Allow Cases to send updates to Contact Lens rules - Amazon Connect

Allow Cases to send updates to Contact Lens rules


To perform the instructions in this procedure, you need to have developer skills, or be experienced with Amazon Connect CLI.

Complete this one-time procedure so your users can set up rules that run when a case is created or updated.

  1. Verify Amazon Connect Cases is enabled for your Amazon Connect instance.

  2. Complete the steps to enable Amazon Connect Cases event streams. For more information see Set up case event streams. Note the following changes to the procedure:

    1. You can skip the part that asks you to create a SQS queue, as it is not required.

    2. Run the put-case-event-configuration CLI command to include all case fields information in the event. Make sure to include all of the fields that you need for the Rules engine to work:

      aws connectcases put-case-event-configuration --domain-id 01310a0e-24ba-4a3c-89e9-9e1daeaxxxx --event-bridge "{ \"enabled\": true, \"includedData\": { \"caseData\": { \"fields\": [ { \"id\": \"status\" }, { \"id\": \"title\" }, { \"id\": \"assigned_queue\" }, { \"id\": \"assigned_user\" }, { \"id\": \"case_reason\" }, { \"id\": \"last_closed_datetime\" }, { \"id\": \"created_datetime\" }, { \"id\": \"last_updated_datetime\" }, { \"id\": \"reference_number\" }, { \"id\": \"summary\" } ] }, \"relatedItemData\": { \"includeContent\": true } } }"
    3. If there are custom case fields, make sure to include a custom field ID the fields array in the previous payload as well. You can find field IDs by running the following list-fields CLI command:

      aws connectcases list-fields --domain-id 01310a0e-24ba-4a3c-89e9-9e1daeaxxxx
    4. Repeat step 2 if you need to add new custom fields.

  3. Make a CreateEventIntegration API call, or run the create-event-integration CLI command, as shown in the following example command.

    • Payload:

      aws appintegrations create-event-integration --name amazon-connect-cases --description amazon-connect-cases --event-filter '{"Source":"aws.cases"}' --event-bridge-bus default
    • The output will look similar to the following sample:

      { "EventIntegrationArn": "arn:aws:app-integrations:us-west-2:111222333444:event-integration/amazon-connect-cases" }
  4. Make a CreateIntegrationAssociation API call, or run the create-integration-association CLI command, as shown in the following example command.

    • Payload:

      The IntegrationArn is the response you get from step 3.

      aws connect create-integration-association --instance-id bba5df5c-6a5f-421f-a81d-9c16402xxxx --integration-type EVENT --integration-arn arn:aws:app-integrations:us-west-2:111222333444:event-integration/amazon-connect-cases --source-type CASES
    • The output will be similar to the following sample:

      { "IntegrationAssociationId": "d49048cd-497d-4257-ab5c-8de797a123445", "IntegrationAssociationArn": "arn:aws:connect:us-west-2:111222333444:instance/bba5df5c-6a5f-421f-a81d-9c16402bxxxx/integration-association/d49048cd-497d-4257-ab5c-8de797a123445" }

Your users should now be able to create rules that run when a case is created or updated.