Create an object type mapping - Amazon Connect

Create an object type mapping

An object type mapping tells Customer Profiles how to ingest a specific type of data from a source application—such as Salesforce, Zendesk, or S3—into a unified standard profile object. You can then display data in that object (for example, customer address and email) to your agents using the Amazon Connect agent application.

The object type mapping provides Customer Profiles with the following information:

  • How data should be populated from the object and ingested into the standard profile object.

  • What fields should be indexed in the object and how those fields should then be used to assign objects of this type to a specific profile.

There are two ways you can create an object type mapping:

  • Use the Amazon Connect console. The user interface makes data mapping features readily accessible. For example, you can add custom attributes, and define search and unique identifiers for contact models. No coding required!

  • Use the Customer Profiles API. For more information, see the Amazon Connect Customer Profiles API Reference.

This topic explains how to create a mapping using the Amazon Connect console.

Create a data mapping using the Amazon Connect console

Amazon Connect provides a no-code experience for mapping customer data from homegrown and third-party applications with Amazon S3, Salesforce, ServiceNow, Zendesk, and Marketo.

To create a data mapping, you define an object type mapping that describes what the custom profile object looks like. This mapping defines how fields from your data can be used to either populate fields in the standard profile or how they can be used to assign the data to a specific profile.

Step 1: Set up data mapping

  1. Open the Amazon Connect console at

  2. On the instances page, choose the instance alias. The instance alias is also your instance name, which appears in your Amazon Connect URL. The following image shows the Amazon Connect virtual contact center instances page, with a box around the instance alias.

    The Amazon Connect virtual contact center instances page, the instance alias.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Customer profiles, Data mappings.

  4. Choose Create data mapping to get started.

  5. At the Set up data mapping page, in the Description section, add a name that will help you identify the source or purpose of this mapping. This is the meta-data of the object type.

  6. In the Data source section:

    1. Choose where the data is coming from, such as Salesforce or Zendesk. Based on your selection, Amazon Connect automatically selects the available destinations based on the predefined template.

    2. Choose the source object. This is used for you to build your unified profile.

    3. In the Mapping destination section, choose the data that you want to use to build your unified customer profile. This information can be surfaced to your flows and agents to personalize the interactions with contacts.

      For more information about supported mapping destinations, see About mapping destinations.

    4. In the Additional options section, you can choose when to opt out of creating new profiles, and how long to retain them. These options help you manage costs.


      By default the domain retention period is 366 days. To change the retention period set on your domain, use the UpdateDomain API.

  7. If you chose a source other than S3, in the Establish a connection with application section, choose an existing Amazon AppFlow or Amazon EventBridge connection to connect your data, or create a new connection. You can create a new connection by entering details about your account for this data source.

    After the connection is established, you will choose the objects that you want to ingest from your data source.

  8. Choose Next.

Step 2: Map attributes

On the Map type attributes page, you'll see the field mappings table filled with the predefined template, based on the mapping destination. For example, it's filled with customer, product, case, or order attributes. You can change the predefined template by choosing an attribute (such as AccountNumber) and then selecting a different destination, or enter one of your own custom attributes.

The following image shows an example of the page filled with customer attributes from the template.

The Amazon Connect navigation menu.

You can remove what you don’t want populated in the customer profile, change the source, and add custom attributes.

This mapping uses your data source to populate customer contact information, such as a phone number in the customer profile. It uses attributes from the standard profile template.

  • If you choose to add custom attributes, the destination will always have the prefix Attributes. added to it. This enables Amazon Connect to recognize that it is a custom attribute.

  • Agents can now view custom attributes in the Connect Agent Application under the Additional Information tab sorted in alphabetical order. You can create the name of your choice for each attribute that will be displayed to agents by using the following format: /^Attributes\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+(?:[ _\-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$/

  • All ingested custom attributes will be displayed in the Connect Agent Application. If you do not wish to show certain information to your agents, do not ingest custom attributes at this time.

Step 3: Specify identifiers

On the Specify identifiers page, complete the following sections. Depending on what data you're mapping, it's possible not all of these will appear on your page.


The names _profileId, _orderId, _caseId, and _assetId are reserved for internal use. If you decide to use these names as one of your identifier names, they must be declared as LOOKUP_ONLY, which means our system will not save them to match with profiles, standard assets, standard orders, standard cases, or save them for searching your profile, asset, case, or order. If you would like these keys to be usable for searching and matching, you must rename your key. For more information on the LOOKUP_ONLY standard identifier, see Standard identifiers.

  • Unique identifier: You must have a unique identifier for your data in order to avoid an error when it is ingested. This identifier is also known as the unique key. Customer Profiles uses it to distinguish this data from other data source objects, and to index for search and update data.

    There can be only one unique identifier.

  • Customer identifier: You must have at least one customer identifier for your data in order to avoid an error when it is ingested. The identifier is also known as the profile key.

    Customer Profiles uses it to determine if the data case be associated to an existing profile or used to create a new profile by searching other profiles for this identifier.

    You can have multiple customer identifiers.


    Agents can use any of these customer Identifiers in the Agent Workspace to find the profile that belongs to customer on the interaction.

  • Product identifier: You must have at least one product identifier for your data in order to avoid an error when it is ingested. The identifier is also known as the asset key.

    Customer Profiles uses it to distinguish this data from other customer product purchase data. It is also used to determine if the data can be associated to an existing profile or used to create a new profile by searching other profiles for this identifier.

    You can have multiple product identifiers.

  • Case identifier: You must have at least one case identifier for your data in order to avoid an error when it is ingested. The identifier is also known as the case key.

    Customer Profiles uses it to distinguish this data from other customer case data. It is also used to determine if the data can be associated to an existing profile or used to create a new profile by searching other profiles for this identifier.

    You can have multiple case identifiers.

  • Order identifier: You must have at least one order identifier for your data in order to avoid an error when it is ingested. The identifier is also known as the order key.

    Customer Profiles uses it to distinguish this data from other customer order data. It is also used to determine if the data can be associated to an existing profile or used to create a new profile by searching other profiles for this identifier.

    You can have multiple order identifiers.

  • Additional search attributes - optional: You can choose attributes in your data source object that you want to index to be searchable. By default, all your identifiers are indexed.

  • Data object timestamp: The data object timestamp is used to resolve profile conflicts when Identity Resolution is enabled for consolidating similar profiles. When two or more similar profiles have conflicting records, the records from the profile with the most recently updated timestamp will be used.

    You can choose an attribute in your object to reference for when your object was last updated.

Step 4: Review and create

After the data mapping is created, you can choose Add data source integration to use this object type.