Create CloudTrail Lake queries from natural language prompts - AWS CloudTrail

Create CloudTrail Lake queries from natural language prompts

You can use the CloudTrail Lake query generator to produce a query from an English language prompt that you provide. The query generator uses generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) to produce a ready-to-use SQL query from your prompt, which you can then choose to run in Lake's query editor, or further fine tune. You don't need to have extensive knowledge of SQL or CloudTrail event fields to use the query generator.

The prompt can be a question or a statement about the event data in your CloudTrail Lake event data store. For example, you can enter prompts like "What are my top errors in the past month?" and “Give me a list of users that used SNS.”

A prompt can have a minimum of 3 characters and a maximum of 500 characters.

There are no charges for generating queries; however, when you run queries, you incur charges based on the amount of optimized and compressed data scanned. To help control costs, we recommend that you constrain queries by adding starting and ending eventTime timestamps to queries.


You can provide feedback about a generated query by choosing the thumbs up or thumbs down button that appears below the generated query. When you provide feedback, CloudTrail saves your prompt and the generated query.

Do not include any personally identifying, confidential, or sensitive information in your prompts.

This feature uses generative AI large language models (LLMs); we recommend double-checking the LLM response.

You can access the query generator using the CloudTrail console and AWS CLI.

CloudTrail console
To use the query generator on the CloudTrail console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudTrail console at

  2. From the navigation pane, under Lake, choose Query.

  3. On the Query page, choose the Editor tab.

  4. Choose the event data store you want to create a query for.

  5. In the Query generator area, enter a prompt in plain English. For examples, see Example prompts.

  6. Choose Generate query. The query generator will attempt to generate a query from your prompt. If successful, the query generator provides the SQL query in the editor. If the prompt is unsuccessful, rephrase your prompt and try again.

  7. (Optional) You can provide feedback about the generated query. To provide feedback, choose the thumbs up or thumbs down button that appears below the prompt. When you provide feedback, CloudTrail saves your prompt and the generated query.

  8. (Optional) Choose Run to run the query.


    When you run queries, you incur charges based on the amount of optimized and compressed data scanned. To help control costs, we recommend that you constrain queries by adding starting and ending eventTime timestamps to queries.

  9. (Optional) If you run the query and there are results, you can choose Summarize results to generate a natural language summary in English of the query results. This option uses generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) to produce the summary. For more information about this option, see Summarize query results in natural language.

    You can provide feedback about the summary by choosing the thumbs up or thumbs down button that appears below the generated summary.


    The query summarization feature is in preview release for CloudTrail Lake and is subject to change. This feature is available in the following regions: Asia Pacific (Tokyo), US East (N. Virginia), and US West (Oregon).


To generate a query with the AWS CLI

Run the generate-query command to generate a query from an English prompt. For --event-data-stores, provide the ARN (or ID suffix of the ARN) of the event data store you want to query. You can only specify one event data store. For --prompt, provide the prompt in English.

aws cloudtrail generate-query --event-data-stores arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:123456789012:eventdatastore/EXAMPLE-ee54-4813-92d5-999aeEXAMPLE \ --prompt "Show me all console login events for the past week?"

If successful, the command outputs a SQL statement and provides a QueryAlias that you will use with the start-query command to run the query against your event data store.

{ "QueryStatement": "SELECT * FROM $EDS_ID WHERE eventname = 'ConsoleLogin' AND eventtime >= timestamp '2024-09-16 00:00:00' AND eventtime <= timestamp '2024-09-23 00:00:00' AND eventSource = ''", "QueryAlias": "AWSCloudTrail-UUID" }

To run a query with the AWS CLI

Run the start-query command with the QueryAlias outputted by the generate-query command in the previous example. You also have the option of running the start-query command by providing the QueryStatement.

aws cloudtrail start-query --query-alias AWSCloudTrail-UUID

The response is a QueryId string. To get the status of a query, run describe-query using the QueryId value returned by start-query. If the query is successful, you can run get-query-results to get results.

{ "QueryId": "EXAMPLE2-0add-4207-8135-2d8a4EXAMPLE" }

Queries that run for longer than one hour might time out. You can still get partial results that were processed before the query timed out.

If you are delivering the query results to an S3 bucket using the optional --delivery-s3uri parameter, the bucket policy must grant CloudTrail permission to delivery query results to the bucket. For information about manually editing the bucket policy, see Amazon S3 bucket policy for CloudTrail Lake query results.

Required permissions

The AWSCloudTrail_FullAccess and AdministratorAccess managed policies both provide the necessary permissions to use this feature.

You can also include the cloudtrail:GenerateQuery action in a new or existing customer managed or inline policy.

Region support

This feature is supported in the following AWS Regions:

  • Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region (ap-south-1)

  • Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region (ap-southeast-2)

  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region (ap-northeast-1)

  • Canada (Central) Region (ca-central-1)

  • Europe (London) Region (eu-west-2)

  • US East (N. Virginia) Region (us-east-1)

  • US West (Oregon) Region (us-west-2)


The following are limitations of the query generator:

  • The query generator can only accept prompts in English.

  • The query generator can only generate queries for event data stores that collect CloudTrail events (management events, data events, network activity events).

  • The query generator cannot generate queries for prompts that do not pertain to CloudTrail Lake event data.

Example prompts

This section provides example prompts and the resulting SQL queries generated from the prompts.

If you choose to run the example queries in this section, replace eds-id with the ID of the event data store that you want to query and replace the timestamps with the appropriate timestamps for your use case. Timestamps have the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Prompt: What are my top errors in the past month?

SQL query:

SELECT errorMessage, COUNT(*) as eventCount FROM eds-id WHERE errorMessage IS NOT NULL AND eventTime >= timestamp '2024-05-01 00:00:00' AND eventTime <= timestamp '2024-05-31 23:59:59' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 2;

Prompt: Give me a list of users that used SNS.

SQL query:

SELECT DISTINCT userIdentity.arn AS user FROM eds-id WHERE eventSource = ''

Prompt: What are my API counts each day for read and write events in the past month?

SQL query:

SELECT date(eventTime) AS event_date, SUM( CASE WHEN readonly = true THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS read_events, SUM( CASE WHEN readonly = false THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS write_events FROM eds-id WHERE eventTime >= timestamp '2024-05-04 00:00:00' AND eventTime <= timestamp '2024-06-04 23:59:59' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1 ASC;

Prompt: Show any events with access denied errors for the past three weeks.

SQL query:

SELECT * FROM eds-id WHERE WHERE (errorCode = 'AccessDenied' OR errorMessage = 'Access Denied') AND eventTime >= timestamp '2024-05-16 01:00:00' AND eventTime <= timestamp '2024-06-06 01:00:00'