Reset a user's password for Amazon Connect - Amazon Connect

Reset a user's password for Amazon Connect

To reset a user's Amazon Connect password
  1. Log in to the Amazon Connect admin website at https://instance Use an Admin account, or a user account that has security profile permissions to reset passwords.

  2. In Amazon Connect, on the left navigation menu, choose Users, User management.

  3. Select the user and choose Edit.

  4. Choose reset password. Specify a new password and then choose Submit.

    Resetting the user's password will immediately log them out of the Contact Control Panel.

  5. Communicate the new password to the user.

Reset your own lost or forgotten Amazon Connect admin password

Reset your own agent or manager password

Use the following steps if you want to change your password, or if you forgot it and need a new one.

  1. If you're an Amazon Connect agent or manager, at the Amazon Connect login page, choose Forgot Password.

  2. Type the characters you see in the image, and then choose Recover Password.

  3. A message will be sent to your email address with a link that you can use to reset your password.

Reset your own lost or forgotten AWS password