All Implemented Interfaces:
IResource, ISchedule,, software.constructs.IConstruct, software.constructs.IDependable

@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.103.1 (build bef2dea)", date="2024-09-11T18:01:25.890Z") @Stability(Experimental) public class Schedule extends Resource implements ISchedule
(experimental) An EventBridge Schedule.


 CfnDeliveryStream deliveryStream;
 Map<String, String> payload = Map.of(
         "Data", "record");
 Schedule.Builder.create(this, "Schedule")
  • Constructor Details

    • Schedule

      protected Schedule( objRef)
    • Schedule

      protected Schedule( initializationMode)
    • Schedule

      @Stability(Experimental) public Schedule(@NotNull software.constructs.Construct scope, @NotNull String id, @NotNull ScheduleProps props)
      scope - This parameter is required.
      id - This parameter is required.
      props - This parameter is required.
  • Method Details

    • metricAll

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAll(@NotNull String metricName, @Nullable MetricOptions props)
      (experimental) Return the given named metric for all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

      metricName - This parameter is required.
      props -
    • metricAll

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAll(@NotNull String metricName)
      (experimental) Return the given named metric for all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

      metricName - This parameter is required.
    • metricAllAttempts

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAllAttempts(@Nullable MetricOptions props)
      (experimental) Metric for all invocation attempts across all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

      props -
    • metricAllAttempts

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAllAttempts()
      (experimental) Metric for all invocation attempts across all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

    • metricAllDropped

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAllDropped(@Nullable MetricOptions props)
      (experimental) Metric for dropped invocations when EventBridge Scheduler stops attempting to invoke the target after a schedule's retry policy has been exhausted.

      Metric is calculated for all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

      props -
    • metricAllDropped

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAllDropped()
      (experimental) Metric for dropped invocations when EventBridge Scheduler stops attempting to invoke the target after a schedule's retry policy has been exhausted.

      Metric is calculated for all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

    • metricAllErrors

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAllErrors(@Nullable MetricOptions props)
      (experimental) Emitted when the target returns an exception after EventBridge Scheduler calls the target API across all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

      props -
    • metricAllErrors

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAllErrors()
      (experimental) Emitted when the target returns an exception after EventBridge Scheduler calls the target API across all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

    • metricAllFailedToBeSentToDLQ

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAllFailedToBeSentToDLQ(@Nullable String errorCode, @Nullable MetricOptions props)
      (experimental) Metric for failed invocations that also failed to deliver to DLQ across all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

      errorCode -
      props -
    • metricAllFailedToBeSentToDLQ

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAllFailedToBeSentToDLQ(@Nullable String errorCode)
      (experimental) Metric for failed invocations that also failed to deliver to DLQ across all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

      errorCode -
    • metricAllFailedToBeSentToDLQ

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAllFailedToBeSentToDLQ()
      (experimental) Metric for failed invocations that also failed to deliver to DLQ across all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

    • metricAllSentToDLQ

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAllSentToDLQ(@Nullable MetricOptions props)
      (experimental) Metric for invocations delivered to the DLQ across all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

      props -
    • metricAllSentToDLQ

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAllSentToDLQ()
      (experimental) Metric for invocations delivered to the DLQ across all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

    • metricAllSentToDLQTruncated

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAllSentToDLQTruncated(@Nullable MetricOptions props)
      (experimental) Metric for delivery of failed invocations to DLQ when the payload of the event sent to the DLQ exceeds the maximum size allowed by Amazon SQS.

      Metric is calculated for all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

      props -
    • metricAllSentToDLQTruncated

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAllSentToDLQTruncated()
      (experimental) Metric for delivery of failed invocations to DLQ when the payload of the event sent to the DLQ exceeds the maximum size allowed by Amazon SQS.

      Metric is calculated for all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

    • metricAllTargetThrottled

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAllTargetThrottled(@Nullable MetricOptions props)
      (experimental) Metric for invocation failures due to API throttling by the target across all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

      props -
    • metricAllTargetThrottled

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAllTargetThrottled()
      (experimental) Metric for invocation failures due to API throttling by the target across all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

    • metricAllThrottled

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAllThrottled(@Nullable MetricOptions props)
      (experimental) Metric for the number of invocations that were throttled across all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

      props -
      See Also:
    • metricAllThrottled

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public static Metric metricAllThrottled()
      (experimental) Metric for the number of invocations that were throttled across all schedules.

      Default: - sum over 5 minutes

      See Also:
    • getScheduleArn

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public String getScheduleArn()
      (experimental) The arn of the schedule.
      Specified by:
      getScheduleArn in interface ISchedule
    • getScheduleName

      @Stability(Experimental) @NotNull public String getScheduleName()
      (experimental) The name of the schedule.
      Specified by:
      getScheduleName in interface ISchedule
    • getGroup

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable public IGroup getGroup()
      (experimental) The schedule group associated with this schedule.
      Specified by:
      getGroup in interface ISchedule
    • getKey

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable public IKey getKey()
      (experimental) The customer managed KMS key that EventBridge Scheduler will use to encrypt and decrypt your data.
      Specified by:
      getKey in interface ISchedule