Set IP address restrictions and session timeouts in Amazon Connect - Amazon Connect

Set IP address restrictions and session timeouts in Amazon Connect


This feature is in preview release and subject to change. To obtain access to this feature, contact your Amazon Connect Solutions Architect, Technical Account Manager, or Support.

To further lock down your contact center, for example, to comply with requirements and regulations in your industry, you can set up IP address restrictions and session timeouts.

  • IP address restrictions require agents to sign in only from your VPN, or block access from specific countries or subnets.

  • Session timeouts require agents to log in to Amazon Connect again.

In Amazon Connect you configure an authentication profile to set IP address restrictions and session durations of logged in agents. An authentication profile is a resource that stores the authentication settings for users in your contact center.

Configure IP address ranges and session duration

Your Amazon Connect instance includes a default authentication profile. This authentication profile automatically applies to all users in your contact center. You do not need to assign the authentication profile to the users for it to apply.

To configure your default authentication profile, use the following AWS SDK commands.


You need your Amazon Connect instance ID to run these commands. For instructions about how to locate your instance ID, see Find your Amazon Connect instance ID or ARN.

  1. List the authentication profiles in your instance to get the profile ID of the authentication profile you want to update. You can call the ListAuthenticationProfile API or run the list-authentication-profiles CLI command.

    Following is an example list-authentication-profiles command:

    aws connect list-authentication-profiles --instance-id your-instance-id

    Following is an example of the default authentication profile that is returned by the list-authentication-profiles command.

    { "AuthenticationProfileSummaryList": [ { "Arn": "arn:aws:connect:us-west-2:account-id:instance/your-instance-id/authentication-profile/profile-id", "Id": "profile-id", "IsDefault": true, "LastModifiedRegion": "us-west-2", "LastModifiedTime": 1.719249173664E9, "Name": "Default Authentication Profile" } ], "NextToken": null }
  2. View the configuration of the authentication profile you want to update. You can call the DescribeAuthenticationProfile or run the or the describe-authentication-profile CLI command.

    Following is an example describe-authentication-profile command:

    aws connect describe-authentication-profile --instance-id your-instance-id --profile-id profile-id

    Following is an example of the information returned by the describe-authentication-profile command.

    { "AuthenticationProfile": { "AllowedIps": [], "Arn": "arn:aws:connect:us-west-2:account-id:instance/your-instance-id/authentication-profile/profile-id", "BlockedIps": [], "CreatedTime": 1.718999177811E9, "Description": "A basic default Authentication Profile", "Id": "profile-id", "IsDefault": true, "LastModifiedRegion": "us-west-2", "LastModifiedTime": 1.719249173664E9, "MaxSessionDuration": 720, "Name": "Default Authentication Profile", "PeriodicSessionDuration": 60 } }

    For a description of each field, see AuthenticationProfile in the Amazon Connect API Reference.

  3. Configure the authentication profile by using the UpdateAuthenticationProfile API or the update-authentication-profile CLI command. All fields except InstanceId and ProfileId are optional. Only the settings you define in the API call are changed.

    Following is an example update-authentication-profile command. It configures the default authentication profile that's automatically assigned to all users. It allows some IP addresses, blocks others, and sets the periodic session duration to 60 minutes.

    aws connect update-authentication-profile --instance-id your-instance-id --profile-id profile-id --name "Default Authentication Profile" --description "A basic default Authentication Profile" --allowed-ips "ip-range-1" "ip-range-2" ... --blocked-ips "ip-range-3" "ip-range-4" ... --periodic-session-duration 60

Configure IP-based access control

If you want to configure access to your contact center based on IP addresses, you can use the IP-based access control feature of your authentication profile.

There are two types of IP configurations that you can configure in an authentication profile: allowed IP address ranges and blocked IP address ranges. The following points describe how IP-based access control works.

  • IP addresses can be in both IPV4 and IPV6 formats.

  • You can define both individual IP addresses and IP address ranges in CIDR notation.

  • Blocked IP configurations always take precedence.

  • If IP addresses are defined in the Allowed IP list, only those IP addresses are allowed.

    • These IP addresses can be scoped down by the Blocked IP list.

  • If only Blocked IP addresses are defined, any IP address can access the instance, except those defined in the block list.

  • If IP addresses are defined in both allowed and blocked IP address lists, only the IP addresses defined in the allowed range are allowed, minus any IP addresses in the blocked range.


IP address based access control does not apply to the emergency admin login. To apply restrictions on this user, you can apply SourceIp restrictions in your IAM policies for the API connect:AdminGetEmergencyAccessToken.

When a user's IP address is determined to be blocked by the instance, the user's session will be invalidated. A logout event is published in the Login/Logout report.

What users experience when their IP address check fails


When an agent is active in the Contact Control Panel (CCP), their IP address is checked periodically. The frequency with which Amazon Connect checks the IP address is based on how you've configured the authentication profile's periodic session duration.

Following is what happens if the IP address fails the check:

  • If the agent is not on an active call, the agent is signed out if their IP address changes to a disallowed address.

  • If the agent is on an active call, the agent's session is invalidated, however, this does end the currently active call. Here's what happens:

    1. The agent loses the ability to take any action, such as changing agent status, transferring calls, putting the call on hold, ending the call, or creating a case.

    2. The agent is notified that their ability to take action in the CCP is restricted.

    3. If they log in successfully after their session is invalidated, they are placed back into the active call and can take action again.

Admins and users using the Amazon Connect admin website

When the IP address check fails for admins and other users taking actions on the Amazon Connect admin website, such as saving updates to resources or barging in to active calls, they are automatically logged out.

Example IP address configurations

Example 1: IP addresses only defined in the allowed IP list

  • AllowedIps: [ ]

  • BlockedIps: [ ]


  • Only IP addresses between and are allowed to access the instance.

Example 2: IP addresses only defined in the blocked IP list

  • AllowedIps: [ ]

  • BlockedIps: [ ]


  • All IP addresses are allowed, except the IP address range - inclusive.

Example 3: IP addresses defined in both the allowed IP list and the blocked IP list

  • AllowedIps: [ ]

  • BlockedIps: [,, ]


  • IP addresses between - are allowed, minus ( - AND

  • Effectively, -, -, - are allowed.

  • is effectively ignored since it is not within range of the Allowed range.

Example 4: No IP addresses defined in either the allowed IP list or the blocked IP list

  • AllowedIps: [ ]

  • BlockedIps: [ ]

In this case, there are no restrictions.


The allowedIps list defines the range of possible IPs allowed in your contact center only if it is not empty. If it is empty, any IP address is allowed to access your contact center unless explicitly blocked by the blockedIps list.

Configure the session duration

You can fine-tune the periodic session duration according to your organization's preference and security requirements. For example, you can set the periodic session duration to 20 minutes so your agent's IP address and session duration are checked within a 20 minute time period in the CCP.

Amazon Connect uses a token-based authentication model. There are two session timeouts that apply to user sessions in your contact center:

  • Periodic session duration: The maximum time period before a contact center user is authenticated. Default = 60 minutes. This option can be configured to a different value between 10 - 60.


    Although this setting defines the maximum interval of time that can pass before a user is authenticated, authentication may happen earlier in specific situations. For example, in the Amazon Connect admin website, authentication also happens whenever certain actions are performed, such as creating a user or changing a security profile.

  • Maximum session duration: The maximum time period a contact center user can be logged in before being forced to sign-in again. Default = 12 hours; it cannot be configured to a different value.