Channels and concurrency for routing contacts in Amazon Connect
Agents can handle voice, chat, tasks and email in Amazon Connect. When you set up a routing profile to handle multiple channels, you have two options:
Option 1: Set up agents so they can handle contacts while already on another channel. This is called cross-channel concurrency.
Option 2: Set up agents so they can be offered voice, chat, tasks, or email if they are fully idle, depending on what is in queue. When you choose this option, after the agent starts work on contacts from one channel they will no longer be offered contacts from any other channels.
When using cross-channel concurrency, Amazon Connect checks which contact to offer the agent as follows:
It checks what contacts/channels the agent is currently handling.
Based on what channels they are currently handling, and the cross-channel configuration in the agent's routing profile, it determines whether the agent can be routed the next contact.
Amazon Connect prioritizes the longest waiting contact if Priority and Delay are equal. Even though it's evaluating multiple channels at the same time, First-In First-Out is still respected.
For a detailed example of how Amazon Connect routes contacts when cross-channel concurrency is set up, see Example of how a contact is routed with cross-channel concurrency.
To learn more about what the agent experiences in the Contact Control Panel when handling multiple chats, see Use the Contact Control Panel (CCP) in Amazon Connect to chat with contacts.