Bring your own container (BYOC) - Amazon Braket

Bring your own container (BYOC)

Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs provides three pre-built containers for running code in different environments. If one of these containers supports your use case, you only have to provide your algorithm script when you create a hybrid job. Minor missing dependencies can be added from your algorithm script or from a requirements.txt file using pip.

If none of these containers support your use case, or if you wish to expand on them, Braket Hybrid Jobs supports running hybrid jobs with your own custom Docker container image, or bring your own container (BYOC). But before we dive in, let’s make sure it’s actually the right feature for your use case.

When is bringing my own container the right decision?

Bringing your own container (BYOC) to Braket Hybrid Jobs offers the flexibility to use your own software by installing it in a packaged environment. Depending on your specific needs, there may be ways to achieve the same flexibility without having to go through the full BYOC Docker build - Amazon ECR upload - custom image URI cycle.


BYOC may not be the right choice if you want to add a small number of additional Python packages (generally fewer than 10) which are publicly available. For example, if you're using PyPi.

In this case, you can use one of the pre-built Braket images, and then include a requirements.txt file in your source directory at the job submission. The file is automatically read, and pip will install the packages with the specified versions as normal. If you're installing a large number of packages, the runtime of your jobs may be substantially increased. Check the Python and, if applicable, CUDA version of the prebuilt container you want to use to test if your software will work.

BYOC is necessary when you want to use a non-Python language (like C++ or Rust) for your job script, or if you want to use a Python version not available through the Braket pre-built containers. It’s also a good choice if:

  • You're using software with a license key, and you need to authenticate that key against a licensing server to run the software. With BYOC, you can embed the license key in your Docker image and include code to authenticate it.

  • You're using software that isn’t publicly available. For example, the software is hosted on a private GitLab or GitHub repository that you need a particular SSH key to access.

  • You need to install a large suite of software that isn’t packaged in the Braket provided containers. BYOC will allow you to eliminate long startup times for your hybrid jobs containers due to software installation.

BYOC also enables you to make your custom SDK or algorithm available to customers by building a Docker container with your software and making it available to your users. You can do this by setting appropriate permissions in Amazon ECR.


You must comply with all applicable software licenses.