Integrate video calling and screen sharing into your custom agent desktop by using Amazon Connect Streams JS
This topic is for developers. For custom agent desktops, you need to make changes to support video calling and screen sharing. Following are high level steps.
If you embed the CCP directly into your custom agent application make sure
is set to true when you initiate the CCP using
Amazon Connect Streams
Use Amazon Connect Streams JS
to check if the incoming contact is an WebRTC contact. Use contact subtype "connect:WebRTC"
, as shown in the following code example:contact.getContactSubtype() === "connect:WebRTC"
You can retrieve the customer display name by using the name field in
contact contact.getName()
Add support for video
Complete the following steps to add support for video handling when your customers have it enabled.
To check whether a contact has video capability:
// Return true if any connection has video send capability contact.hasVideoRTCCapabilities() // Return true if the agent connection has video send capability contact.canAgentSendVideo() // Return true if other non-agent connection has video send capability contact.canAgentReceiveVideo()
To check on whether the agent has video permission to handle video call:
To accept a video call, the contact must have video capability and the agent must have video permission.
function shouldRenderVideoUI() { return contact.getContactSubtype() === "connect:WebRTC" && contact.hasVideoRTCCapabilities() && agent.getPermissions().includes('videoContact'); }
In order to join a video session, call
:if (shouldRenderVideoUI()) { const response = await contact.getAgentConnection().getVideoConnectionInfo(); }
To build a video UI and join a video meeting session, see:
Amazon Chime SDK for JavaScript
on GitHub
For simplicity, the following code snippets use examples from the Amazon Chime SDK React Components Library.
import { MeetingSessionConfiguration } from "amazon-chime-sdk-js"; import { useMeetingStatus, useMeetingManager, MeetingStatus, DeviceLabels, useLocalAudioOutput } from 'amazon-chime-sdk-component-library-react'; const App = () => ( <MeetingProvider> <MyVideoManager /> </MeetingProvider> ); const MyVideoManager = () => { const meetingManager = useMeetingManager(); if (shouldRenderVideoUI()) { const response = await contact.getAgentConnection().getVideoConnectionInfo(); const configuration = new MeetingSessionConfiguration( response.meeting, response.attendee); await meetingManager.join(configuration, { deviceLabels: DeviceLabels.Video }); await meetingManager.start(); } function endContact() { meetingManager.leave(); } }
To render the video grid, use the VideoTileGrid
from the Amazon Chime SDK React Components Library or customize the UI behavior using RemoteVideoTileProvider . -
To render a video preview, you can use VideoPreview
and CameraSelection components. To choose or change a camera video, you can use meetingManager.selectVideoInputDevice
if the meeting is in progress.const meetingManager = useMeetingManager(); const { isVideoEnabled } = useLocalVideo(); if (isVideoEnabled) { await meetingManager.startVideoInputDevice(current); } else { meetingManager.selectVideoInputDevice(current); }
To implement background blur, see useBackgroundBlur
. -
For sample code on how to build a custom video experience, see this Amazon Chime SDK sample: Amazon Chime React Meeting demo
Add support for screen sharing
If you use the out-of-box CCP directly in your custom agent application make
sure allowFramedScreenSharing
are set to true when you initiate
the CCP using Amazon Connect
Streams JS
Setting allowFramedScreenSharing
to true enables the screen
sharing button on only one CCP in one window or tab. Setting
to true launches the screen
sharing app in a separate window when the agent chooses the screen sharing
button. For more detail, see the Amazon Connect Streams JS
Complete the following steps to enable screen sharing on your custom agent desktops.
Check whether a contact has screen sharing capability.
// Return true if any connection has screen sharing send capability contact.hasScreenShareCapability() // Return true if the agent connection has screen sharing send capability contact.canAgentSendScreenShare() // Return true if customer connection has screen sharing send capability contact.canCustomerSendScreenShare()
Check whether the agent has video permission.
Check whether the agent can initiate a screen sharing session for the eligible contact.
fun canStartScreenSharingSession() { return contactgetContactSubtype() === "connect:WebRTC" && contact.hasScreenShareCapability() && agent.getPermissions().includes('videoContact'); }
to initiate the screen sharing session. This addsScreenSharingActivated
to the contact, enabling you to search for it in the contact;
to join the session. You can skip the step if the agent has joined the video session to handle video.if (canStartScreenSharingSession) { contact.startScreenSharing(); const response = await contact.getAgentConnection().getVideoConnectionInfo(); }
Join the session by using the Amazon Chime SDK React Components Library. For a code snippet, see step 6 in Add support for video.
Use the same VideoTileGrid
from the Amazon Chime SDK React Components to render screen sharing video tile. For more information, see useContentShareState and useContentShareControls -
when end the;
You can receive events for the screen sharing activity by subscribing the following callbacks:
initScreenSharingListeners() { => { // Screen sharing session started }); => { // Screen sharing session ended }); => { // Screen sharing session error occurred }); } }