Search for recordings of conversations by a customer's contact ID in Amazon Connect
To find a recording of a specific contact, you only need the contact ID. You don't need to know the date range, agent, or any other information about the contact.
We recommend using the contact ID to search for recordings.
Even though many call recordings for specific contact IDs may be named with the contact ID prefix itself (for example, 123456-aaaa-bbbb-3223-2323234.wav), there is no guarantee that the contact IDs and name of the contact recording file always match. By using Contact ID for your search on the Contact search page, you can find the correct recording by referring the audio file on the contact's record.
To search for recordings
Log in to Amazon Connect with a user account that has permissions to access recordings.
In Amazon Connect choose Analytics and optimization, Contact search.
In the Contact ID box, enter the contact ID, and then choose Search.
Conversations that were recorded have icons in the Recording/Transcript column. The following image shows the play, download, and delete icons. If you don't have the appropriate permissions, you won't see these icons.
To learn more about searching, see Search for completed and in-progress contacts in Amazon Connect.