Administering connected accounts - Amazon CodeCatalyst

Administering connected accounts

To access resources in AWS related to your projects in CodeCatalyst, you must connect an AWS account to your space. The connected account can also be used as the billing account for the space if you choose to use a paid tier.

To do so, you must set up a connection between the AWS accounts and your space in CodeCatalyst. Creating a connection like this means that projects and workflows within your CodeCatalyst space can interact with resources in your AWS accounts. You must create one connection for each AWS account you want to use with your CodeCatalyst space.

After you create a connection, you can choose to associate AWS IAM roles with it.

Here is one possible flow for adding an AWS account in CodeCatalyst:

Li Juan has the Project administrator role in a CodeCatalyst project with a workflow that builds and deploys the application to AWS infrastructure in the cloud. To deploy to the AWS infrastructure, CodeCatalyst must use an authorized AWS account to access the AWS resources for the build action in the workflow. Li Juan works with Mary Major, who has the Space administrator role, and Mateo Jackson, who has AWS administrator permissions in the AWS account to create a connection between the space and the AWS account. Before creating the connection, Mateo Jackson creates an IAM role in that account called codecatalyst-build-role with the IAM permissions policy for the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) stack he wants to use to build the application in the AWS account.

As the next step, Mary Major edits the CodeCatalyst space settings, completes an authorization flow with Mateo Jackson, and adds the AWS account and role to the list of AWS accounts and roles available for the CodeCatalyst space. Li Juan uses the CodeCatalyst environments page to add the account and role to the environment for his CodeCatalyst project. Li Juan also adds the role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to the Role field for the CodeCatalyst workflow YAML.

For steps for managing accounts in the CodeCatalyst console, see Account connections in the CodeCatalyst User Guide.

Adding an account connection for a space (in AWS)

For steps for managing accounts in the CodeCatalyst console, see Account connections in the CodeCatalyst User Guide.

For a space that supports AWS Builder ID users, the space requires that you specify a connected account to the be the billing account for the space. For a space that supports identity federation, the space billing account will default to the management account associated with the organization in AWS Organizations.