CreateTransitGatewayPeering ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a transit gateway peering connection.
- CreateTransitGatewayRouteTableAttachment ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a transit gateway route table attachment.
- CreateVpcAttachment ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a VPC attachment on an edge location of a core network.
- DeleteAttachment ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes an attachment.
- DeleteConnectPeer ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes a Connect peer.
- DeleteConnection ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes the specified connection in your global network.
- DeleteCoreNetwork ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes a core network along with all core network policies.
- DeleteCoreNetworkPolicyVersion ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes a policy version from a core network.
- DeleteDevice ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes an existing device.
- DeleteGlobalNetwork ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes an existing global network.
- DeleteLink ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes an existing link.
- DeletePeering ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes an existing peering connection.
- DeleteResourcePolicy ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes a resource policy for the specified resource.
- DeleteSite ( array $params = [] )
- Deletes an existing site.
- DeregisterTransitGateway ( array $params = [] )
- Deregisters a transit gateway from your global network.
- DescribeGlobalNetworks ( array $params = [] )
- Describes one or more global networks.
- DisassociateConnectPeer ( array $params = [] )
- Disassociates a core network Connect peer from a device and a link.
- DisassociateCustomerGateway ( array $params = [] )
- Disassociates a customer gateway from a device and a link.
- DisassociateLink ( array $params = [] )
- Disassociates an existing device from a link.
- DisassociateTransitGatewayConnectPeer ( array $params = [] )
- Disassociates a transit gateway Connect peer from a device and link.
- ExecuteCoreNetworkChangeSet ( array $params = [] )
- Executes a change set on your core network.
- GetConnectAttachment ( array $params = [] )
- Returns information about a core network Connect attachment.
- GetConnectPeer ( array $params = [] )
- Returns information about a core network Connect peer.
- GetConnectPeerAssociations ( array $params = [] )
- Returns information about a core network Connect peer associations.
- GetConnections ( array $params = [] )
- Gets information about one or more of your connections in a global network.
- GetCoreNetwork ( array $params = [] )
- Returns information about the LIVE policy for a core network.
- GetCoreNetworkChangeEvents ( array $params = [] )
- Returns information about a core network change event.
- GetCoreNetworkChangeSet ( array $params = [] )
- Returns a change set between the LIVE core network policy and a submitted policy.
- GetCoreNetworkPolicy ( array $params = [] )
- Returns details about a core network policy.
- GetCustomerGatewayAssociations ( array $params = [] )
- Gets the association information for customer gateways that are associated with devices and links in your global network.
- GetDevices ( array $params = [] )
- Gets information about one or more of your devices in a global network.
- GetDirectConnectGatewayAttachment ( array $params = [] )
- Returns information about a specific Amazon Web Services Direct Connect gateway attachment.
- GetLinkAssociations ( array $params = [] )
- Gets the link associations for a device or a link.
- GetLinks ( array $params = [] )
- Gets information about one or more links in a specified global network.
- GetNetworkResourceCounts ( array $params = [] )
- Gets the count of network resources, by resource type, for the specified global network.
- GetNetworkResourceRelationships ( array $params = [] )
- Gets the network resource relationships for the specified global network.
- GetNetworkResources ( array $params = [] )
- Describes the network resources for the specified global network.
- GetNetworkRoutes ( array $params = [] )
- Gets the network routes of the specified global network.
- GetNetworkTelemetry ( array $params = [] )
- Gets the network telemetry of the specified global network.
- GetResourcePolicy ( array $params = [] )
- Returns information about a resource policy.
- GetRouteAnalysis ( array $params = [] )
- Gets information about the specified route analysis.
- GetSiteToSiteVpnAttachment ( array $params = [] )
- Returns information about a site-to-site VPN attachment.
- GetSites ( array $params = [] )
- Gets information about one or more of your sites in a global network.
- GetTransitGatewayConnectPeerAssociations ( array $params = [] )
- Gets information about one or more of your transit gateway Connect peer associations in a global network.
- GetTransitGatewayPeering ( array $params = [] )
- Returns information about a transit gateway peer.
- GetTransitGatewayRegistrations ( array $params = [] )
- Gets information about the transit gateway registrations in a specified global network.
- GetTransitGatewayRouteTableAttachment ( array $params = [] )
- Returns information about a transit gateway route table attachment.
- GetVpcAttachment ( array $params = [] )
- Returns information about a VPC attachment.
- ListAttachments ( array $params = [] )
- Returns a list of core network attachments.
- ListConnectPeers ( array $params = [] )
- Returns a list of core network Connect peers.
- ListCoreNetworkPolicyVersions ( array $params = [] )
- Returns a list of core network policy versions.
- ListCoreNetworks ( array $params = [] )
- Returns a list of owned and shared core networks.
- ListOrganizationServiceAccessStatus ( array $params = [] )
- Gets the status of the Service Linked Role (SLR) deployment for the accounts in a given Amazon Web Services Organization.
- ListPeerings ( array $params = [] )
- Lists the peerings for a core network.
- ListTagsForResource ( array $params = [] )
- Lists the tags for a specified resource.
- PutCoreNetworkPolicy ( array $params = [] )
- Creates a new, immutable version of a core network policy.
- PutResourcePolicy ( array $params = [] )
- Creates or updates a resource policy.
- RegisterTransitGateway ( array $params = [] )
- Registers a transit gateway in your global network.
- RejectAttachment ( array $params = [] )
- Rejects a core network attachment request.
- RestoreCoreNetworkPolicyVersion ( array $params = [] )
- Restores a previous policy version as a new, immutable version of a core network policy.
- StartOrganizationServiceAccessUpdate ( array $params = [] )
- Enables the Network Manager service for an Amazon Web Services Organization.
- StartRouteAnalysis ( array $params = [] )
- Starts analyzing the routing path between the specified source and destination.
- TagResource ( array $params = [] )
- Tags a specified resource.
- UntagResource ( array $params = [] )
- Removes tags from a specified resource.
- UpdateConnection ( array $params = [] )
- Updates the information for an existing connection.
- UpdateCoreNetwork ( array $params = [] )
- Updates the description of a core network.
- UpdateDevice ( array $params = [] )
- Updates the details for an existing device.
- UpdateDirectConnectGatewayAttachment ( array $params = [] )
- Updates the edge locations associated with an Amazon Web Services Direct Connect gateway attachment.
- UpdateGlobalNetwork ( array $params = [] )
- Updates an existing global network.
- UpdateLink ( array $params = [] )
- Updates the details for an existing link.
- UpdateNetworkResourceMetadata ( array $params = [] )
- Updates the resource metadata for the specified global network.
- UpdateSite ( array $params = [] )
- Updates the information for an existing site.
- UpdateVpcAttachment ( array $params = [] )
- Updates a VPC attachment.
Paginators handle automatically iterating over paginated API results. Paginators are associated with specific API operations, and they accept the parameters that the corresponding API operation accepts. You can get a paginator from a client class using getPaginator($paginatorName, $operationParameters). This client supports the following paginators:
- DescribeGlobalNetworks
- GetConnectPeerAssociations
- GetConnections
- GetCoreNetworkChangeEvents
- GetCoreNetworkChangeSet
- GetCustomerGatewayAssociations
- GetDevices
- GetLinkAssociations
- GetLinks
- GetNetworkResourceCounts
- GetNetworkResourceRelationships
- GetNetworkResources
- GetNetworkTelemetry
- GetSites
- GetTransitGatewayConnectPeerAssociations
- GetTransitGatewayRegistrations
- ListAttachments
- ListConnectPeers
- ListCoreNetworkPolicyVersions
- ListCoreNetworks
- ListPeerings
$result = $client->acceptAttachment
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->acceptAttachmentAsync
([/* ... */]);
Accepts a core network attachment request.
Once the attachment request is accepted by a core network owner, the attachment is created and connected to a core network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->acceptAttachment([ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- AttachmentId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the attachment.
Result Syntax
[ 'Attachment' => [ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'AttachmentType' => 'CONNECT|SITE_TO_SITE_VPN|VPC|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE', 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'VPC_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_DUPLICATED_IN_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_FREE_ADDRESSES|SUBNET_UNSUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_IPV6_CIDRS|VPN_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND|MAXIMUM_NO_ENCAP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NO_PRIVATE_VIF', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ProposedSegmentChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'State' => 'REJECTED|PENDING_ATTACHMENT_ACCEPTANCE|CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|UPDATING|PENDING_NETWORK_UPDATE|PENDING_TAG_ACCEPTANCE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], ]
Result Details
- Attachment
- Type: Attachment structure
The response to the attachment request.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->associateConnectPeer
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->associateConnectPeerAsync
([/* ... */]);
Associates a core network Connect peer with a device and optionally, with a link.
If you specify a link, it must be associated with the specified device. You can only associate core network Connect peers that have been created on a core network Connect attachment on a core network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->associateConnectPeer([ 'ConnectPeerId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'DeviceId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'LinkId' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- ConnectPeerId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the Connect peer.
- DeviceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the device.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of your global network.
- LinkId
- Type: string
The ID of the link.
Result Syntax
[ 'ConnectPeerAssociation' => [ 'ConnectPeerId' => '<string>', 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|DELETED', ], ]
Result Details
- ConnectPeerAssociation
- Type: ConnectPeerAssociation structure
The response to the Connect peer request.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
A service limit was exceeded.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->associateCustomerGateway
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->associateCustomerGatewayAsync
([/* ... */]);
Associates a customer gateway with a device and optionally, with a link. If you specify a link, it must be associated with the specified device.
You can only associate customer gateways that are connected to a VPN attachment on a transit gateway or core network registered in your global network. When you register a transit gateway or core network, customer gateways that are connected to the transit gateway are automatically included in the global network. To list customer gateways that are connected to a transit gateway, use the DescribeVpnConnections EC2 API and filter by transit-gateway-id
You cannot associate a customer gateway with more than one device and link.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->associateCustomerGateway([ 'CustomerGatewayArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'DeviceId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'LinkId' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- CustomerGatewayArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the customer gateway.
- DeviceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the device.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- LinkId
- Type: string
The ID of the link.
Result Syntax
[ 'CustomerGatewayAssociation' => [ 'CustomerGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|DELETED', ], ]
Result Details
- CustomerGatewayAssociation
- Type: CustomerGatewayAssociation structure
The customer gateway association.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
A service limit was exceeded.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->associateLink
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->associateLinkAsync
([/* ... */]);
Associates a link to a device. A device can be associated to multiple links and a link can be associated to multiple devices. The device and link must be in the same global network and the same site.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->associateLink([ 'DeviceId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'LinkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- DeviceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the device.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- LinkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the link.
Result Syntax
[ 'LinkAssociation' => [ 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkAssociationState' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|DELETED', 'LinkId' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- LinkAssociation
- Type: LinkAssociation structure
The link association.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
A service limit was exceeded.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->associateTransitGatewayConnectPeer
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->associateTransitGatewayConnectPeerAsync
([/* ... */]);
Associates a transit gateway Connect peer with a device, and optionally, with a link. If you specify a link, it must be associated with the specified device.
You can only associate transit gateway Connect peers that have been created on a transit gateway that's registered in your global network.
You cannot associate a transit gateway Connect peer with more than one device and link.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->associateTransitGatewayConnectPeer([ 'DeviceId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayConnectPeerArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- DeviceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the device.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- LinkId
- Type: string
The ID of the link.
- TransitGatewayConnectPeerArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Connect peer.
Result Syntax
[ 'TransitGatewayConnectPeerAssociation' => [ 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|DELETED', 'TransitGatewayConnectPeerArn' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- TransitGatewayConnectPeerAssociation
- Type: TransitGatewayConnectPeerAssociation structure
The transit gateway Connect peer association.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
A service limit was exceeded.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->createConnectAttachment
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createConnectAttachmentAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a core network Connect attachment from a specified core network attachment.
A core network Connect attachment is a GRE-based tunnel attachment that you can use to establish a connection between a core network and an appliance. A core network Connect attachment uses an existing VPC attachment as the underlying transport mechanism.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createConnectAttachment([ 'ClientToken' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Options' => [ // REQUIRED 'Protocol' => 'GRE|NO_ENCAP', ], 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'TransportAttachmentId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ClientToken
- Type: string
The client token associated with the request.
- CoreNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of a core network where you want to create the attachment.
- EdgeLocation
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Region where the edge is located.
- Options
- Required: Yes
- Type: ConnectAttachmentOptions structure
Options for creating an attachment.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The list of key-value tags associated with the request.
- TransportAttachmentId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the attachment between the two connections.
Result Syntax
[ 'ConnectAttachment' => [ 'Attachment' => [ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'AttachmentType' => 'CONNECT|SITE_TO_SITE_VPN|VPC|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE', 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'VPC_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_DUPLICATED_IN_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_FREE_ADDRESSES|SUBNET_UNSUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_IPV6_CIDRS|VPN_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND|MAXIMUM_NO_ENCAP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NO_PRIVATE_VIF', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ProposedSegmentChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'State' => 'REJECTED|PENDING_ATTACHMENT_ACCEPTANCE|CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|UPDATING|PENDING_NETWORK_UPDATE|PENDING_TAG_ACCEPTANCE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], 'Options' => [ 'Protocol' => 'GRE|NO_ENCAP', ], 'TransportAttachmentId' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- ConnectAttachment
- Type: ConnectAttachment structure
The response to a Connect attachment request.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->createConnectPeer
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createConnectPeerAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a core network Connect peer for a specified core network connect attachment between a core network and an appliance. The peer address and transit gateway address must be the same IP address family (IPv4 or IPv6).
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createConnectPeer([ 'BgpOptions' => [ 'PeerAsn' => <integer>, ], 'ClientToken' => '<string>', 'ConnectAttachmentId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'CoreNetworkAddress' => '<string>', 'InsideCidrBlocks' => ['<string>', ...], 'PeerAddress' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'SubnetArn' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]);
Parameter Details
- BgpOptions
- Type: BgpOptions structure
The Connect peer BGP options. This only applies only when the protocol is
. - ClientToken
- Type: string
The client token associated with the request.
- ConnectAttachmentId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the connection attachment.
- CoreNetworkAddress
- Type: string
A Connect peer core network address. This only applies only when the protocol is
. - InsideCidrBlocks
- Type: Array of strings
The inside IP addresses used for BGP peering.
- PeerAddress
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Connect peer address.
- SubnetArn
- Type: string
The subnet ARN for the Connect peer. This only applies only when the protocol is NO_ENCAP.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The tags associated with the peer request.
Result Syntax
[ 'ConnectPeer' => [ 'Configuration' => [ 'BgpConfigurations' => [ [ 'CoreNetworkAddress' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkAsn' => <integer>, 'PeerAddress' => '<string>', 'PeerAsn' => <integer>, ], // ... ], 'CoreNetworkAddress' => '<string>', 'InsideCidrBlocks' => ['<string>', ...], 'PeerAddress' => '<string>', 'Protocol' => 'GRE|NO_ENCAP', ], 'ConnectAttachmentId' => '<string>', 'ConnectPeerId' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'EDGE_LOCATION_NO_FREE_IPS|EDGE_LOCATION_PEER_DUPLICATE|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|IP_OUTSIDE_SUBNET_CIDR_RANGE|INVALID_INSIDE_CIDR_BLOCK|NO_ASSOCIATED_CIDR_BLOCK', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'State' => 'CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|DELETING', 'SubnetArn' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- ConnectPeer
- Type: ConnectPeer structure
The response to the request.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->createConnection
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createConnectionAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a connection between two devices. The devices can be a physical or virtual appliance that connects to a third-party appliance in a VPC, or a physical appliance that connects to another physical appliance in an on-premises network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createConnection([ 'ConnectedDeviceId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'ConnectedLinkId' => '<string>', 'Description' => '<string>', 'DeviceId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]);
Parameter Details
- ConnectedDeviceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the second device in the connection.
- ConnectedLinkId
- Type: string
The ID of the link for the second device.
- Description
- Type: string
A description of the connection.
Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
- DeviceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the first device in the connection.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- LinkId
- Type: string
The ID of the link for the first device.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The tags to apply to the resource during creation.
Result Syntax
[ 'Connection' => [ 'ConnectedDeviceId' => '<string>', 'ConnectedLinkId' => '<string>', 'ConnectionArn' => '<string>', 'ConnectionId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- Connection
- Type: Connection structure
Information about the connection.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
A service limit was exceeded.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->createCoreNetwork
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createCoreNetworkAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a core network as part of your global network, and optionally, with a core network policy.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createCoreNetwork([ 'ClientToken' => '<string>', 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'PolicyDocument' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]);
Parameter Details
- ClientToken
- Type: string
The client token associated with a core network request.
- Description
- Type: string
The description of a core network.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network that a core network will be a part of.
- PolicyDocument
- Type: string
The policy document for creating a core network.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
Key-value tags associated with a core network request.
Result Syntax
[ 'CoreNetwork' => [ 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'Edges' => [ [ 'Asn' => <integer>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'InsideCidrBlocks' => ['<string>', ...], ], // ... ], 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'NetworkFunctionGroups' => [ [ 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'Name' => '<string>', 'Segments' => [ 'SendTo' => ['<string>', ...], 'SendVia' => ['<string>', ...], ], ], // ... ], 'Segments' => [ [ 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'Name' => '<string>', 'SharedSegments' => ['<string>', ...], ], // ... ], 'State' => 'CREATING|UPDATING|AVAILABLE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- CoreNetwork
- Type: CoreNetwork structure
Returns details about a core network.
- CoreNetworkPolicyException:
Describes a core network policy exception.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
A service limit was exceeded.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->createDevice
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createDeviceAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a new device in a global network. If you specify both a site ID and a location, the location of the site is used for visualization in the Network Manager console.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createDevice([ 'AWSLocation' => [ 'SubnetArn' => '<string>', 'Zone' => '<string>', ], 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Location' => [ 'Address' => '<string>', 'Latitude' => '<string>', 'Longitude' => '<string>', ], 'Model' => '<string>', 'SerialNumber' => '<string>', 'SiteId' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Type' => '<string>', 'Vendor' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- AWSLocation
- Type: AWSLocation structure
The Amazon Web Services location of the device, if applicable. For an on-premises device, you can omit this parameter.
- Description
- Type: string
A description of the device.
Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- Location
- Type: Location structure
The location of the device.
- Model
- Type: string
The model of the device.
Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
- SerialNumber
- Type: string
The serial number of the device.
Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
- SiteId
- Type: string
The ID of the site.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The tags to apply to the resource during creation.
- Type
- Type: string
The type of the device.
- Vendor
- Type: string
The vendor of the device.
Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
Result Syntax
[ 'Device' => [ 'AWSLocation' => [ 'SubnetArn' => '<string>', 'Zone' => '<string>', ], 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'DeviceArn' => '<string>', 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'Location' => [ 'Address' => '<string>', 'Latitude' => '<string>', 'Longitude' => '<string>', ], 'Model' => '<string>', 'SerialNumber' => '<string>', 'SiteId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Type' => '<string>', 'Vendor' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- Device
- Type: Device structure
Information about the device.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
A service limit was exceeded.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->createDirectConnectGatewayAttachment
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createDirectConnectGatewayAttachmentAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates an Amazon Web Services Direct Connect gateway attachment
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createDirectConnectGatewayAttachment([ 'ClientToken' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'DirectConnectGatewayArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]);
Parameter Details
- ClientToken
- Type: string
client token
- CoreNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the Cloud WAN core network that the Direct Connect gateway attachment should be attached to.
- DirectConnectGatewayArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ARN of the Direct Connect gateway attachment.
- EdgeLocations
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of strings
One or more core network edge locations that the Direct Connect gateway attachment is associated with.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The key value tags to apply to the Direct Connect gateway attachment during creation.
Result Syntax
[ 'DirectConnectGatewayAttachment' => [ 'Attachment' => [ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'AttachmentType' => 'CONNECT|SITE_TO_SITE_VPN|VPC|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE', 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'VPC_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_DUPLICATED_IN_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_FREE_ADDRESSES|SUBNET_UNSUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_IPV6_CIDRS|VPN_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND|MAXIMUM_NO_ENCAP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NO_PRIVATE_VIF', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ProposedSegmentChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'State' => 'REJECTED|PENDING_ATTACHMENT_ACCEPTANCE|CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|UPDATING|PENDING_NETWORK_UPDATE|PENDING_TAG_ACCEPTANCE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], 'DirectConnectGatewayArn' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- DirectConnectGatewayAttachment
- Type: DirectConnectGatewayAttachment structure
Describes the details of a
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->createGlobalNetwork
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createGlobalNetworkAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a new, empty global network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createGlobalNetwork([ 'Description' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]);
Parameter Details
- Description
- Type: string
A description of the global network.
Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The tags to apply to the resource during creation.
Result Syntax
[ 'GlobalNetwork' => [ 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- GlobalNetwork
- Type: GlobalNetwork structure
Information about the global network object.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
A service limit was exceeded.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->createLink
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createLinkAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a new link for a specified site.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createLink([ 'Bandwidth' => [ // REQUIRED 'DownloadSpeed' => <integer>, 'UploadSpeed' => <integer>, ], 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Provider' => '<string>', 'SiteId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Type' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- Bandwidth
- Required: Yes
- Type: Bandwidth structure
The upload speed and download speed in Mbps.
- Description
- Type: string
A description of the link.
Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- Provider
- Type: string
The provider of the link.
Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters. Cannot include the following characters: | \ ^
- SiteId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the site.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The tags to apply to the resource during creation.
- Type
- Type: string
The type of the link.
Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters. Cannot include the following characters: | \ ^
Result Syntax
[ 'Link' => [ 'Bandwidth' => [ 'DownloadSpeed' => <integer>, 'UploadSpeed' => <integer>, ], 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkArn' => '<string>', 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'Provider' => '<string>', 'SiteId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Type' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- Link
- Type: Link structure
Information about the link.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
A service limit was exceeded.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->createSite
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createSiteAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a new site in a global network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createSite([ 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Location' => [ 'Address' => '<string>', 'Latitude' => '<string>', 'Longitude' => '<string>', ], 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]);
Parameter Details
- Description
- Type: string
A description of your site.
Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- Location
- Type: Location structure
The site location. This information is used for visualization in the Network Manager console. If you specify the address, the latitude and longitude are automatically calculated.
: The physical address of the site. -
: The latitude of the site. -
: The longitude of the site.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The tags to apply to the resource during creation.
Result Syntax
[ 'Site' => [ 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'Location' => [ 'Address' => '<string>', 'Latitude' => '<string>', 'Longitude' => '<string>', ], 'SiteArn' => '<string>', 'SiteId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- Site
- Type: Site structure
Information about the site.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
A service limit was exceeded.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->createSiteToSiteVpnAttachment
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createSiteToSiteVpnAttachmentAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates an Amazon Web Services site-to-site VPN attachment on an edge location of a core network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createSiteToSiteVpnAttachment([ 'ClientToken' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'VpnConnectionArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ClientToken
- Type: string
The client token associated with the request.
- CoreNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of a core network where you're creating a site-to-site VPN attachment.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The tags associated with the request.
- VpnConnectionArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ARN identifying the VPN attachment.
Result Syntax
[ 'SiteToSiteVpnAttachment' => [ 'Attachment' => [ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'AttachmentType' => 'CONNECT|SITE_TO_SITE_VPN|VPC|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE', 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'VPC_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_DUPLICATED_IN_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_FREE_ADDRESSES|SUBNET_UNSUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_IPV6_CIDRS|VPN_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND|MAXIMUM_NO_ENCAP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NO_PRIVATE_VIF', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ProposedSegmentChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'State' => 'REJECTED|PENDING_ATTACHMENT_ACCEPTANCE|CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|UPDATING|PENDING_NETWORK_UPDATE|PENDING_TAG_ACCEPTANCE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], 'VpnConnectionArn' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- SiteToSiteVpnAttachment
- Type: SiteToSiteVpnAttachment structure
Details about a site-to-site VPN attachment.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->createTransitGatewayPeering
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createTransitGatewayPeeringAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a transit gateway peering connection.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createTransitGatewayPeering([ 'ClientToken' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'TransitGatewayArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ClientToken
- Type: string
The client token associated with the request.
- CoreNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The list of key-value tags associated with the request.
- TransitGatewayArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ARN of the transit gateway for the peering request.
Result Syntax
[ 'TransitGatewayPeering' => [ 'Peering' => [ 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'TRANSIT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_PEERS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|MISSING_PERMISSIONS|INTERNAL_ERROR|EDGE_LOCATION_PEER_DUPLICATE|INVALID_TRANSIT_GATEWAY_STATE', 'Message' => '<string>', 'MissingPermissionsContext' => [ 'MissingPermission' => '<string>', ], 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'PeeringId' => '<string>', 'PeeringType' => 'TRANSIT_GATEWAY', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'State' => 'CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'TransitGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentId' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- TransitGatewayPeering
- Type: TransitGatewayPeering structure
Returns information about the transit gateway peering connection request.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->createTransitGatewayRouteTableAttachment
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createTransitGatewayRouteTableAttachmentAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a transit gateway route table attachment.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createTransitGatewayRouteTableAttachment([ 'ClientToken' => '<string>', 'PeeringId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'TransitGatewayRouteTableArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ClientToken
- Type: string
The client token associated with the request.
- PeeringId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the peer for the
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The list of key-value tags associated with the request.
- TransitGatewayRouteTableArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ARN of the transit gateway route table for the attachment request. For example,
"TransitGatewayRouteTableArn": "arn:aws:ec2:us-west-2:123456789012:transit-gateway-route-table/tgw-rtb-9876543210123456"
Result Syntax
[ 'TransitGatewayRouteTableAttachment' => [ 'Attachment' => [ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'AttachmentType' => 'CONNECT|SITE_TO_SITE_VPN|VPC|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE', 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'VPC_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_DUPLICATED_IN_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_FREE_ADDRESSES|SUBNET_UNSUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_IPV6_CIDRS|VPN_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND|MAXIMUM_NO_ENCAP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NO_PRIVATE_VIF', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ProposedSegmentChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'State' => 'REJECTED|PENDING_ATTACHMENT_ACCEPTANCE|CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|UPDATING|PENDING_NETWORK_UPDATE|PENDING_TAG_ACCEPTANCE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], 'PeeringId' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayRouteTableArn' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- TransitGatewayRouteTableAttachment
- Type: TransitGatewayRouteTableAttachment structure
The route table associated with the create transit gateway route table attachment request.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->createVpcAttachment
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->createVpcAttachmentAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a VPC attachment on an edge location of a core network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->createVpcAttachment([ 'ClientToken' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Options' => [ 'ApplianceModeSupport' => true || false, 'Ipv6Support' => true || false, ], 'SubnetArns' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'VpcArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ClientToken
- Type: string
The client token associated with the request.
- CoreNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of a core network for the VPC attachment.
- Options
- Type: VpcOptions structure
Options for the VPC attachment.
- SubnetArns
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of strings
The subnet ARN of the VPC attachment.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The key-value tags associated with the request.
- VpcArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ARN of the VPC.
Result Syntax
[ 'VpcAttachment' => [ 'Attachment' => [ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'AttachmentType' => 'CONNECT|SITE_TO_SITE_VPN|VPC|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE', 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'VPC_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_DUPLICATED_IN_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_FREE_ADDRESSES|SUBNET_UNSUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_IPV6_CIDRS|VPN_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND|MAXIMUM_NO_ENCAP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NO_PRIVATE_VIF', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ProposedSegmentChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'State' => 'REJECTED|PENDING_ATTACHMENT_ACCEPTANCE|CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|UPDATING|PENDING_NETWORK_UPDATE|PENDING_TAG_ACCEPTANCE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], 'Options' => [ 'ApplianceModeSupport' => true || false, 'Ipv6Support' => true || false, ], 'SubnetArns' => ['<string>', ...], ], ]
Result Details
- VpcAttachment
- Type: VpcAttachment structure
Provides details about the VPC attachment.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->deleteAttachment
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteAttachmentAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes an attachment. Supports all attachment types.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteAttachment([ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- AttachmentId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the attachment to delete.
Result Syntax
[ 'Attachment' => [ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'AttachmentType' => 'CONNECT|SITE_TO_SITE_VPN|VPC|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE', 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'VPC_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_DUPLICATED_IN_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_FREE_ADDRESSES|SUBNET_UNSUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_IPV6_CIDRS|VPN_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND|MAXIMUM_NO_ENCAP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NO_PRIVATE_VIF', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ProposedSegmentChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'State' => 'REJECTED|PENDING_ATTACHMENT_ACCEPTANCE|CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|UPDATING|PENDING_NETWORK_UPDATE|PENDING_TAG_ACCEPTANCE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], ]
Result Details
- Attachment
- Type: Attachment structure
Information about the deleted attachment.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->deleteConnectPeer
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteConnectPeerAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes a Connect peer.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteConnectPeer([ 'ConnectPeerId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ConnectPeerId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the deleted Connect peer.
Result Syntax
[ 'ConnectPeer' => [ 'Configuration' => [ 'BgpConfigurations' => [ [ 'CoreNetworkAddress' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkAsn' => <integer>, 'PeerAddress' => '<string>', 'PeerAsn' => <integer>, ], // ... ], 'CoreNetworkAddress' => '<string>', 'InsideCidrBlocks' => ['<string>', ...], 'PeerAddress' => '<string>', 'Protocol' => 'GRE|NO_ENCAP', ], 'ConnectAttachmentId' => '<string>', 'ConnectPeerId' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'EDGE_LOCATION_NO_FREE_IPS|EDGE_LOCATION_PEER_DUPLICATE|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|IP_OUTSIDE_SUBNET_CIDR_RANGE|INVALID_INSIDE_CIDR_BLOCK|NO_ASSOCIATED_CIDR_BLOCK', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'State' => 'CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|DELETING', 'SubnetArn' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- ConnectPeer
- Type: ConnectPeer structure
Information about the deleted Connect peer.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->deleteConnection
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteConnectionAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes the specified connection in your global network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteConnection([ 'ConnectionId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ConnectionId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the connection.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
Result Syntax
[ 'Connection' => [ 'ConnectedDeviceId' => '<string>', 'ConnectedLinkId' => '<string>', 'ConnectionArn' => '<string>', 'ConnectionId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- Connection
- Type: Connection structure
Information about the connection.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->deleteCoreNetwork
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteCoreNetworkAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes a core network along with all core network policies. This can only be done if there are no attachments on a core network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteCoreNetwork([ 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- CoreNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The network ID of the deleted core network.
Result Syntax
[ 'CoreNetwork' => [ 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'Edges' => [ [ 'Asn' => <integer>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'InsideCidrBlocks' => ['<string>', ...], ], // ... ], 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'NetworkFunctionGroups' => [ [ 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'Name' => '<string>', 'Segments' => [ 'SendTo' => ['<string>', ...], 'SendVia' => ['<string>', ...], ], ], // ... ], 'Segments' => [ [ 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'Name' => '<string>', 'SharedSegments' => ['<string>', ...], ], // ... ], 'State' => 'CREATING|UPDATING|AVAILABLE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- CoreNetwork
- Type: CoreNetwork structure
Information about the deleted core network.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->deleteCoreNetworkPolicyVersion
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteCoreNetworkPolicyVersionAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes a policy version from a core network. You can't delete the current LIVE policy.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteCoreNetworkPolicyVersion([ 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'PolicyVersionId' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- CoreNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of a core network for the deleted policy.
- PolicyVersionId
- Required: Yes
- Type: int
The version ID of the deleted policy.
Result Syntax
[ 'CoreNetworkPolicy' => [ 'Alias' => 'LIVE|LATEST', 'ChangeSetState' => 'PENDING_GENERATION|FAILED_GENERATION|READY_TO_EXECUTE|EXECUTING|EXECUTION_SUCCEEDED|OUT_OF_DATE', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'PolicyDocument' => '<string>', 'PolicyErrors' => [ [ 'ErrorCode' => '<string>', 'Message' => '<string>', 'Path' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'PolicyVersionId' => <integer>, ], ]
Result Details
- CoreNetworkPolicy
- Type: CoreNetworkPolicy structure
Returns information about the deleted policy version.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
$result = $client->deleteDevice
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteDeviceAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes an existing device. You must first disassociate the device from any links and customer gateways.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteDevice([ 'DeviceId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- DeviceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the device.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
Result Syntax
[ 'Device' => [ 'AWSLocation' => [ 'SubnetArn' => '<string>', 'Zone' => '<string>', ], 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'DeviceArn' => '<string>', 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'Location' => [ 'Address' => '<string>', 'Latitude' => '<string>', 'Longitude' => '<string>', ], 'Model' => '<string>', 'SerialNumber' => '<string>', 'SiteId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Type' => '<string>', 'Vendor' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- Device
- Type: Device structure
Information about the device.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->deleteGlobalNetwork
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteGlobalNetworkAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes an existing global network. You must first delete all global network objects (devices, links, and sites), deregister all transit gateways, and delete any core networks.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteGlobalNetwork([ 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
Result Syntax
[ 'GlobalNetwork' => [ 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- GlobalNetwork
- Type: GlobalNetwork structure
Information about the global network.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->deleteLink
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteLinkAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes an existing link. You must first disassociate the link from any devices and customer gateways.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteLink([ 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'LinkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- LinkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the link.
Result Syntax
[ 'Link' => [ 'Bandwidth' => [ 'DownloadSpeed' => <integer>, 'UploadSpeed' => <integer>, ], 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkArn' => '<string>', 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'Provider' => '<string>', 'SiteId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Type' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- Link
- Type: Link structure
Information about the link.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->deletePeering
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deletePeeringAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes an existing peering connection.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deletePeering([ 'PeeringId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- PeeringId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the peering connection to delete.
Result Syntax
[ 'Peering' => [ 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'TRANSIT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_PEERS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|MISSING_PERMISSIONS|INTERNAL_ERROR|EDGE_LOCATION_PEER_DUPLICATE|INVALID_TRANSIT_GATEWAY_STATE', 'Message' => '<string>', 'MissingPermissionsContext' => [ 'MissingPermission' => '<string>', ], 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'PeeringId' => '<string>', 'PeeringType' => 'TRANSIT_GATEWAY', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'State' => 'CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- Peering
- Type: Peering structure
Information about a deleted peering connection.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->deleteResourcePolicy
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteResourcePolicyAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes a resource policy for the specified resource. This revokes the access of the principals specified in the resource policy.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteResourcePolicy([ 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ResourceArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ARN of the policy to delete.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->deleteSite
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deleteSiteAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deletes an existing site. The site cannot be associated with any device or link.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deleteSite([ 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'SiteId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- SiteId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the site.
Result Syntax
[ 'Site' => [ 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'Location' => [ 'Address' => '<string>', 'Latitude' => '<string>', 'Longitude' => '<string>', ], 'SiteArn' => '<string>', 'SiteId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- Site
- Type: Site structure
Information about the site.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->deregisterTransitGateway
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->deregisterTransitGatewayAsync
([/* ... */]);
Deregisters a transit gateway from your global network. This action does not delete your transit gateway, or modify any of its attachments. This action removes any customer gateway associations.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->deregisterTransitGateway([ 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'TransitGatewayArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- TransitGatewayArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the transit gateway.
Result Syntax
[ 'TransitGatewayRegistration' => [ 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'State' => [ 'Code' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|DELETED|FAILED', 'Message' => '<string>', ], 'TransitGatewayArn' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- TransitGatewayRegistration
- Type: TransitGatewayRegistration structure
The transit gateway registration information.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->describeGlobalNetworks
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->describeGlobalNetworksAsync
([/* ... */]);
Describes one or more global networks. By default, all global networks are described. To describe the objects in your global network, you must use the appropriate Get*
action. For example, to list the transit gateways in your global network, use GetTransitGatewayRegistrations.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->describeGlobalNetworks([ 'GlobalNetworkIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- GlobalNetworkIds
- Type: Array of strings
The IDs of one or more global networks. The maximum is 10.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
Result Syntax
[ 'GlobalNetworks' => [ [ 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- GlobalNetworks
- Type: Array of GlobalNetwork structures
Information about the global networks.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->disassociateConnectPeer
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->disassociateConnectPeerAsync
([/* ... */]);
Disassociates a core network Connect peer from a device and a link.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->disassociateConnectPeer([ 'ConnectPeerId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ConnectPeerId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the Connect peer to disassociate from a device.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
Result Syntax
[ 'ConnectPeerAssociation' => [ 'ConnectPeerId' => '<string>', 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|DELETED', ], ]
Result Details
- ConnectPeerAssociation
- Type: ConnectPeerAssociation structure
Describes the Connect peer association.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->disassociateCustomerGateway
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->disassociateCustomerGatewayAsync
([/* ... */]);
Disassociates a customer gateway from a device and a link.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->disassociateCustomerGateway([ 'CustomerGatewayArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- CustomerGatewayArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the customer gateway.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
Result Syntax
[ 'CustomerGatewayAssociation' => [ 'CustomerGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|DELETED', ], ]
Result Details
- CustomerGatewayAssociation
- Type: CustomerGatewayAssociation structure
Information about the customer gateway association.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->disassociateLink
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->disassociateLinkAsync
([/* ... */]);
Disassociates an existing device from a link. You must first disassociate any customer gateways that are associated with the link.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->disassociateLink([ 'DeviceId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'LinkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- DeviceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the device.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- LinkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the link.
Result Syntax
[ 'LinkAssociation' => [ 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkAssociationState' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|DELETED', 'LinkId' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- LinkAssociation
- Type: LinkAssociation structure
Information about the link association.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->disassociateTransitGatewayConnectPeer
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->disassociateTransitGatewayConnectPeerAsync
([/* ... */]);
Disassociates a transit gateway Connect peer from a device and link.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->disassociateTransitGatewayConnectPeer([ 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'TransitGatewayConnectPeerArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- TransitGatewayConnectPeerArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the transit gateway Connect peer.
Result Syntax
[ 'TransitGatewayConnectPeerAssociation' => [ 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|DELETED', 'TransitGatewayConnectPeerArn' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- TransitGatewayConnectPeerAssociation
- Type: TransitGatewayConnectPeerAssociation structure
The transit gateway Connect peer association.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->executeCoreNetworkChangeSet
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->executeCoreNetworkChangeSetAsync
([/* ... */]);
Executes a change set on your core network. Deploys changes globally based on the policy submitted..
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->executeCoreNetworkChangeSet([ 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'PolicyVersionId' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- CoreNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- PolicyVersionId
- Required: Yes
- Type: int
The ID of the policy version.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
$result = $client->getConnectAttachment
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getConnectAttachmentAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns information about a core network Connect attachment.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getConnectAttachment([ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- AttachmentId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the attachment.
Result Syntax
[ 'ConnectAttachment' => [ 'Attachment' => [ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'AttachmentType' => 'CONNECT|SITE_TO_SITE_VPN|VPC|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE', 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'VPC_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_DUPLICATED_IN_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_FREE_ADDRESSES|SUBNET_UNSUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_IPV6_CIDRS|VPN_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND|MAXIMUM_NO_ENCAP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NO_PRIVATE_VIF', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ProposedSegmentChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'State' => 'REJECTED|PENDING_ATTACHMENT_ACCEPTANCE|CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|UPDATING|PENDING_NETWORK_UPDATE|PENDING_TAG_ACCEPTANCE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], 'Options' => [ 'Protocol' => 'GRE|NO_ENCAP', ], 'TransportAttachmentId' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- ConnectAttachment
- Type: ConnectAttachment structure
Details about the Connect attachment.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getConnectPeer
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getConnectPeerAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns information about a core network Connect peer.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getConnectPeer([ 'ConnectPeerId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ConnectPeerId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the Connect peer.
Result Syntax
[ 'ConnectPeer' => [ 'Configuration' => [ 'BgpConfigurations' => [ [ 'CoreNetworkAddress' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkAsn' => <integer>, 'PeerAddress' => '<string>', 'PeerAsn' => <integer>, ], // ... ], 'CoreNetworkAddress' => '<string>', 'InsideCidrBlocks' => ['<string>', ...], 'PeerAddress' => '<string>', 'Protocol' => 'GRE|NO_ENCAP', ], 'ConnectAttachmentId' => '<string>', 'ConnectPeerId' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'EDGE_LOCATION_NO_FREE_IPS|EDGE_LOCATION_PEER_DUPLICATE|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|IP_OUTSIDE_SUBNET_CIDR_RANGE|INVALID_INSIDE_CIDR_BLOCK|NO_ASSOCIATED_CIDR_BLOCK', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'State' => 'CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|DELETING', 'SubnetArn' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- ConnectPeer
- Type: ConnectPeer structure
Returns information about a core network Connect peer.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getConnectPeerAssociations
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getConnectPeerAssociationsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns information about a core network Connect peer associations.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getConnectPeerAssociations([ 'ConnectPeerIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- ConnectPeerIds
- Type: Array of strings
The IDs of the Connect peers.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
Result Syntax
[ 'ConnectPeerAssociations' => [ [ 'ConnectPeerId' => '<string>', 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|DELETED', ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- ConnectPeerAssociations
- Type: Array of ConnectPeerAssociation structures
Displays a list of Connect peer associations.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getConnections
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getConnectionsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Gets information about one or more of your connections in a global network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getConnections([ 'ConnectionIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- ConnectionIds
- Type: Array of strings
One or more connection IDs.
- DeviceId
- Type: string
The ID of the device.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
Result Syntax
[ 'Connections' => [ [ 'ConnectedDeviceId' => '<string>', 'ConnectedLinkId' => '<string>', 'ConnectionArn' => '<string>', 'ConnectionId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- Connections
- Type: Array of Connection structures
Information about the connections.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token to use for the next page of results.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getCoreNetwork
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getCoreNetworkAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns information about the LIVE policy for a core network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getCoreNetwork([ 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- CoreNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
Result Syntax
[ 'CoreNetwork' => [ 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'Edges' => [ [ 'Asn' => <integer>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'InsideCidrBlocks' => ['<string>', ...], ], // ... ], 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'NetworkFunctionGroups' => [ [ 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'Name' => '<string>', 'Segments' => [ 'SendTo' => ['<string>', ...], 'SendVia' => ['<string>', ...], ], ], // ... ], 'Segments' => [ [ 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'Name' => '<string>', 'SharedSegments' => ['<string>', ...], ], // ... ], 'State' => 'CREATING|UPDATING|AVAILABLE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- CoreNetwork
- Type: CoreNetwork structure
Details about a core network.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getCoreNetworkChangeEvents
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getCoreNetworkChangeEventsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns information about a core network change event.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getCoreNetworkChangeEvents([ 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'PolicyVersionId' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- CoreNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- PolicyVersionId
- Required: Yes
- Type: int
The ID of the policy version.
Result Syntax
[ 'CoreNetworkChangeEvents' => [ [ 'Action' => 'ADD|MODIFY|REMOVE', 'EventTime' => <DateTime>, 'IdentifierPath' => '<string>', 'Status' => 'NOT_STARTED|IN_PROGRESS|COMPLETE|FAILED', 'Type' => 'CORE_NETWORK_SEGMENT|NETWORK_FUNCTION_GROUP|CORE_NETWORK_EDGE|ATTACHMENT_MAPPING|ATTACHMENT_ROUTE_PROPAGATION|ATTACHMENT_ROUTE_STATIC|CORE_NETWORK_CONFIGURATION|SEGMENTS_CONFIGURATION|SEGMENT_ACTIONS_CONFIGURATION|ATTACHMENT_POLICIES_CONFIGURATION', 'Values' => [ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', 'Cidr' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', ], ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- CoreNetworkChangeEvents
- Type: Array of CoreNetworkChangeEvent structures
The response to
. - NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getCoreNetworkChangeSet
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getCoreNetworkChangeSetAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns a change set between the LIVE core network policy and a submitted policy.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getCoreNetworkChangeSet([ 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'PolicyVersionId' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- CoreNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- PolicyVersionId
- Required: Yes
- Type: int
The ID of the policy version.
Result Syntax
[ 'CoreNetworkChanges' => [ [ 'Action' => 'ADD|MODIFY|REMOVE', 'Identifier' => '<string>', 'IdentifierPath' => '<string>', 'NewValues' => [ 'Asn' => <integer>, 'Cidr' => '<string>', 'DestinationIdentifier' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'InsideCidrBlocks' => ['<string>', ...], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'ServiceInsertionActions' => [ [ 'Action' => 'send-via|send-to', 'Mode' => 'dual-hop|single-hop', 'Via' => [ 'NetworkFunctionGroups' => [ [ 'Name' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'WithEdgeOverrides' => [ [ 'EdgeSets' => [ ['<string>', ...], // ... ], 'UseEdge' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'WhenSentTo' => [ 'WhenSentToSegmentsList' => ['<string>', ...], ], ], // ... ], 'SharedSegments' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'PreviousValues' => [ 'Asn' => <integer>, 'Cidr' => '<string>', 'DestinationIdentifier' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'InsideCidrBlocks' => ['<string>', ...], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'ServiceInsertionActions' => [ [ 'Action' => 'send-via|send-to', 'Mode' => 'dual-hop|single-hop', 'Via' => [ 'NetworkFunctionGroups' => [ [ 'Name' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'WithEdgeOverrides' => [ [ 'EdgeSets' => [ ['<string>', ...], // ... ], 'UseEdge' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'WhenSentTo' => [ 'WhenSentToSegmentsList' => ['<string>', ...], ], ], // ... ], 'SharedSegments' => ['<string>', ...], ], 'Type' => 'CORE_NETWORK_SEGMENT|NETWORK_FUNCTION_GROUP|CORE_NETWORK_EDGE|ATTACHMENT_MAPPING|ATTACHMENT_ROUTE_PROPAGATION|ATTACHMENT_ROUTE_STATIC|CORE_NETWORK_CONFIGURATION|SEGMENTS_CONFIGURATION|SEGMENT_ACTIONS_CONFIGURATION|ATTACHMENT_POLICIES_CONFIGURATION', ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- CoreNetworkChanges
- Type: Array of CoreNetworkChange structures
Describes a core network changes.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getCoreNetworkPolicy
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getCoreNetworkPolicyAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns details about a core network policy. You can get details about your current live policy or any previous policy version.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getCoreNetworkPolicy([ 'Alias' => 'LIVE|LATEST', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'PolicyVersionId' => <integer>, ]);
Parameter Details
- Alias
- Type: string
The alias of a core network policy
- CoreNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- PolicyVersionId
- Type: int
The ID of a core network policy version.
Result Syntax
[ 'CoreNetworkPolicy' => [ 'Alias' => 'LIVE|LATEST', 'ChangeSetState' => 'PENDING_GENERATION|FAILED_GENERATION|READY_TO_EXECUTE|EXECUTING|EXECUTION_SUCCEEDED|OUT_OF_DATE', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'PolicyDocument' => '<string>', 'PolicyErrors' => [ [ 'ErrorCode' => '<string>', 'Message' => '<string>', 'Path' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'PolicyVersionId' => <integer>, ], ]
Result Details
- CoreNetworkPolicy
- Type: CoreNetworkPolicy structure
The details about a core network policy.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getCustomerGatewayAssociations
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getCustomerGatewayAssociationsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Gets the association information for customer gateways that are associated with devices and links in your global network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getCustomerGatewayAssociations([ 'CustomerGatewayArns' => ['<string>', ...], 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- CustomerGatewayArns
- Type: Array of strings
One or more customer gateway Amazon Resource Names (ARNs). The maximum is 10.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
Result Syntax
[ 'CustomerGatewayAssociations' => [ [ 'CustomerGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|DELETED', ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- CustomerGatewayAssociations
- Type: Array of CustomerGatewayAssociation structures
The customer gateway associations.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getDevices
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getDevicesAsync
([/* ... */]);
Gets information about one or more of your devices in a global network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getDevices([ 'DeviceIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'SiteId' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- DeviceIds
- Type: Array of strings
One or more device IDs. The maximum is 10.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- SiteId
- Type: string
The ID of the site.
Result Syntax
[ 'Devices' => [ [ 'AWSLocation' => [ 'SubnetArn' => '<string>', 'Zone' => '<string>', ], 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'DeviceArn' => '<string>', 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'Location' => [ 'Address' => '<string>', 'Latitude' => '<string>', 'Longitude' => '<string>', ], 'Model' => '<string>', 'SerialNumber' => '<string>', 'SiteId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Type' => '<string>', 'Vendor' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- Devices
- Type: Array of Device structures
The devices.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getDirectConnectGatewayAttachment
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getDirectConnectGatewayAttachmentAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns information about a specific Amazon Web Services Direct Connect gateway attachment.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getDirectConnectGatewayAttachment([ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- AttachmentId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway attachment that you want to see details about.
Result Syntax
[ 'DirectConnectGatewayAttachment' => [ 'Attachment' => [ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'AttachmentType' => 'CONNECT|SITE_TO_SITE_VPN|VPC|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE', 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'VPC_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_DUPLICATED_IN_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_FREE_ADDRESSES|SUBNET_UNSUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_IPV6_CIDRS|VPN_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND|MAXIMUM_NO_ENCAP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NO_PRIVATE_VIF', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ProposedSegmentChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'State' => 'REJECTED|PENDING_ATTACHMENT_ACCEPTANCE|CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|UPDATING|PENDING_NETWORK_UPDATE|PENDING_TAG_ACCEPTANCE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], 'DirectConnectGatewayArn' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- DirectConnectGatewayAttachment
- Type: DirectConnectGatewayAttachment structure
Shows details about the Direct Connect gateway attachment.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getLinkAssociations
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getLinkAssociationsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Gets the link associations for a device or a link. Either the device ID or the link ID must be specified.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getLinkAssociations([ 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- DeviceId
- Type: string
The ID of the device.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- LinkId
- Type: string
The ID of the link.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
Result Syntax
[ 'LinkAssociations' => [ [ 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkAssociationState' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|DELETED', 'LinkId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- LinkAssociations
- Type: Array of LinkAssociation structures
The link associations.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getLinks
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getLinksAsync
([/* ... */]);
Gets information about one or more links in a specified global network.
If you specify the site ID, you cannot specify the type or provider in the same request. You can specify the type and provider in the same request.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getLinks([ 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'LinkIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'Provider' => '<string>', 'SiteId' => '<string>', 'Type' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- LinkIds
- Type: Array of strings
One or more link IDs. The maximum is 10.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- Provider
- Type: string
The link provider.
- SiteId
- Type: string
The ID of the site.
- Type
- Type: string
The link type.
Result Syntax
[ 'Links' => [ [ 'Bandwidth' => [ 'DownloadSpeed' => <integer>, 'UploadSpeed' => <integer>, ], 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkArn' => '<string>', 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'Provider' => '<string>', 'SiteId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Type' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- Links
- Type: Array of Link structures
The links.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getNetworkResourceCounts
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getNetworkResourceCountsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Gets the count of network resources, by resource type, for the specified global network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getNetworkResourceCounts([ 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'ResourceType' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- ResourceType
- Type: string
The resource type.
The following are the supported resource types for Direct Connect:
The following are the supported resource types for Network Manager:
The following are the supported resource types for Amazon VPC:
Result Syntax
[ 'NetworkResourceCounts' => [ [ 'Count' => <integer>, 'ResourceType' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- NetworkResourceCounts
- Type: Array of NetworkResourceCount structures
The count of resources.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getNetworkResourceRelationships
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getNetworkResourceRelationshipsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Gets the network resource relationships for the specified global network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getNetworkResourceRelationships([ 'AccountId' => '<string>', 'AwsRegion' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'RegisteredGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceType' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- AccountId
- Type: string
The Amazon Web Services account ID.
- AwsRegion
- Type: string
The Amazon Web Services Region.
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- RegisteredGatewayArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the registered gateway.
- ResourceArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the gateway.
- ResourceType
- Type: string
The resource type.
The following are the supported resource types for Direct Connect:
The following are the supported resource types for Network Manager:
The following are the supported resource types for Amazon VPC:
Result Syntax
[ 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'Relationships' => [ [ 'From' => '<string>', 'To' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- Relationships
- Type: Array of Relationship structures
The resource relationships.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getNetworkResources
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getNetworkResourcesAsync
([/* ... */]);
Describes the network resources for the specified global network.
The results include information from the corresponding Describe call for the resource, minus any sensitive information such as pre-shared keys.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getNetworkResources([ 'AccountId' => '<string>', 'AwsRegion' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'RegisteredGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceType' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- AccountId
- Type: string
The Amazon Web Services account ID.
- AwsRegion
- Type: string
The Amazon Web Services Region.
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- RegisteredGatewayArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the gateway.
- ResourceArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the resource.
- ResourceType
- Type: string
The resource type.
The following are the supported resource types for Direct Connect:
The following are the supported resource types for Network Manager:
The following are the supported resource types for Amazon VPC:
Result Syntax
[ 'NetworkResources' => [ [ 'AccountId' => '<string>', 'AwsRegion' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'Definition' => '<string>', 'DefinitionTimestamp' => <DateTime>, 'Metadata' => ['<string>', ...], 'RegisteredGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceId' => '<string>', 'ResourceType' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- NetworkResources
- Type: Array of NetworkResource structures
The network resources.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getNetworkRoutes
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getNetworkRoutesAsync
([/* ... */]);
Gets the network routes of the specified global network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getNetworkRoutes([ 'DestinationFilters' => [ '<FilterName>' => ['<string>', ...], // ... ], 'ExactCidrMatches' => ['<string>', ...], 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'LongestPrefixMatches' => ['<string>', ...], 'PrefixListIds' => ['<string>', ...], 'RouteTableIdentifier' => [ // REQUIRED 'CoreNetworkNetworkFunctionGroup' => [ 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', ], 'CoreNetworkSegmentEdge' => [ 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', ], 'TransitGatewayRouteTableArn' => '<string>', ], 'States' => ['<string>', ...], 'SubnetOfMatches' => ['<string>', ...], 'SupernetOfMatches' => ['<string>', ...], 'Types' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- DestinationFilters
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (FilterName) to stringss
Filter by route table destination. Possible Values: TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_ID, RESOURCE_ID, or RESOURCE_TYPE.
- ExactCidrMatches
- Type: Array of strings
An exact CIDR block.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- LongestPrefixMatches
- Type: Array of strings
The most specific route that matches the traffic (longest prefix match).
- PrefixListIds
- Type: Array of strings
The IDs of the prefix lists.
- RouteTableIdentifier
- Required: Yes
- Type: RouteTableIdentifier structure
The ID of the route table.
- States
- Type: Array of strings
The route states.
- SubnetOfMatches
- Type: Array of strings
The routes with a subnet that match the specified CIDR filter.
- SupernetOfMatches
- Type: Array of strings
The routes with a CIDR that encompasses the CIDR filter. Example: If you specify, then the result returns
- Types
- Type: Array of strings
The route types.
Result Syntax
[ 'CoreNetworkSegmentEdge' => [ 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', ], 'NetworkRoutes' => [ [ 'DestinationCidrBlock' => '<string>', 'Destinations' => [ [ 'CoreNetworkAttachmentId' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'ResourceId' => '<string>', 'ResourceType' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayAttachmentId' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'PrefixListId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'ACTIVE|BLACKHOLE', 'Type' => 'PROPAGATED|STATIC', ], // ... ], 'RouteTableArn' => '<string>', 'RouteTableTimestamp' => <DateTime>, 'RouteTableType' => 'TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE|CORE_NETWORK_SEGMENT|NETWORK_FUNCTION_GROUP', ]
Result Details
- CoreNetworkSegmentEdge
- Type: CoreNetworkSegmentEdgeIdentifier structure
Describes a core network segment edge.
- NetworkRoutes
- Type: Array of NetworkRoute structures
The network routes.
- RouteTableArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the route table.
- RouteTableTimestamp
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The route table creation time.
- RouteTableType
- Type: string
The route table type.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getNetworkTelemetry
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getNetworkTelemetryAsync
([/* ... */]);
Gets the network telemetry of the specified global network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getNetworkTelemetry([ 'AccountId' => '<string>', 'AwsRegion' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'RegisteredGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceType' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- AccountId
- Type: string
The Amazon Web Services account ID.
- AwsRegion
- Type: string
The Amazon Web Services Region.
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- RegisteredGatewayArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the gateway.
- ResourceArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the resource.
- ResourceType
- Type: string
The resource type. The following are the supported resource types:
Result Syntax
[ 'NetworkTelemetry' => [ [ 'AccountId' => '<string>', 'Address' => '<string>', 'AwsRegion' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'Health' => [ 'Status' => 'UP|DOWN', 'Timestamp' => <DateTime>, 'Type' => 'BGP|IPSEC', ], 'RegisteredGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceId' => '<string>', 'ResourceType' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- NetworkTelemetry
- Type: Array of NetworkTelemetry structures
The network telemetry.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getResourcePolicy
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getResourcePolicyAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns information about a resource policy.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getResourcePolicy([ 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ResourceArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ARN of the resource.
Result Syntax
[ 'PolicyDocument' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- PolicyDocument
- Type: string (string|number|array|map or anything parsable by json_encode)
The resource policy document.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getRouteAnalysis
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getRouteAnalysisAsync
([/* ... */]);
Gets information about the specified route analysis.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getRouteAnalysis([ 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'RouteAnalysisId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- RouteAnalysisId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the route analysis.
Result Syntax
[ 'RouteAnalysis' => [ 'Destination' => [ 'IpAddress' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayAttachmentArn' => '<string>', ], 'ForwardPath' => [ 'CompletionStatus' => [ 'ReasonCode' => 'TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_NOT_FOUND|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_NOT_IN_TRANSIT_GATEWAY|CYCLIC_PATH_DETECTED|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_STABLE_ROUTE_TABLE_NOT_FOUND|ROUTE_NOT_FOUND|BLACKHOLE_ROUTE_FOR_DESTINATION_FOUND|INACTIVE_ROUTE_FOR_DESTINATION_FOUND|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_ATTACH_ARN_NO_MATCH|MAX_HOPS_EXCEEDED|POSSIBLE_MIDDLEBOX|NO_DESTINATION_ARN_PROVIDED', 'ReasonContext' => ['<string>', ...], 'ResultCode' => 'CONNECTED|NOT_CONNECTED', ], 'Path' => [ [ 'DestinationCidrBlock' => '<string>', 'Resource' => [ 'Definition' => '<string>', 'IsMiddlebox' => true || false, 'NameTag' => '<string>', 'RegisteredGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceType' => '<string>', ], 'Sequence' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'IncludeReturnPath' => true || false, 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ReturnPath' => [ 'CompletionStatus' => [ 'ReasonCode' => 'TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_NOT_FOUND|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_NOT_IN_TRANSIT_GATEWAY|CYCLIC_PATH_DETECTED|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_STABLE_ROUTE_TABLE_NOT_FOUND|ROUTE_NOT_FOUND|BLACKHOLE_ROUTE_FOR_DESTINATION_FOUND|INACTIVE_ROUTE_FOR_DESTINATION_FOUND|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_ATTACH_ARN_NO_MATCH|MAX_HOPS_EXCEEDED|POSSIBLE_MIDDLEBOX|NO_DESTINATION_ARN_PROVIDED', 'ReasonContext' => ['<string>', ...], 'ResultCode' => 'CONNECTED|NOT_CONNECTED', ], 'Path' => [ [ 'DestinationCidrBlock' => '<string>', 'Resource' => [ 'Definition' => '<string>', 'IsMiddlebox' => true || false, 'NameTag' => '<string>', 'RegisteredGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceType' => '<string>', ], 'Sequence' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], 'RouteAnalysisId' => '<string>', 'Source' => [ 'IpAddress' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayAttachmentArn' => '<string>', ], 'StartTimestamp' => <DateTime>, 'Status' => 'RUNNING|COMPLETED|FAILED', 'UseMiddleboxes' => true || false, ], ]
Result Details
- RouteAnalysis
- Type: RouteAnalysis structure
The route analysis.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getSiteToSiteVpnAttachment
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getSiteToSiteVpnAttachmentAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns information about a site-to-site VPN attachment.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getSiteToSiteVpnAttachment([ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- AttachmentId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the attachment.
Result Syntax
[ 'SiteToSiteVpnAttachment' => [ 'Attachment' => [ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'AttachmentType' => 'CONNECT|SITE_TO_SITE_VPN|VPC|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE', 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'VPC_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_DUPLICATED_IN_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_FREE_ADDRESSES|SUBNET_UNSUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_IPV6_CIDRS|VPN_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND|MAXIMUM_NO_ENCAP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NO_PRIVATE_VIF', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ProposedSegmentChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'State' => 'REJECTED|PENDING_ATTACHMENT_ACCEPTANCE|CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|UPDATING|PENDING_NETWORK_UPDATE|PENDING_TAG_ACCEPTANCE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], 'VpnConnectionArn' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- SiteToSiteVpnAttachment
- Type: SiteToSiteVpnAttachment structure
Describes the site-to-site attachment.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getSites
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getSitesAsync
([/* ... */]);
Gets information about one or more of your sites in a global network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getSites([ 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'SiteIds' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- SiteIds
- Type: Array of strings
One or more site IDs. The maximum is 10.
Result Syntax
[ 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'Sites' => [ [ 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'Location' => [ 'Address' => '<string>', 'Latitude' => '<string>', 'Longitude' => '<string>', ], 'SiteArn' => '<string>', 'SiteId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- Sites
- Type: Array of Site structures
The sites.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getTransitGatewayConnectPeerAssociations
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getTransitGatewayConnectPeerAssociationsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Gets information about one or more of your transit gateway Connect peer associations in a global network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getTransitGatewayConnectPeerAssociations([ 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayConnectPeerArns' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- TransitGatewayConnectPeerArns
- Type: Array of strings
One or more transit gateway Connect peer Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).
Result Syntax
[ 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayConnectPeerAssociations' => [ [ 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|DELETED', 'TransitGatewayConnectPeerArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token to use for the next page of results.
- TransitGatewayConnectPeerAssociations
- Type: Array of TransitGatewayConnectPeerAssociation structures
Information about the transit gateway Connect peer associations.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getTransitGatewayPeering
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getTransitGatewayPeeringAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns information about a transit gateway peer.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getTransitGatewayPeering([ 'PeeringId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- PeeringId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the peering request.
Result Syntax
[ 'TransitGatewayPeering' => [ 'Peering' => [ 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'TRANSIT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_PEERS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|MISSING_PERMISSIONS|INTERNAL_ERROR|EDGE_LOCATION_PEER_DUPLICATE|INVALID_TRANSIT_GATEWAY_STATE', 'Message' => '<string>', 'MissingPermissionsContext' => [ 'MissingPermission' => '<string>', ], 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'PeeringId' => '<string>', 'PeeringType' => 'TRANSIT_GATEWAY', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'State' => 'CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'TransitGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentId' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- TransitGatewayPeering
- Type: TransitGatewayPeering structure
Returns information about a transit gateway peering.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getTransitGatewayRegistrations
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getTransitGatewayRegistrationsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Gets information about the transit gateway registrations in a specified global network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getTransitGatewayRegistrations([ 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayArns' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- TransitGatewayArns
- Type: Array of strings
The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of one or more transit gateways. The maximum is 10.
Result Syntax
[ 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayRegistrations' => [ [ 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'State' => [ 'Code' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|DELETED|FAILED', 'Message' => '<string>', ], 'TransitGatewayArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- TransitGatewayRegistrations
- Type: Array of TransitGatewayRegistration structures
The transit gateway registrations.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getTransitGatewayRouteTableAttachment
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getTransitGatewayRouteTableAttachmentAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns information about a transit gateway route table attachment.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getTransitGatewayRouteTableAttachment([ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- AttachmentId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the transit gateway route table attachment.
Result Syntax
[ 'TransitGatewayRouteTableAttachment' => [ 'Attachment' => [ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'AttachmentType' => 'CONNECT|SITE_TO_SITE_VPN|VPC|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE', 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'VPC_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_DUPLICATED_IN_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_FREE_ADDRESSES|SUBNET_UNSUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_IPV6_CIDRS|VPN_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND|MAXIMUM_NO_ENCAP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NO_PRIVATE_VIF', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ProposedSegmentChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'State' => 'REJECTED|PENDING_ATTACHMENT_ACCEPTANCE|CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|UPDATING|PENDING_NETWORK_UPDATE|PENDING_TAG_ACCEPTANCE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], 'PeeringId' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayRouteTableArn' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- TransitGatewayRouteTableAttachment
- Type: TransitGatewayRouteTableAttachment structure
Returns information about the transit gateway route table attachment.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->getVpcAttachment
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->getVpcAttachmentAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns information about a VPC attachment.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->getVpcAttachment([ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- AttachmentId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the attachment.
Result Syntax
[ 'VpcAttachment' => [ 'Attachment' => [ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'AttachmentType' => 'CONNECT|SITE_TO_SITE_VPN|VPC|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE', 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'VPC_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_DUPLICATED_IN_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_FREE_ADDRESSES|SUBNET_UNSUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_IPV6_CIDRS|VPN_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND|MAXIMUM_NO_ENCAP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NO_PRIVATE_VIF', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ProposedSegmentChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'State' => 'REJECTED|PENDING_ATTACHMENT_ACCEPTANCE|CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|UPDATING|PENDING_NETWORK_UPDATE|PENDING_TAG_ACCEPTANCE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], 'Options' => [ 'ApplianceModeSupport' => true || false, 'Ipv6Support' => true || false, ], 'SubnetArns' => ['<string>', ...], ], ]
Result Details
- VpcAttachment
- Type: VpcAttachment structure
Returns details about a VPC attachment.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->listAttachments
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listAttachmentsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns a list of core network attachments.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listAttachments([ 'AttachmentType' => 'CONNECT|SITE_TO_SITE_VPN|VPC|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'State' => 'REJECTED|PENDING_ATTACHMENT_ACCEPTANCE|CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|UPDATING|PENDING_NETWORK_UPDATE|PENDING_TAG_ACCEPTANCE|DELETING', ]);
Parameter Details
- AttachmentType
- Type: string
The type of attachment.
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- EdgeLocation
- Type: string
The Region where the edge is located.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- State
- Type: string
The state of the attachment.
Result Syntax
[ 'Attachments' => [ [ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'AttachmentType' => 'CONNECT|SITE_TO_SITE_VPN|VPC|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE', 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'VPC_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_DUPLICATED_IN_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_FREE_ADDRESSES|SUBNET_UNSUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_IPV6_CIDRS|VPN_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND|MAXIMUM_NO_ENCAP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NO_PRIVATE_VIF', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ProposedSegmentChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'State' => 'REJECTED|PENDING_ATTACHMENT_ACCEPTANCE|CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|UPDATING|PENDING_NETWORK_UPDATE|PENDING_TAG_ACCEPTANCE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- Attachments
- Type: Array of Attachment structures
Describes the list of attachments.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->listConnectPeers
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listConnectPeersAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns a list of core network Connect peers.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listConnectPeers([ 'ConnectAttachmentId' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- ConnectAttachmentId
- Type: string
The ID of the attachment.
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
Result Syntax
[ 'ConnectPeers' => [ [ 'ConnectAttachmentId' => '<string>', 'ConnectPeerId' => '<string>', 'ConnectPeerState' => 'CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|DELETING', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'SubnetArn' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- ConnectPeers
- Type: Array of ConnectPeerSummary structures
Describes the Connect peers.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->listCoreNetworkPolicyVersions
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listCoreNetworkPolicyVersionsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns a list of core network policy versions.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listCoreNetworkPolicyVersions([ 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- CoreNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
Result Syntax
[ 'CoreNetworkPolicyVersions' => [ [ 'Alias' => 'LIVE|LATEST', 'ChangeSetState' => 'PENDING_GENERATION|FAILED_GENERATION|READY_TO_EXECUTE|EXECUTING|EXECUTION_SUCCEEDED|OUT_OF_DATE', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'PolicyVersionId' => <integer>, ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- CoreNetworkPolicyVersions
- Type: Array of CoreNetworkPolicyVersion structures
Describes core network policy versions.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->listCoreNetworks
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listCoreNetworksAsync
([/* ... */]);
Returns a list of owned and shared core networks.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listCoreNetworks([ 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
Result Syntax
[ 'CoreNetworks' => [ [ 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'CREATING|UPDATING|AVAILABLE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- CoreNetworks
- Type: Array of CoreNetworkSummary structures
Describes the list of core networks.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->listOrganizationServiceAccessStatus
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listOrganizationServiceAccessStatusAsync
([/* ... */]);
Gets the status of the Service Linked Role (SLR) deployment for the accounts in a given Amazon Web Services Organization.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listOrganizationServiceAccessStatus([ 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
Result Syntax
[ 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'OrganizationStatus' => [ 'AccountStatusList' => [ [ 'AccountId' => '<string>', 'SLRDeploymentStatus' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'OrganizationAwsServiceAccessStatus' => '<string>', 'OrganizationId' => '<string>', 'SLRDeploymentStatus' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- OrganizationStatus
- Type: OrganizationStatus structure
Displays the status of an Amazon Web Services Organization.
There are no errors described for this operation.
$result = $client->listPeerings
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listPeeringsAsync
([/* ... */]);
Lists the peerings for a core network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listPeerings([ 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'MaxResults' => <integer>, 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'PeeringType' => 'TRANSIT_GATEWAY', 'State' => 'CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|DELETING', ]);
Parameter Details
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- EdgeLocation
- Type: string
Returns a list edge locations for the
- MaxResults
- Type: int
The maximum number of results to return.
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- PeeringType
- Type: string
Returns a list of a peering requests.
- State
- Type: string
Returns a list of the peering request states.
Result Syntax
[ 'NextToken' => '<string>', 'Peerings' => [ [ 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'TRANSIT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_PEERS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|MISSING_PERMISSIONS|INTERNAL_ERROR|EDGE_LOCATION_PEER_DUPLICATE|INVALID_TRANSIT_GATEWAY_STATE', 'Message' => '<string>', 'MissingPermissionsContext' => [ 'MissingPermission' => '<string>', ], 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'PeeringId' => '<string>', 'PeeringType' => 'TRANSIT_GATEWAY', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'State' => 'CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- NextToken
- Type: string
The token for the next page of results.
- Peerings
- Type: Array of Peering structures
Lists the transit gateway peerings for the
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->listTagsForResource
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->listTagsForResourceAsync
([/* ... */]);
Lists the tags for a specified resource.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->listTagsForResource([ 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ResourceArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
Result Syntax
[ 'TagList' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]
Result Details
- TagList
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The list of tags.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->putCoreNetworkPolicy
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->putCoreNetworkPolicyAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates a new, immutable version of a core network policy. A subsequent change set is created showing the differences between the LIVE policy and the submitted policy.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->putCoreNetworkPolicy([ 'ClientToken' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Description' => '<string>', 'LatestVersionId' => <integer>, 'PolicyDocument' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ClientToken
- Type: string
The client token associated with the request.
- CoreNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- Description
- Type: string
a core network policy description.
- LatestVersionId
- Type: int
The ID of a core network policy.
- PolicyDocument
- Required: Yes
- Type: string (string|number|array|map or anything parsable by json_encode)
The policy document.
Result Syntax
[ 'CoreNetworkPolicy' => [ 'Alias' => 'LIVE|LATEST', 'ChangeSetState' => 'PENDING_GENERATION|FAILED_GENERATION|READY_TO_EXECUTE|EXECUTING|EXECUTION_SUCCEEDED|OUT_OF_DATE', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'PolicyDocument' => '<string>', 'PolicyErrors' => [ [ 'ErrorCode' => '<string>', 'Message' => '<string>', 'Path' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'PolicyVersionId' => <integer>, ], ]
Result Details
- CoreNetworkPolicy
- Type: CoreNetworkPolicy structure
Describes the changed core network policy.
- CoreNetworkPolicyException:
Describes a core network policy exception.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
$result = $client->putResourcePolicy
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->putResourcePolicyAsync
([/* ... */]);
Creates or updates a resource policy.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->putResourcePolicy([ 'PolicyDocument' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- PolicyDocument
- Required: Yes
- Type: string (string|number|array|map or anything parsable by json_encode)
The JSON resource policy document.
- ResourceArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ARN of the resource policy.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
A service limit was exceeded.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->registerTransitGateway
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->registerTransitGatewayAsync
([/* ... */]);
Registers a transit gateway in your global network. Not all Regions support transit gateways for global networks. For a list of the supported Regions, see Region Availability in the Amazon Web Services Transit Gateways for Global Networks User Guide. The transit gateway can be in any of the supported Amazon Web Services Regions, but it must be owned by the same Amazon Web Services account that owns the global network. You cannot register a transit gateway in more than one global network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->registerTransitGateway([ 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'TransitGatewayArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- TransitGatewayArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the transit gateway.
Result Syntax
[ 'TransitGatewayRegistration' => [ 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'State' => [ 'Code' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|DELETED|FAILED', 'Message' => '<string>', ], 'TransitGatewayArn' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- TransitGatewayRegistration
- Type: TransitGatewayRegistration structure
Information about the transit gateway registration.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->rejectAttachment
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->rejectAttachmentAsync
([/* ... */]);
Rejects a core network attachment request.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->rejectAttachment([ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- AttachmentId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the attachment.
Result Syntax
[ 'Attachment' => [ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'AttachmentType' => 'CONNECT|SITE_TO_SITE_VPN|VPC|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE', 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'VPC_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_DUPLICATED_IN_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_FREE_ADDRESSES|SUBNET_UNSUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_IPV6_CIDRS|VPN_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND|MAXIMUM_NO_ENCAP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NO_PRIVATE_VIF', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ProposedSegmentChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'State' => 'REJECTED|PENDING_ATTACHMENT_ACCEPTANCE|CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|UPDATING|PENDING_NETWORK_UPDATE|PENDING_TAG_ACCEPTANCE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], ]
Result Details
- Attachment
- Type: Attachment structure
Describes the rejected attachment request.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->restoreCoreNetworkPolicyVersion
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->restoreCoreNetworkPolicyVersionAsync
([/* ... */]);
Restores a previous policy version as a new, immutable version of a core network policy. A subsequent change set is created showing the differences between the LIVE policy and restored policy.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->restoreCoreNetworkPolicyVersion([ 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'PolicyVersionId' => <integer>, // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- CoreNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- PolicyVersionId
- Required: Yes
- Type: int
The ID of the policy version to restore.
Result Syntax
[ 'CoreNetworkPolicy' => [ 'Alias' => 'LIVE|LATEST', 'ChangeSetState' => 'PENDING_GENERATION|FAILED_GENERATION|READY_TO_EXECUTE|EXECUTING|EXECUTION_SUCCEEDED|OUT_OF_DATE', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'PolicyDocument' => '<string>', 'PolicyErrors' => [ [ 'ErrorCode' => '<string>', 'Message' => '<string>', 'Path' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'PolicyVersionId' => <integer>, ], ]
Result Details
- CoreNetworkPolicy
- Type: CoreNetworkPolicy structure
Describes the restored core network policy.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
$result = $client->startOrganizationServiceAccessUpdate
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->startOrganizationServiceAccessUpdateAsync
([/* ... */]);
Enables the Network Manager service for an Amazon Web Services Organization. This can only be called by a management account within the organization.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->startOrganizationServiceAccessUpdate([ 'Action' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- Action
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The action to take for the update request. This can be either
Result Syntax
[ 'OrganizationStatus' => [ 'AccountStatusList' => [ [ 'AccountId' => '<string>', 'SLRDeploymentStatus' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'OrganizationAwsServiceAccessStatus' => '<string>', 'OrganizationId' => '<string>', 'SLRDeploymentStatus' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- OrganizationStatus
- Type: OrganizationStatus structure
The status of the service access update request for an Amazon Web Services Organization.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
A service limit was exceeded.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->startRouteAnalysis
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->startRouteAnalysisAsync
([/* ... */]);
Starts analyzing the routing path between the specified source and destination. For more information, see Route Analyzer.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->startRouteAnalysis([ 'Destination' => [ // REQUIRED 'IpAddress' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayAttachmentArn' => '<string>', ], 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'IncludeReturnPath' => true || false, 'Source' => [ // REQUIRED 'IpAddress' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayAttachmentArn' => '<string>', ], 'UseMiddleboxes' => true || false, ]);
Parameter Details
- Destination
- Required: Yes
- Type: RouteAnalysisEndpointOptionsSpecification structure
The destination.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- IncludeReturnPath
- Type: boolean
Indicates whether to analyze the return path. The default is
. - Source
- Required: Yes
- Type: RouteAnalysisEndpointOptionsSpecification structure
The source from which traffic originates.
- UseMiddleboxes
- Type: boolean
Indicates whether to include the location of middlebox appliances in the route analysis. The default is
Result Syntax
[ 'RouteAnalysis' => [ 'Destination' => [ 'IpAddress' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayAttachmentArn' => '<string>', ], 'ForwardPath' => [ 'CompletionStatus' => [ 'ReasonCode' => 'TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_NOT_FOUND|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_NOT_IN_TRANSIT_GATEWAY|CYCLIC_PATH_DETECTED|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_STABLE_ROUTE_TABLE_NOT_FOUND|ROUTE_NOT_FOUND|BLACKHOLE_ROUTE_FOR_DESTINATION_FOUND|INACTIVE_ROUTE_FOR_DESTINATION_FOUND|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_ATTACH_ARN_NO_MATCH|MAX_HOPS_EXCEEDED|POSSIBLE_MIDDLEBOX|NO_DESTINATION_ARN_PROVIDED', 'ReasonContext' => ['<string>', ...], 'ResultCode' => 'CONNECTED|NOT_CONNECTED', ], 'Path' => [ [ 'DestinationCidrBlock' => '<string>', 'Resource' => [ 'Definition' => '<string>', 'IsMiddlebox' => true || false, 'NameTag' => '<string>', 'RegisteredGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceType' => '<string>', ], 'Sequence' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'IncludeReturnPath' => true || false, 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ReturnPath' => [ 'CompletionStatus' => [ 'ReasonCode' => 'TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_NOT_FOUND|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_NOT_IN_TRANSIT_GATEWAY|CYCLIC_PATH_DETECTED|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_STABLE_ROUTE_TABLE_NOT_FOUND|ROUTE_NOT_FOUND|BLACKHOLE_ROUTE_FOR_DESTINATION_FOUND|INACTIVE_ROUTE_FOR_DESTINATION_FOUND|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ATTACHMENT_ATTACH_ARN_NO_MATCH|MAX_HOPS_EXCEEDED|POSSIBLE_MIDDLEBOX|NO_DESTINATION_ARN_PROVIDED', 'ReasonContext' => ['<string>', ...], 'ResultCode' => 'CONNECTED|NOT_CONNECTED', ], 'Path' => [ [ 'DestinationCidrBlock' => '<string>', 'Resource' => [ 'Definition' => '<string>', 'IsMiddlebox' => true || false, 'NameTag' => '<string>', 'RegisteredGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'ResourceType' => '<string>', ], 'Sequence' => <integer>, ], // ... ], ], 'RouteAnalysisId' => '<string>', 'Source' => [ 'IpAddress' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayArn' => '<string>', 'TransitGatewayAttachmentArn' => '<string>', ], 'StartTimestamp' => <DateTime>, 'Status' => 'RUNNING|COMPLETED|FAILED', 'UseMiddleboxes' => true || false, ], ]
Result Details
- RouteAnalysis
- Type: RouteAnalysis structure
The route analysis.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->tagResource
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->tagResourceAsync
([/* ... */]);
Tags a specified resource.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->tagResource([ 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Tags' => [ // REQUIRED [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ]);
Parameter Details
- ResourceArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
- Tags
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The tags to apply to the specified resource.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
A service limit was exceeded.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->untagResource
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->untagResourceAsync
([/* ... */]);
Removes tags from a specified resource.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->untagResource([ 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'TagKeys' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- ResourceArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
- TagKeys
- Required: Yes
- Type: Array of strings
The tag keys to remove from the specified resource.
Result Syntax
Result Details
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->updateConnection
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->updateConnectionAsync
([/* ... */]);
Updates the information for an existing connection. To remove information for any of the parameters, specify an empty string.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->updateConnection([ 'ConnectedLinkId' => '<string>', 'ConnectionId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'LinkId' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- ConnectedLinkId
- Type: string
The ID of the link for the second device in the connection.
- ConnectionId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the connection.
- Description
- Type: string
A description of the connection.
Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- LinkId
- Type: string
The ID of the link for the first device in the connection.
Result Syntax
[ 'Connection' => [ 'ConnectedDeviceId' => '<string>', 'ConnectedLinkId' => '<string>', 'ConnectionArn' => '<string>', 'ConnectionId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- Connection
- Type: Connection structure
Information about the connection.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->updateCoreNetwork
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->updateCoreNetworkAsync
([/* ... */]);
Updates the description of a core network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->updateCoreNetwork([ 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Description' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- CoreNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- Description
- Type: string
The description of the update.
Result Syntax
[ 'CoreNetwork' => [ 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'Edges' => [ [ 'Asn' => <integer>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'InsideCidrBlocks' => ['<string>', ...], ], // ... ], 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'NetworkFunctionGroups' => [ [ 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'Name' => '<string>', 'Segments' => [ 'SendTo' => ['<string>', ...], 'SendVia' => ['<string>', ...], ], ], // ... ], 'Segments' => [ [ 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'Name' => '<string>', 'SharedSegments' => ['<string>', ...], ], // ... ], 'State' => 'CREATING|UPDATING|AVAILABLE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- CoreNetwork
- Type: CoreNetwork structure
Returns information about a core network update.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->updateDevice
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->updateDeviceAsync
([/* ... */]);
Updates the details for an existing device. To remove information for any of the parameters, specify an empty string.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->updateDevice([ 'AWSLocation' => [ 'SubnetArn' => '<string>', 'Zone' => '<string>', ], 'Description' => '<string>', 'DeviceId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Location' => [ 'Address' => '<string>', 'Latitude' => '<string>', 'Longitude' => '<string>', ], 'Model' => '<string>', 'SerialNumber' => '<string>', 'SiteId' => '<string>', 'Type' => '<string>', 'Vendor' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- AWSLocation
- Type: AWSLocation structure
The Amazon Web Services location of the device, if applicable. For an on-premises device, you can omit this parameter.
- Description
- Type: string
A description of the device.
Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
- DeviceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the device.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- Location
- Type: Location structure
Describes a location.
- Model
- Type: string
The model of the device.
Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
- SerialNumber
- Type: string
The serial number of the device.
Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
- SiteId
- Type: string
The ID of the site.
- Type
- Type: string
The type of the device.
- Vendor
- Type: string
The vendor of the device.
Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
Result Syntax
[ 'Device' => [ 'AWSLocation' => [ 'SubnetArn' => '<string>', 'Zone' => '<string>', ], 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'DeviceArn' => '<string>', 'DeviceId' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'Location' => [ 'Address' => '<string>', 'Latitude' => '<string>', 'Longitude' => '<string>', ], 'Model' => '<string>', 'SerialNumber' => '<string>', 'SiteId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Type' => '<string>', 'Vendor' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- Device
- Type: Device structure
Information about the device.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->updateDirectConnectGatewayAttachment
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->updateDirectConnectGatewayAttachmentAsync
([/* ... */]);
Updates the edge locations associated with an Amazon Web Services Direct Connect gateway attachment.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->updateDirectConnectGatewayAttachment([ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- AttachmentId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the Direct Connect gateway attachment for the updated edge locations.
- EdgeLocations
- Type: Array of strings
One or more edge locations to update for the Direct Connect gateway attachment. The updated array of edge locations overwrites the previous array of locations.
is only used for Direct Connect gateway attachments.
Result Syntax
[ 'DirectConnectGatewayAttachment' => [ 'Attachment' => [ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'AttachmentType' => 'CONNECT|SITE_TO_SITE_VPN|VPC|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE', 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'VPC_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_DUPLICATED_IN_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_FREE_ADDRESSES|SUBNET_UNSUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_IPV6_CIDRS|VPN_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND|MAXIMUM_NO_ENCAP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NO_PRIVATE_VIF', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ProposedSegmentChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'State' => 'REJECTED|PENDING_ATTACHMENT_ACCEPTANCE|CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|UPDATING|PENDING_NETWORK_UPDATE|PENDING_TAG_ACCEPTANCE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], 'DirectConnectGatewayArn' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- DirectConnectGatewayAttachment
- Type: DirectConnectGatewayAttachment structure
Returns details of the Direct Connect gateway attachment with the updated edge locations.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->updateGlobalNetwork
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->updateGlobalNetworkAsync
([/* ... */]);
Updates an existing global network. To remove information for any of the parameters, specify an empty string.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->updateGlobalNetwork([ 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- Description
- Type: string
A description of the global network.
Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of your global network.
Result Syntax
[ 'GlobalNetwork' => [ 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- GlobalNetwork
- Type: GlobalNetwork structure
Information about the global network object.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->updateLink
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->updateLinkAsync
([/* ... */]);
Updates the details for an existing link. To remove information for any of the parameters, specify an empty string.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->updateLink([ 'Bandwidth' => [ 'DownloadSpeed' => <integer>, 'UploadSpeed' => <integer>, ], 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'LinkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Provider' => '<string>', 'Type' => '<string>', ]);
Parameter Details
- Bandwidth
- Type: Bandwidth structure
The upload and download speed in Mbps.
- Description
- Type: string
A description of the link.
Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- LinkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the link.
- Provider
- Type: string
The provider of the link.
Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
- Type
- Type: string
The type of the link.
Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
Result Syntax
[ 'Link' => [ 'Bandwidth' => [ 'DownloadSpeed' => <integer>, 'UploadSpeed' => <integer>, ], 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'LinkArn' => '<string>', 'LinkId' => '<string>', 'Provider' => '<string>', 'SiteId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'Type' => '<string>', ], ]
Result Details
- Link
- Type: Link structure
Information about the link.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- ServiceQuotaExceededException:
A service limit was exceeded.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->updateNetworkResourceMetadata
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->updateNetworkResourceMetadataAsync
([/* ... */]);
Updates the resource metadata for the specified global network.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->updateNetworkResourceMetadata([ 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Metadata' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- Metadata
- Required: Yes
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (ConstrainedString) to strings
The resource metadata.
- ResourceArn
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ARN of the resource.
Result Syntax
[ 'Metadata' => ['<string>', ...], 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ]
Result Details
- Metadata
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (ConstrainedString) to strings
The updated resource metadata.
- ResourceArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the resource.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->updateSite
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->updateSiteAsync
([/* ... */]);
Updates the information for an existing site. To remove information for any of the parameters, specify an empty string.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->updateSite([ 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Location' => [ 'Address' => '<string>', 'Latitude' => '<string>', 'Longitude' => '<string>', ], 'SiteId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED ]);
Parameter Details
- Description
- Type: string
A description of your site.
Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- Location
- Type: Location structure
The site location:
: The physical address of the site. -
: The latitude of the site. -
: The longitude of the site.
- SiteId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of your site.
Result Syntax
[ 'Site' => [ 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'Description' => '<string>', 'GlobalNetworkId' => '<string>', 'Location' => [ 'Address' => '<string>', 'Latitude' => '<string>', 'Longitude' => '<string>', ], 'SiteArn' => '<string>', 'SiteId' => '<string>', 'State' => 'PENDING|AVAILABLE|DELETING|UPDATING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], ]
Result Details
- Site
- Type: Site structure
Information about the site.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
$result = $client->updateVpcAttachment
([/* ... */]); $promise = $client->updateVpcAttachmentAsync
([/* ... */]);
Updates a VPC attachment.
Parameter Syntax
$result = $client->updateVpcAttachment([ 'AddSubnetArns' => ['<string>', ...], 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED 'Options' => [ 'ApplianceModeSupport' => true || false, 'Ipv6Support' => true || false, ], 'RemoveSubnetArns' => ['<string>', ...], ]);
Parameter Details
- AddSubnetArns
- Type: Array of strings
Adds a subnet ARN to the VPC attachment.
- AttachmentId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the attachment.
- Options
- Type: VpcOptions structure
Additional options for updating the VPC attachment.
- RemoveSubnetArns
- Type: Array of strings
Removes a subnet ARN from the attachment.
Result Syntax
[ 'VpcAttachment' => [ 'Attachment' => [ 'AttachmentId' => '<string>', 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'AttachmentType' => 'CONNECT|SITE_TO_SITE_VPN|VPC|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY|TRANSIT_GATEWAY_ROUTE_TABLE', 'CoreNetworkArn' => '<string>', 'CoreNetworkId' => '<string>', 'CreatedAt' => <DateTime>, 'EdgeLocation' => '<string>', 'EdgeLocations' => ['<string>', ...], 'LastModificationErrors' => [ [ 'Code' => 'VPC_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_NOT_FOUND|SUBNET_DUPLICATED_IN_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_FREE_ADDRESSES|SUBNET_UNSUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE|SUBNET_NO_IPV6_CIDRS|VPN_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND|MAXIMUM_NO_ENCAP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS|DIRECT_CONNECT_GATEWAY_NO_PRIVATE_VIF', 'Message' => '<string>', 'RequestId' => '<string>', 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'OwnerAccountId' => '<string>', 'ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'NetworkFunctionGroupName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ProposedSegmentChange' => [ 'AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber' => <integer>, 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], ], 'ResourceArn' => '<string>', 'SegmentName' => '<string>', 'State' => 'REJECTED|PENDING_ATTACHMENT_ACCEPTANCE|CREATING|FAILED|AVAILABLE|UPDATING|PENDING_NETWORK_UPDATE|PENDING_TAG_ACCEPTANCE|DELETING', 'Tags' => [ [ 'Key' => '<string>', 'Value' => '<string>', ], // ... ], 'UpdatedAt' => <DateTime>, ], 'Options' => [ 'ApplianceModeSupport' => true || false, 'Ipv6Support' => true || false, ], 'SubnetArns' => ['<string>', ...], ], ]
Result Details
- VpcAttachment
- Type: VpcAttachment structure
Describes the updated VPC attachment.
- ValidationException:
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- AccessDeniedException:
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- ResourceNotFoundException:
The specified resource could not be found.
- ConflictException:
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- ThrottlingException:
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- InternalServerException:
The request has failed due to an internal error.
Specifies a location in Amazon Web Services.
- SubnetArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the subnet that the device is located in.
- Zone
- Type: string
The Zone that the device is located in. Specify the ID of an Availability Zone, Local Zone, Wavelength Zone, or an Outpost.
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
- Message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Describes the current status of an account within an Amazon Web Services Organization, including service-linked roles (SLRs).
- AccountId
- Type: string
The ID of an account within the Amazon Web Services Organization.
- SLRDeploymentStatus
- Type: string
The status of SLR deployment for the account.
Describes a core network attachment.
- AttachmentId
- Type: string
The ID of the attachment.
- AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber
- Type: int
The policy rule number associated with the attachment.
- AttachmentType
- Type: string
The type of attachment.
- CoreNetworkArn
- Type: string
The ARN of a core network.
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The timestamp when the attachment was created.
- EdgeLocation
- Type: string
The Region where the edge is located. This is returned for all attachment types except a Direct Connect gateway attachment, which instead returns
. - EdgeLocations
- Type: Array of strings
The edge locations that the Direct Connect gateway is associated with. This is returned only for Direct Connect gateway attachments. All other attachment types retrun
. - LastModificationErrors
- Type: Array of AttachmentError structures
Describes the error associated with the attachment request.
- NetworkFunctionGroupName
- Type: string
The name of the network function group.
- OwnerAccountId
- Type: string
The ID of the attachment account owner.
- ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange
- Type: ProposedNetworkFunctionGroupChange structure
Describes a proposed change to a network function group associated with the attachment.
- ProposedSegmentChange
- Type: ProposedSegmentChange structure
The attachment to move from one segment to another.
- ResourceArn
- Type: string
The attachment resource ARN.
- SegmentName
- Type: string
The name of the segment attachment.
- State
- Type: string
The state of the attachment.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The tags associated with the attachment.
- UpdatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The timestamp when the attachment was last updated.
Describes the error associated with an attachment request.
- Code
- Type: string
The error code for the attachment request.
- Message
- Type: string
The message associated with the error
. - RequestId
- Type: string
The ID of the attachment request.
- ResourceArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the requested attachment resource.
Describes bandwidth information.
- DownloadSpeed
- Type: int
Download speed in Mbps.
- UploadSpeed
- Type: int
Upload speed in Mbps.
Describes the BGP options.
- PeerAsn
- Type: long (int|float)
The Peer ASN of the BGP.
There was a conflict processing the request. Updating or deleting the resource can cause an inconsistent state.
- Message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- ResourceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the resource.
- ResourceType
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The resource type.
Describes a core network Connect attachment.
- Attachment
- Type: Attachment structure
The attachment details.
- Options
- Type: ConnectAttachmentOptions structure
Options for connecting an attachment.
- TransportAttachmentId
- Type: string
The ID of the transport attachment.
Describes a core network Connect attachment options.
- Protocol
- Type: string
The protocol used for the attachment connection.
Describes a core network Connect peer.
- Configuration
- Type: ConnectPeerConfiguration structure
The configuration of the Connect peer.
- ConnectAttachmentId
- Type: string
The ID of the attachment to connect.
- ConnectPeerId
- Type: string
The ID of the Connect peer.
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The timestamp when the Connect peer was created.
- EdgeLocation
- Type: string
The Connect peer Regions where edges are located.
- LastModificationErrors
- Type: Array of ConnectPeerError structures
Describes the error associated with the attachment request.
- State
- Type: string
The state of the Connect peer.
- SubnetArn
- Type: string
The subnet ARN for the Connect peer. This only applies only when the protocol is NO_ENCAP.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The list of key-value tags associated with the Connect peer.
Describes a core network Connect peer association.
- ConnectPeerId
- Type: string
The ID of the Connect peer.
- DeviceId
- Type: string
The ID of the device to connect to.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- LinkId
- Type: string
The ID of the link.
- State
- Type: string
The state of the Connect peer association.
Describes a core network BGP configuration.
- CoreNetworkAddress
- Type: string
The address of a core network.
- CoreNetworkAsn
- Type: long (int|float)
The ASN of the Coret Network.
- PeerAddress
- Type: string
The address of a core network Connect peer.
- PeerAsn
- Type: long (int|float)
The ASN of the Connect peer.
Describes a core network Connect peer configuration.
- BgpConfigurations
- Type: Array of ConnectPeerBgpConfiguration structures
The Connect peer BGP configurations.
- CoreNetworkAddress
- Type: string
The IP address of a core network.
- InsideCidrBlocks
- Type: Array of strings
The inside IP addresses used for a Connect peer configuration.
- PeerAddress
- Type: string
The IP address of the Connect peer.
- Protocol
- Type: string
The protocol used for a Connect peer configuration.
Describes an error associated with a Connect peer request
- Code
- Type: string
The error code for the Connect peer request.
- Message
- Type: string
The message associated with the error
. - RequestId
- Type: string
The ID of the Connect peer request.
- ResourceArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the requested Connect peer resource.
Summary description of a Connect peer.
- ConnectAttachmentId
- Type: string
The ID of a Connect peer attachment.
- ConnectPeerId
- Type: string
The ID of a Connect peer.
- ConnectPeerState
- Type: string
The state of a Connect peer.
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The timestamp when a Connect peer was created.
- EdgeLocation
- Type: string
The Region where the edge is located.
- SubnetArn
- Type: string
The subnet ARN for the Connect peer summary.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The list of key-value tags associated with the Connect peer summary.
Describes a connection.
- ConnectedDeviceId
- Type: string
The ID of the second device in the connection.
- ConnectedLinkId
- Type: string
The ID of the link for the second device in the connection.
- ConnectionArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the connection.
- ConnectionId
- Type: string
The ID of the connection.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the connection was created.
- Description
- Type: string
The description of the connection.
- DeviceId
- Type: string
The ID of the first device in the connection.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- LinkId
- Type: string
The ID of the link for the first device in the connection.
- State
- Type: string
The state of the connection.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The tags for the connection.
Describes connection health.
- Status
- Type: string
The connection status.
- Timestamp
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The time the status was last updated.
- Type
- Type: string
The connection type.
Describes a core network.
- CoreNetworkArn
- Type: string
The ARN of a core network.
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The timestamp when a core network was created.
- Description
- Type: string
The description of a core network.
- Edges
- Type: Array of CoreNetworkEdge structures
The edges within a core network.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of the global network that your core network is a part of.
- NetworkFunctionGroups
- Type: Array of CoreNetworkNetworkFunctionGroup structures
The network function groups associated with a core network.
- Segments
- Type: Array of CoreNetworkSegment structures
The segments within a core network.
- State
- Type: string
The current state of a core network.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The list of key-value tags associated with a core network.
Details describing a core network change.
- Action
- Type: string
The action to take for a core network.
- Identifier
- Type: string
The resource identifier.
- IdentifierPath
- Type: string
Uniquely identifies the path for a change within the changeset. For example, the
for a core network segment change might be"CORE_NETWORK_SEGMENT/us-east-1/devsegment"
. - NewValues
- Type: CoreNetworkChangeValues structure
The new value for a core network
- PreviousValues
- Type: CoreNetworkChangeValues structure
The previous values for a core network.
- Type
- Type: string
The type of change.
Describes a core network change event. This can be a change to a segment, attachment, route, etc.
- Action
- Type: string
The action taken for the change event.
- EventTime
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The timestamp for an event change in status.
- IdentifierPath
- Type: string
Uniquely identifies the path for a change within the changeset. For example, the
for a core network segment change might be"CORE_NETWORK_SEGMENT/us-east-1/devsegment"
. - Status
- Type: string
The status of the core network change event.
- Type
- Type: string
Describes the type of change event.
- Values
- Type: CoreNetworkChangeEventValues structure
Details of the change event.
Describes a core network change event.
- AttachmentId
- Type: string
The ID of the attachment if the change event is associated with an attachment.
- Cidr
- Type: string
For a
event, this is the IP address. - EdgeLocation
- Type: string
The edge location for the core network change event.
- NetworkFunctionGroupName
- Type: string
The changed network function group name.
- SegmentName
- Type: string
The segment name if the change event is associated with a segment.
Describes a core network change.
- Asn
- Type: long (int|float)
The ASN of a core network.
- Cidr
- Type: string
The IP addresses used for a core network.
- DestinationIdentifier
- Type: string
The ID of the destination.
- EdgeLocations
- Type: Array of strings
The Regions where edges are located in a core network.
- InsideCidrBlocks
- Type: Array of strings
The inside IP addresses used for core network change values.
- NetworkFunctionGroupName
- Type: string
The network function group name if the change event is associated with a network function group.
- SegmentName
- Type: string
The names of the segments in a core network.
- ServiceInsertionActions
- Type: Array of ServiceInsertionAction structures
Describes the service insertion action.
- SharedSegments
- Type: Array of strings
The shared segments for a core network change value.
Describes a core network edge.
- Asn
- Type: long (int|float)
The ASN of a core network edge.
- EdgeLocation
- Type: string
The Region where a core network edge is located.
- InsideCidrBlocks
- Type: Array of strings
The inside IP addresses used for core network edges.
Describes a network function group.
- EdgeLocations
- Type: Array of strings
The core network edge locations.
- Name
- Type: string
The name of the network function group.
- Segments
- Type: ServiceInsertionSegments structure
The segments associated with the network function group.
Describes a core network
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of the core network.
- EdgeLocation
- Type: string
The location for the core network edge.
- NetworkFunctionGroupName
- Type: string
The network function group name.
Describes a core network policy. You can have only one LIVE Core Policy.
- Alias
- Type: string
Whether a core network policy is the current LIVE policy or the most recently submitted policy.
- ChangeSetState
- Type: string
The state of a core network policy.
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The timestamp when a core network policy was created.
- Description
- Type: string
The description of a core network policy.
- PolicyDocument
- Type: string (string|number|array|map or anything parsable by json_encode)
Describes a core network policy.
- PolicyErrors
- Type: Array of CoreNetworkPolicyError structures
Describes any errors in a core network policy.
- PolicyVersionId
- Type: int
The ID of the policy version.
Provides details about an error in a core network policy.
- ErrorCode
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The error code associated with a core network policy error.
- Message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The message associated with a core network policy error code.
- Path
- Type: string
The JSON path where the error was discovered in the policy document.
Describes a core network policy exception.
- Errors
- Type: Array of CoreNetworkPolicyError structures
Describes a core network policy exception.
- Message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
Describes a core network policy version.
- Alias
- Type: string
Whether a core network policy is the current policy or the most recently submitted policy.
- ChangeSetState
- Type: string
The status of the policy version change set.
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The timestamp when a core network policy version was created.
- Description
- Type: string
The description of a core network policy version.
- PolicyVersionId
- Type: int
The ID of the policy version.
Describes a core network segment, which are dedicated routes. Only attachments within this segment can communicate with each other.
- EdgeLocations
- Type: Array of strings
The Regions where the edges are located.
- Name
- Type: string
The name of a core network segment.
- SharedSegments
- Type: Array of strings
The shared segments of a core network.
Returns details about a core network edge.
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- EdgeLocation
- Type: string
The Region where the segment edge is located.
- SegmentName
- Type: string
The name of the segment edge.
Returns summary information about a core network.
- CoreNetworkArn
- Type: string
a core network ARN.
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- Description
- Type: string
The description of a core network.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Type: string
The global network ID.
- OwnerAccountId
- Type: string
The ID of the account owner.
- State
- Type: string
The state of a core network.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The key-value tags associated with a core network summary.
Describes the association between a customer gateway, a device, and a link.
- CustomerGatewayArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the customer gateway.
- DeviceId
- Type: string
The ID of the device.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- LinkId
- Type: string
The ID of the link.
- State
- Type: string
The association state.
Describes a device.
- AWSLocation
- Type: AWSLocation structure
The Amazon Web Services location of the device.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the site was created.
- Description
- Type: string
The description of the device.
- DeviceArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device.
- DeviceId
- Type: string
The ID of the device.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- Location
- Type: Location structure
The site location.
- Model
- Type: string
The device model.
- SerialNumber
- Type: string
The device serial number.
- SiteId
- Type: string
The site ID.
- State
- Type: string
The device state.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The tags for the device.
- Type
- Type: string
The device type.
- Vendor
- Type: string
The device vendor.
Describes a Direct Connect gateway attachment.
- Attachment
- Type: Attachment structure
Describes a core network attachment.
- DirectConnectGatewayArn
- Type: string
The Direct Connect gateway attachment ARN.
Describes the edge that's used for the override.
- EdgeSets
- Type: Array of stringss
The list of edge locations.
- UseEdge
- Type: string
The edge that should be used when overriding the current edge order.
Describes a global network. This is a single private network acting as a high-level container for your network objects, including an Amazon Web Services-managed Core Network.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the global network was created.
- Description
- Type: string
The description of the global network.
- GlobalNetworkArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the global network.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- State
- Type: string
The state of the global network.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The tags for the global network.
The request has failed due to an internal error.
- Message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- RetryAfterSeconds
- Type: int
Indicates when to retry the request.
Describes a link.
- Bandwidth
- Type: Bandwidth structure
The bandwidth for the link.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the link was created.
- Description
- Type: string
The description of the link.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- LinkArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the link.
- LinkId
- Type: string
The ID of the link.
- Provider
- Type: string
The provider of the link.
- SiteId
- Type: string
The ID of the site.
- State
- Type: string
The state of the link.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The tags for the link.
- Type
- Type: string
The type of the link.
Describes the association between a device and a link.
- DeviceId
- Type: string
The device ID for the link association.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- LinkAssociationState
- Type: string
The state of the association.
- LinkId
- Type: string
The ID of the link.
Describes a location.
- Address
- Type: string
The physical address.
- Latitude
- Type: string
The latitude.
- Longitude
- Type: string
The longitude.
Describes a network function group for service insertion.
- Name
- Type: string
The name of the network function group.
Describes a network resource.
- AccountId
- Type: string
The Amazon Web Services account ID.
- AwsRegion
- Type: string
The Amazon Web Services Region.
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- Definition
- Type: string
Information about the resource, in JSON format. Network Manager gets this information by describing the resource using its Describe API call.
- DefinitionTimestamp
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The time that the resource definition was retrieved.
- Metadata
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (ConstrainedString) to strings
The resource metadata.
- RegisteredGatewayArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the gateway.
- ResourceArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the resource.
- ResourceId
- Type: string
The ID of the resource.
- ResourceType
- Type: string
The resource type.
The following are the supported resource types for Direct Connect:
The following are the supported resource types for Network Manager:
The following are the supported resource types for Amazon VPC:
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The tags.
Describes a resource count.
- Count
- Type: int
The resource count.
- ResourceType
- Type: string
The resource type.
Describes a network resource.
- Definition
- Type: string
Information about the resource, in JSON format. Network Manager gets this information by describing the resource using its Describe API call.
- IsMiddlebox
- Type: boolean
Indicates whether this is a middlebox appliance.
- NameTag
- Type: string
The value for the Name tag.
- RegisteredGatewayArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the gateway.
- ResourceArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the resource.
- ResourceType
- Type: string
The resource type.
Describes a network route.
- DestinationCidrBlock
- Type: string
A unique identifier for the route, such as a CIDR block.
- Destinations
- Type: Array of NetworkRouteDestination structures
The destinations.
- PrefixListId
- Type: string
The ID of the prefix list.
- State
- Type: string
The route state. The possible values are
. - Type
- Type: string
The route type. The possible values are
Describes the destination of a network route.
- CoreNetworkAttachmentId
- Type: string
The ID of a core network attachment.
- EdgeLocation
- Type: string
The edge location for the network destination.
- NetworkFunctionGroupName
- Type: string
The network function group name associated with the destination.
- ResourceId
- Type: string
The ID of the resource.
- ResourceType
- Type: string
The resource type.
- SegmentName
- Type: string
The name of the segment.
- TransitGatewayAttachmentId
- Type: string
The ID of the transit gateway attachment.
Describes the telemetry information for a resource.
- AccountId
- Type: string
The Amazon Web Services account ID.
- Address
- Type: string
The address.
- AwsRegion
- Type: string
The Amazon Web Services Region.
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of a core network.
- Health
- Type: ConnectionHealth structure
The connection health.
- RegisteredGatewayArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the gateway.
- ResourceArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the resource.
- ResourceId
- Type: string
The ID of the resource.
- ResourceType
- Type: string
The resource type.
The status of an Amazon Web Services Organization and the accounts within that organization.
- AccountStatusList
- Type: Array of AccountStatus structures
The current service-linked role (SLR) deployment status for an Amazon Web Services Organization's accounts. This will be either
. - OrganizationAwsServiceAccessStatus
- Type: string
The status of the organization's AWS service access. This will be
. - OrganizationId
- Type: string
The ID of an Amazon Web Services Organization.
- SLRDeploymentStatus
- Type: string
The status of the SLR deployment for the account. This will be either
Describes a path component.
- DestinationCidrBlock
- Type: string
The destination CIDR block in the route table.
- Resource
- Type: NetworkResourceSummary structure
The resource.
- Sequence
- Type: int
The sequence number in the path. The destination is 0.
Describes a peering connection.
- CoreNetworkArn
- Type: string
The ARN of a core network.
- CoreNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of the core network for the peering request.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The timestamp when the attachment peer was created.
- EdgeLocation
- Type: string
The edge location for the peer.
- LastModificationErrors
- Type: Array of PeeringError structures
Describes the error associated with the Connect peer request.
- OwnerAccountId
- Type: string
The ID of the account owner.
- PeeringId
- Type: string
The ID of the peering attachment.
- PeeringType
- Type: string
The type of peering. This will be
. - ResourceArn
- Type: string
The resource ARN of the peer.
- State
- Type: string
The current state of the peering connection.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The list of key-value tags associated with the peering.
Describes an error associated with a peering request.
- Code
- Type: string
The error code for the peering request.
- Message
- Type: string
The message associated with the error
. - MissingPermissionsContext
- Type: PermissionsErrorContext structure
Provides additional information about missing permissions for the peering error.
- RequestId
- Type: string
The ID of the Peering request.
- ResourceArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the requested peering resource.
Describes additional information about missing permissions.
- MissingPermission
- Type: string
The missing permissions.
Describes proposed changes to a network function group.
- AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber
- Type: int
The proposed new attachment policy rule number for the network function group.
- NetworkFunctionGroupName
- Type: string
The proposed name change for the network function group name.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The list of proposed changes to the key-value tags associated with the network function group.
Describes a proposed segment change. In some cases, the segment change must first be evaluated and accepted.
- AttachmentPolicyRuleNumber
- Type: int
The rule number in the policy document that applies to this change.
- SegmentName
- Type: string
The name of the segment to change.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The list of key-value tags that changed for the segment.
Describes a resource relationship.
- From
- Type: string
The ARN of the resource.
- To
- Type: string
The ARN of the resource.
The specified resource could not be found.
- Context
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (ExceptionContextKey) to strings
The specified resource could not be found.
- Message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- ResourceId
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The ID of the resource.
- ResourceType
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The resource type.
Describes a route analysis.
- Destination
- Type: RouteAnalysisEndpointOptions structure
The destination.
- ForwardPath
- Type: RouteAnalysisPath structure
The forward path.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- IncludeReturnPath
- Type: boolean
Indicates whether to analyze the return path. The return path is not analyzed if the forward path analysis does not succeed.
- OwnerAccountId
- Type: string
The ID of the AWS account that created the route analysis.
- ReturnPath
- Type: RouteAnalysisPath structure
The return path.
- RouteAnalysisId
- Type: string
The ID of the route analysis.
- Source
- Type: RouteAnalysisEndpointOptions structure
The source.
- StartTimestamp
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The time that the analysis started.
- Status
- Type: string
The status of the route analysis.
- UseMiddleboxes
- Type: boolean
Indicates whether to include the location of middlebox appliances in the route analysis.
Describes the status of an analysis at completion.
- ReasonCode
- Type: string
The reason code. Available only if a connection is not found.
- Found a black hole route with the destination CIDR block. -
- Found the same resource multiple times while traversing the path. -
- Found an inactive route with the destination CIDR block. -
- Analysis exceeded 64 hops without finding the destination. -
- Cannot find a route table with the destination CIDR block. -
- Found an attachment, but not with the correct destination ARN. -
- Cannot find an attachment. -
- Found an attachment, but not to the correct transit gateway. -
- The state of the route table association is not associated.
- ReasonContext
- Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (ReasonContextKey) to strings
Additional information about the path. Available only if a connection is not found.
- ResultCode
- Type: string
The result of the analysis. If the status is
, check the reason code.
Describes a source or a destination.
- IpAddress
- Type: string
The IP address.
- TransitGatewayArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the transit gateway.
- TransitGatewayAttachmentArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the transit gateway attachment.
Describes a source or a destination.
- IpAddress
- Type: string
The IP address.
- TransitGatewayAttachmentArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the transit gateway attachment.
Describes a route analysis path.
- CompletionStatus
- Type: RouteAnalysisCompletion structure
The status of the analysis at completion.
- Path
- Type: Array of PathComponent structures
The route analysis path.
Describes a route table.
- CoreNetworkNetworkFunctionGroup
- Type: CoreNetworkNetworkFunctionGroupIdentifier structure
The route table identifier associated with the network function group.
- CoreNetworkSegmentEdge
- Type: CoreNetworkSegmentEdgeIdentifier structure
The segment edge in a core network.
- TransitGatewayRouteTableArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the transit gateway route table for the attachment request. For example,
"TransitGatewayRouteTableArn": "arn:aws:ec2:us-west-2:123456789012:transit-gateway-route-table/tgw-rtb-9876543210123456"
Describes the action that the service insertion will take for any segments associated with it.
- Action
- Type: string
The action the service insertion takes for traffic.
sends east-west traffic between attachments.send-to
sends north-south traffic to the security appliance, and then from that to either the Internet or to an on-premesis location. - Mode
- Type: string
Describes the mode packets take for the
action. This is not used when the action issend-to
packets traverse attachments in both the source to the destination core network edges. This mode requires that an inspection attachment must be present in all Regions of the service insertion-enabled segments. Forsingle-hop
, packets traverse a single intermediate inserted attachment. You can useEdgeOverride
to specify a specific edge to use. - Via
- Type: Via structure
The list of network function groups and any edge overrides for the chosen service insertion action. Used for both
. - WhenSentTo
- Type: WhenSentTo structure
The list of destination segments if the service insertion action is
Describes the segments associated with the service insertion action.
- SendTo
- Type: Array of strings
The list of segments associated with the
action. - SendVia
- Type: Array of strings
The list of segments associated with the
A service limit was exceeded.
- LimitCode
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The limit code.
- Message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The error message.
- ResourceId
- Type: string
The ID of the resource.
- ResourceType
- Type: string
The resource type.
- ServiceCode
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The service code.
Describes a site.
- CreatedAt
- Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)
The date and time that the site was created.
- Description
- Type: string
The description of the site.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- Location
- Type: Location structure
The location of the site.
- SiteArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.
- SiteId
- Type: string
The ID of the site.
- State
- Type: string
The state of the site.
- Tags
- Type: Array of Tag structures
The tags for the site.
Creates a site-to-site VPN attachment.
- Attachment
- Type: Attachment structure
Provides details about a site-to-site VPN attachment.
- VpnConnectionArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the site-to-site VPN attachment.
Describes a tag.
- Key
- Type: string
The tag key.
Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
- Value
- Type: string
The tag value.
Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
The request was denied due to request throttling.
- Message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- RetryAfterSeconds
- Type: int
Indicates when to retry the request.
Describes a transit gateway Connect peer association.
- DeviceId
- Type: string
The ID of the device.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- LinkId
- Type: string
The ID of the link.
- State
- Type: string
The state of the association.
- TransitGatewayConnectPeerArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the transit gateway Connect peer.
Describes a transit gateway peering attachment.
- Peering
- Type: Peering structure
Describes a transit gateway peer connection.
- TransitGatewayArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the transit gateway.
- TransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentId
- Type: string
The ID of the transit gateway peering attachment.
Describes the registration of a transit gateway to a global network.
- GlobalNetworkId
- Type: string
The ID of the global network.
- State
- Type: TransitGatewayRegistrationStateReason structure
The state of the transit gateway registration.
- TransitGatewayArn
- Type: string
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the transit gateway.
Describes the status of a transit gateway registration.
- Code
- Type: string
The code for the state reason.
- Message
- Type: string
The message for the state reason.
Describes a transit gateway route table attachment.
- Attachment
- Type: Attachment structure
Describes a core network attachment.
- PeeringId
- Type: string
The ID of the peering attachment.
- TransitGatewayRouteTableArn
- Type: string
The ARN of the transit gateway attachment route table. For example,
"TransitGatewayRouteTableArn": "arn:aws:ec2:us-west-2:123456789012:transit-gateway-route-table/tgw-rtb-9876543210123456"
The input fails to satisfy the constraints.
- Fields
- Type: Array of ValidationExceptionField structures
The fields that caused the error, if applicable.
- Message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
- Reason
- Type: string
The reason for the error.
Describes a validation exception for a field.
- Message
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The message for the field.
- Name
- Required: Yes
- Type: string
The name of the field.
The list of network function groups and edge overrides for the service insertion action. Used for both the send-to
and send-via
- NetworkFunctionGroups
- Type: Array of NetworkFunctionGroup structures
The list of network function groups associated with the service insertion action.
- WithEdgeOverrides
- Type: Array of EdgeOverride structures
Describes any edge overrides. An edge override is a specific edge to be used for traffic.
Describes a VPC attachment.
- Attachment
- Type: Attachment structure
Provides details about the VPC attachment.
- Options
- Type: VpcOptions structure
Provides details about the VPC attachment.
- SubnetArns
- Type: Array of strings
The subnet ARNs.
Describes the VPC options.
- ApplianceModeSupport
- Type: boolean
Indicates whether appliance mode is supported. If enabled, traffic flow between a source and destination use the same Availability Zone for the VPC attachment for the lifetime of that flow. The default value is
. - Ipv6Support
- Type: boolean
Indicates whether IPv6 is supported.
Displays a list of the destination segments. Used only when the service insertion action is send-to
- WhenSentToSegmentsList
- Type: Array of strings
The list of destination segments when the service insertion action is