Delete quick connects in the Amazon Connect admin website - Amazon Connect

Delete quick connects in the Amazon Connect admin website

There are two ways you can delete a quick connect:

  • Use the Amazon Connect admin website. This topic provides instructions.

  • Use the DeleteQuickConnect API.

To delete a quick connect
  1. Log in to your Amazon Connect instance (https://instance with an Admin account or a user account that has Quick connects - Delete permissions in its security profile. (To find the name of your instance, see Find your Amazon Connect instance ID or ARN.)

  2. On the navigation menu, choose Routing, Quick connects.

  3. Select the quick connect, and then choose the Delete icon.

    If you don't see the delete option, check the following:

    • You are using the latest Amazon Connect user interface. The following image shows a banner at the top of the Quick connects page. Choose Try it now to use the latest Amazon Connect user interface.

      A banner at the top of the quick connects page, the try it now button.
    • You have Quick connects - Delete permission in your security profile.