Example evaluation form output - Amazon Connect

Example evaluation form output

This section shows the export output path for evaluations, and provides an example of evaluation form scores and metadata.

Verify your S3 bucket

When you enable Contact evaluations in the Amazon Connect console, you are prompted to create or choose an S3 bucket to store the evaluations. To verify the name of the bucket, go to your instance alias, choose Data storage, Contact evaluations, then Edit.

Example output locations

Following is the output file path for evaluation forms:

  • contact_evaluations_S3_bucket/Evaluations/YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss.sTZD-evaluation_id.json

For example:


Known issue: Two output files for the same evaluation

Contact Lens generates two output files for the same evaluation form.

  • One file is written to the new default S3 path. You can configure the path in the AWS console.

  • Another file, which will be deprecated, is written to a different, previous S3 path. You can disregard this file.

    The previous S3 path looks like the following:

    • s3_bucket/Evaluations/contact_contactId/evaluation_evaluationId/YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD.json

Example scores and metadata

The following example shows a typical score, plus its metadata. Text below the example describes each field.

{ "schemaVersion": "3.1", "evaluationId": "fb90de35-4507-479a-8b57-970290fd5c2c", "metadata": { "contactId": "badd4896-75f7-43b3-bee6-c617ed3d04cb", "accountId": "874551140838", "instanceId": "8f753c94-9cd2-4f16-85eb-945f7f0d559a", "agentId": "286bcec0-e722-4166-865f-84db80252218", "evaluationDefinitionTitle": "Compliance Evaluation Form", "evaluator": "jane", "evaluationDefinitionId": "15d8fbf1-b4b2-4ace-869b-82714e2f6e3e", "evaluationDefinitionVersion": 2, "evaluationStartTimestamp": "2022-11-14T17:57:08.649Z", "evaluationSubmitTimestamp": "2022-11-14T17:59:29.052Z", "score": { "percentage": 100 } }, "sections": [ { "sectionRefId": "s1a1b58d6", "sectionTitle": "The title of the section", "notes": "Section note", "score": { "percentage": 100 } }, { "sectionRefId": "s46661c49", "sectionTitle": "The title of the subsection", "parentSectionRefId": "s1a1b58d6", "score": { "percentage": 100 } } ], "questions": [ { "questionRefId": "q570b206a", "sectionRefId": "s46661c49", "questionType": "NUMERIC", "questionText": "How do you rate the contact between 1 and 10?", "answer": { "value": "", "notes": "Add more information here", "metadata": { "notApplicable": true } }, "score": { "notApplicable": true } }, { "questionRefId": "q73bc5b9d", "sectionRefId": "s46661c49", "questionType": "SINGLESELECT", "questionText": "Did the agent introduce themselves?", "answer": { "values": [ { "valueText": "Yes", "valueRefId": "o6999aa94", "selected": true }, { "valueText": "No", "valueRefId": "o284e4d9e", "selected": false }, { "valueText": "Maybe", "valueRefId": "o1b2f0a14", "selected": false } ], "notes": "Add more information here", "metadata": { "notApplicable": false } }, "score": { "percentage": 100 } }, { "questionRefId": "qc2effc9d", "sectionRefId": "s46661c49", "questionType": "TEXT", "questionText": "Describe the outcome.", "answer": { "value": "Example answer text", "notes": "Add more information here", "metadata": { "notApplicable": false } }, "score": { "notApplicable": true } } ] }

The following list describes the fields in the evaluation form.


A unique identifier for the contact evaluation

Type – String

Length constraints – Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 500


The identifier of the contact in this instance of Amazon Connect.

Type – String

Length constraints – Minimum length of 1, maximum length of 256


The identifier of AWS account running the instance of Amazon Connect.

Type – String

Length constraints – Constraints: 12 digits



The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

Length constraints – Minimum length of 1, maximum length of 100


The identifier of the agent who performed the contact.

Type – String

Length constraints – Minimum length of 1, maximum length of 500


The title of the evaluation form.

Type – String

Length constraints – Minimum length of 1, maximum length of 128


Name of the user who last updated the evaluation.

Type – String


The unique identifier for the evaluation form.


Length constraints – String

Pattern – Minimum length of 1, maximum length of 500


The version of the evaluation form.

Type – Integer

Valid range – Minimum value of 1


The evaluation's creation timestamp.

Type – Timestamp


The evaluation's score.


Array of the sections of the evaluation.


The identifier of the section. An identifier must be unique within the evaluation form.

Type – String

Length constraints – Minimum length of 1, maximum length of 40


The identifier of the parent section.

Type – String

Length constraints – Minimum length of 1, maximum length of 40


The title of the section.

Type – String

Length constraints – Constraints: Minimum length of 0, maximum length of 128


The notes left for the section.

Type – String

Length constraints – Minimum length of 0, maximum length of 3072


Notes have the following limits:

  • Individual notes have a limit of 3072 characters.

  • The combined notes in an evaluation have a limit of N x 1024 characters, where N is the number of questions in the evaluation.


The score for the section.


The score percentage for an item in a contact evaluation.

Type – Double

Valid range – Minimum value of 0, maximum value of 100


The flag that marks the item as automatic fail. If the item or a child item gets an automatic fail answer, this flag will be true.

Type – Boolean


The flag that marks the item as automatic fail. If the item or a child item gets an automatic fail answer, this flag will be true.

Type – Boolean


Array of the questions of the evaluation.


The identifier of the question. An identifier must be unique within the evaluation form.

Type – String

Length constraints – Minimum length of 1, maximum length of 40.


The identifier of the parent section.

Type – String

Length constraints – Minimum length of 1, maximum length of 40


The type of the question.

Type – StrThe combined notes in an evaluation have a limit of N x 1024 characters, where N is the number of questions in the evaluation.ing



The title of the question.

Type – String

Length constraints – Minimum length of 0, maximum length of 350


The answer for the question.


The string/numeric value for an answer in a contact evaluation.

Type – String/Double

Length constraints – String: Minimum length of 0, maximum length of 128


The notes left for the section.

Type – String

Length constraints – Minimum length of 0. Maximum length of 3072


Notes have two character limits. Individual notes have a limit of 3072 characters. The combined notes in an evaluation have a limit of N x 1024 characters, where N is the number of questions in the evaluation.



Flag that marks the question as not applicable.

Type – Boolean


The status of the automation answer.

Type – String



The string or numeric value for an automation answer in a contact evaluation.

Type – String or Double

Length constraints – String: Minimum length of 0, maximum length of 128


The score for the question.

Sample exported evalution

The following example shows a typical exported evaluation.

{ "schemaVersion": "3.1", "evaluationId": "fb90de35-4507-479a-8b57-970290fd5c2c", "metadata": { "contactId": "badd4896-75f7-43b3-bee6-c617ed3d04cb", "accountId": "874551140838", "instanceId": "8f753c94-9cd2-4f16-85eb-945f7f0d559a", "agentId": "286bcec0-e722-4166-865f-84db80252218", "evaluationDefinitionTitle": "Compliance Evaluation Form", "evaluator": "jane", "evaluationDefinitionId": "15d8fbf1-b4b2-4ace-869b-82714e2f6e3e", "evaluationDefinitionVersion": 2, "evaluationStartTimestamp": "2022-11-14T17:57:08.649Z", "evaluationSubmitTimestamp": "2022-11-14T17:59:29.052Z", "score": { "percentage": 100 } }, "sections": [ { "sectionRefId": "s1a1b58d6", "sectionTitle": "The title of the section", "notes": "Section note", "score": { "percentage": 100 } }, { "sectionRefId": "s46661c49", "sectionTitle": "The title of the subsection", "parentSectionRefId": "s1a1b58d6", "score": { "percentage": 100 } } ], "questions": [ { "questionRefId": "q570b206a", "sectionRefId": "s46661c49", "questionType": "NUMERIC", "questionText": "How do you rate the contact between 1 and 10?", "answer": { "value": "", "notes": "Add more information here", "metadata": { "notApplicable": true } }, "score": { "notApplicable": true } }, { "questionRefId": "q73bc5b9d", "sectionRefId": "s46661c49", "questionType": "SINGLESELECT", "questionText": "Did the agent introduce themselves?", "answer": { "values": [ { "valueText": "Yes", "valueRefId": "o6999aa94", "selected": true }, { "valueText": "No", "valueRefId": "o284e4d9e", "selected": false }, { "valueText": "Maybe", "valueRefId": "o1b2f0a14", "selected": false } ], "notes": "Add more information here", "metadata": { "notApplicable": false } }, "score": { "percentage": 100 } }, { "questionRefId": "qc2effc9d", "sectionRefId": "s46661c49", "questionType": "TEXT", "questionText": "Describe the outcome.", "answer": { "value": "Example answer text", "notes": "Add more information here", "metadata": { "notApplicable": false } }, "score": { "notApplicable": true } } ] }